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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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"Calm down it is just me Eva" Talvi said and let go from Eva's ankles stood up and looked on her eyes. "Seems to be that Mirage managed to do quite a miracles to you Eva" Talvi said "What was wrong on me by the way?" Melaney asked "There was some circuits broken or offline on your helmet making you unable to see, hear or speak" Talvi said "Right... I will be going now" Melaney said "Good day to you Melaney" Talvi said "Good day to you two" Melaney said and walked out of the situation.


"I talked with Mirage and heard the whole story. Seems to be that the reason also why Neural Sentry wanted to talk with you is that eye color change ability. Don't worry it hasn't made any tests on you. It is just interested" Talvi said after he hugged Eva.


Is'Gol pushed Lisa inside of the bag so she would stop kissing and interrupt his sleeping but he did appriciate Lisa's feelings towards him.

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Talvi breathed through the feet. "Oh lord I know on what kind of manner" Talvi said and gave long kiss to Eva. After it "I hope you are not mad at me about what I did but I think Melaney had a hint of smile on her face when I did that to you" Talvi said.

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Talvi lay down next to of Eva and massaged front of her shoulders and stomach to calm down her down just like long time ago. (I still remember that moment) Talvi thought as remembered the moment when he made Eva fell asleep after her bursting out some hate on him.

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Thalia sighed and left the room, heading toward Natalia's room, wanting to talk to her and see if she understood why Thalia was feeling mad at everything. She stepped into the room, figuring her sister wouldn't mind, and saw two people, one, she was okay with, perhaps even happy to see were it not for the memories carried by her, the other, someone she wanted dead, very dead, she let out a low growl at which point Natalia turned, raising a hand and pinning Thalia to a wall with shackles made from nanites, fastening and tightening to the wall so as to restrict her movement.

"Now Thalia-" Natalia started,

"BETRAYER! MURDERER!" Thalia roared, struggling against her bonds even though she didn't want to be let free.

((Icedragon, since Revel and Tuckr are two "manning" for pages, I thought you hadn't seen it.))

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(OOC: I swear I responded to that :/)

Fili looked to Thalia as she entered. Immediately her smile dropped and her eyes turned fearful. When she growled. Fili's eyes widened and she began shaking. When she was suddenly restrained and began yelling, she let out a small, but loud, scream.

She began covering her ears, clenching her eyes. She didn't want to to hear Thalia's words. They reminded her too much of his. The Osprey flew into a space between the two, letting out beeps that told her to stop.

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(OOC: I swear I responded to that :/)

Fili looked to Thalia as she entered. Immediately her smile dropped and her eyes turned fearful. When she growled. Fili's eyes widened and she began shaking. When she was suddenly restrained and began yelling, she let out a small, but loud, scream.

She began covering her ears, clenching her eyes. She didn't want to to hear Thalia's words. They reminded her too much of his. The Osprey flew into a space between the two, letting out beeps that told her to stop.

"YOU KILLED HER!" Thalia screamed before dissolving into sobs, "You killed my sister." She whispered, letting her head hang as Natalia stepped up to her to give her a hug, she cried into Natalia's shoulder for a little longer, eventually sniffing as the shackles disappeared, letting her hang in Natalia's arms for a few moments, getting a whispered pep talk, after which she stood, wiping away her tears with the back of her hand, walking up to Fili and looking down at her,

"You killed my sister, my creator, and I forgive you." She said, loud enough to know she'd been heard, offering a hand to the android, "You should really forgive yourself."

Edited by ultimatumcore
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Fili uncovered her ears and opened her eyes, slowly looking at Thalia, Natalia then back to Thalia again, tears in her eyes.

"How?" She got out quietly. "How could you forgive me for what I, he, me..."

She put her hands to her head and began shaking it, as if the action would out all her scrambled thoughts back into place.

"... did?"

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Fili uncovered her ears and opened her eyes, slowly looking at Thalia, Natalia then back to Thalia again, tears in her eyes.

"How?" She got out quietly. "How could you forgive me for what I, he, me..."

She put her hands to her head and began shaking it, as if the action would out all her scrambled thoughts back into place.

"... did?"

"Heh, I really can't," Thalia chuckled, "But Natalia has quite the way with words, especially when they're right, 'Everyone's got dead people, it's no excuse to get others dead along the way,'" She quoted, "I just...I don't feel like it would be best if you were dead, I was incredibly angry, all day, with no idea why, Natalia saw this, and she explained it, she understood, she told me, and now I tell you, we, the tenno, Corpus, Grineer, even the human slaves and infested, we all need to do a special thing, something that can easily be done, but is hard to understand for most, we have to treat each and every day exactly how we want it to, we have to force the future to be true, we have to believe that we can do it, because we are nothing without the constant forward motion." She said, taking a deep breath after her one sentence paragraph.

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Fili looked down. "I don't want to move forward though... Everytime I do, every time I try to help people, the same thing happens. I hurt then instead. I kill them. That's all I've known and all I've done since I was activated."

She collapses into sobs, the Osprey's beeps of comfort seemingly joining mute in her ears. Her head rested in her palms, tears streaming down them.

"I-I know that's why I was made. T-to do nothing but k-kill. That's why he was created. I-I shouldn't even be in control. I shouldn't even exist!"

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Fili looked down. "I don't want to move forward though... Everytime I do, every time I try to help people, the same thing happens. I hurt then instead. I kill them. That's all I've known and all I've done since I was activated."

She collapses into sobs, the Osprey's beeps of comfort seemingly joining mute in her ears. Her head rested in her palms, tears streaming down them.

"I-I know that's why I was made. T-to do nothing but k-kill. That's why he was created. I-I shouldn't even be in control. I shouldn't even exist!"

