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How Would You Summarize This New Update?


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I haven't seen a stance mod yet, but I do like the update.


I do find it "interesting" that I am seeing Hydroid ability mods, but no stances so far... But I'm not mad about it.


I can now chuck my Ash,Frost, Volt, and Saryn into hordes of mobs solo without using abilities and feel quite comfortable, if not entirely safe.

You can also get a bit of a copter out of almost every melee weapon now... very nice!

Ranged weapons are a choice now, not a necessity.

All good things...


My only gripes so far...


Frost is missing his arm vents

White's tint is all off. They need to clean it up as White is now dirty dishwater grey.

Daybreak color set got moved to the top which is a cinch I'm going to accidentally purchase it even though I don't want it.

2 Nikanas... Same price... Different damage thresholds. Doesn't seem right. 


The stance issues will get worked out inside the next week I'm sure.

I would have preferred there be multiple stance mods per weapon type and you get one automatically if you have the weapon type. That creates value out of the box and generates interest into what the additional stances might offer.

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1. Stance mods are just stupid
2. Combos? Five "E" then Mouse Button 2 and then again "E"? No, just no, take it away, remove it an update, its stupid, pointless and an utter waste of attention, time and basically take it away.
3. Channeling? WTF!? Give me back the beloved charge attacks that had beautiful animation!
4. Bugs after a week long delay that was supposed to make sure this wouldnt happen. Not cool.
5. 26 beacons to get to Hek and get ONE part....well thank you for making Hydroid virtually Plat Only in case of solo players. Especially with the way RNG gives out mission rewards.
6. Melee mod changes. How could you...we trusted you DE!
7. Worst. Upda--- Sorry, you gave us a parrot sentinel which is the ONLY redeeming quality of this update.

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 Well, Update 13 ..... Update 13, ehk....


It's not bad, I'd say it's very good update, but it's not amazing. Melee 2.0 is great, new features are so refreshing, I was stunned when I equipped my unmoded Dual Zorens and went crazy on Ceres Shipyards, I could actually fen myself with lvl 9 Zoren guys! Impossibru!


There's even more to that, I haven't acquired any Stance mods yet to check new combos or expand my Channeling with mods, I find it also kinda hard to master it as my stamina was going down like crazy, also my energy from channeling was zero when I faced Krill few hours ago....  


   Grineer Shipyards are dark, it's just as DE_Steve said, it's Grineer Mordor! Dark, toxic, rainy and industrial, all of this mxied into one epic tileset. I love this part of U13, melee 2.0 and Grineer Shipyards. 


 I haven't fought Vay Hek yet but I expect him to be awesome. Moreover, I don't like some minor changes like moving Vay Hek to arena accesible through a key. Bossless Earth or Krill in the Ceres, Oberon Parts form enemy leader AI etc. It would be better if DE would move Vay Hek to Ceres, Krill to Earth and not Oberon but Frost into the Dojo Tenno Labs. 


Haven't checked Dark Sectors yet so I won't share my opinion yet, I'd rather to share my feedback after few hours of U13, but well.... changes upcoming I feel. It's just the first step on 13.x.x builds. 


Above all, I am very positive about the U13, I may even say I am impressed, slightly amazed and can't wait to check every little detail of Sword Alone or rather Dark Sectors Update 13. ^^

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I'm extrememly amused about the massive excitement people were showing, when this...  this pile of trash I'm ashamed to know shows up.  Now we are supposed to do even MORE rng dependant things, and the melee 2.0...  just no.  the murdered the speeds of things, I swear the lowered damages too, and the things i actually enjoyed using, like the galive, are completely screwed over. 


pretty much my reaction when i first started a mission after U13:

"Oh boy!  this is gonna be so much fun, I can equip my glaive all by itself, and DE promised me that we would keep the charge ability, along with adding the cool things like the ability to block bullets! I cant wait!"

I then proceeded to have all of my hopes and dreams brutally murdered.  De's response to my excitement:

"First off, throwing the glaive isn't gonna work until we make a functioning patch for the game (13.0.1?  didnt do a thing for me.) once that happens, guess what?  you know how you had a build where you could throw it at a reasonable speed and actually use it to fight things?  well, we decided that you didnt need that, so now you have a useless weapon that takes so long to charge up that by the time it IS charged up, whatever you were trying to hit is either long gone, or has already killed you"


And dont even get me started on galantine, that was one of my favorite weapons, and has now been rendered useless by U13.   want U12 back, it was actually semi enjoyable.

