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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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Im not sure if other people covered this but founders packs were offered in closed beta. Due to some great kindness they extended the ending date to founders. Now they did several months after to give players a chance to get it. it was a CLOSED BETA privilage. Get over it guys. They only let it bleed into open beta due to the kindness of their hearts. Quit making them regret it.

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I doubt the vandal and wraith stuff will matter. So long as the release a comparable variant to those instead of re-releasing, making all that can be said is people demand skins based on entitlement.

And the prefixes are based on the type. Both are event weapons however.

Vandal: corpus weapons

Wraith: grineer weapons

So what if I missed the event, it affects me, and therefore I hate it. Is the general behavior demonstrated lately.

1) Lots of people use the word entitlement poorly. entitlement: the fact of having a right to something. Depending on how you look at rights, you can say just about anyone feels entitled to just about anything - this includes those that want to keep the Founder's items exclusive.

2) People don't like being left out. There's no real reason to leave people out when it comes to things like, say, events. Events can be re-run. Sure, you want them to be special, but they don't have to go away forever. Events, and event rewards, are all virtual constructs that, once initially created, can be replicated endlessly for almost no cost. There's a huge difference between saying "No, you can never, ever have or do that, even if the cost to me would be negligible." and saying "Well, you missed your change to participate, but you can try again next week/month/year."

3) Vandals seem to be used on things that aren't Corpus weapons (such as the Lato), but that could just have been an early lore error on DE's part (like the Snipertron). If it is, I'd love for some clarification on that.

4) I have my first Wraith weapon sitting in my inventory: the Wraith Gorgon. I don't really want to collect any Wraith weapons if I can't collect them all. I've asked DE to let me know if its possible if those weapons will make a re-appearance or not. If not, I asked if they could swap it out for a regular Gorgon or, if they can't do that, at least let me know so I can sell it. I have no interest in weapons that are dropped out for lore-error reasons (such as the Snipertron, and maybe the Vandal Lato/Braton, if Vandal is supposed to apply to Corpus weapons and they are Tenno weapons), but I'm not really interest in collecting weapons I can't get a full set of. I don't expect I'll collect any of the Vandals and I'm probably going to pass on all the Primes. I've got a lot of Prime parts sitting in my inventory, but I don't know that I'll ever build them. I'm still trying to make up my mind on them. Honestly, if DE wouldn't have told me that its possible that they'll possibly bring back the Boar and Dual Ether Daggers at some point, I'd have probably stopped playing completely, having no chance at a complete, standard collection. (DE didn't give a reason for their unavailability, though I didn't ask why, and I couldn't find an official statement for why the Boar and Dual Ether Daggers were retired.)


At the time of the founders they probably had no plans on primes or anything other than the founders pack. It was only quite a bit later that they released another prime item. So it wasn't like they purposefully released it with the intention of preventing people from getting the full set.

As for the event weapons DE has stated that they are going into a "disney vault" and could return in the future. This includes all Vandal and Wraith items (the only exceptions are potentially the Braton and Lato vandal which were for the CBT and OB weekend)

I admit my bias: I don't like exclusive items. Period. That said, the Founder's items would have been more palatable if they would have been sometime completely different from the Prime times that came later. While I think renaming the Founder's times is probably right out, now that I think about it, they could probably rename all the other Prime weapons something else (like Orokin or Promethian or Gilded or... whatever) and eliminate a large amount of their problems with exclusivity... and probably create new ones with lore.

Also, I hope it clear that I'm not angry with DE. The game is in beta, and mistakes happen. I think exclusive items are a mistake, and DE seems to be aware of it by not making exclusives moving forward, however, that still doesn't fix the problems that were made by making the Founders' Prime items exclusive. And I'm not sure DE can really fix that problem - not in a way that makes everyone happy.

Well, I can totally empathize with you, if it depended on me, founders package content would be available once per year, during a month, for people to buy it.

The problem is, the ps4 has thousands of paying players, it is a misa syandana fest, we have the money and we are not happy about their stupid decision of pulling the plug on excal prime A WEEK PIOR TO THE PS4 RELEASE.

Many founders will come with that infancy talk bs, when we all know that is not the case, it was available well after this so called infancy, so after such treatment we feel like we deserve our own set of exclusive goodies as well for supporting the start of this game in a new platform, which is the same one you play, only with way more bugs that take a month to be hotixed.Seeing as we received the same game most so called founders received when they got their packages, rendering completely unjustifiable the infancy argument, i am completely fine with ps4 exclusives to make up for it, just as pc founders are happy with theirs.

