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Honor Amongst Tenno


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aww this post makes me all fuzzy inside :) i always help where help is needed, i like to go to apollodorus and help new players and welcome them to the game :) i can't think of anything particuallry note worthy that i have done... but when i first started warframe (update 5 ish) there was a mastery 11 guy i joined one game and he helped me all the way to mastery 9 :) been trying to live up to his name ever since..

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Me (Volt), a Rhino, a Frost, and a douchie Ember from pubs went on an alert mission, we arrived at the elevator and the Frost guy was a bit behind. He was almost in, barely made the door when the Ember pushed the button. I didn't say a thing but I was quite &!$$ed with that. Near the end there was another elevator, this time the Frost guy new better and was in, but hold on guys, I see the Ember was breaking some container. AHA! I pushed the button with a big smile on my face, bye bye Ember.


At the extraction room, the Frost thinking that it was me who left him earlier proceeded to shoot my face :( . But I don't mind, because in my heart I new, that move was for you Frost. I avenged you. Honor amongst Tenno!

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  • 2 weeks later...

Got a more recent one to add to this topic if this one is allowed too. ^_^


Me on my ember and a Nyx got the whole time in an argument about the abilities of our frames while we kept clearing wave after wave of enemies together with a vauban and a rhino. The rhino and the vauban only said that when one of us got in trouble, they would help us. I got downed while trying to protect the pod, which gave the rhino enough time to finish the job. Now you would think he would revive me after that, but he left without reviving me. The nyx on the other hand came from across halfway the map to revive me.

Afterwards when the nyx got in the same situation, rhino and vauban both fled since they didn't want to die. I went to her and managed to revive her in time.  At that time we just stopped relying on the rhino and vauban and began to rely on each other while still keeping the arguments.

Turned out the two of us not only had a higher kill count, but neither of us got killed while the other two got killed 3 times.

While Nyx and me were arguing the whole time, we actually managed to work together good enough to get us to wave 40 without one of us actually getting killed.


The vauban and Rhino left immediately afterwards while the nyx funny enough stayed to thank me for the help and leave afterwards.

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