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{Concept} Sanguis - Warframe Of Blood


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Hear me out on this. I know you've all seen about 50 "vampire werewolf werepyre warframe" ideas and you're probably thinking this is the same. Hek, maybe you've seen something along the lines of this Warframe or maybe the exact same concept.
My point is, I've had Warframe ideas since I first came to it around Update 10 (yeah, early starter but I'm still at the endgame) and feel like sharing.

And no, I'm not entirely sure how to use the "Spoilers" thing otherwise I'd shorten this. Hey, I've never posted on the forums so I'm new to all this.

So, without further ado, I'll get to it.


Codex Entry
We were losing. No matter what we did, the Sentients advanced without pause, without fail. We couldn't stop them.

In a reckless flare of hope, we sent a reject and received Excalibur. Hope, it seemed, was a word we could finally understand once again. Proud of the accomplishments, joy in the belief we would continue to hold - we created more. One Tenno alone was not enough to stave off their threats, so we sent more to that accursed Void that held so much hope for us. And as we did, we finally understood.

They adapted. Like us, the Sentients adapted to the threat of the Tenno. Our hope turned to despair, our pride to dread and our joy to hate. Desperation, the will to survive, broke through as we travelled paths no sane being would take. We harnessed the power of the Tenno and we darkened it, tainted it with blood. While Excalibur was all that embodied our hopes, the others were all that embodied our fears.

We tainted them with blood. With blood we payed the price.

A male Warframe with a dark red and black or white colour scheme. Seeing as I can't draw, any input from the comments would be appreciated.

Health : 110 (330 at rank 30)

Shield : 90 (270 at rank 30)

Power : 150 (225 at rank 30)

Armor : 50.

Stamina : 80.

Sprint Speed : 1.1.

Polarities : 4x Power Slots ('=').
1x Attack Slot ('V').
1x Defense Slot ('D')

Aura Polarity : Attack ('V')

1) Siphoning
Sanguis drains the very life force from a target, taking it for himself.

Cost : 25 energy.

Effect : Upon casting, the enemy aimed at by Sanguis takes 100 / 200 / 300 slash damage with a 50% bleed proc chance, receiving 50 / 100 / 150 health returned.

Purpose : The point of this ability is primarily to live up to the Warframe's ideal - blood manipulation. It also provides a means for self-healing during times when health is scarce and a player is close to death, which can be a life-saver in some situations.


2) Leech
Sanguis extends a bond of energy that, on hit, teleports the player to the enemy and bleeds them.

Cost : 40 energy.

Effect : Upon casting, an energy hook like Valkyr's Rip-Line is extended 10 / 20 / 30 metres. If it hits, Sanguis is teleported to the target who takes moderate slash damage and a 50% proc chance.

Purpose : This ability serves as a sort of Slash Dash for caster-types - it inflicts high damage against a single target, draws the player closer to the action where they can deal more damage and seems like one of the more useful third abilities in my opinion.


3) Fountain

Sanguis erupts the blood from a target, blinding enemies nearby.

Cost : 60 energy.

Effect : Upon casting, a single target takes high Puncture damage and explodes in a manner similar to Molecular Prime. Enemies around the hit target will take average blast damage (no proc chance) and either be blinded like Excalibur's Radial Blind, or will shoot wildly around with a tendency to hit their allies.

Purpose : The objective of this ability is to lend some crowd control in times of danger - although much like any other Warframe's crowd-control abilities, the benefit is that the enemies are put out of action, one target takes major damage - preferably something vital like a Heavy Gunner - and become easy targets.


4) Blood Ritual
Mortal wounds open in surrounding enemies, draining them and healing allies.

Cost : 100 energy.

Effect : Upon casting, all nearby enemies in a 10 / 20 / 30 metre radius take 500 / 750 / 1000 Slash damage and a guaranteed bleed proc. Depending on amount of players, damage caused by bleeding is returned to the cell as fourths / thirds / halves or (if solo) a full return to Sanguis.

