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Why Choose Nyx.


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not impressed with nyx. She has pretty bad stats.


mediocre foundation skill (chaos) its a decent skill though...


Absorb I think is awful.  Lasts too long.  Not all the mobs will be attacking you, especially grineer you always have a bunch that will run for cover then not attack...also your team has already killed everything, then absorb goes off...awesome....



Basically she has little frame skill damage potential in a group...chaos is ok...rest of the skills pretty useless....and she has bad stats.

Because you don't know how to mod her. Not all frames prefer longer power duration, a maxed fleeting expertise and continuity works really good on Nyx (-30% power duration).

Not sure what your "bad stats" referring to. So frames with higher base shield, health and armor have "good stats"? lol

Teammates kill everything before Absorb goes off because Absorb is never an offensive ability, you definitely use it wrong with a bunch of power duration mods on.

Absorb will do way more damage on at least lvl 50 enemies when most damage based frames are going to be useless (Ember's WoF for instance). 

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not impressed with nyx. She has pretty bad stats.


mediocre foundation skill (chaos) its a decent skill though...


Absorb I think is awful.  Lasts too long.  Not all the mobs will be attacking you, especially grineer you always have a bunch that will run for cover then not attack...also your team has already killed everything, then absorb goes off...awesome....



Basically she has little frame skill damage potential in a group...chaos is ok...rest of the skills pretty useless....and she has bad stats.

The best CC in game, potentially the most powerfull ultimate in game. Sprint speed of 1.1 by default. Average Shields and Health.


She's one of the best frames to get, completely top tier.

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 a psychologist. who uses facebook as a medium of helping people. and discussing things with people to help them overcome issues. " For free might i add"  That kind of &#! checks face book mid game.  Next argument please 

Okay, well that's all well and good, but it seems like anyone you're helping should get your undivided attention.


anyone want to bet that devil does not re-post... wrong name the first time

Well, here I am.

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Okay, well that's all well and good, but it seems like anyone you're helping should get your undivided attention.


Well, here I am

Well that was a surprise. figured you would run away.  And usually people do have my undivided attention. I get 3 hours of sleep a night.  and the sheer influx of stuff I deal with effects my mental health greatly.  Nyx is like my personal assistant. If I did not have her. Id play this game a lot less. Id do a lot less. and I would not have any outlet for my own stress at all. especially as I deal with a steady 4/5 people at any one time  " at the same time" 

Just do people a favour. don't be so quick to judge that people are just $&*^s. Because people who just assume things, make other peoples lives miserable. its people who are quick to judge that I fight against a lot

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Well that was a surprise. figured you would run away.  And usually people do have my undivided attention. I get 3 hours of sleep a night.  and the sheer influx of stuff I deal with effects my mental health greatly.  Nyx is like my personal assistant. If I did not have her. Id play this game a lot less. Id do a lot less. and I would not have any outlet for my own stress at all. especially as I deal with a steady 4/5 people at any one time  " at the same time" 

Just do people a favour. don't be so quick to judge that people are just $&*^s. Because people who just assume things, make other peoples lives miserable. its people who are quick to judge that I fight against a lot

Well, fine, just logic all over me, why doncha?


Yeah, I suppose it was kind of assy of me, but it just seemed like it fed right into the player kicking request when someone is totally inactive that was talked about on the last devstream. And besides, "checking facebook" is extremely generic. How do I know you're not off responding to a Words with Friends game juuust as the Cryopod was destroyed? Admittedly, I do try to double down on media consumption whether it be this or DCU Online, with something I passively pay attention to like a comedy special on Netflix and stay off mic, but it's not like I'm alt-tabbing around and completely unaware of what's going on in-game. But, good luck with your own business... and sleepy weekends :D


Thirdly, and this is important, kids, NEVER miss a chance for a good flame war.

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Well, fine, just logic all over me, why doncha?


Yeah, I suppose it was kind of assy of me, but it just seemed like it fed right into the player kicking request when someone is totally inactive that was talked about on the last devstream. And besides, "checking facebook" is extremely generic. How do I know you're not off responding to a Words with Friends game juuust as the Cryopod was destroyed? Admittedly, I do try to double down on media consumption whether it be this or DCU Online, with something I passively pay attention to like a comedy special on Netflix and stay off mic, but it's not like I'm alt-tabbing around and completely unaware of what's going on in-game. But, good luck with your own business... and sleepy weekends :D


Thirdly, and this is important, kids, NEVER miss a chance for a good flame war.

