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Pc To Ps4 Merger


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So DE whats the story. Its been weeks since our last update and you said merger was ready to go. You just had to iron out things with Sony.


So whats going on ? Update would be nice even if it was just we're still ironing out the final details.


Cause we were promised this merger months ago.

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Just to put this out there. Whenever(if ever) they do a merger, they will lose a hefty number of playstation players. There are so many groups, clans, leagues of players that will be highly against a merger for a multitude of reasons. A few reasons being some, not all, of the PC players have major elitist attitudes and treat anyone other than their clique like dirt. Especially PSN players. With these attitudes coming over to PSN there will be a lot of people who will lose their love for the game because other players are being jerks to them. Another being major collectors or achievement hunters will quit playing the game the moment they play with someone who has gear they never had the opportunity to get on the playstation. It's one thing to miss an event due to life or lack of skill. But it's a whole other issue seeing gear from a different platform. That's like playing on Xbox and getting your exclusives from that and then magically transferring your save file to the playstation and keeping the xbox only items. Guess when that happened? Never. I for one am all for playing with my buddies who are currently on the PC, love you guys, but even they agree (looking at life in someone else's shoes) if an item was never available on PSN then those items should stay with PC. So if you do decide to do a merger then you will have to make a decision, keep your exclusives and stay on PC, or convert fully into a PSN member and keep only what everyone else in the PSN family could acquire. Choose wisely DE, you chose to do multi platform. That means you have to treat every platform the same(offering them everything from each other platform) or keep them separate from each other and offer whatever you want to the individual versions of the game.

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Please change your title, it is misleading. "Merger" is an improper term when talking about anything in regards to the relationship between PC and PS4, and you're likely confusing people that think DE has ever said anything about a process that could be dubbed a 'merger.' The only processes that are possible between PC and PS4 are: Account Migration & Crossplay. Please stick to those terms to avoid accidentally creating and spreading rumors.

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Just to put this out there. Whenever(if ever) they do a merger, they will lose a hefty number of playstation players. There are so many groups, clans, leagues of players that will be highly against a merger for a multitude of reasons. A few reasons being some, not all, of the PC players have major elitist attitudes and treat anyone other than their clique like dirt. Especially PSN players. With these attitudes coming over to PSN there will be a lot of people who will lose their love for the game because other players are being jerks to them. Another being major collectors or achievement hunters will quit playing the game the moment they play with someone who has gear they never had the opportunity to get on the playstation. It's one thing to miss an event due to life or lack of skill. But it's a whole other issue seeing gear from a different platform. That's like playing on Xbox and getting your exclusives from that and then magically transferring your save file to the playstation and keeping the xbox only items. Guess when that happened? Never. I for one am all for playing with my buddies who are currently on the PC, love you guys, but even they agree (looking at life in someone else's shoes) if an item was never available on PSN then those items should stay with PC. So if you do decide to do a merger then you will have to make a decision, keep your exclusives and stay on PC, or convert fully into a PSN member and keep only what everyone else in the PSN family could acquire. Choose wisely DE, you chose to do multi platform. That means you have to treat every platform the same(offering them everything from each other platform) or keep them separate from each other and offer whatever you want to the individual versions of the game.


I don't see it as the PS4 Warframe players being the ones in control of this situation and protesting.  It's simply a matter of Sony not seeing the $$$ to be gained by it.


The solution is simple.  Sony could make everyone pay a flat fee of $10-20, which is basically the max someone would have to pay for inventory slots anyways (for all of their weapons and warframes), for migration.


I'll gladly pay it and we can all move on...


It's ridiculous.

Edited by sushidubya
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I don't see it as the PS4 Warframe players being the ones in control of this situation and protesting.  It's simply a matter of Sony not seeing the $$$ to be gained by it.


The solution is simple.  Sony could make everyone pay a flat fee of $10-20, which is basically the max someone would have to pay for inventory slots anyways (for all of their weapons and warframes), for migration.


