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  So the week of DE's anniversary I had a lot of issues trying to log in to Warframe. Finally my computer had connected and I was in the update box that they were advertising a new Proto-skin for Excalibur. I thought "Sweet, I'm going to go check this out." After logging in I came to find out I was 3 hours late of getting the damn skin and that it was only released for a week.

  This is serious BS. I've spent hundreds of hours and cash on this game and I know the lore from their first game, Dark Sector. (And yes, I found the irony that the solar rails go to the "Dark Sector.") I was a little peeved, but understanding, that I couldn't get the Excalibur Prime because I had received my computer for Christmas and they had stopped the Founders pack at the beginning of that month. But now THIS?!?!?! This Proto-skin should have been in the founders pack instead! I keep looking at the Warframes that I have and there seems to be this empty hole where I'll never have the chance to get an Excalibur Prime. Maybe if they could have done the Old Orokin Excalibur for the Founders and still made a newer Excalibur Prime for the rest of us, then I'd be a little jealous but still content.


  While I'm on the topic of Prime's, doesn't anyone else find it stupid that the Prime Helmets don't do jack but look pretty? Its a Prime for crying out loud! They should have more advantages then getting some energy in the void! Don't get me wrong, I like getting new Primes and have the fancy new weapons but they aren't even getting more polarities anymore. Polarities that, if I like the prime enough already, I can add on my own!!! Give the Primes something extra special, like 50 more base shields, faster run speak, an extra mod slot, maybe even allow us to change the gold color!!!


  Alright, Prime rant over. But seriously, the Proto-skin being a special and put out there for people that have been dedicated players and helping make the Beta better (not to mention spending our money on in game items which gives back to the developers helping fund and push the development of the game) should be able to have more of an opportunity to get it. Or, since its a one year anniversary, make it available to everyone that has had a profile up to that year!!!

  Who would have thought, right? Its been one year, here is a thanks to all the people supporting our game and pushing it to be better but we'll only make Hayden Tenno's skin available to the few people that are able to log on for only a WEEK!!!

  Something that unique and special to the fans of Dark Sector and Warframe should have at least a MONTH to have the chance to get the skin, if not for profiles up to that point as mentioned before. Something like this is a serious slap in the face from DE. I can't tell you how angry this has made me. Keep it up DE and you'll lose dedicated players. Don't disappoint those that have helped get the game to where it is today.

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Sounds to me like you're pissed at DE because your computer took a dump. Not seeing the logic here. Also "the few people able to log on for a week" near the end of your tantrum here? That's a joke. I don't know anyone else who was having log in issues during the Proto-Skin's availability. The DDOS attacks hadn't occurred yet so you being unable to log in is your computer or ISP's fault, not DE's. Neither is it DE's fault you missed out by a month on the Founder's Pack to get Excalibur Prime.


As for why the Prime helmets don't do anything special besides look cool, that's because DE is planning to remove the buffs from the older helmets. It's why every helmet released since U10 has been purely cosmetic. Eventually, all the helmets that provide a bonus no longer will unless you built/bought them before that period. They'll also allow you to remove the buffs/debuffs from helmets since there's always been people who think "Oh man that helmet looks awesome! But what it gives me is crap. Lame"

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Right, buy the Prime Access if you want to support the game beyond just buying a few skins.  What if the skin was released for a month and the same had happen to you?  Will you still rant?  Did making the period a month instead of a week mattered?  No, it didn't.  I'm ok if you are disappointed that you didn't get it, but you are only thinking about yourself here.  You don't actually care about help support the game, you don't care about being a founder, you cared about Excal Prime and the Proto-skin.  If you really think you are part of the group that supported the game, buy plats, you don't need some cosmetic skin as a return. 


The funny thing is that OP actually thinks DE put out the Proto-Skin as a thank you to the players that supported the game.  If it was a thank you, it would have been free, just like the  Dex Furis.  It didn't, it was a anniversary special sale, just like the holiday colour packs.

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The funny thing is that OP actually thinks DE put out the Proto-Skin as a thank you to the players that supported the game.  If it was a thank you, it would have been free, just like the  Dex Furis.  It didn't, it was a anniversary special sale, just like the holiday colour packs.


^This. Proto-Skin cost 150p iirc. That's not a thank you gift, that's a "Hey we made this for the one year anniversary of open beta. You should buy it! It's a collectible! :D"

Edited by Obtenebris
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Right, buy the Prime Access if you want to support the game beyond just buying a few skins.  What if the skin was released for a month and the same had happen to you?  Will you still rant?  Did making the period a month instead of a week mattered?  No, it didn't.  I'm ok if you are disappointed that you didn't get it, but you are only thinking about yourself here.  You don't actually care about help support the game, you don't care about being a founder, you cared about Excal Prime and the Proto-skin.  If you really think you are part of the group that supported the game, buy plats, you don't need some cosmetic skin as a return. 


