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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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The item's in the founders pack have no mastery points so leveling them will do nothing beneficial for your MR. The design council I could agree with them offering a new type of promotion for people to buy into it but the only problem I would see with it is that there would be a lot of people doing it and then the design council would lose its exclusivity and just become another normal forum section

Ah, see, this is information that i havent heard till now. If that is the case..


Edit: let me rephrase this. 


I would like to purchase Counsel  Access. (of which we never got the chance at) with moneys. The other stuff means nothing to me if it doesnt provide mastery.

Edited by (PS4)MyTagForHalo
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Yeah we had videos its coming out for ps4 even with all this the game still is not right just because Excalibur prime is not in our game you cant over look that point all your doing is trying to down the idea of Excalibur prime coming to ps4 founders or not the game need all Warframes in it even if you dont use them all.

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And Warframe ain't dear to psn members? Your just talking not helping or giving understanding ideas why it really should or shouldn't come to ps4 it wasnt life & death you like the game or you Don't if you like you support if you don't like you don't support and from the support of so many the game is where its at today rich most likely. i understand if it was out aka ps4 and people just missed it or didnt care for it then yeah it shouldn't come back but we never had it so it would still be new for ps4. 

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The exclusive Warframe Excalibur prime wasnt a good exclusive making Excalibur be for gotten or over look in the future gameplay if they Don't add Excalibur prime Excalibur will die off because his prime form cant be play with why would you play with Excalibur when you could play with his prime why would any body play with a normal Warframe when the prime is out or if the Warframe you like aint a prime you would change when a prime comes.

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Ah, see, this is information that i havent heard till now. If that is the case..


DE, Can i just have a design access key?

Eventually they are going to start handing out Design Council Access to people who routinely give good ideas and are a useful part of the community

"DE give design access key pls" isn't going to get you one.

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Ok, I just gotta chime in here.


Do you HONESTLY believe that the capital needed to create the PS4 port of Warframe was generated only a WEEK before the ps4 port LAUNCHED???


So, no development time was needed to create it.......no capital was needed to utilize the dev tools used to create it........the deal with Sony Entertainment was just mashed out/argued over/agreed upon in only a week's time, with payments involved........you really believe that......?


I can understand getting in to a heated debate about something we're passionate about, but I URGE you, for the sake of keeping credence on your side of the arguement....think about what you're saying here........

Exactly my friend, exactly, Jesus, I cant say how happy I am because you said so, then you might get a glimpse of the point I am trying to get across.

Because all you do so far is keep repeating how you took a leap of faith.


Allow me to explain myself, when the Founder's Package was first released, and lived up to its name, people truly earned this founder title thing, those really took a leap of faith, and I'm willing to wonder most of the sales came from the first two months and maybe the last week after the ultimatum.Anyways, those very guys can be considered founders, what happend is that DE, seeing profit, kept delaying this thing up to the point this package was still available in the very same game we, ps4 players got, a more established and "fail-proof" one.


In many of my arguments i keep saying this, also, there is a very insightful topic in the ps4 specific feedback showing all the senseless decisions that ultimately lead them to pull the plug on the package a week prior to the ps4 release.


Honestly, I don't see how me and the guy who bought the Founders Package a week before the ps4 release are any different in terms of risk, if anything, i took the bigger leap of faith, since the game was established on the pc but not the ps4 with its much lower market, in this very situation I acquired the 150$ Platinum pack.And I am not alone on this one.


See, that's why it really bothers me when people come here and say "oh you didn't found anything, you took no risk", when lots of people took this huge risk a week before I did, jeez, I guess taking risks is a very objective thing with its lines clearly drawn.


Let's just be realistic here, pull the plug months prior to the release or wait for a few weeks after the release to do it, but not a week before, as emo as it may sound it is a $#*(@ slap, for lack of better words.


You're a smart guy I'm sure this part of my opinion you can empathize with.

Edited by (PS4)DanteVincent
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Man, this thread is like a zombie. I saw this days ago and its still kicking.


Anyway, topic of Excalibur Prime, let's run off on a tangent for a moment and look at Valkyr. The (little) lore that we ahve on her is that she's a Warframe that's been modified by the Corpus. That's fine, but her abilities (Hysteria, most definitely) seem based around the fact she was tortured.