I'll gladly pay it and we can all move on...


It's ridiculous.

You missed the point of my post entirely, yet proved to be a valuable example. Thank you.

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You're actually attributing the delay of account migration to the personal "feels" of the existing PS4 player base and not Sony's bottom line?


I doubt that the Sony execs even know what a Lato Prime is...  lol.

Sony execs want to keep their paying customers. They "know" that. Sony execs are against having games on their consoles that have exclusive items on other platforms and not their own. Sony is allowing it now because the game is in Beta and not actually a complete game. When they start hearing that PS4 players aren't getting either the same stuff or exclusives of their own then Sony will step in and tell DE to fix it or there will be no further progress on Sony's end. Especially since there are people buying PS4s to play Warframe and care little about other games. If Sony execs hear that people are returning their systems or selling/trading them in because of this what do you think will happen? Sony is very good at keeping their core fan base happy. Just like DE likes to keep their "core players" happy(Founders and PC players) Don't see either one stopping anytime soon. Do you?

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I have been thinking for a while and I think that is why Account migration isn't happening, Sony doesn't want to let DE make the migration because PS4 players lack Founder's gear from PC, I know no need to tell me it's exclusive and never coming back, But Sony won't listen to that, And it's their console so they call the shots, The PS4 exclusives DE mentioned are probably something to work out a deal with Sony to allow migration.

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Sony execs want to keep their paying customers. They "know" that. Sony execs are against having games on their consoles that have exclusive items on other platforms and not their own. Sony is allowing it now because the game is in Beta and not actually a complete game. When they start hearing that PS4 players aren't getting either the same stuff or exclusives of their own then Sony will step in and tell DE to fix it or there will be no further progress on Sony's end. Especially since there are people buying PS4s to play Warframe and care little about other games. If Sony execs hear that people are returning their systems or selling/trading them in because of this what do you think will happen? Sony is very good at keeping their core fan base happy. Just like DE likes to keep their "core players" happy(Founders and PC players) Don't see either one stopping anytime soon. Do you?


That's stretching it a bit far.  I have a PS4 and would love to play Warframe on it, exclusive items or not.  (machete wraith and founder items you're talking about), but I don't see the delays happening because of these virtual items and am disagreeing with you for claiming that it's the cause for delay.


My inference (which is just as good as your theory) is that Sony doesn't see any benefit for their own platinum sales via the PSN store, by allowing PC players to migrate their accounts. It's just that simple.


I mentioned months ago that even if Sony wanted a one time "migration fee" from me I'll gladly pay it, as long as it's something fair like $10-20 USD.

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As long as we wouldn't be playing with PC users, I could care less about a PC/PS4 hook-up.  I don't care about the gear PS4 can never obtain.  What I do care about is trying to play two completely different games at the same time.  With PS4 being a least a month behind in updates, I can't imagine cross-platform play is even an option.

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rather get ps4  at the same update as pc is.


No you don't. Trust me, it's better for PS4 this way. A good example of why you don't is update 13. Until Sony makes cert seamless for DE to the point where DE can put out hotfixes on the fly like they can via PC (which Sony doesn't seem particularly comfortable with) it's simply a very bad idea. And the only ones who would suffer would be PS4 players like yourself. 


Whenever a large build, such as update 13, goes out it is pretty much guaranteed to have a level of instability to it. And in update 13, it was rather extreme. Had DE released the same build to PS4 that was released to PC on day one, PS4 would be stuck with a completely unplayable mess for weeks until the hotfixes were certed as well. Thus, us PC players have to get all the initial [game breaking] bugs clear of the build before it is submitted to cert. You're welcome by the way.

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No you don't. Trust me, it's better for PS4 this way. A good example of why you don't is update 13. Until Sony makes cert seamless for DE to the point where DE can put out hotfixes on the fly like they can via PC (which Sony doesn't seem particularly comfortable with) it's simply a very bad idea. And the only ones who would suffer would ,be PS4 players like yourself. 


