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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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The founders pack makes you a founder, and these items are exclusive to founders, therefore the items are exclusive to the founders pack. *mind blown* That doesnt take a whole lot of brains to figure out. Where did they promise that they couldnt put it on another console? Your making the assumption that it says that, yet im telling you what is obvious: it doesnt.


They said that the Founders Pack would not be rereleased, and they said this on a topic in the PS4 section.


Pretty sure that means it applies to us, too.


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To me, it wasn't cheap. For me, it wasn't easy. However, they insisted it was for an exclusive offer available for a limited time only, so I did it.



Items labelled exclusive that are released anyways hurt loyalty to developers. Just because others jump on that bandwagon doesn't mean DE has to, and they've worked incredibly hard to maintain the loyalty of their player base.


You both make very good points, and I now encourage you both to stop responding to this thread.  let it fade, let it die.  The bullheaded arguing here is the only thing keeping this silliness alive, if you don't respond it will fade from the front page and that's the only way to win here.


It's pretty clear from the 'logical' circles that have been worn into grooves during the course of this thread that the supporters of the original premise are so convinced they are right not even the clearest evidence would sway them otherwise.

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They said that the Founders Pack would not be rereleased, and they said this on a topic in the PS4 section.


Pretty sure that means it applies to us, too.


not denying it, hell, i dont want the equipment out of the pack. Though people keep bringing up this "evidence" every time these topics come up, so i would like to see why everyone thinks a poster holds soo much weight.

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You both make very good points, and I now encourage you both to stop responding to this thread.  let it fade, let it die.  The bullheaded arguing here is the only thing keeping this silliness alive, if you don't respond it will fade from the front page and that's the only way to win here.


It's pretty clear from the 'logical' circles that have been worn into grooves during the course of this thread that the supporters of the original premise are so convinced they are right not even the clearest evidence would sway them otherwise.


Would you rather a giant thread of people only agreeing with each other?

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Would you rather a giant thread of people only agreeing with each other?


No I despise echo chambers as well, but this has clearly run it's course.


As summed up here:


"We want access to X that isn't available anymore"

"it's not available because: Evidence."

"Evidence isn't enough because of: changed argument "

"Changed argument isn't any more reasonable because: Evidence"

"Evidence isn't enough because of: further modified argument"

Repeat ad nauseum for 40 pages.


Nothing useful, new, or even logical has been posited by the supporting side for the last I dunno 35 pages of posts, the only thing that has come out are further quotes and posts from DE about the status of the Founders program (i.e. Over) all of which are discounted out of hand by a couple of posters so entrenched in their opinions that even a direct Post from DE confirming what has already been presented probably wouldn't get any different of a response than the denials of evidence that have already been posted.


There is useful discussion and then there is this, and that is why I am now going to take my own advice and be done with this thread.

Edited by Agent_of_Change
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This will be done once developer will put forward a statement regarding all abovementioned issues. Founders items, founders items on mod art and codex on PS4, PS4 exclusive items.

Right now we have these statement from developers "no current plans to return Founder pack" "some PS4-exclusive things which we don't know what they are" and "founders items in PS4 codex are controversal and insensitive". I am sorry this invites a TON of heated discussion. It's almost like DE want this issue to be persistent.

Edited by (PS4)Lord_Gremlin
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Nothing useful, new, or even logical has been posited by the supporting side for the last I dunno 35 pages of posts, the only thing that has come out are further quotes and posts from DE about the status of the Founders program (i.e. Over) all of which are discounted out of hand by a couple of posters so entrenched in their opinions that even a direct Post from DE probably wouldn't get any different of a response than has already been posted.


You should go back and read the last 35 pages, then, because there have been a multitude of arguments by PS4 and PC members as to why Exclusives are bad, as well as potential fixes. Some PS4 members want their own Founder's Program, other people would like to see alternate items released to alleviate the pain of game play modifying items in the game.


The interesting thing to note is that a majority of the arguments AGAINST a re-release of Founder's items is: "DE said No, give up, stop talking, just -die-." Even when alternate proposals are given, or alternate points are provided. Just because someone tells us no, are we supposed to lie down and accept it?


Also, seriously, a lot has happened this past 35 pages, you're completely off base suggesting it's been the same birds chirping.

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No I despise echo chambers as well, but this has clearly run it's course.


As summed up here:


"We want access to X that isn't available anymore"

"it's not available because: Evidence."