Not really suited for a Prime frame, is it, since the Valkyr of the past and present probably utilised somewhat different abilities.


One of my Clan members have pointed out that when it comes time for Valkyr 'Prime', that DE may have to do something slightly different, introducing a new upgrade suffix. He's pointed out that one other Frame's in the same position, for different reasons. Excalibur, due to potential legal reasons, can't have his Prime released to the public. The workaround, is literally don't release it. Release one with the same suffix that Valkyr uses.


Problem of the upgraded Excalibur becomes solved, and the Founder's dilemma, really, becomes pointless. While I'm annoyed Excalibur/Skana/Lato Prime are in the codex, I don't actually have interest in the items themselves beyond getting a star next to their names. The option to remove them would be nice.

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Exactly my friend, exactly, Jesus, I cant say how happy I am because you said so, then you might get a glimpse of the point I am trying to get across.

Because all you do so far is keep repeating how you took a leap of faith.


Honestly, I don't see how me and the guy who bought the Founders Package a week before the ps4 release are any different in terms of risk, if anything, i took the bigger leap of faith, since the game was established on the pc but not the ps4 with its much lower market, in this very situation I acquired the 150$ Platinum pack.And I am not alone on this one.


See, that's why it really bothers me when people come here and say "oh you didn't found anything, you took no risk", when lots of people took this huge risk a week before I did, jeez, I guess taking risks is a very objective thing with its lines clearly drawn.


Let's just be realistic here, pull the plug months prior to the release or wait for a few weeks after the release to do it, but not a week before, as emo as it may sound it is a $#*(@ slap, for lack of better words.


You're a smart guy I'm sure this part of my opinion you can empathize with.

1. So you are saying, that you had no info about the game, no way of looking up what the game is about. You simply started playing and found it in a beta state? All its content was one tileset, and the frame roster was very tiny? Did you constantly suffer game crashes and have to do bug reports early on so they could refine it for the PS4 version?  Probably not.


2. Thats just silly to even try to rationalize. Again, you paid for a product that was clearly established. They just didn't offer the founders pack to the console port of the game. 


3. Leading into, No you did not take the same risk. You are a consumer, you purchased a product from an established game. That's it. End of story, semantics or not.  Now what they decide to do for the PS4 version is unknown. But its likely for the best that you calm down and wait to see. Since the situation is more complicated than PC getting something you wont get.


4. It doesn't sound emo, it sounds very entitled. 

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Non-cosmetic exclusivity is a dumb idea and turns people away from a game. I fail to understand why people think its a good business move. The "benefits" are short lived, while the drawbacks stick around. It also turns away "collectors" who usually spend more money on FtP games than other players.


Don't get me wrong, I agree with the idea of offering stuff to get the game going, but I don't particularly agree with them being a limited one-time offer.

Edited by Grilleds
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1. So you are saying, that you had no info about the game, no way of looking up what the game is about. You simply started playing and found it in a beta state? All its content was one tileset, and the frame roster was very tiny? Did you constantly suffer game crashes and have to do bug reports early on so they could refine it for the PS4 version?  Probably not.


2. Thats just silly to even try to rationalize. Again, you paid for a product that was clearly established. They just didn't offer the founders pack to the console port of the game. 


3. Leading into, No you did not take the same risk. You are a consumer, you purchased a product from an established game. That's it. End of story, semantics or not.  Now what they decide to do for the PS4 version is unknown. But its likely for the best that you calm down and wait to see. Since the situation is more complicated than PC getting something you wont get.


4. It doesn't sound emo, it sounds very entitled. 

I will completely ignore that your arguments are killed by the unbolded parts of my post and go the pacific route, as follows:


I agree with everything you said pal, I am just talking about the people that acquired the founders package a week or two prior to the ps4 release, which is my only gripe against this whole thing, they acquired it playing the game in the same state as i did, which leaves me wondering how me and him are any different in terms of commitment.


You probably fit your own example so no complaints there, you really did invest your time into a game in the situation you described.Me?Honestly, I probably wouldnt, sounds boring, kudos to yall, but i will risk sounding repetitive and just say it again, the guy that found out about warframe in october and got founders package is in the same situation as i, the only difference being, he was offered it and i was not.


