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Melee 2.0: Shiny, But Useless Toy.


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Sometimes i like to paint myself orange and pretend im a carrot.

Best post in the entire thread.


But the OP needs to know what he/she is actually talking about before giving a review on something that hasn't been released. You know... reviewing comes AFTER a release. This is a Prediction thread.


Warframe is an FPS- Incorrect. When Third Person Shooters are somehow First Person Shooters... oh wait, they aren't.

letir, on 13 Mar 2014 - 03:08 AM, said:snapback.png

You engaging Napalm 40 lvl. He's knocked you down with unavoidable AOE and finish fight with one-two shots

Let me guess, you are one of the many brilliant people who believed that Melee attacking a Toxic Ancient gives you double affinity as well?

Unavoidable AOE? You jump over it. Or, better yet, you don't run DIRECTLY at the thing, in its line of sight, which is what triggers said AOE.


This thread is poorly thought out.

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Melee right now is viable, you just need either Gallatine, Jat, Orthos .P, Fang .P, or ... that other .P sword....


If you put on all damage ups for your attacks, (charge or light) then use them on Ash or Loki, then you can do some good damage. Its not a good system at all, but its possible to make Melee as good as guns.



Melee 2.0: Is going to make all melee as good as guns, or most of them, and make Melee fun to use, and not gimmicky and hard to control.

Warframe don't have proper HP balance


Then you came on really high level (something about 50-70-100), even most tough warframe will become glascannon, bcs enemies can kill you VERY fast. And there is only way to survive: kill them faster and safer.


Guns give you DPS and distance - that's crucial thing.

letir, on 13 Mar 2014 - 03:08 AM, said:snapback.png

Let me guess, you are one of the many brilliant people who believed that Melee attacking a Toxic Ancient gives you double affinity as well?

Unavoidable AOE? You jump over it. Or, better yet, you don't run DIRECTLY at the thing, in its line of sight, which is what triggers said AOE.


This thread is poorly thought out.

You cannot jump - you will be knocked down in flight.

You cannot prevent this with melee - it's almost insta-spell.

You cannot block/parry/counter it - without special mods/powers.


CC problem is stiil here, if you don't use Rhino all time.

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Why do people think Melee isn't viable? I use Melee very often, matter of fact my order or usage is Primary>Melee>Secondary.

On high levels you will be killed before you sword touch first enemy. In most cases.

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I'm going to echo what has been said a thousand times already: Wait until the system drops before tearing it to pieces.


DE has already stated that the new system is going to be adding new forms of CC through Melee, which while yes won't be murdering everything in sight, CC is the name of the game in endless game types.

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I don't think Melee 2.0 is going to be a bad thing...

I do think it's going to change the way everyone handles enemies.


Players have a hitbox.

Players aren't intangible.

Punch-through is one of the more (slot value) expensive and hard to acquire mods for ranged weapons.

Players swarming the mobs with melee are going to block ranged primary attacks that aren't aoe... it happens now.


This will enforce, merely by virtue of the game physics, teams to become more careful and efficient.


The super flashy stuff is nice, but I want some simple, utilitarian moves for CQC.

The things I would want to see are:

gun butts, an option to use primary weapon to block a melee attack (Ogris blows up in yo FACE!), curb stomps, and melee blocking/parrying of ranged and melee,

Weapon repairing (credit cost only).


Everyone thinks of this game as an ME3 multiplayer adaptation. I think of it this way, but with an Armored Core spin...


Ideally (IMO):


We are mercenaries but we choose the mission based on potential rewards. Our degree of performance should affect the amount we get from the mission.

Do an awesome job, make lotso money. Do a trash job and actually wind up owing Lotus for the mission.

If that trash job was on an item reward mission, She holds that item in hock until you cough up the rest of her dough.


Lotus is our OPs manager, she should be getting a cut. We should see that cut at the end.


We should be paying for wear and tear on frames and weapons. It should be accounted in the mission rewards.

A player who is clearing the mission skillfully (minimal wear and tear) really ought to reap better rewards than the guys having to get rez'd every 50 seconds.

All abilities cause some wear and tear to the frame, Ultimate abilities do a large amount (comparatively speaking). So heavy use of them reduces frame integrity by a lot.

You can do it, it won't kill you... You'll just be paying for a ton of repairs at the missions end.


Instead of the mission breakdown screen showing how you did as compared to the other members it should be showing how you (just you) did and what percentage of the reward you actually got for completing the mission.

Team contribution should be accessible from inside the mission.. The only thing it's truly good for is spotting leechers or afks anyway. For the players who use it as a litmus to their personal performance they won't have to wait til the end to see it.


If a mod is picked up by any member in a mission, everyone gets it. Period. A generic (not requiring a mod) player skill should take the place of Carriers function allowing players to vacuum orbs, ammo, etc up from a good distance away.

Carrier's function should be just that... To carry stuff, not merely pick it up. You should be able to access the Arsenal or a preset alternate loadout from Carrier allowing you the option of switching weapons or load-out from inside the mission.


We should also be getting options to increase the quality of weapons that don't involve mod slot efficiency (why can't Lato be as efficient as Marelok if you are willing to spend the credits and time to get it there?)


These are just my opinions and aspirations though. Skill is really not well rewarded in this game, which is why we see so little of it.

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I don't think Melee 2.0 is going to be a bad thing...

I do think it's going to change the way everyone handles enemies.


Players have a hitbox.

Players aren't intangible.

Punch-through is one of the more (slot value) expensive and hard to acquire mods for ranged weapons.

