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Badlands + Lore = Incompatible?


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And now here we are, with Badlands introduced.


While I was wondering first a bit about the generic tilesets, I was immediately thinking of them as a placeholder. I enjoy the fact we got Infestation enemies as the current permanent stay and do not need to rely on invasions to beat them up. Perhaps the infested tileset showcased earlier on is going to be what the Dark Sectors are going to look like in the future?


However, then I played my first Solar Rail contesting mission. At first I was still good with it, like "okay, they use Orokin tileset, but that might as well be just a placeholder and it is going to be less gold and more bluish like the Dojos." Who knows. The moment I saw the "Guardian" Moas, I knew that those were apparently the missing pieces in the codex entry, and I was curious what the humanoid shape would be. Perhaps the capture target? But this question was sooner than later answered...


The first Tenno Spectre arrived in my sight, and they had obvious player names. My mood just dropped beyond the freezing point.


Huge, resounding no.

There is no talk in the tutorial to read about friendly competition between Tenno. All there is, points out to resource wars, territorial control and attrition. We DESTROY Solar Rails which fellow Tenno have build.


We became mercenaries and powermongers.


I'm totally fine if we get Lore as to why we are doing this, because that is pretty much the only way settling this. I don't take any of the arguments in the topic about "wooo look we get bigger and badder and get greedy." Those are completely taken out of context because they betray the basis of the Tenno daily life.


So at least for me the situation is done, as I'm not going to participate in Dark Sector missions of contested solar rails any more, and I will only use the regular Survival/Defense infested missions, trying to blend out the betrayal that happens behind.

All I asked for was a simple justification, and none so far has been satisfying and plausible.


What is even more ludicrous is the war for "tax free rails."

So one clan challenges the other clan just to put up their name as "look who is providing the free stuff!"

A war about Altruism? Oh dear me...

Edited by Khunvyel
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And now here we are, with Badlands introduced.


While I was wondering first a bit about the generic tilesets, I was immediately thinking of them as a placeholder. I enjoy the fact we got Infestation enemies as the current permanent stay and do not need to rely on invasions to beat them up. Perhaps the infested tileset showcased earlier on is going to be what the Dark Sectors are going to look like in the future?


However, then I played my first Solar Rail contesting mission. At first I was still good with it, like "okay, they use Orokin tileset, but that might as well be just a placeholder and it is going to be less gold and more bluish like the Dojos." Who knows. The moment I saw the "Guardian" Moas, I knew that those were apparently the missing pieces in the codex entry, and I was curious what the humanoid shape would be. Perhaps the capture target? But this question was sooner than later answered...


The first Tenno Spectre arrived in my sight, and they had obvious player names. My mood just dropped beyond the freezing point.


Huge, resounding no.

There is no talk in the tutorial to read about friendly competition between Tenno. All there is, points out to resource wars, territorial control and attrition. We DESTROY Solar Rails which fellow Tenno have build.


We became mercenaries and powermongers.


I'm totally fine if we get Lore as to why we are doing this, because that is pretty much the only way settling this. I don't take any of the arguments in the topic about "wooo look we get bigger and badder and get greedy." Those are completely taken out of context because they betray the basis of the Tenno daily life.


So at least for me the situation is done, as I'm not going to participate in Dark Sector missions of contested solar rails any more, and I will only use the regular Survival/Defense infested missions, trying to blend out the betrayal that happens behind.

All I asked for was a simple justification, and none so far has been satisfying and plausible.


What is even more ludicrous is the war for "tax free rails."

So one clan challenges the other clan just to put up their name as "look who is providing the free stuff!"

A war about Altruism? Oh dear me...


IIRC we are getting hubs in a later update one for grineer and one for corpus. What I have been rationalizing is that this is the next era for the tenno where the last era would be "The Awakening" this era would be "The Fracturing" were the tenno fall to greed like Ruk has mentioned and will join a side who offers the better rewards and leave the Lotus. Hopefully we will get to choose to stay the straight and narrow and stay under the Lotus, this could be how we get wraith, vandal, or dex weapons. Oh well just my way of understanding things.

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With the Tenno being awake and separating into groups of people with common interests (Clans) It is always inevitable that a fight for power would rise between two clans to assert dominance. Tenno are not above the universe, we are not some Omnipotent force of good, we are.. Well, we are people and we start war on each other when we fear the power and assert our beliefs into a world we are new to.