Now, again, if it depended on me, both founders package and an hypothetical ps4 exclusive package would be available to both platforms, once per year, so everyone with the money to support this game wouldnt be set apart from content.

I'm not against PS4 players getting the Founder's gear. I'm totally ok with that. (I'm totally ok with everyone being able to get it.) I'm not for giving the PS4 players something unique to their platform. Giving PS4 players something exclusive with split the player base further. Exclusives are bad.

The only thing I was a little disappointed about was that they were called "Prime."

IMO, Primes shouldn't be exclusive.

If the founders pack were to have, say, Vandals, or Wraiths instead of Primes, I would have been completely fine with not being able to get them.

Now, I know a lot of you would disagree with this, and I'm pretty sure this isn't possible, but what if DE made all the primes that came with the founders pack not exclusive, but gave all the founders additional platinum, AND wraith or vandal versions of Excalibur, Braton, etc. I'd be fine with that.

(P.S., sorry to keep this thread alive, I just wanted to state that idea, and I felt that this thread was a good place to do so...)

I don't know that I'd have no problem if the Founders got a different classification of exclusive item, but I'd probably have less of one if they had something that was, well, founder exclusive. Vandal would have been, and still might, be a good one to use. With the exception of the (unreleased) Prova Vandal, I don't think Vandal has been applied to anything we know is actually Corpus (the Snipertron was retired for lore-error reasons, and, I'd suspect that the Vandal Snipertron would have the same lore problems)... And Vandal has been used on limited/retired items (Lato, Braton, Snipertron) that aren't likely to ever come back.

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My toes are curling from all this founder swallowing yall doing.

Rofl. 19 pages. Really? 19? This is still going on? I have no words for this. I just dont know why this is such a big deal. It is totally ok to get exclusives in WoW and hundreds of other games. But Warframe, nah, your not allowed to have founders there, better grill every founder and the company.



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"time to pad post count"
Ya'll know, I'll never have that Lato Prime, Grand Master badge/title, my name on a solar mark and you know what? That's life in a nutshell, you don't get everything.


Mastery-Don't mean nothing once you reach the inevitable maximum.


Collectors?-Hah, you can't whine about not having one thing if you're missing other things like Primed Chamber? Badges? Candy Cane skin? If you're not missing anything else besides Founder gear, which I highly doubt except only a handful of people are, You can't be going around claiming you want the founder gear because you're a "collector."


PS4-You wouldn't have your version of the game without us. You fund the game via prime access and platinum, but by no means are you founders.


Founder pack being extended-I think that DE just didn't have time nor the resources to come up with something to replace founders after CB ended, hence it being extended into OB. You know deadlines and stuff.

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A promise is a promise, if a promise is broken... Where does that leave us? For once Tenno, you might be late to the party and the cake is gone. But thats how it is. Might be easy for me to say, but thats how life is. Grab it while you can, not matter how much S#&$ you gotta go through. If you gotta sell you'r house, yo' kids, yo' wife. A man gotta do what a man gotta do. It's all up to you. So dont complain about it. 



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Rofl. 19 pages. Really? 19? This is still going on? I have no words for this. I just dont know why this is such a big deal. It is totally ok to get exclusives in WoW and hundreds of other games. But Warframe, nah, your not allowed to have founders there, better grill every founder and the company.


Exclusives are a hot topic for every game out there. It provides a burst of income, and leaves consumers with a -really good- taste in their mouth, or a -really bad- taste in their mouth. The Warframe guys get on stream, every other week, and communicate with us. Why is it wrong to assume that we might have a chance to bring back something a lot of people want a second chance at?


Just because WoW does it, doesn't mean it's okay. Just because other people are okay with it, doesn't mean others aren't okay with it.

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And WoW doesn't lock player power behind the excuse of exclusivity. There's no current-expansion Arena or Heroic gear restricted only to people who have been playing since Vanilla.


