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Disappointed In Nekros.


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You're not alone in thinking he needs some major work. Nekros is very very good at one thing, and it's not even a fun or thematic thing. I've tried using his other abilities, and they all feel clumsy and Nekros himself feels insanely fragile without any reliable way to keep enemies off himself. Already wrote about what I wish he did over here. :-/

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Yeah, he's pretty boring to play as and I absolutely HATE that skeleton look. Oh, how I wish DE would release a skin that put a little meat on those bones. The way I see things though, I reckon the last few male Warframes have been VERY disappointing compared to the female ones. I mean, just look at the most recent ones. Oberon is a weird looking goat thingy that....makes crappy glowing carpets and flings healing balls around. Compare that with the sleek looking Zephyr who can FLY around the room and reach huge heights or can activate a cool aura that reflects bullets. Or what about Valkyr? She can sling across rooms and be like Spiderman for crying out loud or just grab enemies and fling them across the room. Now compare that with Nekros who looks like an ugly skeleton and ends up being...a glorified corpse looter

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You're not alone in thinking he needs some major work. Nekros is very very good at one thing, and it's not even a fun or thematic thing. I've tried using his other abilities, and they all feel clumsy and Nekros himself feels insanely fragile without any reliable way to keep enemies off himself. Already wrote about what I wish he did over here. :-/


I've read the stuff you listed and I quite like them. Although I do have some thoughts on how to improve on those ideas.


I honestly think Soul Punch should not even be a skill for Nekros. While it's a "good" CC, it's really limited. I was thinking of something perhaps like a radial wave of energy that homes at nearby enemies, damaging them as well as reducing their armor values for a certain time.


Terrify as an aura that "paralyzes" the affected is a really good concept.


For Desecrate, same functions as usual but with a 100% chance of getting a health orb as well as having it cast as fast as it would if we had Natural Talent on. There shouldn't be a mod for increasing casting speeds. If anything, casting speeds should be increased as the frame ranks up. It's just a waste of a mod slot.


Now, for SotD, if I had one real main complaint about it, it would be that the summons don't follow you. Instead, they just scatter around like idiots. Perhaps instead of fixing their dumb AI, the summons would follow you wherever you go during the duration that it is active. Let SotD be purely duration-based. Invulnerability while casting would be nice too also perhaps an % increase in armor for Nekros while it is active.



Yeah, he's pretty boring to play as and I absolutely HATE that skeleton look. Oh, how I wish DE would release a skin that put a little meat on those bones. The way I see things though, I reckon the last few male Warframes have been VERY disappointing compared to the female ones. I mean, just look at the most recent ones. Oberon is a weird looking goat thingy that....makes crappy glowing carpets and flings healing balls around. Compare that with the sleek looking Zephyr who can FLY around the room and reach huge heights or can activate a cool aura that reflects bullets. Or what about Valkyr? She can sling across rooms and be like Spiderman for crying out loud or just grab enemies and fling them across the room. Now compare that with Nekros who looks like an ugly skeleton and ends up being...a glorified corpse looter


Tbh, I love that skeletal look since it suit Nekros the most. Although I've never been fond of the normal helm which looks like a rip-off of the Geth heads in Mass Effect. The moment I laid eyes on the Raknis helmet, that was the true look of Nekros for me.

Edited by AxialBlue
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"Nekros is nothing but a loot mule!" says OP.


"but he's a GREAT loot mule!" says every reply in the thread.


What else is new.


It's new to me since I only just got him and he's boring.

Edited by AxialBlue
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It's new to me since I only just got him and he's boring.


Yeah, not dissing you at all. People have wanted Desecrate changed since before Nekros was even released, but Scott and a lot of other people are perfectly happy with it because it's so effective. Some people want it replaced entirely.  I'd be happy if they just made it more fun to use. There really just needs to be something that ties it in with the rest of his abilities.

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Nekros is bad for the same reason that every new frame is bad: he's not Nova.


But really, the reason people are disappointed in Nekros is that his moves don't necessarily feel good to use aesthetically.  From a gameplay perspective they are strong but people care much more for aesthetics or killing power and don't appreciate utility and unique playstyles.  Sure, he could use some tweaks (every frame can use some tweaks.)  He doesn't need an overhaul.  All these threads crying for overhauls are noise the developers have to filter through.  Try to make what we have now work (for more people, since it already works for many) instead of crying out to completely redesign every aspect of the game that doesn't immediately please you.

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no people like to go half baked on OP's actual issue and give 2 cents thats totally off the board of course. Sorry, but finding Nekros "useful" is one of those unique useless type things like paying bills with monopoly money.


