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C'mon. Really?


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Alright, here we go again. 


Nyx, started as Fem Excal, however the devs realized... Why make two models for the same stats? Instead of two frames totally?! Thus Excalosis became Nyx. Much to many players rejoice and pleasure as indeed. Why the hell would ya? So many possible playstyles. 


Now the idea has been thrown around for two frames with a similar theme that are gender and (moderatley) playstyle altercated. But even if you balanced all of these frames.... Where would you put them? The same boss to double the RNG (Fem helm, Fem Systems, Male BP and Chassy sitting in your arsenal for example)?

Yeah. Just like Ember was actually a male at first then got swapped to a female. Funny though that Nyx being femme Excalibur is actually more correct lore-wise if you've played Dark Sector. XD



While I'd like the option to change genders down the line, it's not important right now. What IS important is gameplay and content. If you're going to not play a game just because you don't want to play as pre-defined genders, then find a different game. So far the Devs have said that they might do separate genders, which is a big step up from the resounding 'No' that it was before.

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Find another game. Boom problem solved.

I appreciate you. 

I think I like this post, simply because I am at the point of giving up, and it brightens my day to see something so absurd and extreme that solves the problem as well.

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Steve just opened the proverbial Pandora's Box when he reiterated on a devstream (22 or 23?) that frames are merely tools and you are the Tenno inside.


Great.  So the next time I go to pick up a hammer or a screwdriver, I'm going to have to figure out if I remain my current sex...



Edited by Thaumatos
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Yes, absolutely ages ago round about the update 7 region.

Well since way back then de has made several statements about how they debate on that kind of stuff even internally.

And again...how does that factor in to the focus system which was explained to be coming from our tenno and not the armor.

Let's also not forget that de has changed a few things as they go.

There use to be direct statements by them of how melee would be improved but never to the degree that it is getting to now. They use to say how certain limitations of the controls would prevent certain things...etc.

Now melee 2.0 is almost here.

Let's keep all that in mind.

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DE would make ridiculous amount of money proposing gender skins for all the frames 150P each.

Right here. This is the point.

A lot of folks buy cosmetics in free to play games.

De recently made it clear that they are expanding cosmetic options.

If de can make money off of gender choice then its a good investment for them.

I know some folks will say its against lore but honestly there isn't a clear enough continuity on that aspect to say that.

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Each frame has a different operator. There are multiple operators for the same frame hence why there can be 4 ashs in the same party. There isnt a meed for gender bending each frame. Think of it as someone stated above World of Warcraft. Youre playing a different character and class.

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^ Pretty much though personally, I'd rather have focus on gameplay first. What's the point of looking good if the game is still unpolished?

Gameplay is priority but the devs who make things like skins and character models aren't usually the guys who work on gameplay.

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Guys-stop this bull about "people who prefer to play as a certain gender are insecure"

People have different preferences in how they play a game.

They connect with their characters in different ways.

Stop trying to make this more than it is.

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You switch characters every time you switch a frame, rather than it just being one set character. If you remember Dark Sector, the technocyte virus molded his skin into a warframe. He can't take that off, and I assume that the Tenno are infected in a similar way, molding their warframes to their skin. If you watched The Profit trailer, when Excalibur was cut open his skin seemed to be the frame.


Even if the Tenno aren't infected, you still do switch between characters every single time, that has been confirmed, and you can plainly see by all the different body types and heights. Switching genders would require them to make new models, and re-do all of the animations, it'd be as much work as making a new frame, so why not put that work towards an actual new frame with interesting abilities like they did with Nyx? There's a lot of possibilities for frame abilities.


And furthermore, we don't even know how gender works for the Tenno, or if they even have a concept of it. If the frames are molded to them, they also have no genitalia now, so that rules out biological sex. Gender isn't solidly defined now, so it could be like that in the future as well. If you want to consider a certain frame male when other people call them female, go for it. It's the future, gender isn't limited to basic concepts of it, nor is biological sex, nor is anything really. If a man has breasts, who gives a S#&$?


And it's not as if the men are out-numbered by the women, this is in no way unfair. So many games have mostly/only male characters, and if they have a token girl character she's always a healer, or a mage. Plus a lot of games only allow you to wear more than a metal bikini if you're male. This game is refreshing in that it has a variety of female characters that have different body types and abilities, and are actually designed in a way that looks cool and fits with the universe. And if you really can't identify with a character on the basis of what your conceive their gender to be, you have issues with gender beyond just Warframe. That's going to affect how you view female characters and women as a whole.


If it's literally just that you're insecure with your masculinity, then that's alright, you might want to talk to someone about that though. But, being traditionally feminine in appearance doesn't reduce your ability to be badass, and it's not as if the gender ratio is uneven, so why is it even a concern? The Warframe universe is amazing enough, and fun enough, and interesting enough that it shouldn't even matter.

You just completely missed the point.

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you can say whatever you want there's no confirmation that there's is more than 1 character or whatever you can afirm with such a certitude...


For me the Frames are just semi-organics undead robots animated by my Tenno's will. It's a spiritual link with the frames nothing more...

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@thread: Lore is no counterargument... or why can we have one frame multiple times on a mission?


Don't judge people because they want more personification.


There is a simple reason: the costs.


DE may not be the corpus but if it isn't really profitable AND neccessary for the game then it's not an option.


So maybe after Melee 2.0 and the tremendous work of bug fixing afterwards, then there may be a consideration if enough people are into it and would pay for it.

Edited by SIDESTRE4M
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Then what even was the point? Be more specific, because I tried to cover every possibility I could get from your original post on this.

Would it matter what kind of counter arguement that I threw out? I know your type. It wouldn't matter how reasonable and logical the counter arguement would be, it would still be just wrong.

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How about they give us a special window in game, in the Forge.  In there is a bunch of bars that every player can see.  When the bar is filled up, the Devs will build and release the stated item in the game. The bar is filled a little bit every time someone sinks Plat into it.


Clan research for real life.


If the Devs say it's not worth the time/money.  Prove it.  How fast do you think people would drop in a few hundred thousand plat for a female loki?

And because it's Plat, it means that DE got paid for it.  Either because you just bought some plat, or you traded for it and now just permanently took that plat out of the economy.  Meaning that later on, someone will have to buy more plat.


DE gets money all the way around.  Players get literally what they want/pay for.  Put every little cosmetic thing that the devs wouldn't other wise have had the budget to waste on.  If they don't have the 6000$ to blow on the time/energy needed to make a giant floppy dildo skana skin?  LET THE PLAYERS PAY FOR IT.  If we want it that bad, we'll pay for it, eventually.


Just never let it "decay" or anything, and even if that floppy skana only plinks away at 1plat a week. It will eventually fill.  And in the mean time, it's a new source of revenue for the devs.  And all it cost them is UI build time.

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Oh, I thought of an issue. Don't accounts get 50 free plat?  You could bomb this RL clan research with free accounts and break the system.


Solution: Make this special forge window an unlock, costs 50plat to unlock(or unlocks for free after mastery Rank 10?)


Something like that.

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