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Power Creep Is Slowly Killing The Game


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When people say that DE only care about money and not customer satisfaction clearly have any idea how a service driven business like those in the games industry work. Yes they care about money- its a company- their job- their livelihood how they out food in the table and sustain themselves and their loved ones. But to make money they need customers, and to get customers and keep them? They need to care about them because without customers, they don't make money, and they can't afford the basic necessities of life.

No. DE didn't purposely F*** customers to make money, because @(*()$ customers loses money. Treating customers nicely gains you money.

And then there's the people who say they don't love their customers, they love their customer's money. And... yeah they do it's no different to how your dog only "loves" you because you feed it. You're your dog's life blood just like you're DE's lifeblood. But just because that's the case doesn't make anything less genuine.

Edited by SlimShazbot
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There is no such thing as "power creep" in a progression based game.

There is no such thing as "power creep" in a progression based game.

There is no such thing as "power creep" in a progression based game.

There is no such thing as "power creep" in a progression based game.

There is no such thing as "power creep" in a progression based game.

There is no such thing as "power creep" in a progression based game.

There is no such thing as "power creep" in a progression based game.



One more time, so you whiners get it.


There is no such thing as "power creep" in a progression based game.


Next thread youll have to write this 500 times on the chalk board.

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There is no such thing as "power creep" in a progression based game.

There is no such thing as "power creep" in a progression based game.

There is no such thing as "power creep" in a progression based game.

There is no such thing as "power creep" in a progression based game.

There is no such thing as "power creep" in a progression based game.

There is no such thing as "power creep" in a progression based game.

There is no such thing as "power creep" in a progression based game.



One more time, so you whiners get it.


There is no such thing as "power creep" in a progression based game.


Next thread youll have to write this 500 times on the chalk board.


Keep saying that bro, maybe you will convince yourself. XD


But seriously, i don't mind a little powercreep now and then. We need those Brakks and Pentas for the late-game.

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Keep saying that bro, maybe you will convince yourself. XD


But seriously, i don't mind a little powercreep now and then. We need those Brakks and Pentas for the late-game.


How on earth can you not figure out why power creep doesnt exist in rpglike (progression) games, bro?

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This is basically what happens when a large portion of a game's player base refuse to pay for a free to play game.

Free to play means that if you play it and like it, do at least pay the retail price to support the game developers to come up with regular updates.


That's not what free to play means.

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   People who like to get max numbers are fine IMO, but Spawncampers are ruining it for me. I can't think of a solution other than putting a radius around the defense object where only the players inside get exp for any kills made anywhere on the map. A radius the size of the room i guess, not outside of the doors where the defense object is. I dunno

Edited by 7.T.
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We've been on this crusade several times by now.

Nothing happened aside from promises of Damage 2.0, and "work in progress".


DE is either unwilling or incapable of delivering a properly balanced experience with healthy and challenging gameplay.

Warframe is doomed to forever remain a slightly above average shooter, with really high production values.

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As a mostly solo player it is frustrating to run into road blocks to progression such as the Interception missions (got buy the first one only when it was an Exterminate Infested alert). I was looking forward to try out Melee 2.0 but not if the only way is to do the umpteenth round of survival or defense. Even if I could do that there is no guarantee that I'll get a mod much less one that is appropriate for any of the melee weapons that I have. That doesn't fit my definition of fun. I've spent >2000 hrs. in Borderlands 2 farming bosses for the good weapons. Not gonna do it again. In BL2 the mantra was play with more players (max 4) and get better loot. From my experience there that's not how it ended up working. I hope the same won't be the case with Warframe.


So yes I've bought some platinum and the less expensive frames. I think that I have payed my dues to DE for this game (> $50). So I guess I'll hacking away as long as it remains fun.

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Warframe would be more balanced , if it WERE a PvP game , which it's not . The PvP aspect is essential to keep many game alive , meanwhile , PvE games need to constantly add new features , content to keep them fresh .


What im trying to say is : DE is trying to balance the game but sadly , it's adding new contents that has a higher piority . Maybe we can enjoy a balanced Warframe in like , U20 ?


I'm pretty sure DE knows about the problem ( hell , there has been hundreds of threads about it already ) , but they may decide that it's not a good decision to spend too much resources to fix it .

Edited by Frostmire
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You do realize, like anyone else, DE employees do work to make a living, not to give you everything and get nothing for their efforts in return. Whether you choose to farm or outright purchase, that is a personal preference. There are many players who choose to farm until their fingers cramp, then come back the next day and do it again. Their choice. I already work for a living, I don't want to end my workday by coming home to relax in front of a game by working at having fun. Therefore, I purchase. That is my choice.


The ones that choose to farm and never spend plat have just as many weapons and frames as those who purchase. Balance does exist.


To say DE does not care is highly unfair. I don't know what any of you do to make a living and it is irrelevant. Put yourself in their position, create your own game on a scale as large as theirs, start your own company, show us money does not matter to you, deal with the general public and demonstrate how it should be done. Either you are part of the problem or part of the solution.


This right here is the right way to see things if you dont want to buy plat cause you think everything is achievable ingame without pruchase then go on grind as hard as you can but dont complain cause to be honest there is nothing called free in life you jsut get to play free but didnt say free items and your even lucky that you can farm or have a chance to farm good weapons and almost all the game content in other free to play you got to fckn pay just for the chance of obtaining you guys are so ungrateful and immature. Will you ever go to work every fckn day and not get paid ? Just think about that.

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