Players swarming the mobs with melee are going to block ranged primary attacks that aren't aoe... it happens now.


This will enforce, merely by virtue of the game physics, teams to become more careful and efficient.


The super flashy stuff is nice, but I want some simple, utilitarian moves for CQC.

The things I would want to see are:

gun butts, an option to use primary weapon to block a melee attack (Ogris blows up in yo FACE!), curb stomps, and melee blocking/parrying of ranged and melee,

Weapon repairing (credit cost only).


Everyone thinks of this game as an ME3 multiplayer adaptation. I think of it this way, but with an Armored Core spin...


Ideally (IMO):


We are mercenaries but we choose the mission based on potential rewards. Our degree of performance should affect the amount we get from the mission.

Do an awesome job, make lotso money. Do a trash job and actually wind up owing Lotus for the mission.

If that trash job was on an item reward mission, She holds that item in hock until you cough up the rest of her dough.


Lotus is our OPs manager, she should be getting a cut. We should see that cut at the end.


We should be paying for wear and tear on frames and weapons. It should be accounted in the mission rewards.

A player who is clearing the mission skillfully (minimal wear and tear) really ought to reap better rewards than the guys having to get rez'd every 50 seconds.

All abilities cause some wear and tear to the frame, Ultimate abilities do a large amount (comparatively speaking). So heavy use of them reduces frame integrity by a lot.

You can do it, it won't kill you... You'll just be paying for a ton of repairs at the missions end.


Instead of the mission breakdown screen showing how you did as compared to the other members it should be showing how you (just you) did and what percentage of the reward you actually got for completing the mission.

Team contribution should be accessible from inside the mission.. The only thing it's truly good for is spotting leechers or afks anyway. For the players who use it as a litmus to their personal performance they won't have to wait til the end to see it.


If a mod is picked up by any member in a mission, everyone gets it. Period. A generic (not requiring a mod) player skill should take the place of Carriers function allowing players to vacuum orbs, ammo, etc up from a good distance away.

Carrier's function should be just that... To carry stuff, not merely pick it up. You should be able to access the Arsenal or a preset alternate loadout from Carrier allowing you the option of switching weapons or load-out from inside the mission.


We should also be getting options to increase the quality of weapons that don't involve mod slot efficiency (why can't Lato be as efficient as Marelok if you are willing to spend the credits and time to get it there?)


These are just my opinions and aspirations though. Skill is really not well rewarded in this game, which is why we see so little of it.


One problem. WE ARE NOT MERCENARIES! We are Warriors from a anctient time lead by a mysterious person to try to keep ballance so no side in a war gets a advantige because if one side destroys the other the Tenno don't have the power to destroy the side that won.


So ya, stop listening to Ruk when he calls us mercinaries, if anything the Corpus are the mercinaries.

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With current melee 1.0, Loki wishes to talk with you.

Melee 2.0, Loki doesn't care, it looks cool so that's good enough for me. Besides, Loki.

Also, Loki.


Furthermore, Loki


And last but not least, Loki.



you forgot loki

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One problem. WE ARE NOT MERCENARIES! We are Warriors from a anctient time lead by a mysterious person to try to keep ballance so no side in a war gets a advantige because if one side destroys the other the Tenno don't have the power to destroy the side that won.


So ya, stop listening to Ruk when he calls us mercinaries, if anything the Corpus are the mercinaries.

You ever side with the Corpus?

How about the Grineer?

Mercenaries have been used to impose balance while maintaining plausible deniability for as long as history has been recorded.

You may not want to see yourself that way, but that is what you are as Tenno. 

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You ever side with the Corpus?

How about the Grineer?

Mercenaries have been used to impose balance while maintaining plausible deniability for as long as history has been recorded.

You may not want to see yourself that way, but that is what you are as Tenno. 


The lotus tells us that the Tenno are doing this so that the ballance is better... Or because its are duty to help those who need help. >_>


Also the DE stated that the Tenno are who you want them to be, so if your Tenno is a mercinary then fine, but my Tenno is a Warrior!

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The lotus tells us that the Tenno are doing this so that the ballance is better... Or because its are duty to help those who need help. >_>


Also the DE stated that the Tenno are who you want them to be, so if your Tenno is a mercinary then fine, but my Tenno is a Warrior!

What?  I can't hear you over the sound of all this money!

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The lotus tells us that the Tenno are doing this so that the ballance is better... Or because its are duty to help those who need help. >_>


Also the DE stated that the Tenno are who you want them to be, so if your Tenno is a mercinary then fine, but my Tenno is a Warrior!

Romanticize your mercenary endeavors all you want then. xD

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Romanticize your mercenary endeavors all you want then. xD


The actions may seem mercenary, but the final goal is all that matters. For me, taking the bounties of one enemy against the other is a means to an end: the complete eradication of both Corpus and Grineer.




EDIT: ON TOPIC, I'm looking forward to Melee 2.0, can't wait to use my all-melee Excalibur with it!

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The actions may seem mercenary, but the final goal is all that matters. For me, taking the bounties of one enemy against the other is a means to an end: the complete eradication of both Corpus and Grineer.




EDIT: ON TOPIC, I'm looking forward to Melee 2.0, can't wait to use my all-melee Excalibur with it!

You know what I actually found interesting?


I propose a method of rewarding skill on a sliding scale that's balanced against the player themself as opposed to determining who killed the most mobs in a mission and someone gets stuck on the term "mercenary"...


It says a lot about the playerbase...

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