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Philoso-Frame, A Little Game.


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Why do all female grineer have robotic legs?


What actually happens when we forma or catalyze a weapon?


Why do we need a orokin cell to dual wield weapons?


What do tenno do when we exit the game?


What does corpus greedy milk taste like?

Edited by Lqn8r
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Why do Grineer Seekers have such powerful pistols?


Why do all of the Corpus doors open after a lockdown is lifted?


Why can I launch myself into oblivion after grazing a wall?


Why are there so many unused doors?


Why does Bladestorm cause Ash to stop using melee takedowns?


Why does the defense objective continue to flash after it has fully recovered?


Why does every room appear to have zero practical function to it?


Why are Nyx's Mind Controlled minions so stupid?


Why are there so many invisible walls and teleport pits?


Why is every mission completely void of depth?


Why can't I carry all four Dragon Keys with me?


Why does capturing one target cause instant omniscient detection?


Why are Frost/Ember/Volt non-resistant to their respective element?

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how does a grineer scorpion have the strength to pull rhino given the size/weight/strength difference ?

If you look closely, scorpions never pull a Warframe using their arms. They just stand there with an arm outstretched while their grappling device reels the target in, and they don't actually move the arm back until at the very end to detach the cable.

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How does one find a Tranquil Cleave?

Oh that's simple: You grind until your arms are ground into dust by the relentless turning of the ages, until naught but dust and ashes remain floating in a formless, infinite void, ÚNTIL YOUR DESIRE FOR TRANQUIL CLEAVE MAKES THAT REALITY REA-


Oh sorry, i got a bit carried away there. I just found mine and it pisses me the F*** off that i don't have a Nikana for it... BUT I WILL HAVE IT! (When my clan members agree to a goddamn Tenno lab)

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What really happens when there is an invasion of Uranus?


What kind of slad dressing does Alad V use?


How is it that Tyl Regor was able to turn his frown upside down?


How did the Stalker get his nickname the crimson creeper?


Where do Boltor bolts come from?


If a noob dies on a Nightmare Mission, do you care?


Why are there Tenno sympathizers stuck in cryo pods? 


Does Nova really have dat mass?

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