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Excalibur And Skana Prime To Ps4

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This is a definite no.



PC started literally in U1 up until here. It was exclusive only up until a certain point. However, Digital Extremes decided to release it to the PS4 when Warframes' version was around Update 10. PS4 never had closed beta, therefore, anything from the Founders Program, or otherwise, will not be released in on it.

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This is just so stupid.


Why should PS4 get a founder program? To fund something that is already funded? Smart move genius.

Its called founder program for a reason. There is simply no need to give ps4 something exclusive. It was necessary before the game

had enough money. Founders had to deal with less content / more bugs and less features. It was simply normal to have something in exchange

to give the players who have been willing to pay a lot of money for an unfinished game. And you PS4 people dont have to deal with these problems.

All the features, less bugs than on pc. And thats why there is simply no need to give ps4 exclusive stuff.

Totally agree but there will always be stupid people out there who will never understand what the founder's program actually did. I am pretty sure these people talking about ps4 exclusive items and founders access BS would have never paid $250 for a unfinished game on ps4. Lol half of the PS4 community is still crying about the plat being expensive let alone $250 for a founders access.

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If its mastery that's bothering you there is a solution.



Remove mastery points for exclusives.







*watches people start lighting torches and grabbing pitchforks*

^ This

I don't understand why Exclusives need mastery points to begin with, this is one of my biggest pet peeves about the whole exclusive items shin-dig.

And if DE won't re-release the Excalibur Prime, why not simply release a Excalibur Wraith, Excalibur Dex, or Excalibur Dragon which is a clone of Excalibur Prime but with a different skin. :/

But once the PC migration is release all hell will break loose if there is no solution to this. HOPEFULLY, there will be a solution to this in the near future. I just wish DE would discuss it more thoroughly with the community.

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^ This

I don't understand why Exclusives need mastery points to begin with, this is one of my biggest pet peeves about the whole exclusive items shin-dig.

And if DE won't re-release the Excalibur Prime, why not simply release a Excalibur Wraith, Excalibur Dex, or Excalibur Dragon which is a clone of Excalibur Prime but with a different skin. :/

But once the PC migration is release all hell will break loose if there is no solution to this. HOPEFULLY, there will be a solution to this in the near future. I just wish DE would discuss it more thoroughly with the community.


See the problem with making exclusives have no MR XP provided means there is 0 reason to level the gun for a lot of people. A lot of low MR rank people don't care about how good a weapon is, they want to grind it and sell it once they've gotten the MR from it. Also, that's kind of part of the EXCLUSIVE factor. Maybe some people don't quite understand what exclusive means when it comes to some gear in this game. What it means is "Hey you worked for this in an event, bought this with your hard earned money, or have been around long enough to get this item. Thank you very much for playing our game and giving us your money and time. Here's a prize." 


Think of it like this. DE has a car they're building piece by piece. They've got it mostly done but are pondering if upgraded parts or new parts might work. They said to people "Hey, drive my car around for a bit and tell me what you think needs work." So we drove their car. We told them what was fun, what funny noises the car made, if a part fell off or if the brakes didn't seem to stop us fast enough. DE then made changes. They fixed things, added things, and so on. THose of us who've been driving the car longer and more often were compensated. Those of you coming later than us missed out on some compensation. Just like how IRL you'd be paid or fed or otherwise compensated by a friend you did this for(I would hope) if you showed up later than others, maybe he'd be out of food and have to promise to buy you lunch in the future.


I also believe removing the MR XP from exclusive items, be it Prime, Wraith, Dex, or Dragon, would eliminate SOME of the whiny brats in the WF community...but then we'd get a whole new group of whiny brats complaining about "how awesome Exclusive Item X is and how crappy it is they can't get it anymore and DE PLZ RE-RELEASE BECAUSE I WASN'T AROUND FOR THIS! THAT'S NOT FAIR! WAAAAAAAAAH!"

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  That's fine then stay on pc where you belong.  I won't care about this issue anymore once account migration and cross play gets it's final nail in the coffin and I hope to hell it does.  I'm not asking for a founders program just something for the ps4 community that we can call our own just like you have and as I have stated before many of us ARE NOT PC GAMERS.  We did not know about warframe till we got our ps4's.  Then we find out they cut the founders program 2 weeks before we are able to play warframe.  They extended it for steam users they could have extended it two more weeks and you would have had a lot more people that would have been willing to pay 250 dollars me included to get those items and invest in this game which still considered in beta and unfinished.  I have bought both prime access packs and the probably about another $400 in play why because I buy reactors and catalyst's when we were not getting the alerts for them.  I don't sell my weapons or my frames I keep everything so I bought a ton of weapon slots and warframe slots and lots of forma's.  I have grinded almost every frame I have except rhino and ember prime.  I have invested more in this game then probably most of you founders.  All I'm looking for is equal treatment that's all.  I think for ps4 owners that have spent 250 or more we should get our own frame and unique weapons the same you did when you put money down to be founders.  This whole idea of I supported the game when it was beta is a load of S#&$.  News flash it's still in beta and  another platform is supporting it now as well.  So you aren't the only ones paying for those regular updates.  So take that into account and get off your dam high horse.

