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The Origin Protectorate [Multi-Game Community] News And Recruitment Thread


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Alright meeting recap and announcements


1) communication

We have tried to get people communicating back with us, but very few new people have tried to communication back. Communication is a two way street


2) Lets play nights

We are going to start to hosting nights where everyone gets together and plays, this will hopefully build camaraderie and increase communication. Expect more announcements on this soon, our first lets play day will likely be next weekend


3) Mountain clans

We were very clear when we started the alliance. This is not the type of clan we wanted to represent, and it remains that way. Even the storm clans we have now were tentatively accepted


4) Alliance website

An alliance website is currently under construction, due to the tentative nature of many of the things discussed with it so far (mainly hosting) the info will not be posted yet. once we have more concrete info you can expect to see it


5) Command structure 2.0


Tier 1: High councilors; reltats, Cried, and thebrainbrain

Tier 2: tacticians; Solidsp33d, NinjaRican, BrotherIcarus, and cbear

Tier 3: Moderators; Big_Dog488, ZeroInfinite, blackdragon0083, DJ_Redwire, and MidnightSummons

Tier 4: member


Tier 1, 2, and 3 are the council, Keep in mind you don't have to be a member of the council to join the meetings and contribute to the discussions. However if you want to discuss and contribute you need to actually join the meetings in the raidcall. this was set before the launch of U13 as it was the only free chat that could properly support as many people as we could need, allow for us to customize it to our needs, and remain active 24/7 without someone having to be there. If you don't have a mic, it does support text as well and you are free to use text. If you refuse to use raidcall then you can expect your contribution to limited to whatever second hand info comes up from peoples memories.


We are opening two high councilor slots, these will only be allowed to be filled by people willing to use raidcall. We will also be opening five more moderator slots. Once all these slots are filled we will open more slots across the council



Edit2: ANSWER THE DAMN ROLL CALL. We will begin kicking clans that fail to answer June 10th

Edit3: Check out the alliance twitter for fast access to info and announcements


Edit4: It has brought to my attention that I should clarify the current alliance system, or rather that there is a total lack of permissions that can be give to others. Currently the only permissions that can be give to others (other warlords only) is Recruiter, Treasurer, and Tactician. Every other thing you can think of is either stuck with me only (currently) as the founding clan, or flat doesn't exist as an option

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We have 57, I repeat 57 undeployed rails. with two more currently building. We do not need more rails. Instead put those credits into the alliance vault, which desperately needs them if we plan to get back onto the star chart.

I'm going to repeat for emphasis. Stop building solar rails, put credits into vault. More rails unneeded. credits in vault needed.
I don't think I can stress this enough, we will never get back onto the star chart at the rate the vault is building up credits.

Also answer the roll call if you have not already, we will begin kicking clans that fail to answer June 10th


Edit: for those unaware, we need the following info on the roll call. You can answer here on the forums or on steam, please only do so on one or the other

Clan name:
Clan Tier:
Main timezone:

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Hello my clan is interested in this alliance, currently we are in the Dark Souls alliance and are not to happy with how active it is and that it is kinda disorganized. Anyway if before joining you I would like to know how active the members are, in the game and on alliance chat, my clan is casual but pretty active and we like to chat. 



Clan name: Space Avengers


Clan Tier: shadow


Representative: LordMidnightX


Warlord: LordMidnightX


Main timezone: we have a varity I am North America East

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I have seen this trend starting in the alliance. To be entirely frank about it, it is quite uncomfortable a thing for me to see. Maybe its because I don't get why people are doing it, or maybe its because it means we are going to have bigger clans (which would mean we would have to watch inactivity more)

Who knows maybe it could be a good thing. Maybe this will be the key in solving the communication issues that have plagued the alliance.

What does everyone else think?


Edit: Note this is in no way saying its a bad thing (or good) and in no way saying people should or should not do it. This is just me trying to see what other people think of it

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The Dojo Fight Club!


TL;DR Sat May 31, 5 PM EST BE THERE 


Hello my friends! 


I would like to informally announce the commencement of our first alliance mini-event, featuring EPIC COMBAT at the whim of the clan leaders officially hosting their dojos for the event. 


In our collaboration, we will have about 3 clans hosting their dojo's with their own fight rules. We approximate this bloody battle to start on Saturday, May 31st at about 5 P.M. EST and lasting as long as there are people standing! 


So please do note, this is the first time were trying to organize the protectorate for a fun little activity to bring us all closer as the incredibly dysfunctional family we've grown to be. This is still a work in progress and if it turns out to be good, we'll make it a regular thing to happen more often. 


There you have it my fellow tenno! More info will come soon, and please help us moderators to spread the news of this event through the alliance chat when they have the chance. 


Have fun my friends! 

sincerely, Lizzardboyc of "The NeoReapers" 


Credits: Delta-56th

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Hello there my friends! I just wanted to send out a few reminders to show the alliance hasn't kicked the bucket.


~Dojo Fight Club: This saturday is the dojo fight club, where all you tenno can come around and kick the s#$t out of eachother with your awesome skillz. The event will start 5PM EST and will go on until 8PM EST (or until everyone tires out). The dojo's will be hosted by Delta-56th of Deathsong and Lizzardboyc of the NeoReapers. If you have a dojo with 2 or more dueling rooms and would like to host, please let me know so I can put your name up. Ill try to have my dueling room count at 6 for this event and events after (DO NOT think you have to have 6 to contribute, it just helps.)

   On a similar topic, we would like to remind you that this is our first event and that we haven't actually seen the load a single dojo can take. Hosts may be laggy, and member caps could be reached, it's still something we need to know and this is will be a great example of whether or not we can get creative with the dojo's.




~Weekly Announcements: Communication in alliance chat may be viable for many, but I personally feel that the officers need more interaction with everyone if we are to grow. We'll be starting a weekly announcement, which will be posted every Tuesday at 8PM EST. It will be posted both on the steam group page and in the forums for all to hopefully see. Please send a shout out through aliance chat so non-steam users can see where to look.


~Role Call: Were approaching the June 10 Deadline to submit your clans information so we can keep you with us. Our count of clans comes to about 40 of about 160. Please be advised that if you do not submit your information to wither the steam chat or our forum page, we will have to remove you in the attempt to find a more active clan. Please send a shout out in the alliance chat to spread the word to any who hasn't heard.

    June 5 is the last time Reltats will post a reminder so hopefully all of you get the memo.


And thats it for the reminders, I hope you all the best in your missions!



Your Bud,

Lizzardboyc, The NeoReapers
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I'm looking to dismantle my old alliance The Overwatch and request to join the fold, if the alliance hasn't already hit its cap.


Volki is my clan. My in-game name is the same as my forum name. Feel free to add me and message me whenever you're ready.


We are sitting at 30 members, 24 active, 2 inactive, 4 semi-active.


We have 2 rails built in our dojo, self-funded. We have one alliance rail.

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Hello my friends! I just wanted to say thank you more formally for the participation of the alliance in our first event! The Fight Club was a smashing success, and I enjoyed watching the duels take place.I mean sure, there were a couple UI breaks and over the course of the event we actually broke 4 of the 6 dueling rooms I had, but we were still able to see some epic fights! I want to send a thanks to Delta-56th for co-hosting his clans dojo, and all who supported the events happening. We can expect more events like this in the future, with hopefully better times for users in different time zones. Go forth and game my friends!


That one guy,

Lizzardboyc, The NeoReapers

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