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Galatine Being Too Slow For The Job


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I want to clear this up, this is not about removing charge damage.

Honestly DE I don't mind the removal of charge attacks but the nerf of fury has effected Galatine a lot, it just doesn't seem to do the job effficiently. It'd take a second just to get to swing it once, sure it has good channeling but it seems too slow. If you have a friend with a faster weapon he could finish the job for you before you could land a hit. The nerf makes it seem as if even Rhino and Frost became weaker in U13. Can the swing speed for Galatine be slightly faster if you're not considering buffing Fury?

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They nerfed the Galatine, because it needed to be nerfed.  You're probably just experiencing Overpowered Weapon Withdrawal Syndrome.


Heck, it still is overpowered; it's flat out better than the Gram, for no particular reason.  Greater range, better slash focus, better crit and status chance...


It could stand to be toned back, but it definitely doesn't need a buff.  I personally recommend trying other weapons, and accepting the diversity that a more balanced game can bring.

Edited by NikolaiLev
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I'm having serious problems justifying the use of any melee weapons I've got outside of the three top critical based melee weapons (Cleavers, Zoren, and Ichor). Amphis is nice for the shock and movement, but in terms of actually damaging stuff, a critical build seems unbeatable now that charge attacks have been removed.


They didn't just nerf Galatine, they nerfed every weapon where it was prudent to ever use charge attacks with before. Doesn't matter if Galatine is still better than Gram when my Dual Cleavers are holding about triple the DPS of either (all being rank 30, supercharged, with multiple forma).

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I'm having serious problems justifying the use of any melee weapons I've got outside of the three top critical based melee weapons (Cleavers, Zoren, and Ichor). Amphis is nice for the shock and movement, but in terms of actually damaging stuff, a critical build seems unbeatable now that charge attacks have been removed.


They didn't just nerf Galatine, they nerfed every weapon where it was prudent to ever use charge attacks with before. Doesn't matter if Galatine is still better than Gram when my Dual Cleavers are holding about triple the DPS of either (all being rank 30, supercharged, with multiple forma).


Thats true because crit+Berserker=more speed = damage multi stacking with crits at crazy speed.

In theory slower powerful weapons = cheaper channel damage, so Jet Kitty works. Galatine is slow and meh damage, only finisher hits hard.

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Welp. Soloing T3 with fully moded potato/1forma galtine is harder than with... Ichors with a sigle mod: Berserker. This is silly.

Also Berserker Galatine is a viable build too, its rather hilarious.

Edited by Monolake
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They nerfed the Galatine, because it needed to be nerfed.  You're probably just experiencing Overpowered Weapon Withdrawal Syndrome.


Heck, it still is overpowered; it's flat out better than the Gram, for no particular reason.  Greater range, better slash focus, better crit and status chance...


It could stand to be toned back, but it definitely doesn't need a buff.  I personally recommend trying other weapons, and accepting the diversity that a more balanced game can bring.

Gram does more combined damage, gram is going to do better damage against corpus and grineer. It is not overpowered. Also, what people need to get that the weapon rebalance counted in the difficulty of the weapon to get.

Edited by Oishii
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Yet the Galatine still hits the largest number of enemies in a single sweep (5).  I don't think even the Scindo, Orthos, or any other heavy are capable of such.


And the daggers only hit one enemy at a time.


The Tenno have a word for this: Balance.

Daggers can multihit, so can longswords, and many other weapons. Orthos, Scindo and Fragor all hit at least 3 targets. Not that it matters for the Fragor, as it is even slower than the Galatine and painful to even watch, let alone play with.


Galatine swings more slowly now, and cutting the only MOD that increases attack speed in melee by HALF didnt help. As much as Galatine can indeed hit more targets, you need 5 of them pretty darn close or around you, and in the time you gather them and swing, someone with a dagger already killed them all.


If the weapon is to remain like this so be it. If it bothers me too much it will be yet another potato'd weapon I will sell. Piss poor game design tho, to make daggers and longswords deal more damage, save when you line 5 Infested up, than the largest weapon in the game.

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what doesnt make sense to me is that gram is the smaller and slower of the 2? smaller and slower makes no sense


if anything it should be switched so galatine has grams speed and gram galatines

Edited by Ecotox
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Does the Galatine still get that extra crit chance it had before on channeled attacks? That could really make all the difference.  Running Fury and Berserker might not be bad at all if you prefer DPS over DPH.

Wouldnt we love to know =)


Maybe if we all keep telling DE that we would REALLY like more comprehensive patch notes, and Channeling Damage back in the UI, preferably with Channel Crit chance/damage, they will listen... Right?

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It got nerfed down to a crumb of its former strength. I dare ANYONE of those who go "Oh, well, its still so stronK, even Skana is weaker" just try and make a T3 Survival/Defense wave at 40 mins or the 40th wave with Galatine only. Just one damn wave. You know what? Not even a wave, just a big group of enemies, like 15-20 crowded at one spot.


Its perfect for the job right? Hits 5 at once and stuff. And i bet you got the perfect stance for it, so give it a shot, cmon. It wont make a scratch.


We arent talking about it being average, we are talking about it being nerfed to death and people getting off, because they hated it so hard, they wished nothing else for.

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Gram does more combined damage, gram is going to do better damage against corpus and grineer. It is not overpowered. Also, what people need to get that the weapon rebalance counted in the difficulty of the weapon to get.


No, it doesn't.  They both deal 45 damage total.


And no.  How hard a weapon is to get should not factor into how powerful a weapon is.

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Galatine was not OP. Melee was terribly UP. There's a big difference and you people refuse to see it.

The real issue here is the speed of the heavy weapons. They're all terribly slow because Fury used to be 60% attack speed. Now they just forced people to make room for another speed mod.

Good job DE. Can you stop with fixing everything via mod yet? Please?

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