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less bugs than on pc.

I'm guessing you've never played the PS4 version? The last update we got, 12.4.4, made the game basically unplayable. The connection issues that the PC has been dealing with for around a week now? We've been dealing with them for about a month. The Void is still very prone to crashing and dropping down to 0fps. The Tethra's Doom event had to be extended for a week because of widespread problems. Update 12 was fine for the most part except that the Oxium Osprey spawn rates were bugged, and still are bugged I'm guessing, since I've never seen one in anything besides Defense, Survival, or Alerts. I ran Kappa plenty of times looking for them and have never seen them there.

I don't know about you dealing with more glitches and bugs, but we have our own to deal with and we have to deal with them much longer than you do.

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I have invested more in this game then probably most of you founders.  All I'm looking for is equal treatment that's all.  I think for ps4 owners that have spent 250 or more we should get our own frame and unique weapons the same you did when you put money down to be founders.

So what do you want to tell us with that? That you got more plat in exchange than others?

Just because you put more money in it doesnt give you the privilege to get the status that others got.

Thats like demanding to own a house that would usually cost 500.000 dollars just because you paid the same amount of money

over ten years as monthly rent. Thats just stupid.


Equal teatment? If you want equal treatment, you would have to start with the alpha version of the game with the same update time we had to deal with since day one. Months with little to no variety. No weapon variety. No frame variety.


Pls. Dont bring up this "equal" bullshi*

You want the shiny stuff we got but without the disadvantages we had these days.

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Totally agree but there will always be stupid people out there who will never understand what the founder's program actually did. I am pretty sure these people talking about ps4 exclusive items and founders access BS would have never paid $250 for a unfinished game on ps4. Lol half of the PS4 community is still crying about the plat being expensive let alone $250 for a founders access.

I would, my dinners cost as much.


Also nobody is asking for founders program, matter o fact, TC didnt even mention founders, he specifically said excalibur and lato prime, which, accordingly to something all of you have agreed with can be released whenever they see fit.


And no, 10 people threatening to quit the game and slit their wrists wouldnt stop DE if they wanted to do so.


Last but not least you can forget about account migration it will never happen, and if it does, there will be an uprise in the ps4 community against the exclusivity that exists, no matter how you twist that.

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Totally agree but there will always be stupid people out there who will never understand what the founder's program actually did. I am pretty sure these people talking about ps4 exclusive items and founders access BS would have never paid $250 for a unfinished game on ps4. Lol half of the PS4 community is still crying about the plat being expensive let alone $250 for a founders access.

Says the guy that doesnt buy anything, at least get a different avatar to have a valid opinion on how we ps4 users should be allowed to spend our money on.

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Just for the record if we migrate no dojo stuff or platinum comes with us so the whole discounted plat thing doesn't apply. As to the rest yeah there will be whining but they just need to deal and get over it. That's life. I do however suspect you are right that sonys (stupid) reasoning on founders items is what is delaying it and may cancel the plan outright. Doesn't bother me one way or another.

Beautiful if we forget the amount you ve already spent by paying 75% less than us; also not even a dime of this way smaller amount paid went or has any hopes of going to sony.


Oh, lets not forget about the legendary cores, the most ridiculous thing to ever grace this game.People actually buy plat to buy ranked mods, but hey, pc people got it handed on a silver plate and those 18 legendary cores will transfer over, meaning they wont ever need to buy plat again, yea, forget it.


If any pc player wanna play with us, let go of the exclusives, founders, event items we never got our hands on, st. pats color, candy scythe, discounted plat and legendary cores.


Oh, not so funny anymore?Well sorry our welcome buffet wasnt that pleasant, you can always stay on the pc.

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That is fine then you started on pc that's where you need to stay then or if you migrate to ps4 you get stripped of your founders status since we weren't good enough to wait to more weeks for the founders program.  Oh by the way a lot of ps4 players didn't even know this game existed till we got our ps4.  A lot of us are not pc gamers.  All I'm asking for is our own set special frame and 2 weapons to get the mastery point we are missing out on.  Get off your dam high horse about supporting this game I have put in close to 700 dollars on ps4 side to help support this game as well.


