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Why People Hate Melee 2.0


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Quickpost, Melee 2.0 is fun, but based on some observation in chatframe, the following are major isssues

Melee Mode Select - Its not apparent enough that w have to hold F to obtain melee mode

Stance Mods - were promised t o be given free in Devstream 25 but ended up having to be farmed
- Ridiculous drop rate
- Unrealistic asking prices in trading
- Most are rare /uncommon making them that much harder to find
-SOme of them do not even fit in the stance slot [Only confirmed for fracturing wind]

Glaive -Difficult to throw in new melee mode
- Dissapears from time to time
- Slight increase in charge time is inconvenient

Energy Channel - Not apparent enought hat has to be held down to be used
-needs alock so that we can click it once and have it last some time as oppposed to permanently holding it

Melee Energy Efficiency - Most people have no idea what it is
- Does not seem to drain energy even when spamming energy channel

Hit Counter -Almost impossible to maintain over long durations even in T3 Surv [Most players only get to 2x dmg]

Thats all I can remember

Edit :People don't hate the new melee, they're just annoyed by it (as explained by Anunymau5), but it sounded like an appropriate title at the time, and I thought having that title would encourage better discussion > Sorry for that :/ :D


Edit 2 :  I never said I personally didn't know how to use these things, I just said these were major problems :/


Stop calling me an idiot :(


Godspeed :D

Edited by Somedude1000
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The stance part is really the whole point, and pretty much singlehandedly justifies the anger of the community.


Oh and the 275 plat costing katana with a ridicioulsly high resource cost in the dojo research, which all an attempt to tempt you into buying it

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The stance part is really the whole point, and pretty much singlehandedly justifies the anger of the community.


Oh and the 275 plat costing katana with a ridicioulsly high resource cost in the dojo research, which all an attempt to tempt you into buying it



Honestly im mad as hell because i thought the stances were unlocked as you level the weapon.. to my surprise more rng.. so much fun wow thanks DE! i want to test the new combos ffs!


I agreed with these statement!

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I also don't hate it... It needs some tweaks as there's been with Damage 2.0


But personally I find the keybinding-problems the worst... I may not hate it, but I find it very unconvinient to have another key to switch into meleemode when the default weapon-switch button could accomplish the same... it's only three weapons... it's not like it cycles through 15 possible weapons.


And while being in melee mode I don't like the feeling that I still have to use my quick-melee button (which I've put on my mouse-thumb-button so it wears very fast on my thumb while melee-only... it's okay for... quick melee though. The Irony.) when there's a big left mouse button that begs to be used instead like it would be standard with any other normal game. Why couldn't it be the other way around in Melee-mode? Why couldn't it be Melee Attack on left mouse button and quick melee becomes melee-channeling? Much more intuitive and easier to trigger combos.

Edited by MeduSalem
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How do I shot melee - They said in the Update post exactly how to switch to Melee,


Stances- Yeah, they should have given us a few stance mods for free at the very least. Most weapon types have 2 stances, DE could have given us one of them for several weapon types and left us farm the rest.


Channeling - Isn't it self-explanatory, though? Click button, magic glowing body. Release button, no glow. (Also I'm growing fond of timing my attacks so they're not all channeled strikes, so methinks any 'lock' mechanic should be optional)



I also don't hate it... It needs some tweaks as there's been with Damage 2.0


But personally I find the keybinding-problems the worst... I may not hate it, but I find it very unconvinient to have another key to switch into meleemode when the default weapon-switch button could accomplish the same... it's only three weapons... it's not like it cycles through 15 possible weapons.


And while being in melee mode I don't like the feeling that I still have to use my quick-melee button (which I've put on my mouse-thumb-button so it wears very fast on my thumb while melee-only) when there's a big left mouse button that begs to be used instead like it would be standard with any other normal game. Why couldn't it be the other way around in Melee-mode? Why couldn't it be Melee Attack on left mouse button and quick melee becomes melee-channeling? Much more intuitive and easier to trigger combos.