Whenever a large build, such as update 13, goes out it is pretty much guaranteed to have a level of instability to it. And in update 13, it was rather extreme. Had DE released the same build to PS4 that was released to PC on day one, PS4 would be stuck with a completely unplayable mess for weeks until the hotfixes were certed as well. Thus, us PC players have to get all the initial [game breaking] bugs clear of the build before it is submitted to cert. You're welcome by the way.

Which is why you wont ever see us complaining about update delays; Two, TWO, TWO line hot fixes that take 4 week to be deployed (sony being only responsible for 5 days of cert process) and getting shafted as in st. pats though is another point entirely.


As for thread it is both sushis and zoas points that make it rather impossible, the plat thing and the exclusive thing.

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No you don't. Trust me, it's better for PS4 this way. A good example of why you don't is update 13. Until Sony makes cert seamless for DE to the point where DE can put out hotfixes on the fly like they can via PC (which Sony doesn't seem particularly comfortable with) it's simply a very bad idea. And the only ones who would suffer would be PS4 players like yourself. 


Whenever a large build, such as update 13, goes out it is pretty much guaranteed to have a level of instability to it. And in update 13, it was rather extreme. Had DE released the same build to PS4 that was released to PC on day one, PS4 would be stuck with a completely unplayable mess for weeks until the hotfixes were certed as well. Thus, us PC players have to get all the initial [game breaking] bugs clear of the build before it is submitted to cert. You're welcome by the way.

Very true. And an account migration more than likely won't even come into existence until the game is out of beta due to PS4 and PC being so far apart.

"You're welcome by the way." Makes it seem like you, or any other PC player, deserves thanks for whatever it is that you think you do. You're not better than anyone else nor are you a crucial part to making this game run. So what you play a bugged beta of a game that's not complete. How about this. When the game is complete and running properly; if ever a problem arises and you along with anyone else rises to the challenge and braves the dangers of "bugs" in a game then heroically returns to DE with a report of your outstanding accomplishments at fixing the problem of the evil "bugs" then, and only then, can you expect thanks. For anything. Also, you proved another of my points earlier about PC players and their elitist attitudes. So by all means, continue doing what it is you do. And for the record, what exactly is it that you do? To deserve any kind of thanks whatsoever?

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Very true. And an account migration more than likely won't even come into existence until the game is out of beta due to PS4 and PC being so far apart.

"You're welcome by the way." Makes it seem like you, or any other PC player, deserves thanks for whatever it is that you think you do. You're not better than anyone else nor are you a crucial part to making this game run. So what you play a bugged beta of a game that's not complete. How about this. When the game is complete and running properly; if ever a problem arises and you along with anyone else rises to the challenge and braves the dangers of "bugs" in a game then heroically returns to DE with a report of your outstanding accomplishments at fixing the problem of the evil "bugs" then, and only then, can you expect thanks. For anything. Also, you proved another of my points earlier about PC players and their elitist attitudes. So by all means, continue doing what it is you do. And for the record, what exactly is it that you do? To deserve any kind of thanks whatsoever?

Did you literally come on the forums to flame bait?

You enter a forum that is full of predominantly pc players.

You generalise the pc community by sterotyping the vocal minority.

You approach the players who made it possible for you to play the game on ps4 in a very abrasive manner.

Regarding exclusive gear, I believe that pre-merger, ps4 should have an event that rewards exclusive cosmetics. So syandanas, weapon skins, frame skins and the like. That way each side has something exclusive to peacock about without majorly upsetting eachother.

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Also, you proved another of my points earlier about PC players and their elitist attitudes.


Inversely, I can at least recognize the entire PS4 community isn't as dense as you are. Interesting how that double standard edged sword works.