How can you be so :




It was the Founders program that kickstarted this game.

It was the Founders program that brought this game out of closed beta into open beta.

I am willing to bet that the Founders program had a fair something to do with funding the ability to port the game over to PS4 so that you could play.


Seeing as a large proportion of the community has bought into the game at some point or another, therefore funding the game and its transition to playstation, what on earth makes you think that we should be therefore unable to migrate to the port that we funded due to a few shines?


The Founders exclusives weren't a shiny for the sake of a shiny, they were a thankyou from DE for supporting the game that we love for kickstarting a game that didn't have enough momentum to hit the ground running. People don't complain about kickstarter exclusives, so why are you complaining about this kickstarter that is named "Founders Program".


The Founders program ended at the launch of PS4 because DE obviously assumed (and rightly so) that the player base would grow to the point were a steady amount of income would be sourced and therefore the program was no longer needed.


You claim that we are on a high horse because we are defending an exclusive that is our right for committing to the founders program, for some of us before we even knew it would be a commercial success. Yet you stand there demanding exclusives for the PS4, just for the sake of it. I don't see why you should be given an exclusive prime frame or weapon on the PS4 just because you play on the PS4 in the same manner that the Founders program had.


I'm fine with PS4 getting exclusive cosmetics, badges, skins, syandanas and the like. But a Founders like deal is unecessary and simply provocative to a lot of the PC players.


Also, FYI, I was never a PC player before Warframe. I found out about it through surfing the web one day, ended up buying a decent computer just so I could play this game.

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no. no. NO.NO.NO nonononononononono. 




what is so hard for people to understand about EXCLUSIVE. WHEN IT'S GONE ITS GONE.



the founders program was for people who wanted to pay money into the game, before release. people who wanted to show DE some love. do you have any idea how much of a slap in the face it would be to those peole who payed $100 plus to the company, to get some sweet loots and support the company, if EVERYONE could get that loot, FOR FREE? 


how would you lot feel if the ps4 got something elusive, that you had to PAY FOR and then it was released for the PC crowd a year later? im sure you would be completely fine with that, ad the pc people never got a chance to get it. NO you wouldn't. you would be exactly the same as EVERY founder is whenever this topic is raised.

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LOL so entitled.


Son, I will be very brief here:


I cant help but laugh when i come to the general discussion, you guys, during 2 days or so have your accounts not saving progress and i see loads of threads on it, most of them with Rebeccas or Megans input and feedback.


Our version has been like that for the past month, yea, THE PAST MONTH, only half of our matches save, meaning we lose 50% of our time, resources and for people like me, paid boosters as well.


Do you see any ps4 players threads?Go to the ps4 section, nobody says anything just me and a couple others, the same people.


I made a thread, it had 9 replies, mostly me chatting with one of the other 2 guys that came over and no staff reply.


I am very sorry but what you did for the ps4 version, while very important, is nowhere near what WE are doing.


What are we doing?


Enduring this huge BS for more than a month already, spending hundreds of dollars only to see half of it go down the drain alongside with time, something i can never get back.


Yea, got luck thinking your almighty support to the ps4 version is anything near ours.


Also kickstarting doesn't mean a dime if it eventually goes bankrupt, and people like me and many other ps4 users make this business profitable as well, dont think you are special.

Edited by (PS4)DanteVincent
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LOL so entitled.


Son, I will be very brief here:


I cant help but laugh when i come to the general discussion, you guys, during 2 days or so have your accounts not saving progress and i see loads of threads on it, most of them with Rebeccas or Megans input and feedback.


Our version has been like that for the past month, yea, THE PAST MONTH, only half of our matches save, meaning we lose 50% of our time, resources and for people like me, paid boosters as well.


Do you see any ps4 players threads?Go to the ps4 section, nobody says anything just me and a couple others, the same people.


I made a thread, it had 9 replies, mostly me chatting with one of the other 2 guys that came over and no staff reply.


I am very sorry but what you did for the ps4 version, while very important, is nowhere near what WE are doing.


What are we doing?


Enduring this huge BS for more than a month already, spending hundreds of dollars only to see half of it go down the drain alongside with time, something i can never get back.


Yea, got luck thinking your almighty support to the ps4 version is anything near ours.


You still don't 'deserve' Excal and Skana Prime, if you get it whoopity do but honestly you should be batting for something YOUR OWN instead of fawning over something that people ALREADY HAD THE EXPECTATIONS of being EXLUSIVE to the FOUNDERS PACK.  The game has already had its foundation and it isnt 'just' being founded so making that available is basically going back on their word...