Thalia thought for a few moments,

"I really don't know what to say, I-i was a lot like you when I was originally created, I had one purpose, to watch over Urza's excess cells when... Oh no. Oh my god... I-I've gotta go, Urza needs me!" She said, standing and looking at Natalia, "You've got this right?" She asked, not waiting as she sprinted out of the room.

Natalia looked quizzically at Thalia as she left,

"I think that she was trying to say something along the lines of, 'you can learn to do good.' But, I don't know how well that works out, good or bad, it looks like you'll have to do killing, because I definitely want you around, but if you don't want to hurt anyone the best you can do is isolate yourself, which would hurt us." Natalia said, pulling up a chair beside Fili's and taking a seat, putting an arm around the android's shoulders.

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Thalia thought for a few moments,

"I really don't know what to say, I-i was a lot like you when I was originally created, I had one purpose, to watch over Urza's excess cells when... Oh no. Oh my god... I-I've gotta go, Urza needs me!" She said, standing and looking at Natalia, "You've got this right?" She asked, not waiting as she sprinted out of the room.

Natalia looked quizzically at Thalia as she left,

"I think that she was trying to say something along the lines of, 'you can learn to do good.' But, I don't know how well that works out, good or bad, it looks like you'll have to do killing, because I definitely want you around, but if you don't want to hurt anyone the best you can do is isolate yourself, which would hurt us." Natalia said, pulling up a chair beside Fili's and taking a seat, putting an arm around the android's shoulders.

((Pssst. Icedragonofamber.))

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Fili looked up at Thalia as she spoke and left, tears still streaming down her face. She looked down and spoke softly. "She's not like me. I don't have a purpose. Never had a purpose. I... I never had a reason... t-to exist." She broke dow. Again, hands on her face, no longer speaking quietly. "I-I don't even have memories of my past. M-my only hope of finding my purpose... GONE!"

She took her hands off her face and was shouting now, a waterfall of tears streaming down from her eyes. "THEY WERE ALL DELETED! ALL GONE! WHAT DO I HAVE NOW? WHAT HOPE." She collapsed back into her hands, speaking softly now. "He deleted them all... took it all away from me."

"I-I won't be around if I keep killing. Ev-everytime he'a in control, e-everytime he kills, h-he gains more control. If it keeps happening, it will always be him. I-I'll be gone, we'll all be gone, a-and he'll be all that's left..."

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Fili looked up at Thalia as she spoke and left, tears still streaming down her face. She looked down and spoke softly. "She's not like me. I don't have a purpose. Never had a purpose. I... I never had a reason... t-to exist." She broke dow. Again, hands on her face, no longer speaking quietly. "I-I don't even have memories of my past. M-my only hope of finding my purpose... GONE!"

She took her hands off her face and was shouting now, a waterfall of tears streaming down from her eyes. "THEY WERE ALL DELETED! ALL GONE! WHAT DO I HAVE NOW? WHAT HOPE." She collapsed back into her hands, speaking softly now. "He deleted them all... took it all away from me."

"I-I won't be around if I keep killing. Ev-everytime he'a in control, e-everytime he kills, h-he gains more control. If it keeps happening, it will always be him. I-I'll be gone, we'll all be gone, a-and he'll be all that's left..."

"I-I don't know what to say." Natalia said quietly, bringing Fili into a hug, "I'm so sorry for your memories being deleted. I wish there was something I could do," she murmured, hanging onto her now. "I just want you to know, I'll protect you, I'll make sure nothing can hurt you." She whispered.

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Talvi departed from Eva's and Lisa's room to go look for what is going on with Is'Gol and his team mates.


Meanwhile Natalia and Fili would hear paper rustling coming from somewhere. Possibly somebody throwing away a piece of paper but instead of expected noises of paper ball meeting a ground. There is heard bird chirping and bird flied somewhere.

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((They are inside a locked room, with one of them crying, how could they possibly hear paper rustling and a bird chirping? Especially since there have been no birds reported anywhere around the dome.))

"It's okay," Natalia whispered, "It's good to cry, and I can tell you are very afraid. But you don't need to worry, we just have to do our best to keep him out of control. That means, if there's danger, you run, and don't look back, alright?" She asked, rubbing Fili's back to comfort her.

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((I'll grant you that, Thalia probably left the door unlocked, but it would close on it's own, the doors are the tenno circular ones remember? They close by themselves, a room doesn't have to be sound proof to block the sound of paper rustling, which is inaudible to most, present company excluded, if they did hear the paper, they probably wouldn't care, so I can edit if you like.))

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Fili continued to cry, though when Natalia offered her protection, her grip tightened as she attempted to soeak two words. "T-th-thank y-you"

At the second question, Fili broke off and looked Natalia in the face, tears still streaming down her. "B-b-but what if y-your there? I-I just couldn't l-leave you. I-if something happened to you, a-and I ran... I-I don't think I-I would be a-able to k-keep going..

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Fili continued to cry, though when Natalia offered her protection, her grip tightened as she attempted to soeak two words. "T-th-thank y-you"

At the second question, Fili broke off and looked Natalia in the face, tears still streaming down her. "B-b-but what if y-your there? I-I just couldn't l-leave you. I-if something happened to you, a-and I ran... I-I don't think I-I would be a-able to k-keep going..

"I'll do something to slow them down and run with you, don't worry, I won't sacrifice myself. In fact, if there's any trouble, I'll probably be pulling you along behind my as I haul &#!." She joked, "I don't want you to worry about a thing, I can keep you safe, and if it comes to it, Urza or Halcyon can." She smiled, "And I've backed myself up with some extra nanites, so I'll live even if someone destroys my AI core, we've got nothing to worry about."

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