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Founders Pack End-All According To De


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I feel like the wording is more due to the fact that DE Megan and DE Rebecca don't speak for the entire company than anything else. They don't decide these things and they're probably not going to bother the people who do unless they really feel it's necessary.
I honestly don't understand what the big hype about founders exclusives really is. From what I've seen/heard, they're not OP or anything. It just seems all a bit... petty(?) to try to take them from founders. The money they paid helped get the game off the ground and they got a couple of modest things in return. They paid for this game back when it barely/didn't work at all. It wasn't like now when you get to know that the game is at least good when you pay money in. They took a risk when they invested in it and they deserve the rewards they got.

Edited by Ourobor
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PS4 players had just as much chance at it as new PC players, there should be no difference between them.




You are mistaken. There were no PS4 players at the time because the PS4 wasn't even available yet. The Warframe founders program ended the week before you could even pre-order Warframe for PS4 as well.

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Personally, I'd be fine with the Founder's items returning, if they keep the pay-wall. They are still going to be exclusive items to have, because not many are going to pay that much money to get Skana/Latron Prime...But if they want to put $300 into the game, I say let them have the items as well.


I'm not elite enough to care that people can still get items I got as a founder. If the prime parts were added to the drop table and trade, than I would be a bit unhappy/disappointed, but I doubt that would ever happen.

Edited by nefrai
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You are mistaken. There were no PS4 players at the time because the PS4 wasn't even available yet. The Warframe founders program ended the week before you could even pre-order Warframe for PS4 as well.

Add onto the fact that account transfer is unlikely to happen and PS4 players are just SOL. I just want Excal Prime because I actually really like Excal and would use him a lot. I would've bought the Founders pack if it was available to us.

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Actions Speak louder then Words, and Money speaks louder, Much, Much louder than Actions.


If enough people are willing to toss Dollar Bills at DE, I'm Certain It will come back.


$250 in revenue will not balance with the thousands in legal fees for the latter. It may seem extreme and unnecessary, but this kind of thing is more than possible. Not to mention the loss of a huge buyers credibility for a significant portion of the population that is arguable already the highest paying. You can bet I would never give them another dime of my money if it were to come back. EDIT: (and I would demand a refund, fully negating the 250 anybody in the future would be paying into the program).

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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$250 in revenue will not balance with the thousands in legal fees for the latter. It may seem extreme and unnecessary, but this kind of thing is more than possible. Not to mention the loss of a huge buyers credibility for a significant portion of the population that is arguable already the highest paying. You can bet I would never give them another dime of my money if it were to come back.

There would be No Legal fees to pay, Nobody would take such a Case seriously enough to not get laughed out of the Court.

Besides, There's probably something in the EULA to cover for stuff like this.


Seriously, People suing because DE Re-released the Founders Program?

Don't be silly, It actually hurts.

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There would be No Legal fees to pay, Nobody would take such a Case seriously enough to not get laughed out of the Court.

Besides, There's probably something in the EULA to cover for stuff like this.


Seriously, People suing because DE Re-released the Founders Program?

Don't be silly, It actually hurts.

Because companies like taking risks. They won't. There aren't enough assets really to justify the risks. A frame skin and a couple of weapon skins? They can make that in a couple weeks and release a new pack of equal value without the risk.

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There would be No Legal fees to pay, Nobody would take such a Case seriously enough to not get laughed out of the Court.

Besides, There's probably something in the EULA to cover for stuff like this.


Seriously, People suing because DE Re-released the Founders Program?

Don't be silly, It actually hurts.


Depends on the wording they used. If it said: "It'll never come back, ever, for ever never. Never -ever- never. Take us to court on it!" Then, it's probably not coming back. If they said something like: "Exclusive!" Then, it can come back, as it'll still be exclusive to some people.


People are mostly afraid their Excalibur/Skana/Lato primes are going to become worth 15 plat like the rest of the Primes out there.


I just want another way to get into the design council.

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DE is gonna earn one hell of a reputation if they bring that back. Not in a good way I would imagine.

Them releasing the founders pack wouldn't be what urks me, it's that they said they wouldn't and that was gonna be the end of that. Releasing it now would make their words have little weight in future releases. All I can say now is that DE has a tough choice to make if it boils down to it. I know companies always want more money but I wonder if DE is actually in need of it to where they have to start thinking about such things.

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There would be No Legal fees to pay, Nobody would take such a Case seriously enough to not get laughed out of the Court.

Besides, There's probably something in the EULA to cover for stuff like this.


Seriously, People suing because DE Re-released the Founders Program?

Don't be silly, It actually hurts.


People have sued for lesser offenses. And won. A class action suit with even just a few people willing to see it through can and will do it. Your limited perception of how far people are willing to go is what actually hurts.

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I see founders below Grand Master in this thread not interested in being able to have another opportunity to upgrade their founders tier. What's up with that?