I do admit that I didn't know the Ps4 was having those issues, that's actually quite horrible...  :(

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LOL so entitled.


Son, I will be very brief here:


I cant help but laugh when i come to the general discussion, you guys, during 2 days or so have your accounts not saving progress and i see loads of threads on it, most of them with Rebeccas or Megans input and feedback.


Our version has been like that for the past month, yea, THE PAST MONTH, only half of our matches save, meaning we lose 50% of our time, resources and for people like me, paid boosters as well.


Do you see any ps4 players threads?Go to the ps4 section, nobody says anything just me and a couple others, the same people.


I made a thread, it had 9 replies, mostly me chatting with one of the other 2 guys that came over and no staff reply.


I am very sorry but what you did for the ps4 version, while very important, is nowhere near what WE are doing.


What are we doing?


Enduring this huge BS for more than a month already, spending hundreds of dollars only to see half of it go down the drain alongside with time, something i can never get back.


Yea, got luck thinking your almighty support to the ps4 version is anything near ours.


Also kickstarting doesn't mean a dime if it eventually goes bankrupt, and people like me and many other ps4 users make this business profitable as well, dont think you are special.

wait what? 

you say that we are crying because 2 days unsaved progress? nah friend, we are mad at two days of when we couldn't even get into the game. 2 days where platinum purchases gave no goods, but took payments. 2 days when time locked resources decayed and conflicts raged, unattended.


if you are so mad about not being able to play the game "for months" why did you "spend hundreds of dollars" on a game that you deem to have insufficient support?


damn right you get less support than the PC version. the PC verison is, and always HAS BEEN DEs prime focus. its just happens to be that there is a ps4 version, that gets the same content that the PC gets, just later. compare the sizes of the PC userbase to that of the PS4. 


and saying that the ps4 makes warframe profitable? are you high? you really think that the sheer size of the PC userbase cannot support the game? so I guess, that in all the time that the game was in beta on PC only, the game was bleeding cash, yet was still kept open? wat.

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LOL so entitled.


Son, I will be very brief here:


I cant help but laugh when i come to the general discussion, you guys, during 2 days or so have your accounts not saving progress and i see loads of threads on it, most of them with Rebeccas or Megans input and feedback.


Our version has been like that for the past month, yea, THE PAST MONTH, only half of our matches save, meaning we lose 50% of our time, resources and for people like me, paid boosters as well.


Do you see any ps4 players threads?Go to the ps4 section, nobody says anything just me and a couple others, the same people.


I made a thread, it had 9 replies, mostly me chatting with one of the other 2 guys that came over and no staff reply.


I am very sorry but what you did for the ps4 version, while very important, is nowhere near what WE are doing.


What are we doing?


Enduring this huge BS for more than a month already, spending hundreds of dollars only to see half of it go down the drain alongside with time, something i can never get back.


Yea, got luck thinking your almighty support to the ps4 version is anything near ours.


Also kickstarting doesn't mean a dime if it eventually goes bankrupt, and people like me and many other ps4 users make this business profitable as well, dont think you are special.


Son, I really appreciate it when someone is condescending to me, really helps to quell the flames.


I'm not entitled, I let the majority of things slide when it comes to this topic. But that guy just comes of as dissing the Founders program because he wants exclusive stuff for the sake of it, whilst comparing him throwing money at the screen to us founding a non-existent game.


Whilst I admit that the PS4 has the tough end of the stick in terms of updates, it's not exactly DEs fault. If DE were given free reign in terms of updates to PS4, you guys would be up to scratch with us on updates and you too would get the buggy crashes and loss of resources in the first round of updates! But you would get more frequent updates if Sony were more lenient.


Whilst I appreciate that you can tend to feel ignored on the PS4 due to lack of updates, and I can see how you might feel the need to be compensated. I don't see how that compensation has to be provided by DE when Sony are clogging up the pipes, and I don't see how the compensation has to be in the form of exclusive gear.


Also, the likelihood is that the bugs have been seen and fixed in a patch for the PS4, DE just haven't been able to roll out an update on it.

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Says the guy that doesnt buy anything, at least get a different avatar to have a valid opinion on how we ps4 users should be allowed to spend our money on.

Maybe he likes Excalibur and doesn't want to spend money for another icon? Judging people like that hurts your credibility.

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De already said ps4 will be getting there own founders pack with there exclusive prime stuff and pc won't be able to get that so it will be fair so stop bringing this up.

Not necessarily prime stuff (highly unlikely prime stuff actually) but you will get something exclusive.

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