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This is not feedback about anything, its general discussion, i want to discuss with the community some things about PvP, so i appreciate if the moderators could leave this topic here for maximum visibility.


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I love conclave, play every day. Basically its all i play on Warframe, i do PvE stuff only when new content comes out. I guarantee you all that there is a small community of players that play every day, i know because i constantly get matched up with those guys. We all kinda know each other.
I understand lots of people don't like it. That's because the PvP mode is completely unbalanced, with many many weapons and warframes completely overpowered. Maybe one day they will focus on improving the conclaves, maybe do some balancing, or new game modes.
But one thing that i disagree is with some players that belittle the conclaves, and try to convince others that should be removed from the game. Do you understand some people like conclaves and play there every day? You understand there are people that play only on the conclaves and not normal missions? For them (Me included) that's the fun in this game. Many players level and forma their weapon just to use them in the Conclaves. You remove that, and they will get bored and stop playing. You Anti-PvP people basically want it removed from the game, because you don't like it. I'm really sorry but that's not reason enough. There are others who like it. Its fun, if you get owned, its probably because you suck at it. Go get better, and you will have fun. Its part of the game, its not going anywhere, and have lots of potential whether you like it or not.
Every time someone posts something about the Conclaves or PvP is the same thing, a bunch of tunneled-vision elitists who think their opinion is the ultimate truth and the developers are obligated to obey them. You people don't realize that PvP in Warframe Its completely optional and have no rewards or leaderboards whatsoever. Its simple, if you don't like, then don't play it.  Does it bothers you so much to see that Conclave mission node on the star chart? Just ignore it. No one is forcing you to enter there.
For those who says this game is not about PvP, I got some facts for you: This game is about PvP too, there is PvP instances. Deal with it. They will never remove it. In fact, they will improve it as soon as PvP gets higher in their list of priorities. The reason why PvP is so unbalanced right now, is exactly because its in the bottom of their priority list. But eventually, we will have a more polished Conclave and even other PvP modes, maybe a leaderboard for it. Accept it.
I just needed to get this out of my chest. Haters incoming in 3...2...1...
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I do not hate conclave in its current form as is it is a "fun" little thing that people can choose to do I am fine with that, and that it stays that way. 


I am sorry but Warframe is a PvE focused game and well if you want PvP then there are many many PvP focused games out there that you could go and play and probably enjoy more.

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I am sorry but Warframe is a PvE focused game and well if you want PvP then there are many many PvP focused games out there that you could go and play and probably enjoy more.


Well i like Warframe, and i like PvP in Warframe.

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Haters incoming in 3...2...1...

I think exactly the same. Penta/Castanas are overpowered and some weapons need to be banned form PVP. I personally use Valkyr with Rage, to activate Hysteria to escape from bad situations, Latron/Latron Prime/Strun Wraith, Akstikettos/Seer and Kamas, because almost 1000 slide damage is AWESOME!

Edit: D'oh wrong quote

Edited by Petersheikah
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I don't want Conclave removed, I just don't want DE to waste any further resources on any form of PvP until such time as the actual game we are here to play is complete or almost complete.


This benchmark is measured by the following but not limited to:


Full Lore implementation

Complete end game

Polished functioning Hub system

Reasonable Progression rate through MR30 (including meaningful benefits for MR advancement through 30)

Unique map sets for all planets.

Drop tables finalized




Though I will say I never ever ever want to see any form of progression or rewards through PvP that aren't available with equal or lesser effort through PvE... because this is not a PvP game.

Edited by Agent_of_Change
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I do not hate conclave in its current form as is it is a "fun" little thing that people can choose to do I am fine with that, and that it stays that way. 


I am sorry but Warframe is a PvE focused game and well if you want PvP then there are many many PvP focused games out there that you could go and play and probably enjoy more.

