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The Orokin Labyrinth: Epic End Game, Endless Dungeon And Bosses.


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This could be the solution we have been trying to find all this time.


About the warlords though, the Tenno slew all the Orokin in one go (except Stalky), so they're not supposed to be there, unless DE actually wants them to.....


Also, having an end in a labyrinth kinda kills the feel of a labyrinth, you're supposed to get lost in a labyrinth, making it endless (as in you can only quit on the checkpoints) would be fun, and really push you to your limits, as well as allowing for great farming. So instead of having a 'true end', maybe we can obtain items that function like the Golem Navs from there so we can craft something to get to a new Corrupted-themed boss.


Besides, as enigmatic things the Orokins are, it's no surprise that you're gonna get lost in something they built, it also fits well with DE's random tile generator. The only issue there would be how much of a strain it would be to our PCs to contain a really large floor where you need to find the elevator or something like that to advance to the next floor, with potentially hundreds (or even thousands) of enemies per floor, it would need loading in-between floors just to contain that kind of awesome level


Also, instead of coming into the tower in specific areas, you always enter into a random spot in the labyrinth instead, making it more enigmatic as the Orokins are.


....man I said so much....

Still though, getting lost in a game is a really fun thing, so getting lost in an Orokin labyrinth?? Bring it!!


Edit: I also really like the random boss battles every 10 floors, gives it a really thrilling challenge to be faced!!

Edited by F_deel
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Ooh! Manga! That does sound super awesome, to be honest! Ah, and now I see what you mean about the plat. I'd leave that up to DE to make the decision, but honestly, I'd doubt they would put on a reward like that xD

And wow, dude! I had the same idea as you did! The concept is named Battlefields, in my mind. But I abandoned the idea cause I didn't know how to make it work xD

Maybe you've got a better concept of it? I'd certainly like to see how it turns out!


Well, it goes as far as you can take, so yes, it'll be ridiculously hard! I assume you've read notionphil's cell concept? It's a group of 4 tenno, out to complete campaign-like missions.

This requires the same level of preparation, except it goes on for much longer, than hits a ceiling with a boss where it tests the very limit of your gear, skill and cooperation.

And after that, the optional Dungeon just gets harder and harder.

This whole concept is playable by lower MR players. However, as I've said before, the real audience is the veterans.

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This could be the solution we have been trying to find all this time.


About the warlords though, the Tenno slew all the Orokin in one go (except Stalky), so they're not supposed to be there, unless DE actually wants them to.....


Also, having an end in a labyrinth kinda kills the feel of a labyrinth, you're supposed to get lost in a labyrinth, making it endless (as in you can only quit on the checkpoints) would be fun, and really push you to your limits, as well as allowing for great farming. So instead of having a 'true end', maybe we can obtain items that function like the Golem Navs from there so we can craft something to get to a new Corrupted-themed boss.


Besides, as enigmatic things the Orokins are, it's no surprise that you're gonna get lost in something they built, it also fits well with DE's random tile generator. The only issue there would be how much of a strain it would be to our PCs to contain a really large floor where you need to find the elevator or something like that to advance to the next floor, with potentially hundreds (or even thousands) of enemies per floor, it would need loading in-between floors just to contain that kind of awesome level


Also, instead of coming into the tower in specific areas, you always enter into a random spot in the labyrinth instead, making it more enigmatic as the Orokins are.


....man I said so much....

Still though, getting lost in a game is a really fun thing, so getting lost in an Orokin labyrinth?? Bring it!!

Good points! But I'm not sure all Orokin are dead. I'm quite certain I read somewhere that some have escaped, hiding in the void.

But yes, there is a true endless Labyrinth, after you beat the Emperor. But traditionally, I've read that Labyrinths were constructed by royalty. Sort of a luxury, in some sense. And only one path that leads to the exit; the rest lead to the entrance. But you're right! The starting point could do well to be random!