The funny thing is that OP actually thinks DE put out the Proto-Skin as a thank you to the players that supported the game.  If it was a thank you, it would have been free, just like the  Dex Furis.  It didn't, it was a anniversary special sale, just like the holiday colour packs.

Actually I send in reports for bugs that I come across and have bought plat just cause. Soooo, yeah. I have been supporting them. In this matter, you're right. I want the proto-skin for myself. Is it really so much to ask for it to be available people that had profiles for that year? And if you were paying attention, I can let the Excal Prime slide. I've already said I understand I wasn't there for it and it ended before I started, though I can't help but wish for it anyways.

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As for why the Prime helmets don't do anything special besides look cool, that's because DE is planning to remove the buffs from the older helmets. It's why every helmet released since U10 has been purely cosmetic. Eventually, all the helmets that provide a bonus no longer will unless you built/bought them before that period. They'll also allow you to remove the buffs/debuffs from helmets since there's always been people who think "Oh man that helmet looks awesome! But what it gives me is crap. Lame"

I already know they're removing the buffs and I can understand the reasons. But what if the Primed helmets only had a small bonus and no debuff to it? It'd make sense don't you think? I'd also be more inclined to use them.

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Stop whining, you'll get another opportunity in a year or so when Warframe gets released to buy another 10$ skin.

As Obtenebris mentioned, this is a collectible. It'll never be available again. And DE is better than that to re-release stuff that was exclusive like a anniversary item.

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You just missed it. End of the story

I know I missed it. You're missing the story. Stuff like this shouldn't just be just a one week thing, though it do think it should stay exclusive. That is why Im saying the people that have active profiles for that year should be able to buy it instead.

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Wow, your busy today :p

I really just wanted to see if others felt the same, that it should be more of a gift to those that have supported them through the year. Not just a one time deal. That is how we get them to change things, unless I'm mistaken. Instead I'm getting people wanting to call the waaahmbulance for me. Its a joke.

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I know I missed it. You're missing the story. Stuff like this shouldn't just be just a one week thing, though it do think it should stay exclusive. That is why Im saying the people that have active profiles for that year should be able to buy it instead.

You have been. But you cant tell me that this login issue was a common problem!

During this week, I played almost every day. There was not a single disconnect nor was I or my friends unable to login.

Sorry but the problem was on your side. And thats all it is.

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As Obtenebris mentioned, this is a collectible. It'll never be available again. And DE is better than that to re-release stuff that was exclusive like a anniversary item.

He also said "in a year." The skin will probably be made available next march for the 2 year aanniversary. If not, there's probably going to be something different you can blow $10

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I really just wanted to see if others felt the same, that it should be more of a gift to those that have supported them through the year. Not just a one time deal. That is how we get them to change things, unless I'm mistaken. Instead I'm getting people wanting to call the waaahmbulance for me. Its a joke.

Again, it wasn't a gift. Those of us who chose to buy it spent plat aka money on it. A gift does not cost the person receiving the gift anything. The Dex Furis was a gift. That didn't cost me anything and it even came with a slot and potato. The Proto-Skin was an additional collectible you could choose to pay for. There's plenty of games that only do things for a week. I'd say a week is a pretty decent length of time to offer a collectible that costs money to obtain.


There's even games that offer less time for special deals. League of Legends often releases skins that cost 1350 RP but if you get it in the first four days, it's 975. It's a special, limited time deal. If people miss it, they miss it.

Edited by Obtenebris
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You have been. But you cant tell me that this login issue was a common problem!

During this week, I played almost every day. There was not a single disconnect nor was I or my friends unable to login.

Sorry but the problem was on your side. And thats all it is.

It doesn't matter if it was a common problem or not. And I might as well add that I've been playing all week with no login issues though still finding a few bugs such as the Grineer doors only half opening on occasion.

Bu you're still missing the point, it shouldn't just be a one week deal.

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Well ... Spilled milk and all.  I do feel bad for you TC.  I'd have been severely annoyed if I had missed it due to vacation or training or something.  I just started a new position and have been out of town a lot for training.  I'm a PS4 user.  I don't bring it with me and usually can't connect to the crap hotel internet connection with it when I do.  I'm dreading this happening to me.  If it does, while likely futile, I'll be sending DE a "take pity on me" e-mail.  Speaking of this though, can you buy these things via the website?  If so, I don't suppose I need to fret.

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Well ... Spilled milk and all.  I do feel bad for you TC.  I'd have been severely annoyed if I had missed it due to vacation or training or something.  I just started a new position and have been out of town a lot for training.  I'm a PS4 user.  I don't bring it with me and usually can't connect to the crap hotel internet connection with it when I do.  I'm dreading this happening to me.  If it does, while likely futile, I'll be sending DE a "take pity on me" e-mail.  Speaking of this though, can you buy these things via the website?  If so, I don't suppose I need to fret.

You can't buy them via their website. The only in-game thing you can buy via warframe.com is platinum/Prime Access.

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