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How Would You Summarize This New Update?


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You know, there is something to be learned here in the midst of all this mess. Next time someone in the future devstreams mentions they're looking at and "fixing" the RNG and the grind, don't believe them, close Twitch, and go do something else.


It's polished alright, but a turd is still a turd.

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You know, there is something to be learned here in the midst of all this mess. Next time someone in the future devstreams mentions they're looking at and "fixing" the RNG and the grind, don't believe them, close Twitch, and go do something else.


It's polished alright, but a turd is still a turd.


Players are the same as the devs

We are not learning from the past mistakes 


Did i ever tell you the definition of insanity?

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Couldn't tell tbh because of all the RNG. Channeling seems nice though, i also love activating channel while my glaive is midair and making it explode, thats a lot of fun. Wish i could get the damn stances though.


Also still having void performance issues and the dreaded black screen upon mission complete appears to be back, feels a bit unfinished.

Edited by Jag272
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This is what you guys get for rushing them, U13 was not ready, they pushed it out with a load of bugs.

Give it some time, 80 to 90 percent of the bugs should be out within a week.

WHat are these bugs you speak of? Never seen them. Are ye sure it was rushed after it being delayed again and again and again and again and again.


This was supposed to be an update 12 thing.


This is really about melee.

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This is what you guys get for rushing them, U13 was not ready, they pushed it out with a load of bugs.

Give it some time, 80 to 90 percent of the bugs should be out within a week.

they set a deadline for themself not us, well maybe some of the players. Basically just fix the bug and the combo modules drop rate then it will be the best Update ever of Warfarm .. i mean frame 

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Some of the combos go a bit screwey, on top of this inability to equip certain mods, and a few broken UI elements. I have a feeling the loot tables are a bit screwey as well.

The fact that they released it so late in the day tells me that they didnt want to &!$$ off the community by delaying it another day, and instead released a mostly stable version of it with the intention to patch and BALANCE TEST later.


Edited by Sturm-FalkeRDA
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Players are the same as the devs

We are not learning from the past mistakes 


Did i ever tell you the definition of insanity?


We're not the ones developing the goddamn game, we're just "beta" testers and players. They kept promising to address past problems and to "fix" them, and then kept dangling carrots in front of our noses these last few weeks, promising great and entertaining things in this next update. Well bub, guess what.


RNG inside more RNG is NOT entertaining, not in the least.


They wanted another week to polish things off, okay, they had it, yet we still get problems and crashes? Not to mention, the whole melee setup feels awkward to use, and I'm used to mashing buttons in my mouse and keyboard.


I'm speaking for myself when I say I've had it with this over-reliance in luck and RNG, but I'm sure there are others here too who feel the same way. Granted, I don't want easy things to get, rather, we should all have the same chances of getting what we want and need, not this current "I did 1 run and got all that I need, and you need to do 100 more runs to get the same stuff 'cuz, hey, got lucky."

Edited by RazorTip
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Buggy RNG is fitting right now.

Stuff has been broken and the 3 biggest points of the game are hidden behind grinding.


Want to use the new combat system ? To bad go farm: Got a single stance after 4 hours of farming


New Frame looks fun right ? To bad go farm: If you want the frame you have to farm for hours to get a key and when you finaly get it you get to fight the boss for a part Oh whats that, you think you can finish it in 3 runs ? Nope scrub, you can get lucky and get it in 3 or taste the bitter RNG and see how there is no system that you at least get the missing parts.


OK ok you just want to see the new boss ? To bad go farm: Do you never learn ? everything that made a point has to be farmed.


Its a wonder to me that i dont have to grind some special glasses so i can see the new Tileset.



Im not gonna quit the game, i still have fun with it.

Still i really doubt DE spend months and months and delay after delay without thinking once

"Oh hey maybe people dont want to spend 8h per day on the same mission, maybe they just want to try the new stuff without having to unlock it first with luck ? "


I really hope you take a second and a thrid look on the update DE because right now it was really not worth the wait.


Good points about the Update ?


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Frankly the RNG itself does not disturb me, F2P is F2P, it's the model to "frustrate" people enough that they spend money, it's what it is and that's all.


But seriously, this game is becoming a clusterfuck.

Another coordinates/keys system, totaly separated from the other ones, again ?


Seriously DE, some core planets don't even have a boss, TylRegor is still his old self, Phorid was not replaced yet, and so on, and so on.

The basis of the game is not cemented enough already and you add keys to void, why not it's a change of pace.

But then people have to get navs to get to the derelicts where they can get other navs to get a chance to get parts of a frame.

