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Toning Down Soma


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New player and his buddy start playing warframe. After some time has passed, they each hit rank 6. His buddy grabs a Soma and starts getting far more kills than him.

This obvious solution is: come to the forums and whine. And completely ignore all the far superior weapons while he's at it.

^So true.

I always forget the "Whine and be oblivious to everything else but the one thing that bothers you" logic.^^

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Magazine down

have Kick

Crit Damage down & Physical Damage up

sounds acceptable. while i'd still say it's Accuracy needs to be lower than Assault Rifles(by some degree), those tweaks may be enough.


i don't see people complaining about Latron Prime and that thing deals as much damage as the Soma without crits, and when it crits, it does as hard a freakin' bow.

Latron Prime can match Soma's Damage Output on the Crits, but only on paper.


once we add in Accuracy and Weakpoints, we realize that all Soma needs to do is hold the trigger and cut a swathe at head level and the entire group of Enemies is guaranteed dead.



why does an LMG have the highest Crit Multiplier in the game?

and yes, it's a f*ckin' LMG. with Assault Rifle parts blended in, and with DMR parts blended in, etc. but it's basically an LMG with none of the downsides.



and yes, BoltorP has more raw 'Deeps'. it's Accuracy needs to be tweaked down a bit, and the Damage significantly reduced. since BoltorP is compared to Boltor:

216% Damage

123% Projectile speed

200% Accuracy

same Conclave rating of 40

108.3% Reload Speed

an extra Polarity

the same Mastery Requirement

113.6% Rate of Fire


so BoltorP's downsides are.... what? doesn't  have any. same boat as Soma.

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the comments where people say "don't use it then" really isn't much of an arguement seeing that OP is ikely being annoyed by others taking all the kill ruining the fun for them. So telling them not to use it, well that arguement is invalid.


really though it should be nerfed. 

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 Not sure if mentioned but the soma is far from top tier


As good as it is it has a fatal flaw with ammo efficiency that keeps it from being useful very quickly


On top of that its not the top damaging gun believe it or not


Its a really strong weapon but not in need of a nerf imo

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