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Account Migration Update, Please?


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This game has been out on playstation 4 for like 4 months now and we still do not have the account migration we were told was coming shortly after release, is there at least an update on what is happening?.


From what it sounds like the delay is mostly Sonys doing but could we at least get some kind of update? https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/174245-update-on-pc-to-ps4-account-migration/ was posted over a month ago now, at this point I'm afraid my friends on Ps4 are going to be burnt out on this game by the time I can transfer and play with them.


I'm starting to think it just isn't going to happen because I never hear anything about it at this point, which is a shame because I would have just held off spending money on this game 'til the Ps4 version was released (most friends are console gamers) if there was not going to be migration like we were led to believe.

Edited by thejingle
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I highly doubt its sonys fault, sony is a company that loves money (just like anyone else). So I dont really see why they wouldnt just agree to it, I mean there are many people that would purchase plat on PS4. I surley would, I was palying for a long time on the PC while waiting for the migration, now Iv gotten bored of the PC verion and I stopped playing it completely. However if they do decide to finally bring the migration forward I will defenetly play on PS4

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"Account Migration

Our last announcement detailed the discussion we’re having with Sony about Account Migration.

Account Migration is something that we’re fighting for, but it’s still at a discussion stage. We do not know how long it will take at this point."



Edited by UnearthedArcana
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Well that sucks. I would not have spent money on this on PC at all had they not said that you would be able to migrate (I would have waited 'til the PS4 release), and now it sounds like it's far from being a sure thing even down the line and all they can tell us is that they can't tell us anything? really disappointing.

Edited by thejingle
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Discussion stage ? Im sorry ... WTF ?! Their last update was that its fully working and they are waiting for approval. So how long will it take to simply ask "hey sony want some of our pc users" Yes/No ... Its that simple ! HURRY UP WITH IT

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"Account Migration

Our last announcement detailed the discussion we’re having with Sony about Account Migration.

Account Migration is something that we’re fighting for, but it’s still at a discussion stage. We do not know how long it will take at this point."




Every time I sign into this site, I become more dissappointed...

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Its a legal thing.  Will sony allow people who have spent plat on their account to move over to PS4?  They might see that as lost income and or breach of contract.  So will they have to port your account over with a wipe?


Its not an easy question to answer....


My guess is that Sony wont want people bringing stuff they earned on the PC over to the PS4..its a free game so the only way they will make money is if people spend...someone coming over from the PC who have spent money...and time (time is money in these games btw) are probably not going to be very interested in buying plat through the PSN are they?


I honestly don't see how some people are dumbfounded by these issues...


They said in the live stream they have to involve lawyers to even see if this is possible without them breaking their contract with Sony.  And even if it is allowed. you can bet your &#! youll have to rebuy anything you paid for, even if its accessible in game free..unless a large conglomerate does something respectful to their consumers...which would be a first...so don't bank on it.


You are probably better off downloading the game and making a fresh account on PS4, and playing that while you wait...you might get lucky...and be allowed to bring stuff you paid for over at some point...but I wouldn't bank on it.


I know people think there are tons of people working on this non-issue and there will be daily updates...but chances are you are probably lucky they are even spending money on damn lawyers to see if its possible...that's money that could be spent making the game better...


I would forget about it if I were you...if they do allow migrations I really don't see them carrying over anything of value in that process...and that might mean any items at all...

Edited by Cyberdown
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Its a legal thing.  Will sony allow people who have spent plat on their account to move over to PS4?  They might see that as lost income and or breach of contract.  So will they have to port your account over with a wipe?


Its not an easy question to answer....


My guess is that Sony wont want people bringing stuff they earned on the PC over to the PS4..its a free game so the only way they will make money is if people spend...someone coming over from the PC who have spent money...and time (time is money in these games btw) are probably not going to be very interested in buying plat through the PSN are they?


I honestly don't see how some people are dumbfounded by these issues...


They said in the live stream they have to involve lawyers to even see if this is possible without them breaking their contract with Sony.  And even if it is allowed. you can bet your &#! youll have to rebuy anything you paid for, even if its accessible in game free..unless a large conglomerate does something respectful to their consumers...which would be a first...so don't bank on it.


You are probably better off downloading the game and making a fresh account on PS4, and playing that while you wait...you might get lucky...and be allowed to bring stuff you paid for over at some point...but I wouldn't bank on it.


I know people think there are tons of people working on this non-issue and there will be daily updates...but chances are you are probably lucky they are even spending money on damn lawyers to see if its possible...that's money that could be spent making the game better...


I would forget about it if I were you...if they do allow migrations I really don't see them carrying over anything of value in that process...and that might mean any items at all...

My problem with this is that account migration was an option when the PS4 first came out. It just wasn't long before that option was no longer possible and the reason was that the two games went out of sync. I don't see why it's such a big deal now to do it again. Plus people who migrated didn't get to transfer over platinum anyway.

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You couldn't actually migrate your account when the PS4 first came out, they just had an option for it on the website that wasn't functional.  Cyberdown I definitely agree with your post but that said.....they told us that account migration of everything but leftover platinum was something that was going to happen. They didn't say it might happen, or that hopefully it would happen. They said this before the PS4 was even released and now it's looking like it was just wishful thinking on their part.

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I'm really getting disappointed by this, I really want to play on my PS4 but I just can't bring myself to start over and I'm not interested in playing on PC anymore (In my mind it was always a temporary thing until PS4 launched).

Both Sony and DE would make more money from me if the migration happened. 