Well, WoW did not start as a F2P who needed a "kickstarter" did they? The reason Founder was introduced was for the players who had belief in the game would help them out to create what you play today. It's that simple. it's easy to understand if you try to. If the reason was not there, then founders would not have been. And exclusive property it became because they did spend their life savings to provide what it is today. Ofcourse the ones who buy platinum and prime access have a big part of where Warframe stand today, they might not have gotten exclusives but that day have passed. Why cant people understand this? Take a look upon older news of warframe and you will understand. And for you'r statement, there is nothing that makes the Founders better in any way at all, with todays obtainable gear it's basically the same for all. It might just take some time to digest and get it. But it's all there for the general public to get.

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Well, WoW did not start as a F2P who needed a "kickstarter" did they?


Don't be dense; as an MMO, it still needed enough players throwing money at Blizzard regularly for it to get off the ground and for the company to deem it profitable enough to keep around.

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Because DE didnt have the money they needed for warframe PC was the only thing open at the time to support the game every body and thair family knows about this already at this point im sure DE didnt want this game on Ps3 xbox360 or DS so PC then later for Ps4 on that note Ps4 didnt release let so its not like they could get support from us but on the other hand PC is their we have to get this started now so they did cool but that exclusive with a main character in it wasnt good for the future players.     Stop saying well we believe in the game and support it so the exclusive for us is only fair now if Ps4 was out already when all this warframe talk started and PC and Ps4 was supporting the game but PC players put more money into the game so you all got the exclusive cool more understanding.               Ps4 players couldn't believe in the game or help because the system didnt release yet for us to give support plus people still was on ps3 and like i said they wasnt putting that on that system. 

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Don't be dense; as an MMO, it still needed enough players throwing money at Blizzard regularly for it to get off the ground and for the company to deem it profitable enough to keep around.


So WoW was funded by player contributions from the very start in 2004? Where did you get that information? Sounds fishy.

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So WoW was funded by player contributions from the very start in 2004? Where did you get that information? Sounds fishy.


It was funded by subscription fees, and the fact that sufficient players showed an interest in the game and a willingness to part with cash in exchange for access to it.


Again, don't be dense. Of all the ways you can make distinctions between subscription games and free-to-play ones when constructing an argument, this isn't one of them.

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It was funded by subscription fees, and the fact that sufficient players showed an interest in the game and a willingness to part with cash in exchange for access to it.


Again, don't be dense. Of all the ways you can make distinctions between subscription games and free-to-play ones when constructing an argument, this isn't one of them.




You are comparing a SUBSCRIPTION based game to a MICROTRANSACTION based game. There is a slight difference between the two.


You apparently want to say that WoW's development was funded by players like Warframe was and is. That is incorrect. Blizzard developed the game using in house funds and then recouped their losses with subscriptions. You might want to check your information.

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You're missing the point; I'm correlating the early days of both games to each other.


In other words, the expressions of interest in playing it, the game's entire future hinging on money acquired in the early days--in Warframe's case to fund it, in WoW's case to recoup losses--lest it get dropped for not being profitable.


Am I not explaining this properly?

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Maybe I am not understanding.


You are comparing a game that was developed by a big name game company using in house funds to a game developed by a much smaller game company that was funded wholly by player contributions.


Yes, both are funded by players now. But... In WoW, you CANNOT play the main game without a subscription. Warframe, you can play the whole thing -such as it is- without paying a cent. Apples and oranges.


Back on topic, DE has said that PS4 will have some kind of 'Founder' or 'Supporter' package. Whether this will include Excalibur Prime is unclear. If you pay to support the game, I have no problem with you getting the rewards for supporting the game. If you do not? Pffft.


There is no free lunch and there should be no free exclusive items.

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And WoW doesn't lock player power behind the excuse of exclusivity. There's no current-expansion Arena or Heroic gear restricted only to people who have been playing since Vanilla.

Do you even?


Research before you make things up trying desperately to make your point valid.





EDIT: This is an argument about vanity. Not player power, remember that.

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Yeah, I can't imagine the PS4 community would be pleased if a load of Founders migrated over with their Excal Primes, etc if they couldn't have the chance to purchase it themselves.


Problem is, you then get the people for whom the worth of their Excal Prime comes purely from nobody else having it, and man they are loud.


You'd think if they paid because they wanted to support the game, that they'd support the pack returning--maybe even for good---so the game could get as much monetary support as possible from the people willing to pay for that stuff.




Research before you make things up trying desperately to make your point valid.


Excalibur Prime features an additional 18px-V.png polarity slot, a higher shield recharge, as well as a 18px-V.png Aura slot, rather than a slot without a polarity,


Nice try.

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