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Stances Should Be Rewarded For Weapon Achievements, Not Drops


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Nobody likes the RNG wall of finding these new stance mods, and honestly it doesn't make much sense. How does defeating an enemy and getting a piece of their technology let me use my weapon with more proficiency?  It's like the implication is that skill is a gadget, something that we install and just get rather than something we earn.


Instead, stance mods should be given to the player as a reward for the weapon achievements.  Like when you get a polearm weapon to level 30, you get the "Polearm Proficiency" achivement.... and you should get the first polearm stance mod.  And then you rank up two other polearms, you get "Polearm Mastery" achievement... and the second polearm stance mod.


It makes sense in the context of the game, and it removes an RNG wall in favor of a clearly defined goal.

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Nobody likes the RNG wall of finding these new stance mods, and honestly it doesn't make much sense. How does defeating an enemy and getting a piece of their technology let me use my weapon with more proficiency?  It's like the implication is that skill is a gadget, something that we install and just get rather than something we earn.


Instead, stance mods should be given to the player as a reward for the weapon achievements.  Like when you get a polearm weapon to level 30, you get the "Polearm Proficiency" achivement.... and you should get the first polearm stance mod.  And then you rank up two other polearms, you get "Polearm Mastery" achievement... and the second polearm stance mod.


It makes sense in the context of the game, and it removes an RNG wall in favor of a clearly defined goal.



is actually a very good idea that would solve a lot of the issues people are having in a way that makes complete sense. :3


Although it might be a bit hard for DE to implement, as I'm not sure how reliable the ingame achievements are as opposed to the Steam achievements (the Steam ones have been iffy for me). Still, good idea, hope it gets considered. :P

Edited by -BioDrago-
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This is a good idea, but I think that a basic stance should exist, probably a simple one with a single, weak combo, which is given when you build the weapons for the first time. Then get the advanced and master stances when you achieve the proficiency and mastery titles respectively, if they go with this system.

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