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Now Its Too Hard .. Tethras Doom



thank you to all the players that gripped it was too easy

Now Its Too Hard atleast for 2 players to do it and i dont really have a crew of 4 that i run with


these 6 day alerts need to scalable for the number of players or able to open up to pub players

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First time I ran it I got 700 something points on my first run with randoms.

I ran the harder mission with A friend as Loki and Frost pair and got 1500 points and said, "Thats it?"

Third time I put on my try-hard pants and got 2436 so, 


Yes, it is still too easy.

Edited by L19Soccer
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thank you to all the players that gripped it was too easy

Now Its Too Hard atleast for 2 players to do it and i dont really have a crew of 4 that i run with


these 6 day alerts need to scalable for the number of players or able to open up to pub players

Hard is a point of view. It's still too easy in my opinion.


you do it solo & get 2k+ pt?

I solo'd it and got 1400, which is 400 over the amount I needed to get the second tier award. So ya...



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If you're having trouble soloing it, remember that there's a spawn limit. High efficiency Vauban makes things pretty easy, since the grineer get closer before attacking it and you can keep them trapped in Bastile pretty much indefinitely, selectively killing them for energy.

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you do it solo & get 2k+ pt?

be supportive & think for other sake.


glad im not that lonely MR0 player out there.

they have no idea what happening for sure.

there's two versions. if the version designed for endgame veteran players does not feel comfortable to you, there is another version that we had first that is designed for players somewhere in the middle. 


i fail to see any problem since all of your rewards are tied to the first Hijack mission,  the second one is only to appease the Veteran Players more.

and appease they did, i actually enjoyed the Nightmare version. it still wasn't persay, 'hard', but it really pushed for teamwork a lot better, so players always had something to do for the duration of the mission, rather than just taking a nap. 



there's a million different ways to do the event, all of them work great if they're a style that matches you well.


when i saw we had a Nightmare version available, i grabbed a couple Clannies and a random and we casually went through to see what was different, we made some mistakes and lost some Health... and came out with 1896. casually. 

and then yesterday i decided i wasn't happy with that, since it wasn't over 2000, which was the bar i set for myself. again, grabbed some Clannies, no randoms this time - and we worked efficiently and got a nice 2260. a Snowglobe or two was probably spaced out a bit too far at one point along the track or something. no big deal, a few stray bullets hitting it didn't lower the Score much.



hell, shooting enemies is the wrong way to go about this Event. Utility reigns king here, like it always does in Warframe. the only killing i did during these Hijacks was spraying half a Magazine from Supra behind us from time to time to clear out the group of Enemies that would follow us.




and if you insist on not having a full group of players, focus on avoiding having shots hit the objective, and running out of Shields. very simple. so a Mag and a Frost should be able to reach 2,000 without issue. the Frost keeps a line of Snowglobes and Mag sunlocks / kills enemies and boosts Frosts' Shields when they get low. 

Edited by taiiat
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I did the shield version and got up to 1500 points with 3 random people. We didn't have Frost either. It was like Loki, Mag, Rhino(me) and some other class.

Wasn't all that hard. I used high crit Soma which was doing fine on the map. Just shot things down as they showed up.

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Too Hard? No...it is still too EASY.


DE! Did you hear me? STILL TOO EASY!


Please BUFF every enemy + throw in bosses and spam the whole map with leaders

Please change into nightmare mode

Please add more obstalces

Please revise the game rules under 24 hours


PLEASE! else this is just way tooo EASY.


And hot fix these changes in the day before the event ends and reset all the scores to be fair to everyone.

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Here's everything you did wrong that I can see: 

You brought Volt to a Grineer mission. 

Everyone except the Volt had a low shield stat. 

You weren't modding your gear for sheild recharge speed.

You didn't bring a Mag(Shield polarize, duh).

You didn't bring a Zephyr to reach the hacking consoles quickly without expending a lot of energy. 

You must have had some pretty low-teir weapons if you couldnt deal enough DPS.

Your Nova is bad at being a Nova. 

And that should be about everything. 


I took it on with some randoms I picked up from recruiting chat and it was the easiest event I've seen, even after Vay Hek ramped it up. It was even easier that reaching 20 minutes in the old survival event. 


I swear, whenever DE adds something thats even remotely challenging people start crying. You failed becuase your strategy was severly flawed, so you blame it on the game for being too hard. 


You forgot to mention the part where the trinity is apparently bad at being a trinity and the part where killing enemies just makes more enemies spawn so Chaos, Radial Disarm, and Radial Blind are all far better ways of managing the event.

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ive been trying this for days now on ps4 and failed every time, I can never cap a point as the enemy are always there and overwhelm it hoe do I beat this when most people just quit the firs time they get downed

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