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Do We Need Market 2.0?


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Hello my fellow Tennos.



Looking at the Market lately i noticed that some things there are obsolete and some are well pass expiration date.



Market as it is is complete mess if you ask me. Mod packs are still there, credit packs are still there, old bundles are still there ( to be worse, at old prices ) and some items have ridiculous pricing.



About mod packs. What is selling rate of those after mod trade was introduced? Who in their right mind will pay 70+ plat to have chance of obtaining rare mod that might or might not be Frame power mod? When you can get all mods that you need for less than 20 platinum per mod.



About old bundles. I can understand why DE keeps them there, but i dont understand why older items are priced at full prices. If something is bundled, it should be changed as soon as new bundle is introduced. If you wanna keep old pricing, add something new in old bundle to make it more desirable. When i look at Nekros bundle, i cannot wonder and ask myself "Is that bundle attractive to anyone anymore?"



Do we need better pricing of items and older items that arent used as much on sale? Better bundles that have change of bundled items with time? Do we even need some items on Market ( mod packs, credit packs, resources )?




Sorry for the long post, but weirdest ideas come to my mind just before i am to go to sleep.

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Maybe if they change in the old bundles something then would be viable. I mean maybe they can decrease their price by 30-40 plat in the larger bundles 20-30% in mod and fusion core pack they can change the amount of mods grant if you buy that bundle like you given 10 mod and 2 rare others random uncommon-common and that 75 platinum is almost okay. I never used xp or credit boost so they are useless for me "i know that help to reduce grind" but i like to do in my way more run and stay long in a mission. Color palettes are cosmetics but i think that the basic color pack should be free for all people and the others if you want to buy then buy for 50 plat. The credit trade is just useless function here after you can go everywhere and earn credits and it depend on you run or loot you reach more.


The weapons and warframes pricing just bad because you can buy fairly the two still and one not beginner frame for 75 plat and these frames aren't crap but for an example you should pay 175 plat for mag which is also beginner. This depend on what are you pay for slots what given the new brought frame or the potatoes what they give (20 plat + 20 plat slot) so 40 plat is just these two thing and the whole part the frame and nothing grant if you buy nova that better than an Excall. The correct pricing for frames is 100-150 for weapons is 50-120 depend on type and abilities.


I also would to like if they add the old stuffs and the event weapons like pangolin or jaw blade etc in market to buy. They should revise the weapons stats and the needs because i think that no one will pay for a skana when they begin with it and if you sell that sword and later wish to buy again you pay more than cronus which better sword and needs less.

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Just delete the market stuffs and add those stuff after revised and balanced with freshy stats and infos. Like the helmets in market which are still confusing with the old stat changers and the new only style helmets. I am not sure but the immortal skins are just waste of money because not looks cool and still very low the variations. For this money we should change more on our frames.

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What I have to say is.. Do you want them to prioritize melee 2.0 or the market for starters? It's like that with everything, patience is what you gotta stick with for now. It's not like they wont do changes to these. They know whats up, and they do listen. But their prioritize for now is End-Game material and basically Melee 2.0 (lets hope new infestation tilesets come with Melee 2.0, eris is infestation homelands?)



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