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Dome Of Civilizations. Library, Arena And Hall.


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"You said we are a couple now. When an Alpha Wolf seeks his mate he seek another Alpha. If she accepts him and they mate It is for life. I am an Alpha. Rose, I'm not a toy. If you are not sure. Let me know now." he said. Stopping her and he turn looking her in the eyes. Waiting, listening for the brake in her voice.

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Talvi lied down on the bed and was still thinking. "Let's get some sleep then" Talvi said and pulled the blanket over him as he had taken comfortable position but he was still bothered by the fact of how Ashtare and Yngvette are doing. Nobody of Ingron's friends hasn't messaged about both of them.

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Talvi soon fell asleep and allowed Harina to cuddle him. At next morning he slowly broke the cuddle and went put his warframe on and went to eat the breakfast. He ended up talking with his mother again "Good morning son. You happen to have void key with you?" Tiandra asked as they ate "I do but we can not leap in to there in here. Let's go to Earth for that" Talvi said "Today if possible?" Tiandra asked "Today. I think it is good for you that you will see with your own eyes what has happened" Talvi said.


"That didn't sound good" Tiandra said.

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Halcyon woke, not sure when he'd fallen asleep, he was in a room, no one around,.and he remembered he'd rented it himself, he stood, brushed his warframe off, and headed for the arena of ancients, giving in and deciding to fiddle with some of the simulations. He looked through them before coming to a simulation marked,


"There's no way they made it half as strong as the real one." He muttered, watching as nothing happened, they weren't appearing. Until the Grineer head brust from the ground behind him, slamming the scythe down just behind him, getting the scythe stuck in the floor. Halcyon rolled forward, and turned, his Dex Furis leaping into his hands. 44 bullets per second with an extra 140% multishot slammed into the beasts mouth, and it glitched, not supposed to be able to take so much damage so quickly. The grineer head died, and another head appeared, this one clipped half inside a wall, making it impossible to kill, the third head appeared outside the arena of ancients, somehow getting past the protocols that held them inside,the mechs jumped into action, attacking Lephantis, but not advanced enough apparently to hit it's weak spots. I raced forward, climbing the monster and getting over to it's neck flap things, prying said neck flaps open and spraying into it with one of the Dex Furis, switching to the other when that one ran out of ammo. That head died, but one remained, and it could be anywhere in the liberal library.

(Game on guys, this, and uhhh, that, gotten out of our systems? Yes? Good, cuz we've got a Lephantis attack, carry on. And yes, you did say Anything could be spawned, but didn't say how well it would keep inside the arena.)

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arriving at the Kitchens they had eaten their meal Ookami ate a little ravenous starved from the prior activity. He wouldn't be able to hide the glow one gets from their first time (that is if its a good experience.) for a few days. "I wanted to tell you something Rose. I hope you wont think less of me. But You told me you were an Ember Prime." he looked down at his plate. A sense of embaressment on his face. "I... I have abilities too. But..." he stopped there. He couldn't continue.




Kosha still sitting in Anrek's office, tired for there journey fell asleep in her chair.

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Anrek saw that Kosha fell asleep thought a moment allowed her to sleep for about hour then gave signal to guard "Kosha!" Guard shouted really fast and hard that even a largets grineer would have been banished from dreams and come back to ground soon as Kosha perked up and looked around what's going on guard explains what happened.


Meanwhile at Arena. Last head burst out from arena ground and turned to attack on Halcyon there was clear impale wounds done by mechs with their weapons. Those weapons must be terrifyingly powerful when they are able to punch through this abominations armor. "We have things in control here. Just finish it off or ask for pausing the simulation" operator of arena said on microphone. Halcyon was able to see on distance that there is somebody operating the arena.

Edited by Revel72
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She explained what had happen on Earth on their supposed Vacation and the Ookami had discovered the last ability. And they importance of contacting the Lotus to inform her. As well had how important it was that the Frame was perpaired for him. As well as the Rite of Passage the Tenno had to endure to use that frame and that with the Arena and Anrek being Ookami's mentor that he had to be the administrator. It had to be an impartial person or it would be to easy or to difficult, for Ookami. Also she explains that it had to be before Ookami's next naming day which was in a week or two. (( in game time ))


(( the Frame I thought that with Ookami's closeness with the Orokin and it language and his research. That instead of a regular Frame or a Prime  that we could make it a Proto Frame. It will appear like a Prime frame but instead of being trimmed in Gold it would Be trimmed in pure Silver. some where in the middle of regular and prime. His abilities Mimic like loki's decoy but a clone not a hologram. same restrictions. Infraction like invisibility and smoke screen but less duration that invis. but more that smoke screen. Call of the Wild like Nekros's number 4 but only 4 or 5 can be summoned and always Kubrow and always silver. His Frenzy like Ash's original blade storm but half the duration. Where he would use his claws to rip flesh and then the heart out of an enemy. and when channeling add a 5% increase to damage.  The helmet would be wolf like in shape. Its colors would be Black as the main color trimmed in silver as mentioned but have a splash of shy blue somewhere. and His energy color would be the same color blue. I would also like to role play the Rite of Passage if possible. And if you wanted to You could make it this way as an newly discover Ancient frame where little is known. ))

Edited by Ookami_Nihonto
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"Understood. I will grant access to main communication center to you two with this bracelet what is given to every Tenno for access to the Tenno Only library in here" Anrek said after listening the explain and started programming bracelets with help of Garoy who is at workshop after it was done "Here give this to Ookami and another for yourself" Anrek said as hand over the bracelets.