"Evidence isn't enough because of: changed argument "

"Changed argument isn't any more reasonable because: Evidence"

"Evidence isn't enough because of: further modified argument"

Repeat ad nauseum for 40 pages.


Nothing useful, new, or even logical has been posited by the supporting side for the last I dunno 35 pages of posts, the only thing that has come out are further quotes and posts from DE about how the status of the Founders program (i.e. Over) all of which are discounted out of hand by a couple of posters so entrenched in their opinions that even a direct Post from DE probably wouldn't get any different of a response than has already been posted.


There is useful discussion and then there is this.


Exactly, and being honest I do not understand WHY people are so caught up in 'wanting shinys' that other people have.  I don't have founders, my friends do... It would be nice, but so what.  I didn't have confidence about this game and so I lost out, they did and they got it... Woopity do.  I have the Misa Prime and they don't and that was a exclusively timed thing, whoopity do it has no effect on the game.  Sure you can make arguments all weapons and warframes should be obtainable within the game by everyone but they already said in so many words that they will not go back on their deal of not handing things out like the Founders pack again.


The moment they do I will turn my back on this game and never play again and people can have all the 'shiny's' that they want and then it will become so common that nobody cares rofl.  I know plenty of people that feel the same way.  Right now this thread to me is nothing more than entertainment at watching people try to claw and bite for something they 'want because it looks pretty' and it is quite revealing about how some people are, erm anyway... Carry on :D



"...Just because someone tells us no, are we supposed to lie down and accept it?"


Also, seriously, a lot has happened this past 35 pages, you're completely off base suggesting it's been the same birds chirping.



Also just because more people keep clawing at the same childish desire to have EVERYTHING just because of WANT... does not mean they deserve or are going to get it, that is how life is.  Sometimes we cannot have what we want, and this is a good lifes lesson... in a video game... sure.

Edited by Sibarian
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You should go back and read the last 35 pages, then, because there have been a multitude of arguments by PS4 and PC members as to why Exclusives are bad, as well as potential fixes. Some PS4 members want their own Founder's Program, other people would like to see alternate items released to alleviate the pain of game play modifying items in the game.


The interesting thing to note is that a majority of the arguments AGAINST a re-release of Founder's items is: "DE said No, give up, stop talking, just -die-." Even when alternate proposals are given, or alternate points are provided. Just because someone tells us no, are we supposed to lie down and accept it?


Also, seriously, a lot has happened this past 35 pages, you're completely off base suggesting it's been the same birds chirping.

Leaving some of the obvious issues aside, I do wonder why. Because Founders items are 3 pieces of primed noob gear. Any re-release will invite the possibility of giving first purchasers actually useful unique items like Sydannas, sentinel accessories, skins, color palettes. It's like these people is more concerned with game staying visibly, obviously incomplete for everybody else more than having something nice to themselves.

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Leaving some of the obvious issues aside, I do wonder why. Because Founders items are 3 pieces of primed noob gear. Any re-release will invite the possibility of giving first purchasers actually useful unique items like Sydannas, sentinel accessories, skins, color palettes. It's like these people is more concerned with game staying visibly, obviously incomplete for everybody else more than having something nice to themselves.


It isnt about being incomplete for YOU this world does not revolve around YOU, its about the deal that was already struck.  Exclusive means Exclusive.  Why do you guys make such a big deal about what OTHER people have.  Is it going to kill the game for you to know there is something that you can NEVER obtain?

Edited by Sibarian
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It isnt about being incomplete for YOU this world does not revolve around YOU, its about the deal that was already struck.  Exclusive means Exclusive.  Why do you guys make such a big deal about what OTHER people have.  Is it going to kill the game for you to know there is something that you can NEVER obtain?

Well, remove those items from PS4 version codex and replace mod art that feature them on PS4. There. Done. No more issues.

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It isnt about being incomplete for YOU this world does not revolve around YOU, its about the deal that was already struck.  Exclusive means Exclusive.  Why do you guys make such a big deal about what OTHER people have.  Is it going to kill the game for you to know there is something that you can NEVER obtain?

If it's a game on launch new console which I got at launch and put more than $300 in? Absolutely yes. One of the reasons I usually stick to Sony platforms 100% of time is they very often demand developers to include exclusive content or buy exclusive content.


P.S. Editing on this forum sucks, dear god.

