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[New Warframe Idea] Shadow Frames And Blackhand


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Hello everyone,


So, I was thinking today of what new warframes I'd like to see made if someone asked me. Hopefully identifying this forum as the most relevant place to post, here I am with my dark ideas.



First, I thought that it would be kind of cool to have a polar opposite to Prime warframes, something like Shadow frames, warframes corrupted like Stalker is. Perhaps they could be even more rare and hard to get than Primes, perhaps not. Either way, my thoughts were that we usually appreciate the cliche of opposites between Light and Dark in videogames, so why not indulge in that in Warframe as well?


These Shadow warframes could come with unique skins that are more dark, black, grey and/or red. My favourite flair about the idea being that instead of the golden embellishments, these Shadow frames could have tubes and stripped away areas with red glowing liquid floating around in a haze(not pumping as blood, mind you)... like a lava lamp, haha. Ok, I just took all the cool out of it with that comparison, but try picturing it. Shadow skins would also be harsher, edgier, rougher than the sleek, pristine Primes, looking like they were either cobbled together from parts, or have seen more battle than even a warframe should.


In short, where Primes are pristine progenitors, Shadow frames would be salvaged, cobbled together, with seething crimson energies peering from broken parts, warframes that represent what a Prime would have become had it stayed in action for the countless millennia between when they were created and now, reflecting not only the frenzied history of their struggle, but the jaded, scarred personalities of their wielders.


Think of Valkyr if you will, only... taken to an even darker extreme.



Secondly my thoughts drifted to what new warframe I would like to see done fresh in this style, and my idea can only be named "Blackhand".


Blackhand would basically be the quintessential badass anime style brawler. He would be cut and nicked, with power cords pumping seething red power into toned arm muscles. A ripped physique with overly defined muscle strands, seeming gaunt in some areas and overworked in others. Blackhand would be that fighter who can go from repose to instant action faster than the blink of an eye, and sometimes even keeping your eyes open won't let you understand how he just killed you. Perhaps he is a twisted male counter-part of Valkyr?


Blackhand's abilities:


1. Decisive Charge


    Blackhand charges forward in one of those Slash Dash clones we all love, damaging enemies along his way, but his focus is the enemy the targeting reticule was on when casting. With a swift punch to the gut he stuns that enemy for X seconds, leaving it open to a withering barrage from your favourite melee weapon. During the skill animation, Blackhand's fist and his wake become charged with black energies.


2. Abide No Cowardice


   Blackhand raises both palms upwards and closes his fists. Black, ghostly hands reach out and grasp all enemies around him up to X meters, jolting them towards him in one violent pull. Enemies land immediately around him, momentarily stunned or knocked down, leaving them open to wide slashes of your favourite melee weapon.


3. Overwhelming Odds


   Blackhand loosens his joints and adopts a more aggressive stance while dark wraithlike energies swirl around him. He gains a personal damage boost which is increased by the number of enemies in close proximity to him, this lasts for a moderate length of time (something sufficient for him to conceivably massacre said close by enemies, but not many others). This is meant to combo well with #2.


4. Cull The Unworthy


   Instead of a climactic, explosive culmination of his set of abilities, Blackhand is not sufficiently impressed with his foes to break a sweat with a REAL ultimate. Standing up straight and composed, fists to his side in a cool pose held for a dramatic length of time (tied to casting time, of course), he turns his head to the side and scoffs... while X meters around him, black, wraithlike hands grasp into his enemies from behind, ripping out their souls for massive damage!



Thank you for reading, I hope you like my ideas. I for one... would adore seeing these ideas put in the game as I have presented them here.



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Also, because I'm still riding my own wave of cool, here is something like a reveal idea I thought of for for Shadow warframes. Speech alternates between a Prime and a Shadow:



Prime: We were the Firstborn.
Shadow: We are the Last Standing.

Prime: We were Warriors.
Shadow: We are Weapons.

Prime: We Left everything behind.
Shadow: We Fought as everything around us died.

Prime: We have Returned.
Shadow: We have Always Been Here.

Prime: We bring you Hope.
Shadow: We bring you the Peace... of Oblivion.



