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Radial Blast


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So....This was my absolute favorite ability.  In all of Warframe.  I loved this power so much...since the moment I watched the second warframe trailer(the one against Lech Kril) I have said "I want to be that guy." The one that smashed the ground so hard it knocked S#&$ down and killed it.  This was the ULTIMATE strength power-cast-thingie-whateveryouwanttocallit- I haven't played magical games really(never really liked the whole "sorcery" aspect of unexplained occurrances-I like my Iron man tech) but I"ve heard it been called the ultimate strength spellcast.  No idea what that is, but if it's what radial blast is, then I like it.  Why did this power have to go?  what was wrong with it?  I personally loved this power more than anything else.  I would choose it over having my rhino stomp do damage on any day.  Why did this have to go away?  Can we get it back as an alternative, instead of a replacement, over Roar?  I would much rather have Radial Blast.  Giving the players the option to choose which 3rd ability would be so much better. Am I the only one with a sentimental blast from U7, when I first got Rhino?  Or do I have a valid point?

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Radial Blast was so much like Radial Stomp that I seriously couldn't even remember its name when I came back to the game after a bit.


I knew that Roar was new, but I had no idea what it had replaced. Could not think of the name at all. It was such a forgettable skill.

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Radial Blast just did damage and knockdown with the animations the Grineer heavies use now. Rhino Stomp back then did next to no damage but had the signature stasis knockdown. DE decided to combine the two and introduce Roar.

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It was too similar to Rhino Stomp, so parts of it were integrated into Stomp, which you may have noticed as enemies in a closer radius when you stomp taking damage before the main damage of the ability, and then it was replaced with Roar, which is a damn good skill.


Maybe Radial Blast or something like it will be brought back as one of those generic abilities the devs have been talking about.

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I really did not mean for it to replace Roar again.  I meant for this to be a CHOICE for the tenno operating Rhino.  If you went for Roar, great, but I find myself not using it often.  I loved the fact that Radial Blast knocked them down, while the ult would just hold them in place.  It made you choose between damage or utility.   Spamming radial blast was one of the most fun things ever, and no one can truly appreciate it unless you've played as long as I(we?) have.  I'm not dissing any of you for not agreeing with me, I just feel like this was one of my favorite powers that really didn't need to be taken away. Don't get me wrong, I love the change with the Stomp.  But I want to CHOOSE whether I want my Radial Blast back or not.

Edited by DJ-7809
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I really did not mean for it to replace Roar again.  I meant for this to be a CHOICE for the tenno operating Rhino.  If you went for Roar, great, but I find myself not using it often.  I loved the fact that Radial Blast knocked them down, while the ult would just hold them in place.  It made you choose between damage or utility.   Spamming radial blast was one of the most fun things ever, and no one can truly appreciate it unless you've played as long as I(we?) have.  I'm not dissing any of you for not agreeing with me, I just feel like this was one of my favorite powers that really didn't need to be taken away. Don't get me wrong, I love the change with the Stomp.  But I want to CHOOSE whether I want my Radial Blast back or not.

I've been playing since midway through closed beta. I only ever used Iron Skin and Radial Stomp on Rhino.


Charge and Radial Blast were never ever used.

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I'm still pissed they removed Radial Blast and replaced it with something useless. It did way more dmg than what his ult does now. And the animation for it looked way cooler and it could be used in mid air. Totally the best of his abilities. Tch and now we have this crappy ult that isn't even on par with his forgotten Radial Blast.

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I liked the ult being more of a utility and less of a "hit 4 to win" game mechanic.  I liked the fact that if you used Rhino, you had to work for your kills instead of just pushing 4 and everything magically dies.  The 3 gave him CC damage.  The 4  gave him CC stunlock in the form of a stasis field.  Then you walked up, charged your Scindo, and hacked the enemy in two.  That was how Rhino was always used.  Now he's used as just as bad of an ultspammer as Nova.  People needed to think when they used Rhino, now it's a little more mindless.

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I'm going to agree with OP, when most people lashed on radial blast for being useless, I'd use it with great frequency and to great effect.  I was, for one, sad to see it go upon my return from extended absence and thoroughly dropped my rhino upon discovering they had also nerfed iron skin.   


If anything, Roar adds more depth to Rhino as an assault tank and is not a bad skill when used well, but the emphasis on rhino stomp has just added more fuel for "press 4 to win."  Even back when both skills existed, those who claimed to prefer Stomp to Blast truly did not bother to understand the worth and differences in each.  Radial Blast and Rhino Stomp have different properties; if I remember correctly, Blast knocks down enemies, does more damage, and has a larger radius.  Stomp has a significantly smaller radius and deals less damage but has its signature slowdown effect.  


Blast was intended to be used for crowd control, while Stomp fares better as a limited but unconditional interrupt, a denial, or an ohsh*t button given you were in close proximity with the danger at hand.  Yes, stomp deals a greater potential dps with more guns blazing and may thus be claimed as intrinsically a better skill, rendering blast obsolete.  However, I again refer back to their skill ranges and their purposes; much larger crowd control/stun vs centralized, limited target denial.


Besides, I'm not going to lie here, given the amount of Rhinos I see running around I hardly ever see one giving me the Roar buff anyway, usually preferring to Stomp or needing to constantly keep up their iron skins.

Edited by DalaiLlama
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Radial Blast was amazing and there was a big difference between Stomp and Blast.


Both skills dealt damage. But, unlike the Stomp, you could spam Radial Blast, there was no "cooldown", and you could use the Radial Blast in the air. Using it in the air made it so satisfying. I mean, flying by dropping nukes all over the pace. That's the feel.


I wish they just added skills instead of replacing the old ones.

Edited by KingTaro
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Your memory is a little fuzzy on them.  Stomp had a slightly longer range, but did NO damage. None.  It was a "hold them steady for me, Jim" and then swinging your Scindo upon the unlucky victim's head.  Blast was a 600 maxed power-without Intensify or any other power-strenght mods- knockdown ability. Rhino would punch the ground, and everybody would be either killed or knocked down and seriously wounded. Obviously this was nearly useless against the (well for the time frame we're talking about, before levels started meaning different things) lvl 75 enemies.  Of course it's knockdown was useful still, and the damage was nice.  Stomp was called one of the most useless ults in the game, because it didn't do damage.  I found it to be useful during Defense and Mobile Defense. again, hold them still while I swing my axe jim.  I feel that we need a choice now. Roar feels, while paired with a high damage weapon it may be good, but it feels useless. LIke something that just doesn't fit with Rhino.  Maybe I"m being too biased, I don't know. I'm trying to remain unbiased, but I loved that power.

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