Don't really understand, for me the melee mode is F, the weapon swap key.


Also disagree that switching quick-melee key to channeling in melee mode would be intuitive for the most part. I'd prefer it as is, where melee is on the same key regardless of mode.

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About the channel efficiency thing, done some testing and it only drains energy when you hit an enemy. Think it drains 5 energy at base, although Reflex Coil gives you a 60% reduction and Focus Energy gives you 40%. 100% efficiency means every hit while channeling only takes 1 energy.

Edited by WingedSwine
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DE, we've been waiting and waiting for this. You promised us that we'd get these stances.

We have all these trash resources that we collected from killing the untold trillions of dumb AI hordes you threw at us. Let us at least craft these mods instead of throwing scraps to us, petty peasants and laugh from on high while we grind our nails, teeth and faces off trying to get the goodies you promised to deliver.


DE, you owe each and every one of your players an apology for this farce that we have gotten in return for our devotion and support.

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Don't really understand, for me the melee mode is F, the weapon swap key.


Also disagree that switching quick-melee key to channeling in melee mode would be intuitive for the most part. I'd prefer it as is, where melee is on the same key regardless of mode.


It's not been F for me. For whatever reason it wasn't bound to any key when I started the first mission and I tried every button until I looked into my bindings and found out that I had to bind it myself.


Probably it's because I have bound the normal weaponswitch to my mousewheel... but that didn't switch to the Meleeweapon, for whatever reason, which is the main problem I have with that.


If you have to hold down the button for a longer period of time to switch into melee mode... thanks to DE for that ridiculous solution... how is one to pull that off with the mousewheel? xD


Whatever... The keybindings for the Melee 2.0 stuff are pretty crippled and they have to do something about it because currently it's very confusing and against every nature of how Melee systems work on a computer without controller-pad. o_x

Edited by MeduSalem
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i also don't understand the whole dragon nikana deal, superior stats with no excess work, surely they could have done something like, uh i don't know perhaps made a regular nikana "graduate" at level 30 into a dragon


don't mean to sound passive agressive

This actually sounds like a cool concept though it couldn't be to common or it'd get old fast. Maybe it becomes one after format enough.
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What is it people? You all wanted U13 so badly that you didn't have patience anymore.Melee 2.0 is here so don't be mad that you have to grind mods... Remember that Warframe is a grinding game not a game where you earn rewards for free, go work for it, go buy them.


Welcome to the next generation of farming.


I am not angry at all, without the charge, my Orthos Prime is twice stronger then it was before, I don't even need stance mods.

Feel free to disagree with me ^^

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i also don't understand the whole dragon nikana deal, superior stats with no excess work, surely they could have done something like, uh i don't know perhaps made a regular nikana "graduate" at level 30 into a dragon


don't mean to sound passive aggressive

Oh i can answer this. One is a rank locked and i think it is rank 8. The other has no rank required thus lower stats on the weapon as well.

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Oh i can answer this. One is a rank locked and i think it is rank 8. The other has no rank required thus lower stats on the weapon as well.

i understand the two versions i just don't know why they thought they should have created a second version which is completely superior yet costs the exact same resources

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i understand the two versions i just don't know why they thought they should have created a second version which is completely superior yet costs the exact same resources

So everyone regardless of rank could have a fun new sword. Also the people that are rank 8 or higher could have something to show for there time in the game i guess.

Edited by gamefreak9149
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I don't think anyone hates Melee 2.0. What players hate is the fact that they can't enjoy Melee 2.0 because all the fun  combos are hidden behind grindwalls


I hate it. Why? Because it was so overhyped, and I knew it was as soon as I saw one of the livestreams. I knew right away that it would solve nothing.


I love good melee, but this... ain't it.


I'd expound on the individual issues I have with it, but the OP already did, so, no point.

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