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Warframe Tiers


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Loki it's a support frame , a frame for players who want to kill the enemies in other style , no with direct damage , because of this in a defence on solo in a survival or in a hard mission u can finish it only with >INVISIBILITY<....I was a loki player , half of my completed missions were with loki.

So ease

much difficult?


If its Corpus/Grineer/Corrupted,


-place a decoy somewhere to make them all rush at it.

-Use your OP Penta or Ogris or whatever AOE.


-Rinse and repeat. Of course you should stay invisible while doing that.

-if its Infested?

-Childs play. Start from step 2.

Edited by X3Evanescence
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So ease

much difficult?


If its Corpus/Grineer/Corrupted,


-place a decoy somewhere to make them all rush at it.

-Use your OP Penta or Ogris or whatever AOE.


-Rinse and repeat. Of course you should stay invisible while doing that.

-if its Infested?

-Childs play. Start from step 2.


If you do not have more energy for invisibility? It costs 50 energy [50% you have energy because from rank 1 loki have a lot of energy]

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Seriously just stahp with loki he's not even that good. Radial disarm is the only decent ability. Other frames don't need to go invisible because they can't be killed by all the pleb enemies in the game anyways. The only way you can troll other players with him is posting on the forums incessantly about it instead of playing the actual game.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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*Cough* The art of Loki lies not in the killing power; Loki's strength is not to kill, he is a manipulator, he manipulates and deceives, cheats to kill the enemy. Of course, if you send him running into hoards of enemies YOLO and stuff like Rhino or Nova it doesn't end well; Using Loki accommodates a completely different style of play, and he who masters Loki will understand.

Loki does not need killing power, his weapons are enough. His Radial Disarm reduces all ranged units into magic-stick wielding sitting ducks, leaving them fodder for skills like Bastille and stuff. In Defence missions with Corpus, Corrupted or Grineer he is a truly powerful team-mate, watch as Lokis end up being the one who revives the rest.

Instead of mindlessly pressing 4, Loki "earns" his kills. Not easymode ultimates, but through precise planning (scheming) and all those evil villiany stuff. A well placed Decoy, can lure all of the disarmed enemies and herd them in one location to be annihilated with a single area-clearing ultimate/Penta/Ogris. The possibilities are endless; that is what makes Loki so fun to play; he encourages creative combination of skills, and you feel you earned every kill. You can also choose to be their best team-mate, OR BE THE GREATEST TROLL AND FEAST ON PEOPLE'S TEARS.

Okay, enough rambling. To end it off,


So much this, I'm actually glad Loki was one of the last Warframes I tried out. I would've been disappointed with all the others if he was my starter frame.

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OP did say it was his opinion


Alas the community have already agreed with the tiering it seems


Instead of tiered by numbers, it would be more accurate to tier by OU, BL, UU


OU = overused (everyone and their mom uses this frame)

BL = borderline (strong frame but isn't the top pick)

UU = underused (not the top of the line frame, needs rework, example:banshee)

RU = Rarely used. probably not applicable for this game

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I used mag , excalibur , loki... and i look at volt...In my opinion loki is not good for all players [who doesn't know to play with it or without experience] , MAG : Is not a good frame at all.

Specialized is the term you were reaching for. Mag is specialized due to her element. But i can last longer in a corpus survival/defense than most people.

And yes like all frames, Loki isn't for everyone. I enjoy him but others don't. So what?

If you are judging frames based on their ability to last in defenses or survival then you are doing it wrong.

Edit: ok it's your opinion and I'm sorry for that. But i feel that a frame is more then just defenses and survival but how well they fill their niche. With this: nekros would be pretty low tier and ember middle tier due to out ranked by nova in a way.

Edited by Anatolius
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If you do not have more energy for invisibility? It costs 50 energy [50% you have energy because from rank 1 loki have a lot of energy]


-Energy Siphon.

-Efficiency mods.


-Essence Helm.

Because Loki is not a damage-dealer, it is an absolute must to gear him with the best possible mods and equip him with the best, heavily modded weapons, but seriously, those are pretty obvious if you ask me.

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OP did say it was his opinion


Alas the community have already agreed with the tiering it seems


Instead of tiered by numbers, it would be more accurate to tier by OU, BL, UU


OU = overused (everyone and their mom uses this frame)

BL = borderline (strong frame but isn't the top pick)

UU = underused (not the top of the line frame, needs rework, example:banshee)

RU = Rarely used. probably not applicable for this game



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OP did say it was his opinion


Alas the community have already agreed with the tiering it seems


Instead of tiered by numbers, it would be more accurate to tier by OU, BL, UU


OU = overused (everyone and their mom uses this frame)

BL = borderline (strong frame but isn't the top pick)

UU = underused (not the top of the line frame, needs rework, example:banshee)

RU = Rarely used. probably not applicable for this game



But seriously, it works.

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If you do not have more energy for invisibility? It costs 50 energy [50% you have energy because from rank 1 loki have a lot of energy]

Loki is not a spell spammer, so he should have enough energy. Anyways it's just your opinion and i respect that.