In all actuality, this is becoming more and more like Feudal Japan, just... With a lot more stars.

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Is it just me or is everyone failing to see that while all this would make total sense in a regular environment, everyone forgets the ties by which the Tennos are bound? I always saw Clans as just a group of Tenno who agreed working together because they did well on their missions, so they can do the jobs Lotus gives them with increased efficiency.


Tenno are dependant. As long as there is no other evidence in the Lore, we are absolutely dependant on whatever keeps us going. And we don't know EXACTLY what that something is. Lotus is not only our guide but also is definitely capable to mess with our Warframes, as shown in the Tutorial. She basically is our employer and puts her finger to where we should go, as long as there is a definite route, and most of the time there is.

Where do we recuperate? Where do we replenish? At the time when only few Tenno awoke, there still was an infrastructure of "Team Lotus" available which gave us weapons, ammunition, training and whatever we need to go on, even Dropships to get where we need to.

So suddenly its okay to bite the hand that feeds it?


I'd be totally okay and fine if we get the chance to say; "okay, no, I've had enough of this" and start to finally PICK SIDES. The entire Badlands Dark Sector idea would work wonderfully if we had the choice to decide with whom we want to affiliate with. That would basically divide us between Loyalists and Renegades, from the point of view in regards to "who sticks with Lotus."

From the Renegades, they might even hook up with other existing factions or just do their own thing.


But we don't have that. If we would have, then I'd actually welcome the Dark Sectors with arms wide open! But we don't. Imagination is one thing, but having a plausible setting is another. And as of now, I see no reason why Team Lotus simply doesn't pull the plug on people who started to go renegade before they even establish a threat and be counter-intuitive to the original goal. I don't care if Lotus is meaning well or if Lotus is a cheating and deceiving b*** in the end. Renegade Tenno wouldn't play into her field, one way or the other.

I mean, there would be one scenario, but that would definitely put Lotus in the "evil scheme" spotlight.


In the end, we don't even have a reason to fight for power, it's as simple as that.

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Is it just me or is everyone failing to see that while all this would make total sense in a regular environment, everyone forgets the ties by which the Tennos are bound? I always saw Clans as just a group of Tenno who agreed working together because they did well on their missions, so they can do the jobs Lotus gives them with increased efficiency.


Tenno are dependant. As long as there is no other evidence in the Lore, we are absolutely dependant on whatever keeps us going. And we don't know EXACTLY what that something is. Lotus is not only our guide but also is definitely capable to mess with our Warframes, as shown in the Tutorial. She basically is our employer and puts her finger to where we should go, as long as there is a definite route, and most of the time there is.

Where do we recuperate? Where do we replenish? At the time when only few Tenno awoke, there still was an infrastructure of "Team Lotus" available which gave us weapons, ammunition, training and whatever we need to go on, even Dropships to get where we need to.

So suddenly its okay to bite the hand that feeds it?


I'd be totally okay and fine if we get the chance to say; "okay, no, I've had enough of this" and start to finally PICK SIDES. The entire Badlands Dark Sector idea would work wonderfully if we had the choice to decide with whom we want to affiliate with. That would basically divide us between Loyalists and Renegades, from the point of view in regards to "who sticks with Lotus."

From the Renegades, they might even hook up with other existing factions or just do their own thing.


But we don't have that. If we would have, then I'd actually welcome the Dark Sectors with arms wide open! But we don't. Imagination is one thing, but having a plausible setting is another. And as of now, I see no reason why Team Lotus simply doesn't pull the plug on people who started to go renegade before they even establish a threat and be counter-intuitive to the original goal. I don't care if Lotus is meaning well or if Lotus is a cheating and deceiving b*** in the end. Renegade Tenno wouldn't play into her field, one way or the other.

I mean, there would be one scenario, but that would definitely put Lotus in the "evil scheme" spotlight.


In the end, we don't even have a reason to fight for power, it's as simple as that.


We're still human - altered though we are - and humans don't always get along (short answer).


The existence of the clan system already disproves your idea that there is no reason the Tenno aren't 100% working together with one another, because they're already forming their own small groups - sort of like... political parties? Other countries? And we're not COMPLETELY dependent on the Lotus as shown by the Grustrag Three attack: she tells us to run, we stay and fight, when we win she scolds us. 


