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Great Game Flawed F2P Model


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Some MMOs have it to where you have a base school like in the soldier or magic and then become a an extension of that base class never an entirely new class tho.

Err, you just described exactly what the class advancement system does. The class may be named differently but the function is effectively the same or better. (cause mage and wizard is exactly the same so...) Warframes are kind of similar in this respect. For example, Saryn is a combination of Loki and Mag. She has a decoy as well as an ability to boost melee damage (invisibility for Loki does this) and has a simple AOE damage ability. (like Mag's Crush)

They could of chosen to give us everything like most other video games for 60 dollars which is fair imo but instead they choose a method in which they can take more money that is greedy. I mean come on they give you 50 plat to start off with then you have to spend 10 bucks to get 170 plat which puts you at 220 plat but o wait!!! certain warframes cost 225 plat LOL so then your forced to drop another 5 dollars. Hey you want the bow wep? well drop some more plat and cash or some other badass weps again drop more plat and cash i feel like im being charged everwhere i turn.

But Warframe is an online game that continues to get free content. If you're going to compare this to a single player game, you forgot to include DLC into your argument =/ If you don't want to spend money for a weapon, just make it with ingame money. It's exactly like other singleplayer games. I agree the platinum prices are too high but let's leave the $60 game argument out of the window.

The F2P model allows for flexibility in how much you spend in a game. I've spent $50 on the game but only used about $10-20 worth of platinum (half on cosmetics, half on warframes and slots) and I've mangaed to play pretty much the entire game. (done almost all levels and have every weapon and warframes aside from Banshee)

Edited by Liacu
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Took me 1 good day to get it, GETTING game items with IN GAME currency means GREAT f2p model. Just becuase you dont want to spend the 5 hours to grind the 1 warframe (other MMOS you spend hundreds getting gear) doesnt mean the model is bad. GG

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Took me 1 good day to get it, GETTING game items with IN GAME currency means GREAT f2p model. Just becuase you dont want to spend the 5 hours to grind the 1 warframe (other MMOS you spend hundreds getting gear) doesnt mean the model is bad. GG

lmao the 5 hours? I already put 13 hours into the game and im no where near to getting sayrm she is on a lvl 40 or so planet and im only lvl 15 on my excalibur and im stuck on the planet before the one i need to get to to grind out parts because im not high enough lvl to even deal with those lvls it will take me another week or 2 to even start grinding out for that warframe. It's w/e ill come back when the game launches see how its doin then

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You know I think a lot people get thrown by the 3rd person co-op action game aspects of Warframe when thinking of it's pay model. Not many free-2-play games like it. Most are pretty ubiquitous fantasy games or first-person shooters.

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They could of chosen to give us everything like most other video games for 60 dollars which is fair imo but instead they choose a method in which they can take more money that is greedy. I mean come on they give you 50 plat to start off with then you have to spend 10 bucks to get 170 plat which puts you at 220 plat but o wait!!! certain warframes cost 225 plat LOL so then your forced to drop another 5 dollars. Hey you want the bow wep? well drop some more plat and cash or some other badass weps again drop more plat and cash i feel like im being charged everwhere i turn.


I spent 50 USD. Out of that 50 USD. I've probably use about 10-15 of it in game. The rest is just sitting there.

I have almost everything in game. Only missing a few weapons and a few warframes that I haven't taken the time to farm.

If this were a normal game. You'd spend 50-60 USD. And you would STILL have to farm those extra warframes and weapons.

The only thing you really "need" to buy, IMO are warframe slots and weapon slots. And those are bloody cheap. Orokin Catalysts and Reactors could possibly go on those but a patient player can get those in game as well without spending real money. And even the weapon and warframe slots are questionable as to whether you "need" to buy them. If you have a favorite warframe then 2 slots is fine. If you don't just keep the one you like best, then keep making and deleting the other one until you find one you like better. The same goes for the weapons.

Unlike some F2P games. You can get basically EVERYTHING in this game without spending a single penny.

Edited by silent_buddha
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the duel pistols Akbolto, duel Afuris, karaken, Paris and duel heated swords their are many many weps can only be unlockd with plat go ingame market and take a look for yourself

You might want to go look yourself. I spent in game credits on those and made them myself. Not a single platinum spent on weapons except for the Orokin Catalysts. And I have 2x Orokin Catalyst blueprints in my inventory right now. So I don't even have to buy those with platinum for my next 2 weapons.

Platinum is there as a convenience. If you don't want to spend the time to farm the stuff like you would in a normal non-F2P game, then you can buy it instead.

Me? I gave them 50 USD because I've spent more time in this game than I have in many "normal" games. I don't think I'm ever going to use all of that money in game (only about 10-15 USD so far in over a month). But that's besides the point. I gave them 50 USD because I have definitely gotten 50 USD worth of gameplay out of it.

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You might want to go look yourself. I spent in game credits on those and made them myself. Not a single platinum spent on weapons except for the Orokin Catalysts. And I have 2x Orokin Catalyst blueprints in my inventory right now. So I don't even have to buy those with platinum for my next 2 weapons.

so u have paris with ingame cred?

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the duel pistols Akbolto, duel Afuris, karaken, Paris and duel heated swords their are many many weps can only be unlockd with plat go ingame market and take a look for yourself

Blueprints my friend. blueprints. I am living proof that all those can be made for free. I've done it already. (I wasn't kidding when I said I have almost all the weapons in the game)

so u have paris with ingame cred?