But that's a level design thing, cause canonically, you still need an elevator of sorts up. So the elevator always leads to a random room in the next floor. You have to explore to find the elevator to the next floor.

It would be nice to get lost though! Like, for once! Without the navigating points! I'd certainly love it ^^

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Read the entire thing. The whole concept was really nice. I'd love to play this with friends.

One thing for sure is we need more bosses like that, bosses that should be...bosses with distinct abilities.

if they do implement your idea, they'll probably fix up the lore to match their own if it's not close enough, but anyways....Nice job at this!     +1

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Read the entire thing. The whole concept was really nice. I'd love to play this with friends.

One thing for sure is we need more bosses like that, bosses that should be...bosses with distinct abilities.

if they do implement your idea, they'll probably fix up the lore to match their own if it's not close enough, but anyways....Nice job at this! +1

Thanks! I fully expect them to take their own spin on it. Thing is, it won't be a surprise to us if they did it completely like I suggest, and I'm sure they have better minds that'll make it work within their goals.

I honestly hope a mode like this comes out. Possibly within a year or two, when more lore is developed and they're sure of where Warframe has to go.

Edited by Calayne
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Read the entire thing. The whole concept was really nice. I'd love to play this with friends.

One thing for sure is we need more bosses like that, bosses that should be...bosses with distinct abilities.

if they do implement your idea, they'll probably fix up the lore to match their own if it's not close enough, but anyways....Nice job at this!     +1


This sums up what I wanted to say.

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This would be a much better solution to endgame than what we currently have. But I want it to be hard.


Insanely Hard.


As in, Conclave 1200+ with fully modded weapons and everything (including sentinels) being Forma'd and potato'd.

As in, Every teammate has been playing for 500+ hours with VoIP connections and practiced tactics and styles.

As in, anything besides a freakin' run and gun.



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This would be a much better solution to endgame than what we currently have. But I want it to be hard.


Insanely Hard.


As in, Conclave 1200+ with fully modded weapons and everything (including sentinels) being Forma'd and potato'd.

As in, Every teammate has been playing for 500+ hours with VoIP connections and practiced tactics and styles.

As in, anything besides a freakin' run and gun.





It'll be so hard, you can do it until you can't kill an enemy under five minutes. I'm probably serious. After you kill The Emperor, there'll be an unlocked Dungeon mode, where you can go up to upwards of 300+++ levels, if you can make it that far. You could probably go further as well! All depends on DE, though! In my concept, the idea is that after the boss, "New Game+" is an endless run until you fail spectacularly.

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The only suggestions I have currently are that you should change the name to "The Terminus, Endless Orokin Fortress" and make it so that when you fight the Four Orokin High Guards in the antichamber, the antichamber should be the place where the Tenno betrayed the Orokin.  Seeing as this fight is before the final one in the game, it would be pretty epic to tie everything back into the lore with something like this.

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The only suggestions I have currently are that you should change the name to "The Terminus, Endless Orokin Fortress" and make it so that when you fight the Four Orokin High Guards in the antichamber, the antichamber should be the place where the Tenno betrayed the Orokin.  Seeing as this fight is before the final one in the game, it would be pretty epic to tie everything back into the lore with something like this.



Haha, thanks for the feedback! It's a nice twist, but I think the details are quite unimportant XD  


The central idea is still first, a tower that continuously increases in difficulty, culminating in a very hard boss fight, and then an endless dungeon. The reason I chose "Labyrinth" as a name is a throwback to dungeon-crawling, as well as the fact that Labyrinths, like the minoan Minotaur, are situated within royal buildings. The mystery surrounding Labyrinths is a good place to start, I think, and it also sounds really, really cool.


Lorewise, it'd be interesting to see it end where it all began, though! Certainly would be a badass way to top it all off.


But strategically speaking, if they were going to retreat somewhere, it may as well be the Palace Of The Kings, that is to say, The Emperor's chosen bastion for defence as well as living quarters. Staying in the place where a whole race of people were nearly slaughtered to extinction is certainly not a place where the survivors would choose to live if they could help it, I bet.