You've got the relationship backwards: it's not us to needs the Lotus, it's the Lotus who needs us. We're her hands, her ability to influence the system, without us she's powerless; and this isn't some "oooh! but she's the one paying us! she's the employers we're the employees!" because we AREN'T dependent on her: we are just as capable of raiding and killing on pillaging on our own; we can contract ourselves as mercinaries to the Grineer/Corpus, we can open their lockers and take their supplies and credits. Hell! Remember Gradivus? She wasn't even directing us by herself during that! It was Ruk and Alad who were sending us messages, thanking us for our choice, the Lotus simply gave us heads up on what was coming and who was left.


And if she is capable of messing with our Warframes, as you pointed out in the Tutorial, she doesn't seem to have enough power that makes us HAVE to obey her. After all, if she did, why not just say, when the Grustrag Three attack: "You're staying? F*** that! Autopilot engage: MARCH!" Whatever control she has seems to be very limited, and probably was lost the moment all of our systems were re-engaged (since it's never shown up again).

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The thing here is... you're assuming that this comes out of no where. If we suddenly have this with no event, no lead up, then yet it will be bad. But noting that there will likely be some form of ingame event that helps bring this in as they have before which may well deal with a lot of the "unknown" lore reasons you question. Also, noting that DE have said that badlands is just one of many parts of "endgame" which also include you choosing to earn favour with certain 'factions' in game. It is quote possible that in the same way that the 'stalker' does not like the actions we & the lotus undertake, that groups of tenno may object to the actions of others (as in the 'factions' they side with) and for all we know the "badlands" and other content may well be part of a large tenno civil war that is due to break out. What if we end up the option to break ties with the Lotus and instead choose to be lead by one of a few other tenno 'leaders'?


I know that all I've suggested here may not turn out to be what happens, but I do feel you can't really say that the Badlands are not compatible with Lore... when we appear to be so far away from them right now. My text above is just attempt (however made up in my own head it is) to show that an awful lot could change with the game and its lore between now and when the Badlands is upon us.

I like your suggestion, to be completely honest I don't even like the lotus. I'm tired of her voice and her telling me what to do while offering no explanation for it, she has always felt like a manipulator ever since I first played Warframe. So yeah i'd love to have an event where we rebel against her or choose other factions to align with.

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Again, we don't have the full puzzle together. Some pieces are more developed than others, and I hope in the end we will get a consistent product, when Launch day happens. But without people like us voicing concerns and throwing opinions, the devs are limited to their own points of view, and many brains simply do more yadda yadda and tackle a larger amount of possibilities.


In the end, I hope we will get to see all those explanations I crave for when "Vor's Prize" hits, as this was foreshadowing a lot of Lore explanation and picking sides.


Again, if I get a solid, anchored and well defined reason as to why we Tenno bash each other's head? I'm absolutely game for this. I'm already excited as to how the other factions will react to this, and how the future of the origin system will look like. While this might sound a lot like Eve online... why not? As long as it works. The only thing I am a bit more concerned about is that we seem to move more and more away from a PvE centered game.

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I haven't played badlands yet but after reading your post you have a lot of valid points. Is there an uprising among the Tenno brethren? Are we fighting because some Tenno's are straying from the Lotus and find her as an enemy? Maybe this is why we're fighting each other? These are questions that comes to mind and now I think is the time for the lore to be filled in.

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I haven't played badlands yet but after reading your post you have a lot of valid points. Is there an uprising among the Tenno brethren? Are we fighting because some Tenno's are straying from the Lotus and find her as an enemy? Maybe this is why we're fighting each other? These are questions that comes to mind and now I think is the time for the lore to be filled in.


There is no separate faction, though, it is just Tenno wanting to do what they think is best for them.




Only now, it's escalated into something that is just about full-on war, only we're not killing each other, only destroying each other's property to replace it with our own. We've fought against Grineer and Corpus to get what we want, and now that the opportunity for the Tenno to have a foothold in the immediate galaxy rather than on its fringes (i.e. the Dojos) we are clamoring against one another for that. We're still people, still individuals, we're not machines that blindly follow a program - as such, we will make choices, some of which are in direct contrast to others and that will, like it does in real life, lead to conflict.