Overly dramatic and/or corny!? Most assuredly. But I like it. :)

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I really like the idea of a counterpart for the Prime frames... Maybe frames that share Stalker's history? since he's pissed because he stayed and never "betrayed" like he claims the other Tenno did, the "Shadow" frames would be the remnants of the Tenno of old that chose to stay and fight, or something like that?

We need some lore to push that thing further though, might be hard to fit them with the Lotus, unless you have an idea to get them to join her^^. Like a twist or something... Or they don't share Stalker's history or point of view, which would make it a lot easier lol^^.

Maybe introduce these frames as the ones who will reveal what really happened? since the Tenno don't remember and Lotus doesn't seem to be in a hurry to remind them of what happened, they could be the missing link in the chain, come back from some "dark place" and reveal the whole thing... Two birds with one stone. New badass frames, and finally some clarity and lore.

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I am going to give this thread a bump, just so a few more people can see it, since I still think it's an awesome idea. :)


And, Marthrym, what you say does seem to fit in with my idea of the Shadow frames, indeed. Could be that they view the Primes and their offspring as cowards that chose to hibernate instead of fight, and thereby betrayed their brethren.


I suppose along the same line, perhaps they could be introduced in a more story oriented event, which reasons that some of them begin to understand that the fight was hopeless, and they would have lost anyway, only with many more deaths, and their own sorrow and loss needs to be left behind for the good of the Tenno as a whole. Also, they could come to understand grudgingly that while the current Tenno and warframes are perhaps adaptations or offspring of the Primes, most of them were not actually part of the initial "betrayal", and they do not deserve that enmity. Of course, they'd still look for any opportunity to disembowel a Prime they perceive has slighted them.


Also, the devs seem to like the idea of leaving some of that era in the dark, which could still be done by only elaborating as far as introducing a nondescript "threat" and the short, not very descriptive legends of what that did to the Tenno, with the Shadow frames and Primes yelling at each other like they know 100% of what happened while we the players only catch basic ideas. They WERE THERE after all, THEY already know what went down, they would not need to recap everything to each other like in animes, haha.

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Reads like a fanficiton of soul caliburs Z.W.E.I. and prototype...

Thumps up for colorful writing.
But i cant see that warframe. It sounds more like a character of a spectical fighter to me. Or a combination of nekros and valkyr. Also i think you should rethink your abilities.
atm you got:
Ability 1: AOE Dmg + Dmg (aka slash dash)
Ability 2: Pull + Stun + Dmg (aka pull + blind)
Ability 3: Dmg Buff (aka egocentric roar)
Ability 4: AOE Dmg (aka overdamatic stomp)

Only combo for 2+3 and no team abilities isnt all that great to be viable in the current state of the game.

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Possible Assassin taunts when wearing skin, please say yay or nay depending if you like it or not. I modified it to how you described the Shadow Frames; cold, hardened soldiers who would easily wipe the floor with the body of a Prime.


"You were one of us, why have you done this?"

"Have you forgotten your oath Tenno?"

Upon Defeat

"We were your family..."

-I would like to think that the Stalker was friendly with some Tenno who chose to defend the Orokin and since the fall they have banded together to form a close knit family


"That Warframe looks mighty interesting, why not let me take a look"

"Hmm, your frame is damaged, not matter I can salvage it"

Upon Defeat

"What are you? You are not like the others..."

-Alad V is meant to be arrogant and dismissive, until he realises that the Shadow frames are not to be trifled with


"You, (player name) are worthy!"

"Finally some sport!"

Upon Death

"You are no Tenno!"

-G3, I imagine, would have little interest in hunting down the Primes and their offspring as they would have, to a grineer, little experience in the real world. But to hunt down the Shadow Frames, that is something else. A dangerous predator on the hunt as it were. There yell "You are no Tenno!" to emphasise both their fear and amazement at this supposed "Tenno" who happens to be a real soldier from a bygone age.

Edited by ShatteredSilence
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Possible Assassin taunts when wearing skin, please say yay or nay depending if you like it or not. I modified it to how you described the Shadow Frames; cold, hardened soldiers who would easily wipe the floor with the body of a Prime.


"You were one of us, why have you done this?"

"Have you forgotten your oath Tenno?"

Upon Defeat

"We were your family..."

