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Mobility Builds + Tricks To Getting Around



This is a post about mobility builds!


What is a mobility build? Well in most cases mobility builds allow players to run really quickly. Mobility builds are useful if you have a slower war frame but work like a charm on quicker warframes. Mobility builds can be useful for survival and many other modes that do not involve defense. I am about to show you just a few!


Now when i mean mobility build I do not mean "just use ash or loki" sometimes either you do not have the frame or you just don't need it or it's not useful for the current situation. Even with ash's hightened survivability, it's still not the optimal choice for endgame. Whereas loki is only due to it's radial disarm. Most of these mobility builds work in near endgame situations. There is also the "loki switch teleport + decoy combo"


So what frames are best for mobility builds?


Valkyr (3x Forma)


Frost (4x Forma) - All of his abilities are useless atm



All of the other warframes can be used but the thing is is that the rest are either really fast already or they need to be casters and thus do not have the space for speed mods.


Mods you might need:




Quick Rest



Now let's go 1 at a time!


Frost: Sacrificing most of your abilities, the trick is to put maglev on frost and take full advantage of the slide. Increasing (your choice) of Rush, Quick Rest and Marathon can make frost go so fast. I have out ran ash and loki and such. Using this play style is reminiscent of update 9 warframe where players took full advantage of sliding for mobility purposes. If your frost happens to be forma'd a few times then you can add a max Vitality, Redirection, Steel Fiber like myself. The result is a tanky really fast frost. You can add snow globe for personal protection which i find useful in many cases.




Now zeyphr is amazing don't get me wrong but the problem is her light pattern.


Her flight mod is really good, the only issue it that it does not have a sort of free form flight. It just goes vertical or horizontal. There are a few tricks to it though. If you look up as you are doing a horizontal flight, you can go slightly diagonal (upwards diagonal).


If you do not want to do the initial vertical jump, try doing a normal jump and then casting, this will make you do a horizontal motion. The only advice that I can give for building zephyr is do not put too much duration! And increase efficiency! So you can easily got to hard to reach places and mobilize each time. Sometimes it's better to evade enemies rather than tackle them head on. Any sniper is perfect for zeyphr, whether in survival or in interception, dat view will help you a lot in picking off targets in a more efficient manner.





My personal favorite! Valkyr in my opinion is the QUEEN in mobility and that is because of her rip line. It's just that good! Max efficiency and range and you got yourself a spiderwoman or if ur on the other side of the spectrum, it's like 3D maneuver gear! Since i forma'd i can also add some stamina mods and i could add maglev but i didn't. In addition i have a max vitality and steel fiber.


Now why is valkyr queen? That is because ripline is extremely efficient and its more free form than zeyphr. You can get anywhere with ripline and it works really well in evading enemies when skilled with it.


Experiment with ripline you will be surprised as to what you can do with it! Ill show you one trick now. You can chain multiple riplines to create 1 solid movement. So I can ripline  to 1 place, do a complete 180 turn at ripline towards the other side whilst in mid air. This is really useful for getting past maps/mobs and reaching hard to reach areas much faster.




Thats really all there is to it! Try these builds out and take advantage of mobility because in most cases, mobility (if done right) trumps high armor any day. AND TRY MAGLEV IT'S NOT AS USELESS AS YOU THINK!

Edited by TraparDensity
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6 answers to this question

Recommended Posts

Ash - Teleport

Excal - SD, SJ

Loki - Switch Teleport

Nova - Worm Hole

Rhino - Charge

Valkyr - Rip Line

Volt - Speed

Zephyr - Tail Wind


Plenty of frames have mobility abilities.


A hint for Zephyr - use as much duration as you want, and then use Rank 0  Tail Wind to counter it. With +107% duration, my R3 Tail Wind is waay to long to use effectively, but R0 is just right! :P

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