Rivals, enemies, call them what you like: but the Tenno aren't perfect and don't always HAVE to care about the lives/relations of other Tenno (if we did/were supposed to belief that, why would we have even been given the OPTION to side with Alad V when he wanted to keep the pods he found for dissection?), we will make different choices from one another (again: GRADIVUS), and those decisions may lead to conflict.


There's a lot of talk about factions now, though, and despite my belief we don't NEED lore factions to make these decisions for us because we are creating the factions that make these decisions ourselves (that's what the Alliances are) I do think that such factions could be used to introduce new announcers and the like (which people would like, and would be a nice income source for DE). So I'll leave this idea here:



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I dunno, man, I don't think I could consider someone actively trying to destroy my property (Solar Rail) as a mere "rival".


You seriously consider other players, playing a game mode that DE added, to be enemies? Ok. Maybe you need to take a break from warframe and recognize that it's just a game.

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You seriously consider other players, playing a game mode that DE added, to be enemies? Ok. Maybe you need to take a break from warframe and recognize that it's just a game.


I'm pretty sure he's talking in-game context, there's a separation to be made between game and reality. In reality, after all, these guys are just all pixels on a screen - in game, they're Grineer, Corpus, ect.

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Well so far as I know DE always wanted to make the game better then work on its lore. But anyways here is my own idea of this lore:

I see clans as like seperated groups of the main -race- /group that are called Tenno. So It would make sense they would have some rivality in their own ranks. However I think that we need more like guidance for these groups and these alliances as it seems that the -tenno- are losing their own ways of balance and keeping balance and becoming.. Almost corrupted? and that would mean that the stalker was right after all.

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 I have a few problems.


A. If corpus built solar rails why is it orokin technology now?

B. How can we command Orokin sentries to fight for us?

C. Why can't the Corpus/Grineer build rails and have us defend them? This could get rid of the invasion systems messing up our star-chart!


Personally, I would like to see the Tenno in conflict. In reality, this "ALL FOLLOW LOTUS" would never stick. Whether we are human or even 1/1000th human, we would still do this conflict stuff. But I fear DE has nothing planned for the ones who would rather choose to prove Ruk wrong and fight for honour. Are they gonna be the stalkers now????????????


As for OP's question, yes from an in-game perspective it doesn't make sense. There are many questions unanswered and if they are never going to be answered then this is no better the time we had no lore at all. Also, Ruk and Hek never seem to interact. Stalker has no say in all this. The Grineer are apparently getting stronger but their strongest councillors are getting butchered by us. Gineer and Corpus invade each others' nodes so it would make sense for them to invade ours in the future (IF the tenno give them a chance :p )

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A. If corpus built solar rails why is it orokin technology now?

B. How can we command Orokin sentries to fight for us?

C. Why can't the Corpus/Grineer build rails and have us defend them? This could get rid of the invasion systems messing up our star-chart!

A. I don't think they build them. It's more likely they keep them running.

B. We build them. 

C. I have no answer for that.

Edited by ViralN9
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C. I have no answer for that.


C. Because the Invasion system isn't bad, and its more profitable to hire the super-powered space ninjas to help you fight for territory than it is to simply help them maintain your territory (resources and all that).

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 I have a few problems.


A. If corpus built solar rails why is it orokin technology now?

B. How can we command Orokin sentries to fight for us?

C. Why can't the Corpus/Grineer build rails and have us defend them? This could get rid of the invasion systems messing up our star-chart!


A) It always has been Orokin Technology, they're simply maintaining it or have been successful in figuring out how they work. We also know the Terminus Rail on Pluto is broken, so apparently this would be the gateway to other solar systems? perhaps? maybe?

B) Probably because we've spent enough time "scanning" them and reverse-engineer them. Perhaps not even us Tenno, but whoever is required to make and tinker with all the tech in the background. Anything else ties to --> Point C)

C) Because they don't have the prerequisites of Technology. Notice how the Symbols in the Orokin Void match with Lotus and the Tenno. That would mean Team Lotus might have enough bits of information and background knowledge to recycle Orokin Tech. Though if anything, I still want the Grineer and Corpus to invade OUR Solar rails and WE defend against them.



it is not Tenno VS Tenno in an "ENEMIES" sense, it's a "RIVALRY"

Rival =/= Enemy


Competing in sports is also some sort of rivalry. But there you are not destroying the other's property.




