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Melee 2.0 Should Better Be Deep, Interesting, Balanced, Worth Bothering And Dmc...


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... or the ammount of time that have past since annoucment is mind blowing. And it seems like it also drains all the bloody resources from dev team so we have two weeks without reinforcements (and Gorgon Wraith doesnt count).


Are DE sure that we need another layer of comlexity on top of everything else we have? Robust melee system with custom combos is good and all - but they gona push it to the lvl of being as valid as fully modded Ogris\Phage\Soma - I dont know really. Sounds like switching in melee mode will be whole different game.


Fast melee was nice little touch that was satisfying as hell back in DMG 1.0 and older patches when enemies were not scaling to the sky.


P\S: From what we saw on streams - DE now REALLY pushing it into DMC territory with magical throwing skythes and spinning sword attacks. And if so - I demand copy of DMC Drive attack (sending forth energy shockwaves) for twohanded swords and sweet Jesus I will be disapointed if this thing wont be in game.


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P/S. From what we saw on streams - DE now REALLY pushing it into DMC territory with magical throwing skythes and spinning sword attacks. And if so - I demand copy of DMC Drive attack (sending forth energy shockwaves) for twohanded swords and sweet Jesus I will be disapointed if this thing wont be in game.

Or alternatively, "RULES OF NATURE!"

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I now want to parry Ruk and then throw him into the air, cutting off his arm, splitting him in half, and then sheathing my sword. Without looking at the explosions.

You forgot to do Zandatsu. No S rank for you


@OP, I suggest you abandon any and all hope that melee 2.0 will be anything revolutionary. That way you will be less disappointed if it flops or pleasantly surprised if it doesn't

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The problem is that we got "teased" with some assets of Melee 2.0 very long time ago and basicly waht we saw since then - pictures of Frost with Galatine in two different idle stances and few short animations with Reaper Prime or Skana. Thats all.


Steeve claims that it will be so effing huge that it will blow our minds and they want to make a really big deal with so they dont want to release small parts, But doing so and basicly giving 0 actual info (except some concepts and NEVER-BLOODY-ENDING talking about how cool it will be) they basicly alow us to rise the OVER HYPE.


Meanwhile its second week without Reinforcements. And while we had nice small event - it was kinda lazy done. I just wonder what takes so long and will we end with another hugely complex system on top of our grindonite modding. The most epic thing will be if melee will still be inferior choice.

That will be so bloody funny - I will cry a river.

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The problem is that we got "teased" with some assets of Melee 2.0 very long time ago and basicly waht we saw since then - pictures of Frost with Galatine in two different idle stances and few short animations with Reaper Prime or Skana. Thats all.


Steeve claims that it will be so effing huge that it will blow our minds and they want to make a really big deal with so they dont want to release small parts, But doing so and basicly giving 0 actual info (except some concepts and NEVER-BLOODY-ENDING talking about how cool it will be) they basicly alow us to rise the OVER HYPE.


Meanwhile its second week without Reinforcements. And while we had nice small event - it was kinda lazy done. I just wonder what takes so long and will we end with another hugely complex system on top of our grindonite modding. The most epic thing will be if melee will still be inferior choice.

That will be so bloody funny - I will cry a river.


There were reinforcements last week, this week was was event rewards that were so easy to get the only way to not have gotten them was to not log into warframe for a week.


You can't complain that they aren't putting out the greatest stuff while also demanding that the new content they have been putting their effort into be mind blowing.  The one is facilitating the other, effort is being directed into the melee 2.0 project.  But that i do think overhype is definitely an issue.


Temper your expectations and be prepared to receive and test a major addition to a beta product, that's right bugs and tweaks are coming.  It's the nature of the beast.

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Prime Acces is not Reinforcment since its basicly old weapons with added swager.

And last one was like 26/02/2014. Marelok with Grustag Three.


I am not complaining about lack of new guns - I have enough unleveled weapons in my pockets. Just funny how they missed every deadlne and dont even try to reduce hype by throwing some info or releasing some of the upcoming melee weapons.

Edited by derclaw
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This is just a thought, but...


What if Melee 2.0 is a different way to fight scaling by adding some utility and defense to every player without printing out more copy mods or just handing Trinity to everybody?


Maybe in the future, if you want to take on harder enemies that might not die from M.Prime Explosions or something, you will have to know when to shoot and when to use your melee to maybe block some things or buy you some breathing space. (Edit: I could totally see that scythe combo making a player "QTA Invincible" Ala ResiEvil.)


Purely speculation there, but as many have said, "My Soma is also a viable melee weapon."; So hopefully this extra layer will actually be useful instead of just a beefed up 'reinforcement'. :P

Edited by Capere
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I don't want any combos.  Just gibme melee as an equippable weapon.

With your quipped weapon - combos will be the only thing you will do. You will have to time and alternate light and heavy attacks and build up your combo-meter.

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