Don't worry. with nyx i have 15 seconds of inactive time where the objective can't be touched. 15 seconds is more than enough. and if I am in need of it. i have the energy so i can spam absorb constantly.  which is what i do an awful lot. If i run out of energy. il run around collect the orbs and then go back to spam absorb. So i am never a detriment to the team.  Glad we sorted this out

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not impressed with nyx. She has pretty bad stats.


mediocre foundation skill (chaos) its a decent skill though...


Absorb I think is awful.  Lasts too long.  Not all the mobs will be attacking you, especially grineer you always have a bunch that will run for cover then not attack...also your team has already killed everything, then absorb goes off...awesome....



Basically she has little frame skill damage potential in a group...chaos is ok...rest of the skills pretty useless....and she has bad stats.


To be honest I find that health, shields and stamina don't matter altogether that much on Nyx, once you cause chaos you can use the brief stun period to mow down foes or just walk away from the situation altogether, alternatively you can just sprint past foes while their busy hacking each other to pieces.


With the right mods you can almost perpetually cast chaos and pretty much never have to worry about been shot at all as enemies will be too busy killing each other to be bothered with you, I actually have pretty low shields and health on my Nyx and yet often end up been the only person to not need a revive during a survival or defense mission cause enemies almost never fire at me.

Edited by HappyApathy
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1. I Think Nyx must can have new option - Press Again R to faster detonate Ulti. (when she have more duration can very long stay in this postion and do nothing, but sometimes very long stay in ulti is very good, so need this new option - press R to faster detonate Absorb)

2. Absorb need a Visual upgrade (When you have power range mods, half absorb ball is on underground).

Particle effects is on this ability is not special, this is "ABSORB" so need more effects when tons of energy going to nyx ult.


P.S. Sorry for my bad English Language.

Edited by darkenpol
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Absorb being an issue ?  That makes very little sense as absorb makes Nyx the priority to kill.

Yeah, but after a few seconds, Grineer will start and retreat from you, focusing on other targets.

In my current Nyx build, I have a 50/50 Fleeting Expertise, which reduces Absorb duration to about 4 seconds. A little bit too much, so I will probably try and get another copy of that mod or see how it combines with Constitution.


However. With defence missions. Both alone and with others. a 15 second time slot where the objective can't be touched, is invalueble especially with the mods.

Problem here is: When the objective is inside your bubble, it receives part of the damage ... (At least it did last time I played Nyx. Took a break from her for Zephyr and Banshee.)


2) Psychic bolts are a bit lackluster, ... For added fun could also have a chance to proc radiation.

And it would actually fit her theme better than just plain slash damage, as Radiation confuses the enemy.


2. Absorb need a Visual upgrade (When you have power range mods, half absorb ball is on underground).

I think it would be nice if the camera zoomed out during Absorb, so you can see yourself from the outside of the bubble. Firstly, because the animation looks much better from the outside than from inside the bubble, secondly, because the camera's collision detection really horrible when you have lots of melee units around you, that make it bump all over the place.



Just found

and I think it's absolutely hilarious. Anyone knows if this is still possible? Or does the Stalker dispel Cloak now?

Edited by Bibliothekar
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Why I would choose Nyx for a mission?















































When I want to F*** minds of my enemies for a moment.

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I am glad that you asked, Nyx does not seem to be getting enough love these days. So I am here to tell you why you should


She is quite a nice looking frame, cosmetically speaking. Which is always nice. " Much better than the frames that look like chewing gum bubbles stuck together"


Although she is a utility based support frame. She is deceptively powerful. And very well suited to both solo and co-op play. With the right mods She becomes one of the better defender frame. " Defence missions" The longer the mission goes on for. The more her Absorb comes in handy


Nyx is very enjoyable to play as. And you can even have a change in pace, as you meet a massive group of enemies, You can use her Chaos ability. And watch sadistically as your enemies are now at each others throats.