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"Thank you Master Anrek I knew you would understand the importance of this." she said. She rose to leave and thanked him again. She would go to her room to drop off the egg and then go to the Kitchens to eat She hoped to meet Ookami there. and that his business with Garoy was finished.

As she walked to her room she wondered what the Lotus will say when she learns that Ookami was nearing his Destiny. After she had dropped the egg off and arrived at the kitchens she saw Ookami sitting with a rather young girl with blonde hair. The hairs raised on her neck. Somethings happened she thought. "He looks odd... almost like?  No it couldn't be." she whispered to herself. She got her food and sat down at their table. "Hello, my son." she said pulling her chair up to the table.


"Hello Okaachan." he said. Less formal "Mama. this is Rose a new friend I met at Garoy's." he told her. "Rose this is my Mom. Her name is Kosha."

The Valkyr eyed the girl with maternal concern for her son. "Nice to meet you. Rose. An Ember and a Prime I see. Your Orokin tatoo is a lovely shade of pink." she said.


Ookami tried not to let his mother know that he noticed her tone. and hope that Rose didn't either. In his mind 'How do I tell her about Rose and I or do I tell her? I can't lie and I've never hid anything from her.' He sat there silent for awhile and continued to eat.


"So I assume, Master Garoy is dealing with Ruka for you?" she asked


"No ma'am. He wasn't there when I went. I met Rose and We... We were talking and I thought we could get something to eat. Ruka is in my room I'll have to go back to the workshop later." he said.

Edited by Ookami_Nihonto
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"Yes I am. Ookami please get me a drink." she said. He did as asked.


"You, Bedded him didn't you? It's ok it was bound to happen one day. But, don't hurt him." with all that was motherly about her. She looked at Rose intently. "I doubt he could recover if you did. And" in a matter of fact way. laying a hand on Rose's. "If you do. I'll Kill you."


As He returned to the table and handed the glass to Kosha. He sat down "Everything ok." He asked. "Mother, I want to ask you something. I think me and Rose have taken a liking to each other. and I would like for her to stay with me in my room." he said.

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Talvi and Tiandra went towards Talvi's room and Tiandra saw Harina sleeping on the bed where Talvi had slept "You have a lot to explain young man" Tiandra said a loud that Harina must have heard it "Believe me I didn't do that" Talvi said as pulled his helmet off and squinted eyes at Tiandra.

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Shock eminated from his face Wide eyed. He had desided not to tell his mother and She just blurted it out. His face was about forty shades of Red.

"Wha... whaa... What do you mean?" he finally spouted out. "Mom i... " he fell silent.


Looking at Rose Kosha was saying without speaking now you know what I mean about him not being able to handle heartache.


"Its ok, Ookami I'm not nieve and your all aglow like you just had an out of body experience." Kosha said.

"She seems to be a nice girl. and I'm glad you found someone to love you. It was long over due. But, when you have time I need to have a word with you. on another matter I must be going now." she said and left the couple to their whims.

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"It was as if part of me was missing, and I found it. As if i was finally whole." he said. As they walked they wound up at the Observitory. "hhmm." He said.

The last time I was here I was talking to Crim. A Loki friend of mine. I should look him up now that I'm back." he told her. Looking at the stars

"Nope not quite as bright" he said. "Oh that reminds me I was about to tell you just before my Mom showed up. You know I have abilities too. But, I uh. I don't um. I don't have a frame. In fact I don't know what kind of Tenno I am." he said still looking out at the stars. and as he said it he pulled her closer to him. and just hugged her. He felt complete with her. She had been put in his life for a reason. and He was thankful the that moment in time, at that very moment in time.

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Tiandra's helmet fold back and she squinted her eyes at Talvi after she had noticed that Harina had woke up. "Start explaining now" Tiandra said. Talvi explained "Can you confirm it all correct what my son has said Harina?" Tiandra asked with quite bossy sound. Talvi shrugged and waved that "Go ahead" to Harina.

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"Understood" Tiandra said and smiled a bit "We are going to void soon. I will be seeing you possibly tomorrow or after it Harina. Here is the code for my room. Try not to do something seriously embarrassing towards me" Talvi said as handed over piece of paper where was written the door code. "Any questions?" Talvi said as Tiandra and he walked to door.

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He held her close a little longer. Then he pulled from her. "I still need to tend to my friend. (meaning His sentinel) would you like to go with me or would you just want to stay in our room." (it seemed so easy for him to accept her into his life. it was odd but amazing at the same time.). he said.

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Kosha would return to her room and as she sat there looking at the Kubrow egg. Sent her message to the Lotus.




Honorable Lotus, I have done as you have asked and staid on with Ookami and watched his progress. Although he continues to research the Orokin with fervor for the lost faction of samurai He as for as I know has not made any more progress than his last transmission to you. Alas He has progress trimendously in his training and his understanding of the Orokin language. At this time I also include my report of Our mission on Earth. As well I report the He has discovered the final ability and as ordered when this was to happen I have started preparations for his Rite of Passage. I await the final prepartion and any further instructions you may have for Him and for Myself. I feel I must also report that Ookami has also fallen in love with an Ember Prime by the name of Rose. I don't think there is any cause for worry, at this time.


Your Humble Servant.

Kosha Madori. Valkyr.


She finished her report and with the aid of the bracelet she transmitted it.

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"Oh alright. I'll see you later then." he said. then went to Garoy's. walking through the door of the workshop it was just as he remembered. Parts and pieces of this or that kind of tech scattered about. But, he know the Mech. knew each and every piece and its exact location.


"Master Garoy" He called.

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