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Warframe Stream 24 - Issues That Still Need To Be Addressed.


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I watched the whole stream. I did not see the issue that PS4 player feedback is being overlooked. And many PS4 players are asking for, some kind of PS4 founder reward. Will this be addressed in the next stream 25? You have a lot of angry PS4 players. For multiple reasons.


# 1. You guys flat out told us that Crossplatform is coming, without getting our PS4 player feedback on it. I for one do not want to see 10000 Rare Mods flooding the market which will ruin current PS4 trade economy. Not to mention, chat spam, lag and reduced server performance. As if the current poor server performance is not bad enough already we will be flooded by thousands of new PC players. You guys need to limit as to how much "Stuff" your PC players can bring with them. They should not be able to bring duplicated mods at least. And Excalibur prime should not transfer over to PS4 as it is "PC exclusive item". Other games have done a great job in this, for example in World of Warcraft, there is a limit of how much gold that can transfer over. Limit the amount of mods that PC players can bring to the mods their warframes, weapons and sentinels are using. Don't let them flood our market economy please I beg you! The Trade is a fun part of this game.


#2. The lack of any exclusive content on PS4.


#3. The delays in patches coming to PS4. Why does it take you guys so much longer to submit these patches to certify. Can't you guys work simultaneously on PC and PS4 version of the game so that it is released at the same time?


#4. I also did not see any comment from developers on poor server performance. It is not frame rate, but matchmaking issues with plague the PS4. Failed to invite players to missions. Failed to invite frriends into the dojo. Frequent disconnects. Poor perfomance, in the Play screen when choosing missions.


Other than that keep up the great work. Love update 12!

Edited by (PS4)PD_33
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More people who fail to understand the cert process of updates through Sony Online Entertainment and why things are the way they are.


Also, do a little research into pier to pier hosting. Poor bandwidth and network settings have little to do with incompetence or error on Digital Extreme's part.


Edit: May I do the stereotypical thing once more and remind you that this is still an early beta lacking many core and functional features at this time, although many people have convinced themselves otherwise. Player feedback and data is of prime importance to development of Warframe, and they pay more attention to their community than most other developers could claim.


(Edit cuz GrammarGrineer)

Edited by Dominus_Tenno
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More people who fail to understand the cert process of updates through Sony Online Entertainment and why things are the way they are.


Also, do a little research into pier to pier hosting. Poor bandwidth and network settings have little to do with incompetence or error on Digital Extreme's part.


Edit: May I do the stereotypical thing once more and remind you that this is still an early beta lacking many core and functional features at this time, although many people have convinced themselves otherwise. Player feedback and data is of prime importance to development of Warframe, and they pay more attention to their community than most other developers could claim.


(Edit cuz GrammarGrineer)

^ that


also about "limiting Excalibur Prime to the PC only" it's stupid they paid for it and now if they want to play on the PS4 they can't use Excalibur prime? I understand that you want something exclusive on the PS4 and i will agree to that but because of that limit others exclusive? duplicates i can understand too and i would rather agree but im the type that like to try to keep every mod in every rank so when i need it in that rank without forma

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I watched the whole stream. I did not see the issue that PS4 player feedback is being overlooked. And many PS4 players are asking for, some kind of PS4 founder reward. Will this be addressed in the next stream 25? You have a lot of angry PS4 players. For multiple reasons.


# 1. You guys flat out told us that Crossplatform is coming, without getting our PS4 player feedback on it. I for one do not want to see 10000 Rare Mods flooding the market which will ruin current PS4 trade economy. Not to mention, chat spam, lag and reduced server performance. As if the current poor server performance is not bad enough already we will be flooded by thousands of new PC players. You guys need to limit as to how much "Stuff" your PC players can bring with them. They should not be able to bring duplicated mods at least. And Excalibur prime should not transfer over to PS4 as it is "PC exclusive item". Other games have done a great job in this, for example in World of Warcraft, there is a limit of how much gold that can transfer over. Limit the amount of mods that PC players can bring to the mods their warframes, weapons and sentinels are using. Don't let them flood our market economy please I beg you! The Trade is a fun part of this game.


#2. The lack of any exclusive content on PS4.


#3. The delays in patches coming to PS4. Why does it take you guys so much longer to submit these patches to certify. Can't you guys work simultaneously on PC and PS4 version of the game so that it is released at the same time?


#4. I also did not see any comment from developers on poor server performance. It is not frame rate, but matchmaking issues with plague the PS4. Failed to invite players to missions. Failed to invite frriends into the dojo. Frequent disconnects. Poor perfomance, in the Play screen when choosing missions.


Other than that keep up the great work. Love update 12!