Purpose : The thoughts for this ability were to do major damage against a variety of targets and leave them damaged over time as a sort of extended crowd control. The choice of Slash also causes major damage to flesh, thus doing high damage against most enemies.

Overall, Sanguis is a sort of combat Trinity - offensive abilities designed to help teammates and himself. Though he trades armour and shields for power and health (because he's all about blood, in case you didn't realise), he is by all means a force to be reckoned with.

So that was my idea which I've now got off my mind. Though it's a little cliche, I do appreciate input - positive (because it's nice) and negative (so I can improve on areas), but preferably positive - regarding stats, abilities and concept in particular. Too OP? Too weak? Say so. Please do.

Edited by Blackout751
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I'd lower the health to like 300, but otherwise good ideas, specially for the powers. Though a lot of em seem to do...well "the same thing". Marked is just Siphoning on a group. Why not something like...Blood Control, enemies in a small radius around the warframe will attack their team mates while suffering from a bleed proc for the duration of the ability.

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Well a slight suggestion change the name to: Sanguinius 


Noted, but I wanted to keep the name short to fit in. For example, Loki, Rhino, Mag, Nova. That sort of shortness.


What is the color of night?


Presumably the colours of the colour palette Twilight that Warframe has.


I'd lower the health to like 300, but otherwise good ideas, specially for the powers. Though a lot of em seem to do...well "the same thing". Marked is just Siphoning on a group. Why not something like...Blood Control, enemies in a small radius around the warframe will attack their team mates while suffering from a bleed proc for the duration of the ability.


You have a good point, I've edited the ability to be similar and lowered the health. Thanks.

Edited by Blackout751
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Noted, but I wanted to keep the name short to fit in. For example, Loki, Rhino, Mag, Nova. That sort of shortness.


. . .


I agree. Keep it Sanguis. I like it, and it's not too overbearing.



Also, I like the idea of his abilities doing slash damage. Ain't nothing like a frame shredding flesh X) I mean what.

No but really I like it, and there needs to be a warframe that inflicts bleed procs. DoTs could be seriously fun.


I like your concept! Just to throw that out there. I would really like to see it grow, so I'm just gonna toss some ideas out there in case you like them. Don't feel obligated to make any changes, its your idea and your post! :P


Anywho, here are some ideas and thoughts:

  • I like the idea of slash damage being one of Sanguis' primary tools of destruction. However, I feel like it would be very fitting for him to have an ability that focuses on an area DoT (Damage over Time). I mean serious damage, a bleed proc that would destroy infantry and put heavies in the hurt. But, at a cost - it's all DoT. So, to get maximum benefit from the ability, an enemy would need to have the bleed proc on for a while. Of course, weaker units would die faster, while heavier and beefier units would last for much longer. However, even some of those enemies would eventually crumble. Why do I think this should be an ability? Well, it could be a good way to set up a fight or lockdown an area of incoming enemies by essentially sentencing them to death (eventually :P ). Additionally, the massive bleed proc could maybe increase the damage of Sanguis' other abilities on them? Though I do like the existing four, and this ability is pretty different... Anyways, just a thought! I just wanted to throw that one out there, take it, adapt it, or leave it, it's ultimately up to you of course.
  • I don't think Siphon should be the lifestealing bond over time thing solely because I feel that teammates would probably kill the enemy you just cast it on, giving you no health for your energy ._.  (Just think about Ash's Bladestorm and how the enemies sometimes die before he gets to them) By having a one hit, single target ability, that guarantees no waste and a solid takedown tool.
  • I really like that he has an ability (Leech) that pulls Sanguis to the enemy, rather than the other way around. Very cool, I love engagement tools like this. Just as a thought, and I feel like this would maybe make it work other than how you intended, but you could have the ability also have some form of life or even energy restore that activates if the target is still alive after a certain amount of time. For example, after 8 seconds, the enemy will refund the energy (or give back like 25, I dunno), so that would add a neat option for Sanguis that would make him question if he wants to cast Leech to target that enemy (likely a high priority, escaping target), or simply use him for transport and engaging a group, which would award draining the enemy across the eight second period by returning some energy. Or, maybe the 8 second cooking time could result in a massive damage infliction on the enemy. Just ideas. That all may be too complicated or OP, but again, it's just a thought that I'm throwing out there, leave it or adapt it, it's up to you!


