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Im Leaving.......


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WHy do people always hate on those who are fed up with the current state of the game? Just showing that the community is less than amazing as well. 


i am tired of a lot of things in this game, but IF i ever leave, i will avoid the drama.


is not constructive and nobody cares.


also leaving this week is the worst decision you can make, this update is the breaking point for many of us (warframe becomes better or is irremediably broken), and you want to leave now?


well, bye!

Edited by omega_phoenix
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With so many hours of gameplay it's understandable that Warframe gets repetitive. I've "only" played 500-something hours and I would lie if I said that there weren't periods where my excitement was completely gone. However, I would say that the constant updating and additions help bring me back for more. I'm really looking forward to Focus and the new Melee system, sounds like it'll add a lot more hours of gameplay (at least in my case)

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i am tired of a lot of things in this game, but IF i ever leave, i will avoid the drama.


is not constructive and nobody cares.


also leaving this week is the worst decision you can make, this update is the breaking point for many of us (warframe becomes better or is irremediably broken), and you want to leave now?


well, bye!

Actually it is constructive, he specifically said what bothered him the most and its a sign that these things should be looked at and maybe improved.

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Actually it is constructive, he specifically said what bothered him the most and its a sign that these things should be looked at and maybe improved.


sorry, but i differ.


he talks about all the things we all know about this game, constructive is to suggest some solution.


fix this or i am leaving is not constructive at all, is just wanting some attention.


i did several posts ranting about the state of the game and tried to offer some solution, never suggested i am leaving, just trying to improve warframe.


there is the difference, the attitude. 


the community does not respond this way to people who speak their ideas about warframe, but to those who believe that they are so important that leaving will make some kind of rumble in the game.


and he is upset about the price of the skin btw.

Edited by omega_phoenix
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sorry, but i differ.


he talks about all the things we all know about this game, constructive is to suggest some solution.


fix this or i am leaving is not constructive at all, is just wanting some attention.


i did several posts ranting about the state of the game and tried to offer some solution, never suggested i am leaving, just trying to improve warframe.


there is the difference, the attitude. 


the community does not respond this way to people who speak their ideas about warframe, but to those who believe that they are so important that leaving will make some kind of rumble in the game.


and he is upset about the price of the skin btw.

Its not "fix this or i am leaving" its more like fix this or someone else may leave.


Pointing out problem is constructive feedback, we are testers so our observations are feedback, its not our job as beta testers to give developers ready fix, pointing out problems is enough.

Even then if you actually look at forums there were thousands of threads with solutions to current problems, yet DE seems to not notice them.

It is our job to repeat it like mantra at every occasion for DE to fix it. 


He is upset about the price of the skin and many other ppl are and thats their opinion, some might not agree some may agree, but since all previous skins were 40p and new one is suddenly 150p ppl might get impression that DE cares more about money than fixing game.

Even if you dont agree you should at least try to look at it objectively.


I dont even know that guy but i think some of his points are valid.

Also many of us probably hope for melee2.0 to be good enough to occupy us long enough before some proper fixes come out and game gets better, if not many will probably quit and we will see more posts like these.

Edited by Davoodoo
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Its not "fix this or i am leaving" its more like fix this or someone else may leave.


Pointing out problem is constructive feedback, we are testers so our observations are feedback, its not our job as beta testers to give developers ready fix, pointing out problems is enough.

Even then if you actually look at forums there were thousands of threads with solutions to current problems, yet DE seems to not notice them.

It is our job to repeat it like mantra at every occasion for DE to fix it. 


He is upset about the price of the skin and many other ppl are and thats their opinion, some might not agree some may agree, but since all previous skins were 40p and new one is suddenly 150p ppl might get impression that DE cares more about money than fixing game.

Even if you dont agree you should at least try to look at it objectively.


I dont even know that guy but i think some of his points are valid.

Also many of us probably hope for melee2.0 to be good enough to occupy us long enough before some proper fixes come out and game gets better, if not many will probably quit and we will see more posts like these.

thx m8 you are the only one that understand what im saying,game is a mess and you as ppl paying for this mess,for 1 year anniversary you will get extra skin but not for free but 300% more expensive etc..when game finnaly run smooth you will get update then masiive lag,fixes 1,2,3,4,,5,,6....but games still studders like drunken sailor....but sory m8 is a beta,you all agreed to that,cous ninjas play for free...:Dman i love this slogan...


Its all about the money so all guys and girls that saying after all updates thx or i love you,they MAKING THIS GAME FOR MONEY NOT COUS THEY LOVE YOU.......MOOOOONEEEEYYYY.....



After fix numb 6 or 7 ,you will get new weapon so you forgot all abot lag and all that s..Weapon si a killer you running like mad dog,killing all like Rambo 18 but one morning something happens ,minor fix,nothing to worry,im gonna get mi super bad &#!  mf riffle and ,start killing spree..But i can kill s...They have nerfed down mi super bad mf riflle,,,why ???they need to sell another so you can run around in virtual space and kill again like a pro..its a neverending story,this is warframe now.................... Gramar naciz go wild.... .........................................................,,,.,.,.,,


So i need to be happy,first im playing for free,free lag,free fixes,free updates following by another update to fix previous..........man i love this game NBA. free terrribllle drop rate 100 runs for one item and no drop....????


I dont have time for this s anymore im playing neverwinter,story, fun ,open world,humor.orcs,wizards. and no lag......


So think about that im here since 2013,early 2013,so i know what im talking about...

Game was fun before now is just mess..but DE got critical mass (ppl) for now and dont care...........

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