Not everyone wants Grandmaster, me being one of them. The grand master pack didn't feel worth the money to me so I stuck with master. 

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Id have no problems with the items being added to the droptable, but Id like an exclusive Syandana and some other Founder Swag.


As to the program coming back, an end date is an end date, but Im really against weapons and frames being exclusive.

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Actions Speak louder then Words, and Money speaks louder, Much, Much louder than Actions.


If enough people are willing to toss Dollar Bills at DE, I'm Certain It will come back.


This topic is like a horse carcass beaten to a pulp, stripped down to the bone, meat hung out to dry and be jerky for crows to eat.


While I can appreciate that great sense of lacking, which newer players feel when knowing that they'll never have Excalibur Prime/Founder Weapons, it's the deal that DE made with us founders.


I do have some concerns and can sympathize with new players that want to have a complete set of all of the Prime warframes.  However, re-introducing them would re-define the DE's use of the word "exclusive" and then what's to stop the closed beta rewards from being re-introduced?  How is it fair to the closed beta testers?


When I started playing this game on the first day of Open Beta, I knew that I'd never get a chance at the Lato or Braton Vandals.  I've mentioned in other threads like this that each time I play the game and see someone with a Braton Vandal (lato vandal is difficult to pick up) I have feeling of respect for them, because their contributions helped to form this game I enjoy so much today.  Also, when I decided to become a founder there was only one tile...  The corpus ship.  We only had a handful of weapons, no void and no clantech.  I'm very happy to see that my contributions have helped warframe grow into a better game with each upcoming patch.


If the founders items are ever re-introduced (to level the "mastery points" playing field) then I do suggest that special skins be made for each version (with clearly distinguishable features) for those items, and have those skins available only to founders.  Then again, there's the issue of the Closed Beta Rewards...  To level the "mastery points" inequality does DE re-introduce those?


My belief is that it's simply better to leave the situation as is, than to do all of that...


There are an estimated 700 or so weapons that'll be needed to reach Mastery Rank 30...  While there are only 5 founders and closed beta items...  A drop in the bucket.


Excalibur Prime I can sorta understand...  But all this over the Lato and Skana too?  Lato and Skana...  ROFL...

Edited by sushidubya
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didn't read the threat but i'm against reopening the prime access, you bought it when it was up and there's nothing inside that impacts gameplay, just vanity items. the only thing that was poorly implemented is excalibur prime, some people like him and they will never, ever get his prime.


Mastery Points

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Honestly, For me personally, Just give me the Mastery EXP for the weapons and Frames no longer available, At that point, I'll stop caring.



they're important until you reach rank 10


I can't know when, but I know at some point in the Future, We'll be at that fine line between Mastery Ranks and the only way to be able to progress to the Next one is to have All Event weapons, CBT gear and Founders stuff, On top of all the Current weapons.

Which means, for only a small time, People who've been around awhile have a Definite advantage over everyone.

Edited by Killerdude8
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They were not trying to be polite people, they were letting you founders know we will bring back any item as we please at anytime we want. Good job DE you know the founders program re-release will bring in huge profits and make 85% of the player base happy just make sure you time it right with sony the pc to ps4 migration an bait sony with the potential of huge numbers of old pc players buying the re-released founders pack on PS4 bam money money money we'd be happy happy happy

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They were not trying to be polite people, they were letting you founders know we will bring back any item as we please at anytime we want. Good job DE you know the founders program re-release will bring in huge profits and make 85% of the player base happy just make sure you time it right with sony the pc to ps4 migration an bait sony with the potential of huge numbers of old pc players buying the re-released founders pack on PS4 bam money money money we'd be happy happy happy

I don't know how they could.  The wording for founders was very specific in stating that the founders equipment would remain exclusive, DE themselves have previously noted that they are in fact legally bound to maintain that agreement.


Definitely politeness.  That said the ambiguity may be down to future trading possibilities in which the trading of founders equipment would be a potential gray area.

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They were not trying to be polite people, they were letting you founders know we will bring back any item as we please at anytime we want. Good job DE you know the founders program re-release will bring in huge profits and make 85% of the player base happy just make sure you time it right with sony the pc to ps4 migration an bait sony with the potential of huge numbers of old pc players buying the re-released founders pack on PS4 bam money money money we'd be happy happy happy


The lack of punctuation hurts, it really does.

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They were not trying to be polite people, they were letting you founders know we will bring back any item as we please at anytime we want. Good job DE you know the founders program re-release will bring in huge profits and make 85% of the player base happy just make sure you time it right with sony the pc to ps4 migration an bait sony with the potential of huge numbers of old pc players buying the re-released founders pack on PS4 bam money money money we'd be happy happy happy


Why would old PC players buy re-released founder's pack during the PC to PS4 migration???


The founders and vandal items are already in the PS4 version (they exist in the codec and therefore in the game) just that no player owns them yet.


It wouldn't make sense for the migrated accounts to not have these items migrated over as well.

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