I hope I didn't speel too long XD but I really hope this has been positive feedback, I wouldn't have come up with those if I didn't like the concept!


Nice work,


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Anywho, here are some ideas and thoughts:


  • I like the idea of slash damage being one of Sanguis' primary tools of destruction. However, I feel like it would be very fitting for him to have an ability that focuses on an area DoT (Damage over Time). I mean serious damage, a bleed proc that would destroy infantry and put heavies in the hurt. But, at a cost - it's all DoT. So, to get maximum benefit from the ability, an enemy would need to have the bleed proc on for a while. Of course, weaker units would die faster, while heavier and beefier units would last for much longer. However, even some of those enemies would eventually crumble. Why do I think this should be an ability? Well, it could be a good way to set up a fight or lockdown an area of incoming enemies by essentially sentencing them to death (eventually :P ). Additionally, the massive bleed proc could maybe increase the damage of Sanguis' other abilities on them? Though I do like the existing four, and this ability is pretty different... Anyways, just a thought! I just wanted to throw that one out there, take it, adapt it, or leave it, it's ultimately up to you of course.



  • I don't think Siphon should be the lifestealing bond over time thing solely because I feel that teammates would probably kill the enemy you just cast it on, giving you no health for your energy ._.  (Just think about Ash's Bladestorm and how the enemies sometimes die before he gets to them) By having a one hit, single target ability, that guarantees no waste and a solid takedown tool.



  • I really like that he has an ability (Leech) that pulls Sanguis to the enemy, rather than the other way around. Very cool, I love engagement tools like this. Just as a thought, and I feel like this would maybe make it work other than how you intended, but you could have the ability also have some form of life or even energy restore that activates if the target is still alive after a certain amount of time. For example, after 8 seconds, the enemy will refund the energy (or give back like 25, I dunno), so that would add a neat option for Sanguis that would make him question if he wants to cast Leech to target that enemy (likely a high priority, escaping target), or simply use him for transport and engaging a group, which would award draining the enemy across the eight second period by returning some energy. Or, maybe the 8 second cooking time could result in a massive damage infliction on the enemy. Just ideas. That all may be too complicated or OP, but again, it's just a thought that I'm throwing out there, leave it or adapt it, it's up to you!



I hope I didn't speel too long XD but I really hope this has been positive feedback, I wouldn't have come up with those if I didn't like the concept!


Nice work,



The ideas are appreciated and I've compared them, but I couldn't really fit them in. I do sincerely apologise for it, but if my newest change to the third ability - Fountain - is taken with dissent, I'll change it to yours and see how people react then. Since this is my first posted frame idea, it's nice to have people like it though and I'm thankful.


please regulate the ability cost! Other than that, his abilities are too weak. Are they affected by mods? Other than that, good frame :D


I'll need to know how to regulate it, exactly - too high costs? Too low? I sort of remember my first LOKI using around that much energy by ability, so I based it off that.


His abilities do say they deal moderately high Slash damage (which is good against all flesh, so all enemies) and often do damage over time. Not too sure how you see it as too weak, but I'll review it anyway.


For the case of mods:

- All abilities would be affected by Power Strength to produce some high damage output while keeping the frame in good shape.

- Abilities 2, 3 and 4 would be affected by Power Range to increase either distance allowed for the teleport (2) or radial extent (3 and 4.)

- All abilities would be affected by Power Efficiency (obviously.)

- Only ability 3 would be affected by Power Duration, increasing the length of enemy blindness in a target.

Edited by Blackout751
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"Through blood and bone, flesh and sinew, he carves his way through all opponents, his fountains of blood able to leech the life from his enemies, as he controls death itself."


"I am blood."

"I am death."

"I am nightmare."

"I am Sanguis."

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