Yes. Yes I do. (along with a few materials spent)

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the duel pistols Akbolto, duel Afuris, karaken, Paris and duel heated swords their are many many weps can only be unlockd with plat go ingame market and take a look for yourself

Come on! True Tenno are smarter than this...



BPs for sale!! Get your BPs for CRED ONLY!!

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Blueprints my friend. blueprints. I am living proof that all those can be made for free. I've done it already. (I wasn't kidding when I said I have almost all the weapons in the game)

Yes. Yes I do. (along with a few materials spent)

well then that is awesome i was led to believe diff and no info on buildin it

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well then that is awesome i was led to believe diff and no info on buildin it

Eh, the blueprints are very noticeable if you just looked in the store. I think the Lotus even shows you the Foundry at one point.

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well then that is awesome i was led to believe diff and no info on buildin it

Yeah, the game is in BETA still so a lot of things aren't very well explained in game.

Eh, the blueprints are very noticeable if you just looked in the store. I think the Lotus even shows you the Foundry at one point.

The Lotus shows the foundry but isn't terribly clear on how you get the blueprints. A person digging in the marketplace might run across them. But if, like me when I first started playing, you think the Marketplace is just another name for cash shop, you might never go in there. Or only see the first page of each section (which is only platinum items usually).

More likely what happens for a first time player is they click on the weapon or warframe icon in your Armory and see Warframes and Weapons for sale. Some are credits and others are platinum. You don't see blueprints there. So it'd be easy to assume then that those platinum items can only be obtained with platinum.

It's just a bit of confusion. Hopefully by the time this game comes out of BETA, things like that won't be as confusing for new players.

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look this game is great i just feel like the cost of plat is a turn off to many potential players who don't wanna invest time into the game such as my friends and myself either way i hope this game succeeds i love the idea of it

Can't have it all. And right now the idea you love is the candy center of a microtransaction-fueled F2P Gobstopper. It may not be everlasting but the pay model and contintual content dump are surely striving for it.

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Some big misnomers going on in here. For one, no weapon in the game currently can only be purchased with platinum. For those that do not offer a credit price in the Arsenal, you have to go to the Market and purchase the requisite blueprint for it. You then have to construct that BP in the Foundry. For those weapons that do not appear in the Market at all (such as the Plasma/Heat/Jaw/Pangolin Swords), you need to receive the blueprint for those from a special alert (note these '?' alert rewards are not randomized between players). These weapons can't be purchased with platinum AT ALL, so you have to spend the time hawking alert notifications to get the right one.

I'd just like to give a personal example of how this game can be easily played without spending a cent (since my current MO on the F2P circuit is to milk as much out of a game without paying at all). I believe there are four crucial pillars of F2P in this game; tasks that if you complete without using platinum, you will have overcome the F2P system. For reference, before Update 7, I spent between 70-75 hours in-game over a period of about a month and a half. Here are the pillars:

1. Farmed and built a rare weapon/alt helmet (Plasma Sword completed, collected every rare sword and dagger BP excluding the Dark Sword, and six unique alt helms).

2. Farmed and built a new frame (two, Frost & Ember).

3. Collected an Orokin Catalyst (from alerts and login rewards, total of eleven so far).

4. Collected an Orokin Reactor (from alerts and login rewards, total of six so far).

I did all of this between the releases of Update 6 and Update 7, all while having an immense amount of fun with just the core gameplay. After I maxed out Frost, I started to tone down my hours of gameplay, only bothering with major alerts (I also beta test numerous other F2P games simultaneously, so I switch in and out with updates). Most importantly, I didn't burn myself out. I'm on another short break now because of a rash of major retail releases, but when I come back, I'm sure I'll find the game just as enjoyable as when I first started, because I took my time with it, I didn't get frustrated over the grind, and I never had the perception that I NEEDED platinum.

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They could of chosen to give us everything like most other video games for 60 dollars which is fair imo but instead they choose a method in which they can take more money that is greedy. I mean come on they give you 50 plat to start off with then you have to spend 10 bucks to get 170 plat which puts you at 220 plat but o wait!!! certain warframes cost 225 plat LOL so then your forced to drop another 5 dollars. Hey you want the bow wep? well drop some more plat and cash or some other badass weps again drop more plat and cash i feel like im being charged everwhere i turn.

Yeah. If you want stuff, you have to play for it.

Its a free2play game. And you can get everything without paying a cent. You want to change the whole game into a normal buy to play because you dont want to work for your frames? Thats not gonna happen. if thats a problem for you, leave. You knew this game is free to play, so stop whining...

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Farm the parts buy the blueprints, craft the stuff.

How hard is it?

seriously going to complain about not getting better/newer warframes for free in a f2p model? when they gave you ways to obtain it for free and might I add the drop rate isn't even craptastic.

You can literally get all 3 pieces from 3 runs to 3 days.

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Farm the parts buy the blueprints, craft the stuff.

How hard is it?

seriously going to complain about not getting better/newer warframes for free in a f2p model? when they gave you ways to obtain it for free and might I add the drop rate isn't even craptastic.

You can literally get all 3 pieces from 3 runs to 3 days.

Can I get an "Amen?"

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