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Hey Digital Extremes, Your Physx Sucks. Thank You For Treating Pc Gamers Like Trash.


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I'm on a 2008 mid grade best buy computer and the physX runs flawlessly for me. Update your drivers. And youre overclock... find your compatible driver version for your overclock standard. The newest drivers might not be the best for an overclock unless you're running on a GT 2012/13 chip. Also, direct the PhysX load onto the CPU, it won't overwhelm the GPU this way.


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Seriously what is wrong with you? You think it's OK to use a physics engine that is only optimized for Nvidia hardware and screws over Intel and AMD? You think it's ok to promote that type of proprietary tech in a PC environment?


I got Intel processor and Ati Radeon Graphic card and its perfectly fine even when playing with 4 people, crap load of infested thingis and everybody using skills !

Well i do agree that the game is a bit not-so-optimized !

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It defaults to software emulation, many of my friends use ATI cards and it runs fine for them. There are videos of "PhysX ON/OFF" comparisons out there for Warframe on youtube. You can't really tell that much of a difference.

It really is more sparkles flying all over the place.

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Zymphad, you do know this game was originally made back in the old days of Xbox era... this game was never meant for PC but they ported what they had and started working on it again, PhysX was what they had and it still works... if your computer cant handle it then turn down your graphics settings, i have yet to have my FrameRate fall below 60-50 FPS even with 4 friends running a group combination of 2 Volts with overload, 1 rhino, and a frost...

and besides, PhysX is basically used on most games now a days

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DE, why is it your intention to screw over PC Gamers witha PC title by using PhysX? No one cares what Nvidia claims about PhysX 3.0, it's not optimized for PC. It's not properly threaded still. Your game sucks so much with PhysX that no once i have 4 people in co-op using all their skills, framerate crawls. Doesn't matter how low my settings or how much I overclock. Not surprising considering my GPU utilization is at 50%. PhysX on CPU? Yeah, my CPU utilization doesn't increase either, no matter what setting, it's sitting at a measely 30%. Want to take a guess why? Yeah, your game is not demanding, yet I can't play it at decent framerate because you thought having blocks of crap flying out of the ground and enemies? They look stupid and make no sense at all. PhysX particle effects are absolutely garbage, doesn't matter if it's in Borderlands 2 or Hawken. You thought it would be different on WarFrame? Got news for you, it still looks $&*&*#(%& on your game too. No actual physics going on, seeing damage to walls or grounds, yet a geyser of colors sand flies out? You thought that looked good?

Seriously what is wrong with you? You think it's OK to use a physics engine that is only optimized for Nvidia hardware and screws over Intel and AMD? You think it's ok to promote that type of proprietary tech in a PC environment?

You seriously think people will say, hey, I spent $500 on an AMD GPU but WarFrame has PhysX making my GPU sit there and do nothing because PhysX is such garbage? Oh wait, let me go run out now so I can play a game that is nowhere close to being demanding at framerate higher than Crysis 3 on a 4 year old GPU, and buy an Nvidia? Is DE a Nvidia sales rep now? Or did you just join Nvidia's payroll as part of their PhysX marketing team?

And you want me to give you more money for a PC game that alienates all PC users who didn't buy Nvidia? Seriously?!?!? I regret every single penny I paid on this game. I thought paying a bit and another $15 to help support your game would be nice for a PC title. PhysX makes me regret every single penny. And I will not recommend your game to anyone else.

With nearly 50% of gamers using AMD and ALL THREE console platforms using AMD and two of them using x86 AMD CPU, you really thought promoting proprietary hardware was a good idea? Pathetic. Gaming in general is not an Nvidia world.

First of all:


Second: Please help me understand what the big deal is.

Im a radeon user but i have no qualms whatsoever with Physix. It is an optional thing and it does not prevent me from playing the game.

Is this huge mass of hate just because you dont get spiffy effects, or +10 fps? Are you having issues with running the game?

Please elaborate so we may get a better understanding of what your actual issue is, since its not like physix will prevent you from playing the game.

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You all make jokes but I support the OP. You guys have no idea how evil Nvidia is. When I was a kid growing up in the mojave, I lived in this peaceful little village. Life was great. Everything was peaceful and idyllic. But one day, a van with six armed men came out. They brought with them something called an "Experimental Fermi GPU", and threated to overclock it unless we handed over all our money. Our village elder, my pa, refused. So they pulled out a 3dVision monitor, loaded up Crysis on Enthusiast settings, and made my pa play. Then they laughed and drove away. The kids, we watched as the card got hotter and hotter and hotter and suddenly, there was a blinding white flash followed by a nuclear fireball. I was the only survivor.

TL:DR Nvidia killed my family and friends and burned my village into the ground.

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All i can see is an upset AMD Fanboy who cant run physx.Go back to consoles we dont need mad kids from trash consoles here.Online RPG/mmos are not for console/specific hardware fanboys.

1st yes i do care about physx,if nvidia is lame and doesnt wanna make it open so we can all enjoy it regardless of gpu,just like cuda its their business.Dont like it then take it up to them not warframe.Or just disable it in settings but since you might have an AMD gpu you shouldnt even be talking about phsyx.

2nd physx doesnt run on cpu or AMD gpu even if you set it so in nvidia control pannel/game settings or not.If you do not have an nvidia gpu that supports physx,enabled and its physx drivers installed you dont get any.Learn before you post.

3rd the performance is due to bad optimization of the game when you have packs and packs of mobs and 4 players spraying all over bullets and powers over peer 2 peer network.Thats something they have to improve but because of your lack of knowledge your picking up againts the wrong part of the game.