Edited by (PS4)Lord_Gremlin
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You should go back and read the last 35 pages, then, because there have been a multitude of arguments by PS4 and PC members as to why Exclusives are bad, as well as potential fixes. Some PS4 members want their own Founder's Program, other people would like to see alternate items released to alleviate the pain of game play modifying items in the game.


The interesting thing to note is that a majority of the arguments AGAINST a re-release of Founder's items is: "DE said No, give up, stop talking, just -die-." Even when alternate proposals are given, or alternate points are provided. Just because someone tells us no, are we supposed to lie down and accept it?


Also, seriously, a lot has happened this past 35 pages, you're completely off base suggesting it's been the same birds chirping.



What has been covered:


Current DE status: both sides arguing

PC only exclusives: PS4 upset

PS4 only exclusives: PC upset

Equal playing field: "founders" Upset

DE choosing not to do anything: Both sides remain arguing


"evidence" has a few holes in it that people refuse to see.

Arguments made Pro-rerelease are snuffed out by "founders" complaints which ultimately have come to show elitism and selfishness in a few individuals

Arguments made by ps4 players of why they need stuff for free showing the greedy side of things rightfully extinguished

Arguments made towards releasing it for Money go untested for the most part aside from "poster evidence"


DE finally coming out with a full statement covering all bases: Priceless



It isnt about being incomplete for YOU this world does not revolve around YOU, its about the deal that was already struck.  Exclusive means Exclusive.  Why do you guys make such a big deal about what OTHER people have.  Is it going to kill the game for you to know there is something that you can NEVER obtain?

Only as much as it would kill founders for not having gear completely exclusive on another system for the next 3 months. After that, we all had our cahnce and we can atleast snuff out all future arguments.



...until account migration.


which is another reason why they should give the playstation a chance. Nothing like showing off things to people who couldn't have it in the first place. though i know that is the reason to remain exclusive right?


This is fun :D

Edited by (PS4)MyTagForHalo
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which is another reason why they should give the playstation a chance. Nothing like showing off things to people who couldn't have it in the first place. though i know that is the reason to remain exclusive right?


As a PC player, this is the solution I'm paying most attention to. PC Players get their Excalibur Prime on PS4. If PS4 gets an exclusive, do they get to use it on PC?

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As a PC player, this is the solution I'm paying most attention to. PC Players get their Excalibur Prime on PS4. If PS4 gets an exclusive, do they get to use it on PC?

No, since PS4 to PC account migration will never happen. And cross-play will never happen. In fact releasing Founders pack or any exclusives on PS4 will not affect PC players at all unless they'll add in codex entries for PS4 exclusives to PC version. Like they did with PS4 version right now.

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As a PC player, this is the solution I'm paying most attention to. PC Players get their Excalibur Prime on PS4. If PS4 gets an exclusive, do they get to use it on PC?

First off there will be no backwards migration. So that wont be a issue. Secondly there shouldn't be any items released on the ps4 that wont be obtainable by the PC. AKA, releasing the Excalibur prime pack as a one time sale would solve a lot of things. Past that, i dont support any ideas of releasing a item on the PS4 as a "PS4 ONLY ITEM" as that solves nothing.

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First off there will be no backwards migration. So that wont be a issue. Secondly there shouldn't be any items released on the ps4 that wont be obtainable by the PC. AKA, releasing the Excalibur prime pack as a one time sale would solve a lot of things. Past that, i dont support any ideas of releasing a item on the PS4 as a "PS4 ONLY ITEM" as that solves nothing.

I would say that releasing excalibur, lato and skana primes on PS4 is the good, fair solution. PS4 exclusive frame and weapons are not a good solution, but still a solution. Think about it, right now DE is treating PS4 userbase badly. They can either start treat entire audience well, or entire audience badly. Both are technically fair.

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I would say that releasing excalibur, lato and skana primes on PS4 is the good, fair solution. PS4 exclusive frame and weapons are not a good solution, but still a solution. Think about it, right now DE is treating PS4 userbase badly. They can either start treat entire audience well, or entire audience badly. Both are technically fair.

I thought that was what i was saying 0.o   What did i mis-word?

Edited by (PS4)MyTagForHalo
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They don't affect gameplay. I'm MR14 about to hit MR15 and I did this just fine without Founders gears.

You can have rhino, mag, frost and ember get free energy in the void. But not excalibur. For example. Actually whether they affect gameplay in small or major way is not important here. The point is they are not skins. They are separate items shown in the codex.

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