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De Alad V Is Broken Fix Him For The Love Of Lotus!


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Oh god this again.... ok...


Look i have already discussed how stupid the idea of Alad V standing out in the open and doing nothing but running away for the entire fight. I have been saying this since "The Profit" video was released.




There are showoffs and then there are just idiots, and Alad broke my dump-o-meter whit record speed.


After the weeks i have to go through severe eye pain when i was farming Valkyr i ran away from Jupiter faster than you can pronounce Haruhara Haruko and never look back, until recently i decided to make a fully infested looking set up whit the Tysis, Torid and Mire, and before you know it the only A****** who drops Neural Sensors is Alad V, sure you can get them from Elara i think but they are not dropping for me...


Anyways the point. I tent to solo since the Clan I’m in is still a bit small (crew wise) and they are mostly farming void while I’m trying to restock some of my rare resources and i can’t build the Distilled Extractor since i need that Oxium for the Nikana first so I’m all alone fighting the duke of stupidity Alad V.


My mayor problem whit this fight (beside the concept of him running away and doing nothing else) is that stupid, overpowered  flash lighting that blinds you, it doesn’t last long but it comes so fast whit a BRIGHT WHITE SCREEN that it will burn your eyes after the third, and they come by fast. Think about those really annoying white loading screens in Assassin’s Creed but popping every 3 seconds or so.


That stupid lighting has about 4 second CD and it can hit you no matter where Alad V is, you can be next to him, you can be in extraction ALL the way on the start of the stage but if he targets you whit it will go through all walls necessary and you can’t do anything about it cause it will lock on you and hit you faster that you can react.


I really want someone from DE’s design department to explain who though a homing, unavoidable lighting that can’t be blocked and turns your screen so white (even whit low brightness mind you) and so often that can, and will, physically hurt your eyes was a good idea for a boss fight!


And it’s sad really because personality wise Alad V is actually pretty good, kinda like Handsome Jack but not as funny and his voice and quotes just pure gold and fighting Zanuka alone is dam entertaining but gameplay wise Alad breaks what could be a pretty hardcore one on one combat whit an enemy equal to the Tenno whit stupid gimmicks and no strategy what so ever. 


Adding insult to injury that this is Corpus we are talking about, Alad V is so far the only recognizable boss in the Corpus and it does not give a good impression, nor is he remembered for the right reason.


Think about it: the Grineer has Vor whit all the mystery around him and his Key, Uncle Hek whit his political quotes that can be threatening or funny (or both oddly enough), Krill whit his “War Hero” thing going on and the fact that he may or not be a woman (seriously look at his armor), Tyr Regor whit the DNA reconstruction thing and so on; as for Corpus we got a bunch of robots whit no appealing personality to speak off, Nef who has become the Warframe’s equivalent to Teemo and now Alad V who is so annoying to fight whit that it even competes to that bastard Jr from No More Heroes. Though I think Alad is worst cause he can physically hurt you (the player) and you need to fight him in order to advance to the next planet and grind him if you want Neural Sensors/Valkyr where Bastard Jr was just the final boss that you fought him because you want to beat the game, and probably forget about him once you beat him once.


This goes once again to my argument about DE just feeding Grineer and ignoring Corpus. Grineer get all this shiny new tilesets and epic events while us the Corpus fans get fart city, a grand total of two units (that only appear in Jupiter btw) and a joke of a boss that we have to cheat just to get over whit the pain.


Well Rant is over, I just want Alad V to get fixed so he either gets a fight or at least they remove the lighting flash whit something less painful and actually relying in player skill rather than auto lock.


Thank you for reading plz share your painful memories here so DE may notice and fix this. Now if you excuse me I need to get myself a penta so I can one shot the bastard and get over whit it…


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Time to dissect this:





As a seasoned warframe player i can tell you that you don't need these weapons in order to beat alad V. These weapons are made for endgame content, so using them here for alad makes the game boring.


2) "only A****** who drops Neural Sensors is Alad V, sure you can get them from Elara i think but they are not dropping for me..."


Do any Jupiter survival with a nekros, I do these runs all the time and usually get 2-4 sometimes even more per run.


3) "I tent to solo since the Clan I’m in is still a bit small (crew wise) and they are mostly farming void"


I doubt that EVERYONE is on void, if ur clan is not willing to help then leave. Warframe is 10x more fun with people ^_^


4) "My mayor problem whit this fight (beside the concept of him running away and doing nothing else) is that stupid, overpowered  flash lighting that blinds you, it doesn’t last long but it comes so fast whit a BRIGHT WHITE SCREEN that it will burn your eyes after the third, and they come by fast."


"really want someone from DE’s design department to explain who though a homing, unavoidable lighting that can’t be blocked and turns your screen so white (even whit low brightness mind you) and so often that can, and will, physically hurt your eyes was a good idea for a boss fight!"