Oh, and what did I do? Oh not much really. But I guess you could maybe count the few hundred dollars that I and countless other founders gave to DE so that they could actually ya' know, pay for their expenses to make Warframe on PS4 a reality at all. And so that you could enjoy it for free. But hey, that doesn't mean much at all really. I'm betting you've done way more than I have to make Warframe on PS4 the success that it is. Cheers! 

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There will be no merger, its even one of the new great world wonders that DE and Sony could agree to bring Warframe to the Console,

since this kind of game needs many changes and updates, and that wont change even it is out of Beta. A few years ago nobody would hae believed that it even will be possible.

And think on the workload which needs to be done "on the fly", DE is litterally Programming 1 and 1/2 game to get the updates out to consoles as fast as they can, and even Sony, if they realy manage to get the patches/fixes out in one week, is doing a good job, i dont think it can get much faster as it is now.

It is not bad for the Consoleros that they have us "beta" testing the game, you need to wait sure, but on the other hand you get all the information we collect, dont have to go through the constant crashing Sessions, with loginservers breaking down, loosing lots of Modules and other loot in the process, like we did, and basically less suprises, less grinding.

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That's stretching it a bit far.  I have a PS4 and would love to play Warframe on it, exclusive items or not.  (machete wraith and founder items you're talking about), but I don't see the delays happening because of these virtual items and am disagreeing with you for claiming that it's the cause for delay.


My inference (which is just as good as your theory) is that Sony doesn't see any benefit for their own platinum sales via the PSN store, by allowing PC players to migrate their accounts. It's just that simple.


I mentioned months ago that even if Sony wanted a one time "migration fee" from me I'll gladly pay it, as long as it's something fair like $10-20 USD.

You do realize that up until now if you had a game released on some non-Sony platform and wanted to bring it to any Playstation you were required to add substantial exclusive content or Sony won't certify it? That's why some of us are very much content with Sony. They almost always made sure you got the best version content-wise.

And Sony is always very picky about exclusive items. To the point when they secured PS3-exclusive weapons and skins, sometimes making deals that involved several platforms. AC2 PS3 exclusive weapons unlocked via PSP AC Bloodlines comes to mind.


The sheer fact that Sony allowed Warframe to be released without founders items and other exclusive stuff is a jaw-dropping shocker. As simple as that. The only explanation I see here is them trying to get stuff for PS4 launch quickly and such details indeed slipping through the cracks. But at this point I wouldn't expect them to miss that kind of thing.


Now, I could imagine account transfer eventually happening, although it won't transfer any content that wasn't available on PSN store and there will be mod and slot limitations.

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i would really love for this to happen, soon hopefully.
alot of my friends got ps4 recently and i would like to play with them but having all my stuff reset with a new account is just such a turn off to the idea.  if i could get my account copied over to the ps4 even if i lose a decent amount of my items i would be very happy.

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No you don't. Trust me, it's better for PS4 this way. A good example of why you don't is update 13. Until Sony makes cert seamless for DE to the point where DE can put out hotfixes on the fly like they can via PC (which Sony doesn't seem particularly comfortable with) it's simply a very bad idea. And the only ones who would suffer would be PS4 players like yourself. 


Whenever a large build, such as update 13, goes out it is pretty much guaranteed to have a level of instability to it. And in update 13, it was rather extreme. Had DE released the same build to PS4 that was released to PC on day one, PS4 would be stuck with a completely unplayable mess for weeks until the hotfixes were certed as well. Thus, us PC players have to get all the initial [game breaking] bugs clear of the build before it is submitted to cert. You're welcome by the way.

This makes me feel much better about the delays.  I've been fairly vocal about the PS4 users' having frustrations with getting everything so much later than PC.  I mean, it does suck chomping at the bit for new stuff the PC kids have had for a month.  Childish?  Yes.  Human nature?  Also yes.  Not offended by the "you're welcome," btw.  I thought it was funny ... So I'll just say, "Thanks."

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