Edited by ArchTenno
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OP did say it was his opinion


Alas the community have already agreed with the tiering it seems


Instead of tiered by numbers, it would be more accurate to tier by OU, BL, UU


OU = overused (everyone and their mom uses this frame)

BL = borderline (strong frame but isn't the top pick)

UU = underused (not the top of the line frame, needs rework, example:banshee)

RU = Rarely used. probably not applicable for this game

I'd go with this

Poor banshee. . I never see her <\3

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Seriously just stahp with loki he's not even that good. Radial disarm is the only decent ability. Other frames don't need to go invisible because they can't be killed by all the pleb enemies in the game anyways. The only way you can troll other players with him is posting on the forums incessantly about it instead of playing the actual game.

His skills actually do actually all work well and scale. He is a good frame, but I'll be the majority of people who spam Loki Master Race never get further that just spamming invisibility, as much as they talk up the rest of his kit.


I'd stick him mediun/high tier tbh.

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Sorry but Loki is   best tier  for solo survival  and he is good at defense support with team,  too do you ever used radial disarm and maxed range in combination with decoy spam no??


And killing while invinsible is worst wat???


Rhino should be in best tier  too, because all his skills helps  both for the team and rhino himself.


Frost is bottom tier it hurts but frost it his condition is not stable frame, they work on him.


Also direct dmg abilities (no cc included or debuff) are worst in warframe  (most of them are useless)after lvl 30, so i dont see your point there.



Edited by SALE94
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Sorry but Loki is god tier for solo survival  and he is good at defense support with team,  too do you ever used radial disarm and maxed range in combination with decoy spam no??

Yeah i said it.


All frames have good and bad points , others have some weaker points than others.

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But its your opinion, and I respect that.

As much as a awesome badass scheming (Okay okay enough adjectives) frame I have painted Loki to be, not everyone finds him good to use. Contrary to popular belief, I am not from the Master Race clan.

I dream that everyone will come to see and appreciate the art of Loki, but well (someone please send me to to the mental hospital, I can't stop).

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But its your opinion, and I respect that.

As much as a awesome badass scheming (Okay okay enough adjectives) frame I have painted Loki to be, not everyone finds him good to use. Contrary to popular belief, I am not from the Master Race clan.

I dream that everyone will come to see and appreciate the art of Loki, but well (someone please send me to to the mental hospital, I can't stop).

The funny thing is, I am in The Master Race Clan, and I main Banshee. 

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But its your opinion, and I respect that.

As much as a awesome badass scheming (Okay okay enough adjectives) frame I have painted Loki to be, not everyone finds him good to use. Contrary to popular belief, I am not from the Master Race clan.

I dream that everyone will come to see and appreciate the art of Loki, but well (someone please send me to to the mental hospital, I can't stop).


I appreciate the art of loki  , but in my opinion it's not a top frame.

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The funny thing is, I am in The Master Race Clan, and I main Banshee. 

Oh the irony, (well at least we are both hammerheaded frames)

To prevent the derail, anyways, I dont think Prime warframes should be included in the tiering, Formas mitigate that problem. Maybe Rhino Prime as an exception due to speed buff...

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This is my list then


Tier 1 (TOP tier) Trinity, Loki,Nova, Rhino,Zephyr,Vauban,Nyx

Tier 2. Mag,Saryn,Nekros,Excalibur,Banshee.
Tier 3 Ash,Ember,Volt,Oberon,Valkyr(debatable/personal opinion),Frost even though i love too play with him but he simply is unstable project right now.



Edited by SALE94
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Oh the irony, (well at least we are both hammerheaded frames)

To prevent the derail, anyways, I dont think Prime warframes should be included in the tiering, Formas mitigate that problem. Maybe Rhino Prime as an exception due to speed buff...

Well Loki is still my #2 Frame.


Regardless, Excal Prime also has increased shield recharge speed, and all primes get free energy from those void balls as well, but I also agree that primes are a redundant addition. The extra benefits don't make enough difference to throw them up a tier.

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This is my list then


Tier 1 Trinity, Loki,Nova, Rhino,Zephyr,Vauban,Nyx

Tier 2. Mag,Saryn,Nekros,Excalibur,Banshee.

Tier 3 Ash,Ember,Volt,Oberon,Valkyr(debatable/personal opinion),Frost even though i love too play with him but he simply is unstable project right now.




Why nova is useless? , Why zephyr is useless? [ zephyr is a really good frame , one of my friends got him and it's really good] , why vauban is useless? [ i got it is a good frame] , why nyx is useless? [ my friend got it] and excalibur in my opinion it's one of the useless frames.

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Why nova is useless? , Why zephyr is useless? [ zephyr is a really good frame , one of my friends got him and it's really good] , why vauban is useless? [ i got it is a good frame] , why nyx is useless? [ my friend got it] and excalibur in my opinion it's one of the useless frames.


You dont get it  do you.


My TIER 1 is actualy best tier.


I though i was clear i will edit that sorry.


And btw there are no useless frames, just more practic better in some stuff.



Edited by SALE94
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