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Whats Your Most Hated Warframe?


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Oberon is top of my list at the moment.


No other frame is less suited to high level play than Oberon, whose abilties are basically damage, damage, useless healing, and damage. No CC, nothing that stuns, nothing that keeps himself or allies from death with any reliability.


Ember at least has a wide-range stun ability. One which enhances damage from her other abilities. Oberon doesnt even have that.

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I dislike running with a few frames myself, but the one I'll never play again because my experience was so bad leveling it I can never look at it in a positive light again is Nyx.

U9, leveling a recently crafted Nyx, running a Dread, Lex, and Glaive while farming for Excalibur Parts.

This is before the Dread and Paris Prime were amazing, the Lex is still meh, the Glaive didn't have awesome mods for it, and Warframe components dropped by random in the form of little pink orbs.

Not only did I do over 100+ runs for an Excalibur (this is before I had my Hunters pack.) but I was farming with a frame I found boring with only (in my eyes) two truly useful skills that didn't amaze me, a crappy loadout, RNG, and enemies that were constantly downing me because I couldn't do a thing to them. I had the same kind of luck in lower leveled runs with her as well.

Her toolkit just doesn't mesh with me. Sure Chaos is amazing breathing CC, but Mind Control is situational depending on the squad, Psychic bolts is meh, and Absorb...heh...ahhh... Sometimes I'd prefer to use Radial Javelin over it. It'd get the enemies to put me outta my misery quicker.

Frames I hate running with:

Rhinos that only utilize Iron Skin and Stomp, without using Roar and the less popular Charge; which I personally find really handy!

It doesn't help when all the Rhino does is spam stomp repeatedly before we're even 30 minutes into a Survival despite running with a room of Vets.

Novas who never stop spamming Molecular Prime, even when the Defense or Survival is JUST kicking off. I guess this is my same gripe with most Rhino Players I meet, because these two frames seem to be wielded by the most mindless bastards.

Tornado Spamming Zephyrs.

Ya know...I really like being able to aim and SHOOT at the bloody enemies, but no, they have ta send them all whizzing away to some random location and thus slowing waves and spawn-rates down because the team can't reliably kill them unless there's a ceiling.

Blessing spamming Trinities that try to tell the squad how easy the game is.

Not only is this sort of sad but I also kinda pity the players that main Trinity for this one skill. No offense guys, really, I've met some great Trinity players, some of my best friends are Trinities. But would I let one marry my daughter? God no...

-kidding. Jokes aside, most of these Blessing spam Trinities I run with? They seem to have no situational awareness nor do they ever seem to comprehend the dangers around them. They just press 4, go into La La land spraying the Soma wildly at whatever group of enemies spawns in there way, and run around the map like headless chickens until they run past a punch of Napalms, Blessing wears off, they get downed too far away for me to save them, and they use a Revive...


TL;DR: Trinity players who main a Blessing build are using something that encourages sloppy play and carelessness. When she eventually gets her nerf it's going to be a rude awakening. 

MR0 Players on Saturn, Cassini. Seriously. Why are you here? Why? WHY?

But who I hate running with the most? Players who don't pop Oxygen at the right % or STICK TOGETHER.

Edited by Hastur609
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Novas who never stop spamming Molecular Prime, even when the Defense or Survival is JUST kicking off. I guess this is my same gripe with most Rhino Players I meet, because these two frames seem to be wielded by the most mindless bastards. 




So much

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nekros... because when your only job is to press 3 every chance you get for the chance at more loot, you feel like a vending machine not a space ninja...


also honorable mention to banshee, who i still feel is only good for stealth play, aka solo play... expecting 3 other ppl to NOT just run around making tons of noise is like expecting a 3 year old with paint to not ruin your walls

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Valkyr? When playing with groups, all Valkyr players just seem to run ahead with Ripline/steal my kills with Berserk. Compared to almost every other frame, which at one point or another has been played so well by teammates that they've earned my undying respect.

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nekros... because when your only job is to press 3 every chance you get for the chance at more loot, you feel like a vending machine not a space ninja...


Gots to defend my bro Nekros.


Really, it's only like that if you choose to play him that way(which seems to be the case for a lot of people, apparently). You can make good use of all his skills once you learn how and when to use em.

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Used to be all the power 4 spamming frames like Nova, Ember, Rhino and etc.

But now its Chaos Spamming Nyx.


Ever since DE allowed us to equip only one weapon for missions, I don't have to worry about non-useful exp gained on my other maxed weapons (only have a few secondary weapons and melee weapons left to level) other than Warframe due to power 4 spamming frames which I despiseD ALOT.


Now I am able to gain 75% affinity on the only one weapon I'm leveling easily due to power 4 spamming frames, which is why I like having those Warframes in my mission, running around with them and gaining so much exp.

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My first thought is Nova but I don't wanna trash her cause noobs gotta be able to play too right :D, other than that I don't particularly hate any frame just some of the players behind those frames(looking at you Loki trolls). Trinity/Nyx would be my least favorites simply because I don't care for the playstyles that go with them, Heal/support & CC.

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Pretty much everyone agrees Trinity is crap. You cant claim any sort of skill when you are hiding behind invincibility. If they removed invincibility from her ultimate and left everything else the same (same for my honey Valky) what would change, exactly? Apart from you having to pay attention to the screen instead of alt tabbing every 30 sec? At least the inviso-biatch Loki can die if surrounded and bad tileset/nowhere to avoid poison aura.