And if you go to the ps4 feedback forums, the main gripe everyone has against it is this very fact and please dont say "what DE does is up to DE", that is very true but doesnt mean they can't do stupid things like the aforementioned one, and doesnt mean that i, as customer, cant complain.


Like i said, I wont do any more topics, DE staff obviously read through all of this, so it is not like we need to repeat ourselves, i just wanna make sure i am not speaking greek here.

Edited by (PS4)DanteVincent
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I'm not a founder, but the design council sounds like it should be the more important part of the package. Three promotional items, or the ability to weigh in on how the product is designed... I know which one I think a real life investor should be more concerned with....


DE is actually currently admitting non-founders to the Design Council. At the end of every month, a handful people they deem to give "Quality, well thought-out contributions" on the forums are given access to the Council.

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The only argument right now is whether DE will revive the founders program for PS4 players. PS4 players are also beta testers but they didn't contribute to the game while in its infancy which was the original reason for the founders program. They helped found the game. PS4 players did not help found the game, they never had the opportunity to play the game in its infancy. 


Founders are part of the reason why a PS4 version exists; how could PS4 players be considered founders? If its absolute that PC and PS4 players will never play together and if the transfer of accounts between PC and PS4 is ended then DE could put the founders' prime weapons and frame in a PS4 prime access but that's the the most I see them doing.


There's no way to justify reviving the actual program.

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As a PS4 player, I have no problem with them not releasing the founders benefits to us. However, if they do not release them, they need to remove Excal prime and the gun prime entries in the codex for PS4 players. There's no reason to taunt us like that.


The day the Account Migration is ready, expect to see Excalibur Prime players around. That's why it's there I guess.

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They should still remove it from the codex until then, if it ever even happens. 

Alternatively, they could also release a different looking version of Excal prime and the prime weapons. That way the founders versions are still exclusive, but we have a way to fill them in the codex.

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well of course because of Prime Access topic starter.


i mean you must be a braindead if you wanna pay 100-150$ for 100% sure mastery only gear such as Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime and Skana Prime now. Honestly if somebody from my clan would join let say survival run with Excalibur, i would kick him from a group and from a clan. Because i have no need in Mercury level guy.


Prime Access. Prime Access in general is a better offer for everybody. Yes you are overpaying ~40$ but on the other hand you receive some shiny stuff like saydana and some extractor or similar crap.


So: Prime Access is good for developer - because in average they are making more money on it. Prime Access is still a good offer for a new player.


As for exclusivity. Oh please. It's no longer a valid argument or reason since Frost Prime.

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The Founders pack was a good idea in the short-term, but a completely terrible idea in the long-term. Having a frame be PERMANENTLY exclusive to Founders was a horrible idea. Rewarding those who put their faith in DE and supported them was a good idea, don't get me wrong, but those items should have only been exclusive for a year or two after the program ended. These topics will never end because something is PERMANENTLY out people's reach, and in a game about frames, weapons, and loot, that's very bad.

I doubt a PS4 player would ever be admitted into the council anyway since they barely pay any attention to us and the PS4 forums.

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DE is actually currently admitting non-founders to the Design Council. At the end of every month, a handful people they deem to give "Quality, well thought-out contributions" on the forums are given access to the Council.


Were I a founder, I don't know that I'd have a problem with that. They are selecting a limited pool of people who have shown dedication to the game through an alternate fashion. I think I would be upset if the Design Council opened up to anyone who could pay.


Its a bit like creating a council, or project, in real life: you start with the people who have the resources and skills to get it started, and then occasionally pull in skilled contributors and valued users to help craft the project or product's future.


Honestly, I think you could do something similar with the exclusive Primes - like, say, if 9 founders agree a player has provided a good service to the game and will publicly state why they are awarding it, and are willing to play, I don't know... 1,000 platinum? 10,000 platinum? per sponsoring founder per item, the founders could grant the Prime exclusives to the player after a one week? one month? period. During that period, any three founders could spend 1,000 platinum? 10,000 platinum? each to block the award.

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