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Nyx Build Update 13


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i personally like have max energy with streamline and fleeting expertise, so that decreased the duration which is good so you dont have to wait like 10 hours for the last enemy to die so you can cast chaos again. stretch is also good too... and quick thinking with the flow works really good. imo take out continuity. not good for chaos

Edited by Deaths.Reap3r
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Your nyx wont be dying anytime soon with that setup. If your alright take off the steelfiber for fleeting fleeting expertise rank 3 or max rank so try them both out so chaos costs even less and you wont wait long to recast. I dont believe Nyx has much armor so even with max steelfiber it wont help much unlike Valkyr who has like 600 armor. Fleeting expertise will help you out more.


I am sure you wanted to make the most suvivable Nyx but i believe max health and shield mods will cover that so i think Rush to help you get around would be more helpful as well then vigor.


Those are my thougths atleast, to each his own how he or she wants to play.

Edited by gamefreak9149
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Steel Fiber does basically nothing for Nyx, replace with Stretch (you can always use more range). Absorb is something you should keep, and Mind Control can be worth it as well. I personally find Fleeting Expertise to be better than streamline; both Absorb and Chaos benefit from shorter durations and more recasts (I keep in Continuity for optimal duration; just FE is a little short for my taste). Vigor is nice, but you should keep an open mind to rotating that slot as needed; Equilibrium is nice to get some healing if you aren't facing infested or corrupted or Master Thief for more loot, Enemy Sense or Rush.

Edited by 00zau
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I took off 2 of the = polarities and made them neutral (or - I don't remember). We really don't use psybolts, and I never use her ult, but you can have a choice between having your ULT or having Mind control. Doing this will free up some space to add whatever you want.


And as everyone said, drop Steel fiber. It won't do anything to save you.

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Depends what you want to go for.


I go with all round, Flow, Stretch, Streamline, Intensify, Redirection, Rush. I don't use any Forma. Energy Siphon for my Aura mod, I can handle anything the game can throw at me without too much trouble well into the lvl 50s.


Note though, that with Nyx the bulk of your damage will be coming from weapons, Chaos, MC and Absorb are fantastic CC and utility powers but they don't deal a huge amount of damage.  


On your build, I'd strip out Steel Fiber. It's not worth it, Nyx has 15 armour so even a max'd steel fiber will increase your armour by an insignificant amount, same with Vitality, IMO as a rule of thumb, frames with higher armour benefit more from Steel Fiber and Vitality. I prefer Rush on my Nyx given Absorb gives a lot of survivability. 


Also lose Continuity, if you want to use Chaos, it's got a "power in use" cap so as you kill more targets more enemies spawn, the risk is that Chaos will still be in use with one guy hiding in a corner somewhere.


As others have said, keep Absorb, Chaos and MC, you can remove Psychic bolts easy, it's not very good.

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you only need minimal shield/health mods on nyx because of her CC abilities 


she is one of the warframes where all u need is a small buffer, dont bother with quick thinking and save your formas for frames that need them 


and it is worth having mind control and absorb on they are both useful even more so with max fleeting expertise since lower duration makes them better (more tactical)

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This is my Build, Most people would disagree with my Decision to build for Duration, But it works very well.


Use it how you want.

Building for duration is just an inefficient way to use Nyx because you're wasting the vast majority of that duration on just a few remaining enemies instead of being able to recast her CC. It may "work" for you but it's completely inferior in terms of practicality. Duration builds are only good for Absorb spamming, and that's assuming your team is just going to sit back and let you be the primary damage dealer in a Derelict mission.

Nyx doesn't need Flow because you should NEVER be running out of energy, especially on a build like yours where your abilities last way longer than they need to which, even though that duration is generally a waste of mod points, increases your hypothetical energy efficiency per cast by an enormous amount. You're also using Vitality instead of Redirection when Nyx has a decent base shield and practically no armor.

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Here's mine




If you can afford to get the max equilibrium, it really helps with sustaining health via energy orbs. Other than that it's a general purpose build that works pretty much everywhere. Also, changing that V slot really opens up other possible builds on her.


Personally, I don't like the reduced duration on chaos. When I use chaos, I want to make sure there is sufficient time not just for myself, but for others to recover or kill things. If there's some mob left somewhere still affected by chaos that you cannot find, mind control can easily divert the attention of large groups by using it on someone in the middle of them. Honestly though, with base duration I don't have trouble with recasting chaos.

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If you have the Vespa Helmet, you only need one forma to make the most out of your abilities.




Max range and lowest casting costs, Chaos will last 17.5 seconds, Mind Control around 20 seconds and Absorb 7 seconds, while you keep shields, health and that slot with Marathon you can replace with another mod if you'd like.


You can get extra points by polarizing the ability slot where Psychic bolts would be to D polarity, instead of that middle unpolarized slot.

Edited by Shackram
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If you have the Vespa Helmet, you only need one forma to make the most out of your abilities.




Max range and lowest casting costs, Chaos will last 17.5 seconds, Mind Control around 20 seconds and Absorb 7 seconds, while you keep shields, health and that slot with Marathon you can replace with another mod if you'd like.


You can get extra points by polarizing the ability slot where Psychic bolts would be to D polarity, instead of that middle unpolarized slot.

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