With power duration mods. Nyx acquires the all powerful " Check face book *etc* Attack" If you find yourself in need to talking to certain people. Use her ultimate ability. "Absorb" And with how I have it set up currently, you get a whole 15 seconds. Which might not sound like a lot. But in actuality. you can write a good few messages in that time. And don't think that you are being useless in those 15 seconds.


Nyx's Absorb makes you the priority target for the enemies. Drawing their fire to you. Whilst using absorb however, you are completely invulnerable. And if that was not awesome enough. The damage done by absorb " yes it does damage"

increases based on the amount of damage you would of absorbed, and then releases the energy in a huge explosion.

How awesome is that.


This one is personal really. I am not a huge fan of frames that don't really have a downside to them. The all powerful ones that wipe everyone out in an instant. Or The all tanky Rhino That is basically immortal with Iron skin maxed. "don't get me wrong, love rhino. Its just too easy" Nyx is the balance. with somewhat low base stats, high starting energy

and a ton of crowd control. Nyx is the middle ground Running out of energy, means you have to focus on Nyx's agility and your own over all skill. You run out of energy on the likes of nova and what does it matter ? everyone is already dead.

So yes. Why to choose Nyx. Those reasons. she is very underestimated when placed next to the likes of nova, rhino, etc. But she is just as good. Give her some love

Actually to be honest Zephyr is on par with CC with nyx, since her tornado forces all enemies to stop attacking for 20 seconds, while doing DOT, and debuffing them with elements.

Not hating on Nyx but i fined Zephyr allot more fun, while being just as good as Nyx is at being CC....

Nyx may be the queen of CC but Zephyr is just as good as her... if not somewhat better... (Not hating just saying that she isn't the queen of CC that she use to be)

Edited by Feallike
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Actually to be honest Zephyr is on par with CC with nyx, since her tornado forces all enemies to stop attacking for 20 seconds, while doing DOT, and debuffing them with elements.

Not hating on Nyx but i fined Zephyr allot more fun, while being just as good as Nyx is at being CC....

Nyx may be the queen of CC but Zephyr is just as good as her... if not somewhat better... (Not hating just saying that she isn't the queen of CC that she use to be)

I can not really take a stand point on that. as I have not played zyphyr. What i don't understand however is that you quoted me  but then made a point that i did not specify.  I do want to test out Zeph  at some point.  As what i understand currently is that she has no where near the range that nyx has. though i make that point being unsure.  I will say though. It looks like each have their own merits to be chosen over the other ,

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Actually to be honest Zephyr is on par with CC with nyx, since her tornado forces all enemies to stop attacking for 20 seconds, while doing DOT, and debuffing them with elements.

Not hating on Nyx but i fined Zephyr allot more fun, while being just as good as Nyx is at being CC....

Nyx may be the queen of CC but Zephyr is just as good as her... if not somewhat better... (Not hating just saying that she isn't the queen of CC that she use to be)


Reason why Chaos is so much better than any other CC in the game is that, it can make level 200+ enemies shoot at each other doing 200+ lvl damage. Tornado's damage is going to be piddle even at around 50 level enemies. Chaos never loses its shine, at worst it's a large area stun, at best it's an endgame skill.

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In my experience, a long lasting absorb is pretty useless. While you're stuck in that meditating animation, team mates may go down and need reviving, the objective may be under attack if your placement is off, or teammates and your sentinal may kill all the enemies before the animation ends. 



You can mod her absorb so it doesn't have to last as long and is energy efficient, with high range as well.  And I hate it when people try to downgrade someone's skill because of applying a situation like 'what if' a bunch of noobs went down?  If teamates go down despite her drawing enemy fire with ult, then they suck in my opnion XD

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Actually to be honest Zephyr is on par with CC with nyx, since her tornado forces all enemies to stop attacking for 20 seconds, while doing DOT, and debuffing them with elements.

Not hating on Nyx but i fined Zephyr allot more fun, while being just as good as Nyx is at being CC....

Nyx may be the queen of CC but Zephyr is just as good as her... if not somewhat better... (Not hating just saying that she isn't the queen of CC that she use to be)

Well I have played both frames and I have to say, even though Zephyr is really fun, her Tornado is nowhere near Nyx's CC.


With Chaos you have mobs shooting each other, you have leaders affecting your enemies by their auras, while Tornado ragdoll them and deals DoT but levitates them making it more hard to hit.

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