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Its a legal thing.  Will sony allow people who have spent plat on their account to move over to PS4?  They might see that as lost income and or breach of contract.  So will they have to port your account over with a wipe?


Its not an easy question to answer....


My guess is that Sony wont want people bringing stuff they earned on the PC over to the PS4..its a free game so the only way they will make money is if people spend...someone coming over from the PC who have spent money...and time (time is money in these games btw) are probably not going to be very interested in buying plat through the PSN are they?


I honestly don't see how some people are dumbfounded by these issues...


They said in the live stream they have to involve lawyers to even see if this is possible without them breaking their contract with Sony.  And even if it is allowed. you can bet your &#! youll have to rebuy anything you paid for, even if its accessible in game free..unless a large conglomerate does something respectful to their consumers...which would be a first...so don't bank on it.


You are probably better off downloading the game and making a fresh account on PS4, and playing that while you wait...you might get lucky...and be allowed to bring stuff you paid for over at some point...but I wouldn't bank on it.


I know people think there are tons of people working on this non-issue and there will be daily updates...but chances are you are probably lucky they are even spending money on damn lawyers to see if its possible...that's money that could be spent making the game better...


I would forget about it if I were you...if they do allow migrations I really don't see them carrying over anything of value in that process...and that might mean any items at all...

However, it's a known principle in the F2P space that those players who have already spent money are the most likely to spend further. In most cases it was found that if a player spends money on a game in the first 24 hours of play, their second transaction is made approximately hour after the first purchase.

Those who have spent will continue to spend. I daresay most PC users wouldn't play on PS4 without being able to copy their current PC account over, which is arguably a far greater source of lost potential profit for Sony - they won't make any commission on people who aren't using their platform at all.

Edited by UnearthedArcana
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However, it's a known principle in the F2P space that those players who have already spent money are the most likely to spend further. In most cases it was found that if a player spends money on a game in the first 24 hours of play, their second transaction is made approximately hour after the first purchase.

Those who have spent will continue to spend. I daresay most PC users wouldn't play on PS4 without being able to copy their current PC account over, which is arguably a far greater source of lost potential profit for Sony - they won't make any commission on people who aren't using their platform at all.

I totally agree with this. We are talking about one time migration so it is not like people will constantly buy platinum on PC and bring it to PS4. Those who paid and migrate will still be paying as more stuff is released. So not allowing this would make Sony to loose big time.


Another thing is how could they promise as something that must be agreed with lawyers present? If it is such a big problem, why they said in the first place? And if they were not aware that it would be legal issue I would expect that Sony would told them about this right away after announcement.


Right now it looks like stalling: first they told us that PS4 is new platform and they must master it. Later they told us that builds must be in sync. After that they told us that builds don't have to be in sync but tool is not ready. After that it was that tool is being tested but there are still issues. After a while they said that tool is working but they need to agree on something. And after more than one month of silence they are saying that Sony must agree on this (so basically now it is a Sony's fault).


In a few weeks some AAA games will start to come out on PS4 and when this will happen many people will just forget about Warframe or stick with PC.


Last thing: it is very strange that Sony would reject people who already shown they want to invest money in this game and will not allow them to migrate.

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I'm in a similar situation to others in this thread, started out on pc and spent money on platinum but stopped when it came out on ps4 because I read I would be able transfer b4 long. I want to play it on ps4 but don't want to start again so just havnt touched it for months, that's months I could have been enjoying and spending money on this game if they had sorted this out.

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Account migration will never happen. Unless they will agree that only limited number of items and slots transfer. And nothing that was not available on PS4 will transfer (Founders items, old event items).

Word is (rumors only ofc), account migration will never happen though. It's only logical now, since cross-play is confirmed to never happen. It's DE fault. They could have easily offered Founders pack and all old event items on PS4 early (thus removing any issue of platform exclusive content), assigned more people to PS4 team and delayed PC updates a bit to synk the builds. Like everybody else does - see FFXIV, DCUO.



But what am I saying. PS4 version doesn't even have particle effects (they need to be coded anew, that's one thing that shows how barebones the port is).

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However, it's a known principle in the F2P space that those players who have already spent money are the most likely to spend further. In most cases it was found that if a player spends money on a game in the first 24 hours of play, their second transaction is made approximately hour after the first purchase.

Those who have spent will continue to spend. I daresay most PC users wouldn't play on PS4 without being able to copy their current PC account over, which is arguably a far greater source of lost potential profit for Sony - they won't make any commission on people who aren't using their platform at all.

100% ture, iv stopped playing the pc version a while ago. and im still waiting for the migration to happen, so i can continue playing on my PS4. i will defenetly buy more plats for weapons and frame slots, even boosters. and if sony has some legal issue with the migration because they will not make money .. its not like they are making any now ... becasue most of the players are on pc and will continue playing on pc until the migration happens.

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I'm in a similar situation to others in this thread, started out on pc and spent money on platinum but stopped when it came out on ps4 because I read I would be able transfer b4 long. I want to play it on ps4 but don't want to start again so just havnt touched it for months, that's months I could have been enjoying and spending money on this game if they had sorted this out.

Exactly what myself and a few mates have done.

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I wonder if Sony and DE know how much money they are actually loosing by not allowing us to migrate?

well i put at least 100£ into the PC version already, and i stopped playing about 2 months ago so from the they lost around the same amount, and i guess that 100£ wont make a difference but i bet there are around 1000 people that doen the same, so when they add up the money they lost a whole lot , so youre right :D

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