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Two Things For Hydroid's Undertow That Really Need Addressed.


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When Hydroid has any spare momentum as soon as you cast Undertow, it breaks Puddle and causes him to resurface the second after you cast it. This has led me and many other friends I've played with to die, having relied on Puddle to give them a quick reprieve without having time to completely stall their momentum. 


A toggle button for this ability would be much more intuitive. 



Second, when a certain number of enemies fill the puddle, unsubmerged enemies treat the puddle as if their drowning allies are blocking their path and will not continue to walk into the puddle, but rather act as if they've been obstructed, limiting its usefulness unless the AI can be goaded into the puddle. 



Please please PLEASE address/fix these two things. 



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Guys this isn't a call to buff the Puddle, it works just fine as a CC move, though it would be nice if we finally got a damage ult that scaled that wasn't as situational as Mag's shield polarize. 


Honestly one thing I'd like to be added to the puddle though is the ability to swap your weapon. That's is all.

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There's one other problem with puddle though.  Since it does so little damage (and friendlies are unable to damage enemies that have been puddled) it's too easy to troll a party with this locking enemies for literally a minute or more before friendlies have even the slightest chance to kill the temporarily unpuddled enemies.  Used with an intent to troll this ability could be abused to make defense and survival nigh unplayable.  Ergo if this becomes a thing people will start removing party members just because they use hydroid.

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Yepp, the "Omg, we totally dont see you, but we wont go into the puddle" bug is annoying. We all know, that its mostly used in infested defense, so you can prevent the capsule from taking any damage whatsover, but even if it does its job, it would be nice to see the enemies not treating it like an invisible wall

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