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I agree Escantell, Melee 2.0 turned the sword fighting into something stupid and horrible.
I'm sorry but which person in the dev team thought it would be fun to add a combo system? Because frankly dude/dudette, youre working on the wrong game.

Nikana is just left, right, left, right, left right. I feel so awesome, just swinging it like that.
Taking away charge attacks basically means we have pathetic sticks now that dont even have cool animations.
Why did you guys even come up with this chanel thingy? Whats the point of it? It draws from energy, is pointless and ONLY looks cool.

Its not more useful that you can deal more dmg when channeling, I'd rather wait 1.25 second to charge up my attack and go swinging the jat kittag around, drooling at the awesomesauce animation its charged attack had.


Its HUD 2.0 all over again...just worse

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I love how so many people are judging so quickly when this update will start showing better in a week or so after all the tweaking is done, you know like DE always does because they fix stuff quick. No one seems to be praising the new void def/survi drops. No one is saying thanks for adding more enemies to the codex for scanning. No one is complimenting the new dojo rooms. 


How long did it take for people to adjust to damage 2.0? 

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There will be no complimenting and appreciating if they promise something wonderful but in the end deliver a stinking pile of...."puppies".

Its called first impression, and after just hanging around, checking out some modified content, honestly...Warframe is becoming a grindfest Space DMC.

And I dont know about you guys and gals but I'd rather just install DMC3 or any other combo rack up game than see a game of my dreams turn into one. Its just wrong.

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I love how so many people are judging so quickly when this update will start showing better in a week or so after all the tweaking is done, you know like DE always does because they fix stuff quick. No one seems to be praising the new void def/survi drops. No one is saying thanks for adding more enemies to the codex for scanning. No one is complimenting the new dojo rooms. 


How long did it take for people to adjust to damage 2.0? 


I agree with you but do you know why its like this?






Where do they come frome?

Where do they go?


It took too long to release and people hyped way too much for it

And when they finally get it,they get it with RNG sauce.

You can't blame them.

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Oh hey look, a video of what we were supposed to be capable of doing with melee 2.0 but wait, I'm pretty sure we were more badass with Melee 1.0


Nope, valkyr with some nice mods for speed and add a sword melee weapon = such an awesome bloody good time.

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You're all totally right. In this f2p game, everything that's newly on sale should also be super easy to get for free. Nothing should take time and you should already have everything from a massive update less than 12 hours after that update comes out. They should also add new things forever and change nothing that already exists because throwing S#&$ into a pile of S#&$ is how you make the existing S#&$ better.

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You're all totally right. In this f2p game, everything that's newly on sale should also be super easy to get for free. Nothing should take time and you should already have everything from a massive update less than 12 hours after that update comes out. They should also add new things forever and change nothing that already exists because throwing S#&$ into a pile of S#&$ is how you make the existing S#&$ better.

It's totally, utterly and unavoidably irrelevant and unimportant if a game is F2P or not. 

If it can be criticized, it should be criticized. 

That's how companies compete and that's how we get better games.

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Nope, valkyr with some nice mods for speed and add a sword melee weapon = such an awesome bloody good time.

Melee 2.0 - Nikana

Left right. Left right. Left right. Left right.

No further comment needed.

Melee 2.0 did NOT bring anything good. They did not change melee mechanics for better, sorry they just didnt.

I'm not saying "SPEEEEEEEED!" I too liked to take a heavy weapon, heavy rhino and...just...smash. Or anything else, speed isnt everything.

But the way fighting style is now? Whats the fun in it?

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I just went mental with my un-potatoed lvl 20 Dark Blade on Pluto, a level 12 Saryn, and I MURDERED EVERYTHING.

I've never felt like melee were end-game potential before, but now?


Try using Valkyr with a Jat Kittag, melee channel murders everywhere as I slide, dive, bash and punch everything to death. Our clan's Nikita is almost complete, just a few more resources and we're done!

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