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But strategically speaking, if they were going to retreat somewhere, it may as well be the Palace Of The Kings, that is to say, The Emperor's chosen bastion for defense as well as living quarters. Staying in the place where a whole race of people were nearly slaughtered to extinction is certainly not a place where the survivors would choose to live if they could help it, I bet.

Good point.  I had not thought of it that way.  Though The Terminus would also be the last place you would look for the Orokin, for the reasons you suggested.  Maybe that's why they could have used it as the gateway to Orokin controlled space (like I think someone suggested in this thread).

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Hmmm, for the fight against the Four High Guards, perhaps the boss fight could forcibly separate all 4 Tenno into 4 separate 1v1 battles against the High Guards, with the winner if the battle being able to aid an adjacent ally.


Haha, it's not as interesting that way. I love the new Hyena battle, Grustrag 3 and other fights where you are outnumbered. There's a feeling of epic when you fight a 4v4, rather than 4 separate 1v1 battles. Not to mention, you'll have to either cooperate better than them, or be out-done by AI and destroyed because you couldn't watch each other's backs.


As I mentioned, the idea was for teamwork to come heavily into play. The spacing between team members; communication; support; precision; rapidity. All important aspects of a team. Without it, we're just four Tenno travelling together. 


Of course, the AI has to be quite improved before this can be implemented. Various tactics have to be employed by the enemy, and you must counter these with your own. Tactics in Warframe is underutilised by the enemy, but they are numerous, and very subtle. From trying to draw you away, from baiting you, from "Castling", to outright group murder, overpowering, ganging-up and so on. 


The tactics employed by a well-oiled four-man enemy team is crucial. They cannot be as most Public Games happen: Like four randoms in one map, just going crazy at their whim. When you have enemies at this high of a level, they must be coordinated. They must know what the rest are doing, and they must play along. See a Nova? The tank tries to preoccupy the Rhino, Nekros and Volt. The rest pounce on her and reduce her to bits. If you are too zealous in trying to take out the lone tank, your team mate will suffer. 


Nekros cast Shadows of the Dead? Split up, take high ground, snipe from a distance, and either engage the enemies which come, or ambush those who chase after lone Battle Lords.


Too many tactics, none used whatsoever. With a group of 4, it's potentially more fun to fight, because it's simply not just about gear anymore. It's about the Tenno.

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Max level is now 150 for the Labyrinth! Boss levels are at Level 151 for the Orokin Battle Lords, and Level 152 for The Emperor!


Also, expansion for The Orokin Labyrinths: The Endless Dungeons has been added!


Checkpoint concept also added, a brilliant suggestion by unsafestone, Xenogelion and MDRLoz! The latter two also suggested the Nightmare Mode, which I have also added!

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I really enjoyed reading this, and would love to see this implemented in game. I'm not partial to lore as I feel the game's devs have their own take on their "baby", but the mechanics and replayable modes....


I guarantee I'd pop more $ in to WF to support this with Labyrinth cosmetics etc.

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I really enjoyed reading this, and would love to see this implemented in game. I'm not partial to lore as I feel the game's devs have their own take on their "baby", but the mechanics and replayable modes....


I guarantee I'd pop more $ in to WF to support this with Labyrinth cosmetics etc.


Haha, thanks, Notion! 


I do hope DE comes along and puts us all at ease with a little more lore regarding these. It'd certainly be an eye-opener to know where they're headed regarding the story of Warframe. 


But until then...


I wait with bated breath and a giddy joy, imagining all the wild things they could do. I just hope they don't make us farm beacons for it. XD


As for me... I've saved up just enough of my pocket money to buy the top tier Prime Access for when Loki Prime comes out! Heck yeah. <3

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Love the idea here, and the long read.

It would make sense actually for the Orokin ruler cast to have built a throneworld of sorts. They fled into the void for 1000 years ago so plenty of time for the Neural Sentries to work.