There is no separate faction, though, it is just Tenno wanting to do what they think is best for them.



Not Tenno thinking what is best for them. Tenno being pointed into a direction without much of an alternative. Of course, sooner or later one starts thinking about the bigger picture. Of course people are bound to decide otherwise. But where are these choices? We haven't seen them. The hints for these choices are few and far in between.

Also, what everyone else keeps forgetting is that Tenno are not human. Who knows how they really think, after being put through hell and back. Comparable to people with mental disorders. Some cope quite fine with the rest of the world. Others need to be kept in cells to keep them from hurting themselves and others. This is why I am not completely buying the "they behave just like us humans would" argument.



Rivals, enemies, call them what you like: but the Tenno aren't perfect and don't always HAVE to care about the lives/relations of other Tenno (if we did/were supposed to belief that, why would we have even been given the OPTION to side with Alad V when he wanted to keep the pods he found for dissection?), we will make different choices from one another (again: GRADIVUS), and those decisions may lead to conflict.

Something to note here:

The reason we had to make a choice is because BOTH paths were important. It was important to rescue fellow Tenno from falling into enemy hands, but it was also important to stop the Grineer from spreading. However, we have been - as denoted by Lore - not numerous enough to successfully tackle both goals at the same time. Thus Team Lotus had to let the conscience of their soldiers decide, since apparently they didn't come to an agreement what was more important. And apparently (in retrospect) it was too dangerous to say "we'll try both" because then both factions would stand against us, which might have lead to losses the Tenno wouldn't have recovered from. If I had the option to side with neither Grineer or Corpus during the Gradivus Dilemma? I'd went with it and tried to kill both in one go. If I had the chance to kill Corpus AND Infested during the hunt for Alad V ? I'd probably had given it a shot, and meanwhile hunted down Frohd Beck himself in order to give the Tenno the information needed to find Alad V, if the search for this scallywag would have gone unsuccessful.


These choices were also based against Tenno vs the rest. Not Tenno vs. Tenno.


Something I forgot in the last post;


You've got the relationship backwards: it's not us to needs the Lotus, it's the Lotus who needs us. We're her hands, her ability to influence the system, without us she's powerless; and this isn't some "oooh! but she's the one paying us! she's the employers we're the employees!" because we AREN'T dependent on her: we are just as capable of raiding and killing on pillaging on our own

No, I haven't gotten the relationship backwards. You can only go to these places because a Dropship guides you. You can only go to these places because you've been given permission to go for it. We know nothing about the infrastructure behind Team Lotus. We know nothing how much the Tenno really are dependant on this stuff, but as far as logic goes; we are Soldiers, and Soldiers need logistics. I don't see much of logistics in the game controlled by Tenno, so that could hint at the Tenno not being related to that and need to rely on someone else. Everything we Tenno rely on has been built before. That means there is a base of operations which likely runs without us.


This is also why I am extremely disgruntled at the fact that we "research" Warframes and build completely new ones, like Zephyr. So that would mean there is either a way for a Tenno to leave the suit, or there is a way to create new Tenno. There is no other option. Both require explanations to be rooted in a plausible fashion. Everything until that point was fair and working as intended. Warframes being created by the Orokin and cast around the Tenno who survived the journey through the Void.

Neither do we know how much the Tenno are dependant on their suit, nor do we know if there have been new endeavours to artificially create new Tenno to power new Warframes.


If anything, Lore is in a very sorry state, but hey, beta is beta and I hope Vor's prize is going to remedy all those conflicting information.




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Competing in sports is also some sort of rivalry. But there you are not destroying the other's property.


but they aren't waging war against eachother, these rails fighting rails is a FAIR GAME, i don't know how to word this exactly but basically my point is, Tenno will always have honor and a respect for eachother. if a clan loses to a clan i don't think the losers would vow to kill the winners while they sleep, i'm sure they'd accept defeat, that they were beaten fairly by a stronger clan.

sure these rails are huge and costly but considering it only takes a couple days to make a rail (and the cost isn't that high at all when divided amongst the clan) i don't see why Tenno'd value them so high that their destruction calls for the death of their brethren (btw, Tenno are considered on the verge of extinction, so that makes even less sense)

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A. If corpus built solar rails why is it orokin technology now?