#1 - There will not be cross-platform play. There will be a migration for the players who want to play on their consoles. I am not amongst those people, but they should have the right to play their game what ever way they want, and you have no say in their right to do so. As for flooding your market, well, I am not sure if the migration will also feature an account reset, but in case not you should get farming so you can keep up with the venture-capitalists... welcome to how economies work.

#2 - You are getting the same events as PC? You will get the Gorgon Wraith for example when you get the next wave of updates, which is going to be an exclusive. If you are talking about Founders items, then I am sorry, but you did not Found the game, so I see no reason whatever for you to be awarded exclusive Founders items that were awarded to us PC players for helping the game grow enough that you couch-potato console players even get to play our game! :3

#3 - It will get more streamlined as time goes on, and the builds will eventually be in sync. 

#4 - This game has a player-to-player or peer-to-peer  connection model. PC went through the same thing when the game was in its infancy in its original. Optimisations helped make connection better, but it isn't the connection to a server that is a problem, it is your connection to other players and your ability to upload and download all the data of a Warframe match effectively.

Edited by TheSeannachaidh
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#1 - There will not be cross-platform play. 

Actually, DE fully intended on there being cross-platform play. 


The thing is, as more time passes, it's looking less and less plausible because of the cert process Sony inflicts on developer updates. If the two builds cannot stay synched, cross-platform play will never happen, nor will account migrations.

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#2. The lack of any exclusive content on PS4.

The goal is not to get exclusive content on PS4 but to get as much of the content that use to be exclusive to Pc onto the PS4.

You will likely get all of that in time with the exception of the initial founder stuff. because..well...the game is no longer in a position for founders.

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#2. The lack of any exclusive content on PS4.

I'm curious as to why a lot of ps4 players believe they should get exclusive content when pc players literally founded the game.PC players gave up to 200 dollars for an unfinished game and put up with the constant changes and bugs when the game was way way way less than what it is today. And now DE got enough funding and popularity again due to pc players to get it on ps4.And now the people on ps4 get this beta game never seeing the alpha or how bad it was "least when i played it" and now they think they're entitled to exclusives and want their own founder program.They seem to misunderstand what a founder is.Ps4 players founded nothing they got a great free beta game that's only still in beta because the company is constantly looking to improve the game.


If it's about the bugs and glitches pc players also deal with those.If it's about the slow updates and patches once DE makes one Sony has to make sure it's secure and stable for ps4, it can take awhile.


So I see no reason at all as to why ps4 players should get exclusives.As of right now in the games current status everyone should have equal chance to get any item.


As for the founder exclusives that pc players got, they got it cause they FOUNDED the game.They invested their money, some of them A LOT of money for a free to play alpha game to get it to where it's at today.Ps4 players got another free game and one that at least in an optimized stable stage (for the most part).

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Actually, DE fully intended on there being cross-platform play. 


The thing is, as more time passes, it's looking less and less plausible because of the cert process Sony inflicts on developer updates. If the two builds cannot stay synched, cross-platform play will never happen, nor will account migrations.

DE has said that Sony ultimately said no to full out cross-platform play a while ago, but that they, DE, would be offering a migration as a substitute.

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i, for one, welcome a whole bunch of angry ps4 players yelling at DE about network performance and matchmaking issues.

both of these systems need some serious love.


networking performance is a major problem. requiring 1mbps upload sustained to host 3 players is ludicrous.

there absolutely has to be room for improvement there.


as for matchmaking, there are simple fixes here that will improve everybody's play experience that aren't being addressed.


and yeah, i really do hope the OP was trolling here. otherwise you really need to learn a bit more about how the game was put together...

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I was referring to migration in my post. Also PS4 had experienced a lot of the same issues that PC version did on the initial release. if pC players are PC founders. why are we not To be called PS4 founders. we spent 50-200 dollars on this game too when it was still in beta. just because they ended the founder program and renamed it to Prime Access. They are still charging 139.95 for A founders program it is simply changed to Prime Access. If pc players can have exclusive content. why not PS4.

Why should Excalibur be on PS4? because it was not obtainable by PS4 players. pure and simple.

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Its hard to say my idea of a exclusive was you get something other players dont when they join the game late exclusive on anything dont last forever im guessing thats why its not available any more to every cool but when you make a main character like Excalibur prime exclusive in a game thats only on two systems thats bad but only being fair to the people that support warframe is fair also aka PC players for getting the game started and all thats cool but the problem with this is it was never available on or for ps4 ever.             And ps4 didn't release let so we couldn't help support the game as PC players did fair?  No right? No but PC players was the founders of the game both sides our right about there points with this topic.    DE knows this but they maid a promise to you PC players understanding but that promise was not fully keeping the future players in mind.           They our working on a exclusive for ps4 players as long as its a  new type of Excalibur prime or Excalibur ?????? Who knows everything should end well because we support the game now but couldn't at the time do to release date.  

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