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Post Your Brakk Drop Rate, G3


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Countless farming missions, no idea what the exact amount was.

16 encounters, one prior to the drop rate nerf.


Rare 5 Fusion Core x3

Neurodes x∞

Natural Talent x3

Hell's Chamber x2

Barrel Diffusion x4

Split Chamber x2

Brakk Blueprint x4

Brakk Barrel x2

Brakk Receiver x1

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Joined one farming group so far.  Have been marked for a while but no encounters.

In the group ~6 missions plus 5 more invasions.  1 encounter - no parts - 1 natural talent (which was all I was after)  Also got a stalker came for me in one of the invasion missions, first stalker appearance for a very long time for me, dead before he stood up.


Only 1 single Harvester encounter though I've been marked since that was a thing for him and the encounter was someone else.  The encounter was on St. Patties day and I was playing Nekros. -  Detron BP and 2 barrels and 2 Orokin cells from that one kill.

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Closing in on 100 missions

Around 10 encounters with G3

0 parts


And one time I got a Harvester even though my last mail was from Hek and I hadn't gotten anything from Alad V since last month, and doing 10 invasion missions against the Grineer after that didn't turn up another G3 letter. So I don't think they even know who's supposed to be targeting me anymore.

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I only started playing this game a few weeks ago, but I seem to have some luck.


I've only encountered them 4 times.

First time I was unprepared. Just finishing building Nyx, a primary, secondary, and melee. Tried to solo Mercury Survival to level them up = lolnope have fun solo'ing G3 with no mods and unranked weapons.

Second time was a deathmark from a random guy in a random mission. Got literally nothing.

Third time was my deathmark, got the barrel.

Fourth was some another guys deathmark during an alert mission. Got the receiver and the BP. Was annoying, though, because the host migration bug disconnected me from everyone and I had to solo the mission with those and the alert reward on the line. (I was late to the alert - if I failed, it would have been over.)


I wasn't even trying to get the Brakk yet. It was an accident. All the corpus invasions I did were for credits or potatoes.

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I think I've had 5 encounters all together iirc (not counting skipped encounters when they spawned as we were extracting). Have gotten 2 Brakk Bp's, the barrel, 2 Barrel Diffusions (from the same run), 2 Hell's Chambers (also from the same run).

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1.        4x Natural Talents / Brakk barrel
2.        Brakk BP, Split chamber / BD / HC
3-6.     Brakk receiver, all lost in Grustrag 3 crash bugs and host migrations
7-25.   Neurodes/crap mods/magical 2x barrels in a run because RNG is a btch


<3 RNG god

Edited by Tetsueno
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Complete Brakk parts in first encounter.












Celebrated during a galleon sabotage





Failed the mission. >.>


Took 200 invasions, 5 Receivers, 5 BPs, 5 Natural Talents, 6 Split Chambers, 1 Barrel Diffusion and 4 Hell's Chamber to complete the set again.

Edited by Scuderia_Red
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