The corpus have always used cheap knock offs of orokin tech. I mean, remember Arid Fear with the corpus void keys? You can clearly tell they're similar to orokin ones, but a lot cruder. Ospreys are cheap knockoffs of orokin shield drones. Moas are obviously cheap knoc offs of fusion moas.

Indeed, the corpus have always been portrayed as scavengers who loot orokin tech whenever they find it precisely because they can't make their own.

Like, Alad V? He was such a bid deal precisely because he was able to sorta figure out warframe technology. And his project wasn't even making his own warframes, it was gluing components of warframes and Tenno together to make a combat machine. In the end even he's just another scavenger.

As far as solar rails in particular go, they were alluded to in Ember's codex entry, weren't they?

B. How can we command Orokin sentries to fight for us?

Presumably we hacked them, same as how the corpus got fusion moas to fight for them?

C. Why can't the Corpus/Grineer build rails and have us defend them? This could get rid of the invasion systems messing up our star-chart!

The Corpus and Grineer don't seem to understand orokin tech the same way the Tenno/Lotus does. Like, the Arid Fear victory codex entry is pretty clear. Vor's best scientists (and Vor's the guy who figured out how to make void keys into lasers, I remind you guys) basically consider warframe technology to be black voodoo magic.

It wouldn't surprise me at all if the grineer and corpus don't actually understand the orokin technology they seek to plunder.


Also, Ruk and Hek never seem to interact.

Doesn't one of the G3 codex entries feature them interacting?

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but they aren't waging war against eachother, these rails fighting rails is a FAIR GAME, [...] i'm sure they'd accept defeat, that they were beaten fairly by a stronger clan.

i don't see why Tenno'd value them so high that their destruction calls for the death of their brethren (btw, Tenno are considered on the verge of extinction, so that makes even less sense)


Then why fight in the first place? I never said they are killing each other, but having a "friendly sport" by wasting a truckload of resources... I dunno, that sounds very fishy. And I don't speak in terms of ingame 1:1 resources. I speak of how huge those things are. Have you seen one of them? They are massive. That requires quite some effort to build, even it is mostly automated.

The entire thing just boils down to; it gives the impression the developers decided that it is something the players would want, without thinking about the repercussions on the Lore. Or rather, if they thought about the Lore, they haven't shipped the reasons. Yet. I will absolutely revoke my concerns once we get solid evidence.

For now, people are certainly going to contest the living hell out of each other, making the dark sectors a pain to be played, because you are likely to have more uptime with challenge missions than with actual Dark Sector missions. Boo. I'd bet a buck this is halfway intending to get rid of the sheer mass of resources bunkered away, but then again if required people are just going to buckle up and grind those missions with all kinds of boosters to make up for that loss. So it remains to be seen when people are going to get bored of constantly contesting each other.


Your second thing mentioned; Tenno are less considered on the verge of extinction with every passing day. They've been few, but they are growing in number the more cryopods are being cooked warm and the more towers are being opened. This is not only a relation to the growing playerbase, but also is reflected in what we get; We are seeing more and more new Warframes, which are not only researched but simply crop up as a new caches of stasispods / cryopods have been found.

This again plays APPARENTLY into the hands of "we grow so much in numbers, we are bound to split." For one, not necessarily, because we just cannot always draw working comparisons to our own world. For the other, sure it could happen. But why make this happening only a thing of imagination and a far stretch if it could be deployed with an actual ingame decision? I'm waiting for that. I sorely do.

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Lore?What lore?


This game has yet to evolve past Korean mmo levels of story-telling.


This whole dark sector business could have been a great thing for the game from both a story point of view and a gameplay one.The way its right now is grind so you can grind with bonus modifiers!


Hopefully the rails and dark sectors will at LEAST get their own tile sets in time.

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This whole dark sector business could have been a great thing for the game from both a story point of view and a gameplay one.The way its right now is grind so you can grind with bonus modifiers!


Quoted for sad truth :(

And yes, I'm thinking the Dark Sectors get the new pure-infested tileset, or they get something completely different and the infested tileset will be happening on a different part of the solar map.

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