As for Lore, who and what the Orokin were will come later. I am more interested in the Naural Sentries, what the Lotus is, the Stalkers true identity and the return of the Sentients.


I hope DE takes some of this to heart.

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I always thought that the Lotus could have simply been a dissident of the Orokin rulers. She's likely Orokin herself, though far better equipped with technology than the Tenno or Stalker. The symbol and art style of the lotus flower appears frequently on Orokin architecture and decorative surfaces. Not to mention the Lotus herself has gold-platings, so far only associated with the Orokin.


My bet? She coordinated the Tenno before the Great Betrayal. She hid them in cryopods. She coordinated resistances and didn't want them to be awoken, knowing what they were: Beings of destruction. 


There can be no peace for the Warframes. Their entire essence is war. Their whole purpose in life is to end life. 


The Lotus, on the other hand, is a symbol of birth; Life. 


She must have tried to bring peace and balance throughout the solar system, but failed with the arrival of the Grineer and Corpus, to say nothing of the infested. You've seen the rescue hostages; They're a lot weaker than the Grineer and Corpus, to say nothing about ourselves. 


We're just pawns in her game, and when all is said and done, she wants what's ultimately best for the descendants of the Orokin: The end of the cloned Grineer, the end of the soulless Corpus, the hive-mind Infested; And the rise of the common folk, the true bloodline of her people.


And we can't be part of that picture. Because the Lotus knows: We're only made to kill things. 

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Ooh! Manga! That does sound super awesome, to be honest! Ah, and now I see what you mean about the plat. I'd leave that up to DE to make the decision, but honestly, I'd doubt they would put on a reward like that xD

And wow, dude! I had the same idea as you did! The concept is named Battlefields, in my mind. But I abandoned the idea cause I didn't know how to make it work xD

Maybe you've got a better concept of it? I'd certainly like to see how it turns out!


I did put up the idea a long time ago but it was largely passed over. Anyway at the moment i'm toying around with a idea for a video-game quadrilogy that is very dark 

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I did put up the idea a long time ago but it was largely passed over. Anyway at the moment i'm toying around with a idea for a video-game quadrilogy that is very dark


Cool! Well, good luck at it, and drop a menyion if you finish it! I love dark.


This looks like a really cool concept, +1. I hope DE does something like this, as it would be great.

Thanks! Yeah, we got a distinct lack of real endless challenge. This would be something that would potentially be endgame for a small cell. It's relatively simple, too!

But have you ever seen notionphil's Cell concept? It's glorious. It's campaign mode for a group of Tenno. You should look it up!

We really REALLY need a challenge that won't take an hour to build up. Way too consuming for too short of fun.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I love it. Every word of it. Mostly because its how I imagined DFOs endgame to be, but it fell short. I'd play the absolute hell out of this. Until the stumps of my bloody fingers could wriggle no more.

Wow, thanks! :o I'm surprised anyone would still see this, haha!

I think it is primarily by virtue of Warframe already being awesome. Just needs to cover a few more game modes!

I'd play this sort of mode until my eyes bleed aqueous solution and I have nothing but eye sockets.

Personally, I like the idea of a bit of horror near the end! The dungeon portion: whole point is to freak you out, and test your mettle.

Might even meet level 1005 Ancients.

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Well, it goes as far as you can take, so yes, it'll be ridiculously hard! I assume you've read notionphil's cell concept? It's a group of 4 tenno, out to complete campaign-like missions.

This requires the same level of preparation, except it goes on for much longer, than hits a ceiling with a boss where it tests the very limit of your gear, skill and cooperation.

And after that, the optional Dungeon just gets harder and harder.

This whole concept is playable by lower MR players. However, as I've said before, the real audience is the veterans.


if it's supposed to be excruciatingly hard the further you go maybe allow 6-8 players cause it sounds like even the vets wouldn't make it to notionphil's cell

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