Neckro's Concept is way off target for a deathdealer. His design is trashable. I doubt any nekromancer is running from his enemies after casting his abilities. Na, nekros casts fear.....such a good little kid trying to become a nekromancer...so misguided the poor nekros.

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Nekros is bad for the same reason that every new frame is bad: he's not Nova.


But really, the reason people are disappointed in Nekros is that his moves don't necessarily feel good to use aesthetically.  From a gameplay perspective they are strong but people care much more for aesthetics or killing power and don't appreciate utility and unique playstyles.  Sure, he could use some tweaks (every frame can use some tweaks.)  He doesn't need an overhaul.  All these threads crying for overhauls are noise the developers have to filter through.  Try to make what we have now work (for more people, since it already works for many) instead of crying out to completely redesign every aspect of the game that doesn't immediately please you.


You're quite far off actually. I think the current Nekros is bad because the way he plays out is extremely boring.

Sure, I can definitely spam Desecrate non-stop for 1hr+ in survivals if that's what I have to do but that doesn't change the fact that the way DE implemented his skill set is incredibly dull.


I do like blowing stuff up, most definitely. But I also like working for the destruction that I cause. That's why my main go-to weapon is the Penta. Nova is a "press-4-to-win" frame. M Prime -> my whole screen turns white. There's literally no effort in that. If anything I'd go as far as to say that Nova is the most boring frame I've ever got the chance to use simply because she's too easy.


I care lots about utility. If you give me a choice between a damage mod and say, a reload mod or a punch through mod, 90% of the time I'd choose them over a flat bonus damage mod. Not once in this thread did I ever say that I wanted DE to give Nekros a complete overhaul. I simply hope for them to realize their mistakes and improve on the current skill set. Perhaps even remove certain aspects of Nekros' skills that limit his potential to be an extremely useful frame outside of loot farming.


no people like to go half baked on OP's actual issue and give 2 cents thats totally off the board of course. Sorry, but finding Nekros "useful" is one of those unique useless type things like paying bills with monopoly money.


Neckro's Concept is way off target for a deathdealer. His design is trashable. I doubt any nekromancer is running from his enemies after casting his abilities. Na, nekros casts fear.....such a good little kid trying to become a nekromancer...so misguided the poor nekros.


Yeah, some people just don't want to read before posting their "thoughts".

Nekros is definitely useful; but the mundane kind of useful. The only skills for Nekros that somewhat resembles video game "necromancy" are Terrify and Shadows of the Dead. Terrify doesn't really need changing other than having the enemies run away like little girls. SotD can be useful but more often than not, they're highly distracting and not worth the energy used to summon helpers. 

Edited by AxialBlue
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I like nekros. Sure he can be used yo farm and prolong T3 stuff but his is also very good CC.

Plus I think all lvl 1 powers for all frames could do with a buff because there useless after a certain point even on T2


Ha, CC, pfffffffffffft.



It's a joke, it has a max number of enemies it can affect, they also run off so you have to chase them down as the power in use mechanic gimps it, considering you will not be able to cast Terrify again, even if you're being buried under a mountain of enemies, because one guy is hiding in the corner. The armour reduction delivers diminishing returns at higher lvls. It's frankly a bad power. Nyx, Vauban, Zephyr all beat it hands down. Hell, Frost with his poor CC is more effective as is Volt spamming shock. I'm not even going to include the likes of Rhino's Stomp and Nova's 50% speed debuff (which is just wrong for a nuke frame by the way) as they'll wipe the floor with him. 



The AI is garbage. The lack any real form of aggression, they seek cover far too readily, the damage is poor or at least their aim is woeful considering they don't seem to generate any damage. They also remain locked in place for the entire duration, making the power useless given that your reanimated wraiths should follow Nekros and be fighting for him. They block allied and your own weapons fire. (A duration based SoTD could be great, but as Terrify is borked, and a duration build is counter productive when using Terrify, we're left in a weird limbo, where SoTD and Terrify builds work against one another.)



Farm all things! That's about it.


Soul Punch.

Yeeeeah, the aiming is fiddly, as most 1st powers tend to suffer from and while the rag doll is nice, the AoE it's supposed to have doesn't actually affect the other enemies.


Nekros should be the counterpoint to Trinity, I don't mean silly God mode Blessing, but powers based on debuff, life steal and "Necromancy like SoTD. Currently he's a mess, that frame needs a re work and an overhaul, there's little reason to choose him unless you're doing survival farming. 

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