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My Reaction To Reactors (Orokin)


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I'm sure many of us acquired the Orokin Reactor Blueprint from an alert mission a couple of days ago. I was excited that I would finally be able to supercharge EXCALIBUR, my lone warframe. The cost was high, the components rare, and the time to build long, but fortunately I had everything I needed. I set to building.

I was also excited about the prospect of supecharging future warframes, should Jackal ever feel generous enough to drop a RHINO Helmet Blueprint. Then it hit me. Like every other Blueprint, once the Reactor is crafted, the blueprint will be consumed. Gone for good. No future Reactors from the foundry.

An Orokin Reactor requires: 1 Morphic, 1 Neural Sensor, 1 Neurode, and 1 Orokin Cell, in addition to 35,000 credits. These are failry rare ingredients, and would necessitate a fair amount of grind. The 24 hour build time is a pretty long time. I believe these factors themselves would prohibit the little servo-arms in the foundry from spamming Orokin Reactors into the world.

Therefore, I contend that the Orokin Reactor Blueprint NOT be consumed upon creation of a Reactor in the foundry. I would rather not wait for the whim of the Developers to gift me with another blueprint. I feel that the grind for components, and the time required to build, would translate into more play-time from players. While I understand that Warframe wishes to cultivate dedicated, PAYING customers, the Platinum saved from not having to purchase reactors could be spent by players elsewhere.

In summation; persistent Orokin Reactor Blueprint, one that is not consumed upon creation of a Reactor in the foundry.

Yay, or nay?

Edited by MehrunesDagon
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Nay, grinding those components takes and hour, maybe two if you're unlucky or don't have the party to deal with the bosses if you're underequipped. Now with the Update 7 reactors are not so essential since you get all of your warframe's skills and technically all you need are shield, health and armor mods to survive, the rest lays with the weapon. We get 2-3 reactors a month which is fair.

Besides, the game needs something to live of.

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The main source of income for DE are

1. Slots for Warframe/Weapon.

2. Orokin reactor/catalyst.

Out of these two, the Orokin items are possible to get from alert missions. And with the new mod point system, orokin items are not really limiting factor anymore. It's time to make some decisions and manage your risk/benefit.

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I can see your point as a relatively new player, however once you get into the game a bit, coming up with those materials and credits is not particularly hard. If they were as hard to get together as they are at the start of the game I might agree, but as it is now I have to say no.

Also they're actually quite cheap to buy, 5$ gets you 75 platinum which gets you 3 reactors/catalysts with 15 platinum left over, which is quite a reasonable price in my opinion.

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I'd recommend using that reactor for your current warframe and then, once you've got the Rhino, purchase a reactor from the shop.

As far as I remember, you get some platinum when you sign up.

Some might recommend to spend that platinum on the weapon slots and warframe slots. But if you're going to play warframe long enough to fill all the warframe and weapon slots, then I think the game is worth atleast €5.

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If I had seen this thread a month ago I might have agreed to some extent. But now I have 5 reactors bps that I didn't use any platinum to get sitting in my inventory and no idea if and when I'll ever use them. I'm planning to go for my third frame but I haven't decided what that is yet.

Also around around a month ago "?" alerts became so sporadic they were litterally only happening once every 2 or 3 days but DE seems to have fixed that issue now. And with that fix the acquisiting rate of reactors is at about 1 a week.

I know it seems rough but a little patience will see that you get everything you need.

However, on the flip side. Due to the RNG of the alert system the alert for the week that gives a reactor might happen at 3 am where you live or when you're at work or school which royally sucks. The alert system does need a huge overhall and I hope we see one in the not to distant future.

P.S. There were 2 alerts yesterday that gave reactors, though. One the devs created after their live stream (the alert lasted 12 hours) and one from a real alert.

Edited by f3llyn
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They should still be single use, but I wish getting them werent so rare. The last time a reactor was a reward, the alert never popped up for me. It really sucks missing out on something because of some random bug. Now I have to sit around and hope for another.

The materials for them are not rare, either. I have about a dozen of each of the required mats on me right now, and I'm not even trying to farm for them.

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While it would be more convenient to have a permanent blueprint i can already say it`s not happening. From a business standpoint it`s a bad idea. I might even go as far as to call it financial suicide.

That or they increase the costs A LOT. You don`t really need them that often so I think the current drop rates are OK. I got 2 reactors this week by the way, I guess I`m just lucky.

Materials aren`t that rare either.

The hardest part is the beginning, once you hit mid levels and get some mods it becomes a lot easier. Once that happens just start clearing the systems and start going on alerts.


I forgot to mention you can just tag along with some higher level players, cuts the farming time quite a lot.

Edited by Mr.Kazimir
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They should still be single use, but I wish getting them werent so rare. The last time a reactor was a reward, the alert never popped up for me. It really sucks missing out on something because of some random bug. Now I have to sit around and hope for another.

The materials for them are not rare, either. I have about a dozen of each of the required mats on me right now, and I'm not even trying to farm for them.

If the alert didn't show for you then you don't have that particular map point unlocked. No bug involved. You can always post in the alert thread and ask if some one will invite you though.

Edited by f3llyn
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