4th even if it were physx you didnt say what gpu you have,if its something low-mid end you should never run physx because originally physx was made to run on strong high end gpu or 2nd gpu very efficient.I currently run a gtx 670 and my fps still drops with or without physx enabled(and yes it doesnt show any physx once its disabled) when lot of action on screen due to early unoptimized engine.

5th they prolly got support(maybe financial) for using physx in this game from nvidia and its also what attracted me since i care about graphics and tech unlike you who should go back to play that handheld nintendo trash or wii.

6th the lack of knowledge makes stupid you simply dont have enough knowledge to even post about it,hence you just posted a thread about fanboism and hate.You really want to be taken serious with this?

Please lock thread mods or delete it.

Edited by RedEye88
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OK, Guys, no reason to be offensive.

This guy explained why he doesn't like Physx. And that's why there is nothing to complain about.

He could have atleast been kind about it haha

He comes here, guns blazing expecting what? The game to cater to his whim? If he has a recomendation, it should be expressed professionally and not in the tone of MY BUTT HURTS FIX ME!!!!

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He could have atleast been kind about it haha

He comes here, guns blazing expecting what? The game to cater to his whim? If he has a recomendation, it should be expressed professionally and not in the tone of MY BUTT HURTS FIX ME!!!!

While this is true; if you speak back to him in a similar manner nothing will get solved, and it turns into a flame war.

Remember the tennets

Seek perfection of character

Be faithful

Endeavor in all training

Be respectful

Loyalty is the essential duty of the soldier

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Your complaints have been noted, messere, but there is no reason to voice them violently. Hardware and software optimization is a tricky beast, and you can't please everyone with it without sacrificing something else. Remember, the game isn't finished, and by the time it is, these issues likely will be addressed. If you want your voice to be taken seriously out of the crowds of thousands, you need to be calm, not loud.

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An amusing thread, but I think most people agree that the game is actually running quite well and the particle effects are optional after all. I think they look fine and keep them on despite some slowdowns when there are too many effects going on at the same time. Even so, it's better optimized here than in some other games- I tried to turn them on in Planetside 2 yesterday, it was a very pretty slideshow.

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While it's somewhat amusing the anger with which the OP made all of his posts... I'll see if I can do this without the snarky attitude.

First of all AMD doesn't make up "almost 50%" of any market, let alone the GPU space for gamers, and if you want a little anecdotal evidence look at a steam hardware survey.

Second of all if you're hosting 4p period the game will start to slow down no matter what graphics hardware you have under certain circumstances... like farming xini I used to have slowdowns that the only thing I could correlate it to was the massive amount of ammo packs sitting on the floor (4ghz i7, 12gb ram, gtx 660ti).

Third: PhysX was never designed for a GPU period... it was made by a proprietary company called Ageia for a proprietary physics card that they created as a companion card for PC. They thought that having a dedicated physics card would be the way of the future, however it was way too expensive to ever catch on and ended up getting bought by nvidia who then adapted it to their video card lineup.

Fourth: amd hardware wins in console space mean literally nothing, and in fact with this announcement less than nothing: http://www.xbitlabs.com/news/multimedia/display/20130307102742_Nvidia_Announces_PhysX_and_APEX_Support_for_Sony_PlayStation_4.html

Fifth: If PhysX was really such a huge bane to non nvidia users it quite frankly would never be included in games for PC due to the fact that a good chunk (not to mention vocal) of people use amd cards. Does anyone in their right mind thing that Gearbox would screw over a huge chunk of their player base just for some flashy effects from PhysX for borderlands 2 which sold millions of copies?

Sixth: I'll echo the comments from someone else... TressFX is a perfect example of how to go wrong and screw over a good chunk of your customers. Crystal Dynamics didn't release final code to nvidia until the week the game came out and look at that the game ran like crap on nvidia and intel hardware. As in... it actually wasn't playable for them due to working closely with amd on the release of their game... this is the type of crap that needs to stop in the PC industry. Proprietary effects and whatnot aren't the problem, because as long as nvidia and amd need to sell product they need to leverage advantages. The problem comes in when you make something unplayable for a large chunk of your customers (even if it does get fixed, which tomb raider did) over the implementation of one of these proprietary things.

PhysX is a far simpler implementation of particle physics and effects than can be done without licensing products not to mention the relatively tiny overhead. Note: without licensing products... this is the key here... developing your own physics is not cheap or quick... I'm fairly certain there isn't a single game out there with good physics of any sort that didn't license it from somewhere else (likely havok still at this point). So what it comes down to simply is that nvidia leverages PhysX because it's cheap and it's flashy... and the particle implimentation doesn't have a big performance hitch and doesn't require programming massive parts of the game(s) differently for different gpus. In a perfect world yes nvidia would just allow PhysX to be used on all hardware, however the chances of anyone paying them a licensing fee is pretty much zero so it won't happen. Oh and last but not least... modern CPUs sure as hell cannot do physics faster than a modern GPU can, even the latest havok engines use gpu accelerated physics.

Edited by plznohurtme
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Just saying: Someone could actually ask what his real issue is.

He said its not particle effects. Maybe FPS or render issues?

We could dance all day long around the fact how he phrased his post, but personally i would encourage everyone to understand the root of the problem, which is not "BUTTHURT", thats only the result.

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I run this game on an old 8800 gts, so I don't even know what physx looks like... How does this affect me? lol

man, dont you know what to do next? You have to create a thread and whine about it. ;)

Edited by Venarge
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And you think it's only PhysX that can do that? You've missed completely my point. But good to know because you own Nvidia, it's all fine and dandy, the rest of PC environment can suck it? How nice.

Well what about the SOURCE engine?

I found it extremely friendly to my graphics card (ATI Radeon HD 4500) and it could support rather nice effects.

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