Already the OD were seen as stretching it, but now there is another totaly different key crafting system to access content, seriously no, simply no.


If you want Vay Hek and Ktooloo to not be readily accessible then incorporate their access to the previous nav coord and key crafting system, in a way or another, you're complicating things for nothing, we absolutely not need another tacked on access system.

Seriously, clean up the keys system, because it's more bothersome than anything else, not because of farm or RNG, but because it makes no sense to have that many profuse ways of accessing places.

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You're going to improve my favorite part of this game (melee). You're going to hype it all the way to hell and back... Then your going to make me GRIND UNTIL MY EYES BLEED!! JUST SO I CAN USE IT!?

F*** that. Why the hell would they keep something that looks that fun and force me to grind, just so I can maybe use it.

It's like giving me a sandwich, Telling me it's the greatest sandwich in the world, then telling me to go get the fillings for it at the supermarket.

WHO'S IDEA was it to make stances NOT built in.

I would not be nearly as mad as I am now if they had at LEAST given us 1 stance mod of our choosing so can actually try out the system.

Edited by RIOTx
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It's like giving me a sandwich, Telling me it's the greatest sandwich in the world, then telling me to go get the fillings for it at the supermarket.

Great analogy.


Another excuse for whiners with instant gratification issues to plug up the forums and covering up real grievances from being addressed.


Oh, and melee is fun now.


RNG is a real grievance, you nitwit, and we are addressing it, as well as other problems that surfaced. And of course melee is fun now...provided you farm the stances to get to that point.


Don't pull that 'white knight' act here, please. Specially not now, when all that we longed and hoped for since it was announced crumbled into dust.

Edited by RazorTip
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I know all that man really

Im talking about those who praise them

You just have to look at the people who throw happy gifs at them,tell them how awesome they are and how us players are idiots who can't see that DE care about the playerbase

Its just comedy all of this

I gave DE some money for this game because i had fun and still do but nomore money throwing anymore

I dont trust them anymore,im playing F2P from now on


Smiles can be deceiving

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I am really, really disapointed ...

Now all my hopes are in Dark Sectors hands ... hoping it wont be pure crap, and there is possible balance between top moon clans and small ones alliances.


I suppose i will have no more faith in DE's work.


H1Z1 coming in weeks, will certainly move away from warframe soon.

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Melee is great even without stances, stances can be adquired with some medium grinding, Vay Hek's grinding is....unacceptable! Argon thingys are dumb, yet people are more woried about not having flashy combos rather than the real issue.

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Great analogy.


RNG is a real grievance, you nitwit, and we are addressing it, as well as other problems that surfaced. And of course melee is fun now...provided you farm the stances to get to that point.


Don't pull that 'white knight' act here, please. Specially not now, when all that we longed and hoped for since it was announced crumbled into dust.

Don't you tell me I can't voice my opinions because I'm not wailing and gnashing teeth every time there's a change to the game, especially with that "positive opinion/outlook = WHITE KNIGHT FANBOI OMG stop liking things I hate" bullcrap. Also, speak for yourself about this "crumbled into dush" melodrama; I'm having fun and so are thousands of others playing right now.

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I really enjoy the update so far.  Melee is a blast.  Have some new mods I need to find and grind for.  Not sure if the rail system is going to be something our clan does seeing how we are just family and work friends.  Overall I have many positive feelings to say about update 13.

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Don't you tell me I can't voice my opinions because I'm not wailing and gnashing teeth every time there's a change to the game, especially with that "positive opinion/outlook = WHITE KNIGHT FANBOI OMG stop liking things I hate" bullcrap. Also, speak for yourself about this "crumbled into dush" melodrama; I'm having fun and so are thousands of others playing right now.

Excuse me, but that whole "voice my opinions" thing you did back there felt like an attack to those of us who are more vocal with their disappointment, perhaps you might wanna word things out in a way that won't offend others, specially when it has been said before in a very clear manner that we don't want instant gratification, we just want fairness and to get what we've farmed for.


Dilluted droptables, the RNG/luck factor, grind walls as big as Mt. Everest? Not fairness, not balanced in what we have to grind for just for that once-in-a-lifetime chance to get what we need. Oh, and let us not forget the hype DE built over this update and didn't bother to calm down, and all the promises they've made over the months and still haven't truly addressed or worse, put on hold.


Great, you're having fun, wonderful, I'm happy for you.

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Would've been my favourite update yet if it hadn't been for RNG walls.

Seriously, you'd think they'd have learned from Update 10. I'm talking especially about Hek; putting bosses behind such huge grindwalls is a very, very bad idea.

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