I have to concur. Their is no balancing things for pvp at this stage. Almost every single weapon in the game can eliminate a tennos shields armor and health in no time flat. I was bored and goofed around in conclave with my pet ogris and it wasn't pretty.
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I don't want Conclave removed, I just don't want DE to waste any further resources on any form of PvP until such time as the actual game we are here to play is complete or almost complete.


this benchmark is measured b  the following but not limited to:


Full Lore implementation

Complete end game

Polished functioning hub system

Reasonable Progression rate through MR30

Unique map sets for all planets.

Drop tables finalized




Though I will say I never ever ever want to see any form of progression or rewards through PvP that aren't available with equal or lesser effort through PvE... because this is not a PvP game.


How is this not a PvP game? There is PvP so it is a PvP game.

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Conclave needs allot of work, but even a conclave 2.0 would make a viable PVP system. It needs work, but not as much as you would think.



If anything just give out 10k credits if you win, i mean i play Conclave some times to mess around with my Jat kittag, but i feel like i wasted my time since you get nothing from it.... not even 2.5k credits. XD

Edited by Feallike
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How is this not a PvP game? There is PvP so it is a PvP game.

I imagine you can actually answer that question on your own by looking at how DE is handling PvP: they're not.


From what I understand, they made it available, then proceeded to ignore it.

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Conclave can be fun, but sadly the only semi balanced area is in the 100-150 rating. Go higher and all you see is oneshots.

But its also this special place where unwanted frames and weapons get a second chance, like Valkyr and her ripline.



Hey, we should have another conclave community event  !

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How is this not a PvP game? There is PvP so it is a PvP game.


It is there to see for those who have eyes.


Conclave was tacked on after the fact because of the people who pitched a fit about it, but mostly cause DE thought it would be neat for duels in dojos and the anti-clan folks complained about being left out in the cold.


It is by the devs design a Cooperative PvE game.  Look at the marketing, look at the live streams.


You just have to admit that PVP players got thrown a bone out of pity and that Conclave is a sideshow at best.

Edited by Agent_of_Change
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I imagine you can actually answer that question on your own by looking at how DE is handling PvP: they're not.


From what I understand, they made it available, then proceeded to ignore it.


Its just in the bottom of their priority list. But eventually, they will focus on improving PvP.

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I do not hate conclave in its current form as is it is a "fun" little thing that people can choose to do I am fine with that, and that it stays that way. 


I am sorry but Warframe is a PvE focused game and well if you want PvP then there are many many PvP focused games out there that you could go and play and probably enjoy more.


It's not hard for a PvE game to strike an appropriate balance with PvP aspects. When you introduce something, you take it seriously even if it's isn't huge by comparison. Lemme use PvP in Dark Souls for instance. Most of the game content is PvE, let that "little" addition of PvP spawned so much alone. Especially since it stems from the PvE content. PvP is nothing but a good thing for the game, and it doesn't have to drag away the devs attention from the PvE entirely like some people irrationally fear.


And I'm also sorry, since no, it isn't going to stay that way. DE said a million times that they will flesh out PvP later.


It needs to be understood that you don't have to stun people off to an entirely PvP focused game or an entirely PvE focused game when they feel it's lacking in a title. PvP doesn't have to rival PvE in content. Yet attention still needs to be paid to it at some point. A few fleshed out and balanced PvP options that, ideally, make use of PvE assets is something that would be incredibly healthy for a game like this. 


I feel like I'm not really communicating this as well as I could, but I'm hoping you get the picture.

Anyway, DE is going to put some more love into PvP at a later date. That was confirmed like a million times.

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How is this not a PvP game? There is PvP so it is a PvP game.


The majority of the game is PvE, as well as the focus. That'd make it a PvE game, not a PvP game. Everything in the game is balanced for PvE, not PvP. For PvP to be entirely viable, there'd have to be some major nerfing of frames, weapons, and powers. For example, if DE focuses on PvP more than PvE (I think they should focus on PvE personally), they'll have to balance Rhino, and every other frame really. Everything will need to be balanced against Excalibur, meaning a good bit of the frames will need to be nerfed so that they have stats that are better than Excalibur and stats that are worse than Excalibur.