-I would like to think that the Stalker was friendly with some Tenno who chose to defend the Orokin and since the fall they have banded together to form a close knit family


"That Warframe looks mighty interesting, why not let me take a look"

"Hmm, your frame is damaged, not matter I can salvage it"

Upon Defeat

"What are you? You are not like the others..."

-Alad V is meant to be arrogant and dismissive, until he realises that the Shadow frames are not to be trifled with


"You, (player name) are worthy!"

"Finally some sport!"

Upon Death

"You are no Tenno!"

-G3, I imagine, would have little interest in hunting down the Primes and their offspring as they would have, to a grineer, little experience in the real world. But to hunt down the Shadow Frames, that is something else. A dangerous predator on the hunt as it were. There yell "You are no Tenno!" to emphasise both their fear and amazement at this supposed "Tenno" who happens to be a real soldier from a bygone age.



But I feel bad for Stalker :( . 

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Ironically, I think the "rogue" Tenno would not be the "Shadow" frames, but the "Primes", and Lotus might be a rogue AI/entity as well. But not the "bad/evil" kind of rogue.

Could make a very interesting story too^^.


I am going to give this thread a bump, just so a few more people can see it, since I still think it's an awesome idea. :)


And, Marthrym, what you say does seem to fit in with my idea of the Shadow frames, indeed. Could be that they view the Primes and their offspring as cowards that chose to hibernate instead of fight, and thereby betrayed their brethren.


I suppose along the same line, perhaps they could be introduced in a more story oriented event, which reasons that some of them begin to understand that the fight was hopeless, and they would have lost anyway, only with many more deaths, and their own sorrow and loss needs to be left behind for the good of the Tenno as a whole. Also, they could come to understand grudgingly that while the current Tenno and warframes are perhaps adaptations or offspring of the Primes, most of them were not actually part of the initial "betrayal", and they do not deserve that enmity. Of course, they'd still look for any opportunity to disembowel a Prime they perceive has slighted them.


Also, the devs seem to like the idea of leaving some of that era in the dark, which could still be done by only elaborating as far as introducing a nondescript "threat" and the short, not very descriptive legends of what that did to the Tenno, with the Shadow frames and Primes yelling at each other like they know 100% of what happened while we the players only catch basic ideas. They WERE THERE after all, THEY already know what went down, they would not need to recap everything to each other like in animes, haha.

I like that^^.


Since the primes in manly concentrate on energy and speed, maybe have the shadows concentrate on physical strength
e.g. shadow rhino 150 health (450 max.), 300 armor

I think that indeed, the "Shadow" frames should be different from the Primes in terms of appearance/theme and stats. But then again, with DE cooking the "Focus" system, reputations, Badlands and probably more they haven't revealed yet, the best thing to do is probably wait and see^^.

Edited by Marthrym
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  • 2 weeks later...

Reads like a fanficiton of soul caliburs Z.W.E.I. and prototype...

Thumps up for colorful writing.

But i cant see that warframe. It sounds more like a character of a spectical fighter to me. Or a combination of nekros and valkyr. Also i think you should rethink your abilities.

atm you got:

Ability 1: AOE Dmg + Dmg (aka slash dash)

Ability 2: Pull + Stun + Dmg (aka pull + blind)

Ability 3: Dmg Buff (aka egocentric roar)

Ability 4: AOE Dmg (aka overdamatic stomp)

Only combo for 2+3 and no team abilities isnt all that great to be viable in the current state of the game.


Hehe, thanks for said thumbs up. Yeah, I kind of thought of the warframe as a spectacle fighter character. Ideally the combo would have been 2 -> 3 -> 4 for massive AOE Dmg, but I was trying to keep that under the table and hopefully slip one past the devs. (Yeah, yeah, just being silly. :) )


I reiterate that I would certainly like to see these ideas or similar ones find their way into the game in the future, but I'm already being enough of a bother on the mods trying to keep my build guides thread from slipping into the grave so I can use it to post my warframe guides as I make them.


So, just wanted to say thanks to all for sharing in my dark, awesome dream. I've never been much of a forum guy so this was more fun that I thought it would be. (Also, thanks to the mod that moved my thread to the right place without smacking me in the face for being a noob. :) )


See y'all next time.

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