Trinity= Total hot garbage

I don't always use bless actually. I play most of my games without touching it unless it's a really bad situation. I use link more often than not to just locate hiding enemies and deflect a portion of the meager damage I end up taking in the first place. She can however when forma'd and potatoed properly, carry an entire squad through a vicious T3. She allows us to go a lot farther than would be usually permitted as health orbs are scarce. I love my trinity, and I hate her lobster skirt. Srsly just take off the lobster skirt and wear a kilt instead. Also as a trinity I can nuke by using my own links and thats fun as hell, it becomes a game to see whether or not my ogris will kill me. An that does take some skill. 

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I hate Nova for her certain ability(ies) that do nothing for the team. Trinity. Any frame that's significantly faster than most, as this is used to rush ahead in order to try to get more kills than other teammates. Frames that have abilities that are used to troll other players. Pretty much I hate frames that have spam-4-kill-all-enemies-in-room-before-anyone-else abilities, and generally frames whose stats and abilities negatively impact teamwork.

Edited by AntoineFlemming
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Any hate stemming from a Warframe is actually the result of the player's behavior when using said frame.

Ie. Hate the player, not the game.

true as that is ...

kinda not the point of the thread.


for me?


to flimsy to last in a stand up fight, and to mind numbingly boring to play when you play him correctly. in the entire time I've had mine I'm only found him 'useful' once.

and as a bonus

my #2 and #3


Little hard to nail down why I don't like him, I found his skill set over all more useful for how I play then Loki, but I still could not level him to 30 fast enough, for what ever reason I ended up really not liking him.


Much easier to nail down why I dislike breaking her out. Shes the healer. I don't like playing as 'the healer'. I'm not a bad healer mind you, I actually a pretty good one, but it's notta style of game play I enjoy

Edited by LunarTemplar
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Well I personally don't own all frames so I will just make assumptions...

Imo I wouldn't like:

banshee (her abilities don't look useful at all)

Ember (once I found out that she's bad for high lvl enemies I didn't want her anymore)

Loki (ONLY because of you stupid #lokiizmasterracezzzYolo morons)

Oberon (plain useless only ultimate is worth something)


Don't be so quick to assume or believe what you hear, I use Ember for High Tier stuff all the time, haven't had a problem yet. It's all in the build and loadout.

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 Ember is up there as well. She's cool but, pretty dang weak. And loki isn't useless. btw..


Sorry that you suck at playing Ember. But she's my #1 Fav. I have zero problems with playing Ember, most people try to tank with her but she's not a tank, she's an AoE Goddess.

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The only frames I can honestly say I dislike are:

    I honestly find Rhino to be a boring frame. Sure he has a great team skill, roar, players generally utilize a solo, rushing playstyle with him. Furthermore, his abilities just feel really boring. You have the safety net that gives you no sense of danger, which kind of takes out some of the enjoyment. You have that one crowd control that literally slows time. Although he's a great frame, he's just boring.


   Another commonly disliked frame. Players that play Novas are typically "Press 4 To Win" people or survival trolls. As someone who has played as a Nova, I find her fairly boring. Her abilities feel boring and lackluster after using her for a day or so. It becomes the same old routine of seeing a mob, pressing four, and killing one. It also doesn't give any weapon exp to me, which just knocks it down in terms of abilities I like.

Visually? I rather dislike Zephyr because she looks like a cluster of colors put together in an odd way. Then Banshee and her oddly disproportionate shoulders. I get that it's armor, but it just looks weird to me. Trinity's lobster tail dinn-dress and helmet aren't my favorites either.

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If you mean frames that I hate using, it would probably be Booben.
Somehow he is the only frame that I cannot use well. I just cannot grasp his play-style.

But other players seem to use him rather well, so I must be doing something wrong.

Also, Oberon. A faux "Paladin" that serves as nothing more than a mediocre Nuker with a slight bit more survivability. As if we needed more Nukers in the first place.

I don't always use bless actually. I play most of my games without touching it unless it's a really bad situation. I use link more often than not to just locate hiding enemies and deflect a portion of the meager damage I end up taking in the first place. She can however when forma'd and potatoed properly, carry an entire squad through a vicious T3. She allows us to go a lot farther than would be usually permitted as health orbs are scarce. I love my trinity, and I hate her lobster skirt. Srsly just take off the lobster skirt and wear a kilt instead. Also as a trinity I can nuke by using my own links and thats fun as hell, it becomes a game to see whether or not my ogris will kill me. An that does take some skill.

But... I like the lobster skirt. A lot.

And if shooting myself in the foot takes skill, I'd be a national champion. Edited by kaboomonme
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Nova. I hate Nova, her helmets are fugly and playing with a nova is just no fun. 

"You want to do some melee? Too bad my ulti destroys the whole map at once"

Thats nova, she stands there, presses two buttons and boom everything is dead.


oh and don't you dare to run another way as her, then you get flamed at because you didn't stick with the team...

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If you mean frames that I hate using, it would probably be Booben.

Somehow he is the only frame that I cannot use well. I just cannot grasp his play-style.

But other players seem to use him rather well, so I must be doing something wrong.

Also, Oberon. A faux "Paladin" that serves as nothing more than a mediocre Nuker with a slight bit more survivability. As if we needed more Nukers in the first place.



But... I like the lobster skirt. A lot.

And if shooting myself in the foot takes skill, I'd be a national champion.


I will only like lobster skirt when it's all flowy like Hydroids cthulu face pieces

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MOST hated? Probably Nova, but then again I can't hate any warframe, and for a fact I am thankful in some survival missions we are 25 minutes in the damned place and the only reason we take almost no damage is thanks to Nova.

Still kinda pisses me off that sometimes I wanna get XP with certain weapons and most of the XP I get is the regular radial XP because of her ultimate.


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