For PvP to be viable IMO, it'd need to be more mainstream. But that then would eventually make Warframe like any other shooter, really. As well, it'd need more than 2 or 4 players per team IMO. 6-8 per team, and large areas, would be better.


I honestly would prefer a conclave that was only melee. As others have said, right now it's just a one shot game by those who have the overpowered frames and weapons (overpowered for PvP). That said, I think that cooperative PvE should remain the primary focus of this game.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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I understand lots of people don't like it. That's because the PvP mode is completely unbalanced,


Wrong. It's because this is PvE game. It's not a PvP game, never has been, and (if DE knows their customers at all) never will be. That's why it's not balanced for PvP.


If PvP is what you're looking for, you're playing the wrong game.

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I don't want Conclave removed, I just don't want DE to waste any further resources on any form of PvP until such time as the actual game we are here to play is complete or almost complete.


This benchmark is measured by the following but not limited to:


Full Lore implementation

Complete end game

Polished functioning Hub system

Reasonable Progression rate through MR30 (including meaningful benefits for MR advancement through 30)

Unique map sets for all planets.

Drop tables finalized




Though I will say I never ever ever want to see any form of progression or rewards through PvP that aren't available with equal or lesser effort through PvE... because this is not a PvP game.


That's why PvP isn't having more work done on it yet. They are focusing on getting all that stuff done.


Also it's not hard to have PvP gear that is available. Do PvP for more things to use in PvP. That and a few cosmetic things would honestly be fine, though some people will complain about it.

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kill players in one shot or get killed in one shot, are you calling this fun?


Yes, it requires lots of parkour skill, good aiming, stealth, and tactic. Its fast paced and very exciting. One of the best PvP modes i have every played. Can you respect my opinion? If you don't like just don't play there.



Wrong. It's because this is PvE game. It's not a PvP game, never has been, and (if DE knows their customers at all) never will be. That's why it's not balanced for PvP.


If PvP is what you're looking for, you're playing the wrong game.


This is a PvP game too, there is PvP now, deal with it. I like Warframe, and i like PvP in Warframe, i won't play other games.



And I'm also sorry, since no, it isn't going to stay that way. DE said a million times that they will flesh out PvP later.


It needs to be understood that you don't have to stun people off to an entirely PvP focused game or an entirely PvE focused game when they feel it's lacking in a title. PvP doesn't have to rival PvE in content. Yet attention still needs to be paid to it at some point. A few fleshed out and balanced PvP options that, ideally, make use of PvE assets is something that would be incredibly healthy for a game like this. 


I feel like I'm not really communicating this as well as I could, but I'm hoping you get the picture.

Anyway, DE is going to put some more love into PvP at a later date. That was confirmed like a million times.



Yeah eventually DE will focus on balancing the PvP, maybe do some tweaks on how weapons and abilities deal damage vs other Tennos.


The majority of the game is PvE, as well as the focus. That'd make it a PvE game, not a PvP game. Everything in the game is balanced for PvE, not PvP. For PvP to be entirely viable, there'd have to be some major nerfing of frames, weapons, and powers. 



PvP is here to stay, its not going anywhere. They will make some changes when the time comes, when PvP is higher on their priorities.

Edited by RexSol
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That's why PvP isn't having more work done on it yet. They are focusing on getting all that stuff done.


Also it's not hard to have PvP gear that is available. Do PvP for more things to use in PvP. That and a few cosmetic things would honestly be fine, though some people will complain about it.


As I said before I'm more of a so long as I can ignore it I don't care if it exists or not.  But the moment that PvP development impacts PvE development even slightly it's at that point I do care and can no longer ignore it.


DE is handling it right so far, put PvP on the shelf until such time as they complete the game, I'm in full support of that policy.  People just have to understand that this is a PvE game first and foremost regardless of how they'd rather play it. 

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