Ways to prevent this:


Loki & Ash: He cant blind you if he's blind himself


Mag: Her polarize can destroy the shields in 2 secs


Nova: If you slow him down it takes him a lot more time to blind you. (Molecular Prime)


There are probably many more ways to incapacitate alad so he doesn't blind you.


And if the white hurts your eyes, turn down the brightness it might be to high. I used to have that problem myself.


5) "That stupid lighting has about 4 second CD and it can hit you no matter where Alad V is, you can be next to him, you can be in extraction ALL the way on the start of the stage but if he targets you whit it will go through all walls necessary and you can’t do anything about it cause it will lock on you and hit you faster that you can react."


He has to target you first, why encounter him and run away? I don't see the issue here since you are soloing.


6) "whit stupid gimmicks and no strategy what so ever. "




Also, it does take stragegy. At the first encounter, zanuka will attack the player. Player realizes that zanuka is invincible at this stage. Player - "Perhaps it would be more viable to kill the guy controlling zanuka *Alad V*" There is is a form of  strategy since players have to make a team or solo in a ways that makes them avoid the flash and to reach alad V and land hits on him without his pet hurting you. It does take skill and thought if you are at that point of the game. Many other games use gimmicks, doesn't mean they're stupid its because you cant adapt yourself as a player.


7) "This goes once again to my argument about DE just feeding Grineer and ignoring Corpus. Grineer get all this shiny new tilesets and epic events while us the Corpus fans get fart city, a grand total of two units (that only appear in Jupiter btw) and a joke of a boss that we have to cheat just to get over whit the pain."


Update 11 was all around corpus, Update 10 was all about infested, Update 12 was all about Tenno stuff and some grineer weaponry/an event. Update 13 was the more grineer themed update with vay hek, and the ceres tileset. We haven't had a prominent grineer update in a while. And if you are talking about gravidius, that's over with both reward weapons are now available, stop beating a dead horse.


This was a pointless post. Not in the sense that your argument in invalid, it's because there is no constructive criticism at all... You just ranted about how cheap Alad V is, the grind, how DE is nicer to grineer, oh just take it out remove part of the challenge since i cant deal with it, etc... You proposed no solutions whatsoever. DE is just going to look at this and be all like



DE is one of the very few places where they actually have an ear open to the masses in some way. There are 7 million of us but they do it anyways.


Not only that you say all these things when in most cases they are not true. With the right tools you can kill Alad V without getting flashed. You don't need a penta, a soma, a brakk. That's just a misconception a stupid one at that. Most of the weapons on warframe are really promising and they are beginner weapons. And to prove that here is a YouTube video of me killing Alad V with only gear that you can obtain at the start of the game. Dual Ether and Loki to be exact. Both of these pieces can be obtained at the start of the game.








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TraparDensity I know DE is one of the few companies that actually hear their fans and actually fix the issues and thats what im doing here, pointing ouot a mayor flaw as a Boss that is not fun at all.


I have been talking about this since the profit video where i said how stupid it was that Alad is just here out in the open in the middle of the fight where Tenno have a clear shot at any time (Trinity had a Rifle why didnt she blowed his head off?) and how worried i was if this is how the fight would play. People just told me to wait and see and i did wait and what i see now is even worst than i though. The fact that all Alad Does is running away from you is lame and makes the carácter (that we should fear) look bad and the homing lightning is just cheap.


I mentioned the Brakk and all that because i know there would be more tan one guy yelling at me saying "your a noob i can one shot him whit my 5 forma SOma" cause i have faced them more times tan necesary, so it was just a disclaimer.


There is a difference in "Adapting your strategy to the enemy" vs "Just finish him off quick before he spams his op skill". Ruk is a good example, unlike other bosses whit RUk you have to keep moving, dodging fireballs and fire blast while also keeping an eye peeled to see when the vents open for attack or Krill where one player needs to distract him/Her while the other shoots its back to then forcé him to use a skill so he frozes himself and you can damage him.


Alad on the other hand you just run in and either 1) you kill him so fast he cant do anything or 2) spend hours chasing the guy trying to land a shot cause you can see anything from the constant bright White screens.


And its not really my brightness since i have already played whit it a Little and to make the White screen less painfull i need to turn the screen VERY dark, t the point when i get out in the hallways its too dark to see anything.

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I have been talking about this since the profit video where i said how stupid it was that Alad is just here out in the open in the middle of the fight where Tenno have a clear shot at any time (Trinity had a Rifle why didnt she blowed his head off?) and how worried i was if this is how the fight would play. People just told me to wait and see and i did wait and what i see now is even worst than i though. The fact that all Alad Does is running away from you is lame and makes the carácter (that we should fear) look bad and the homing lightning is just cheap.


Actually, running away actually fits alad's character you see him being a badass, then you are mistaken.




.There is a difference in "Adapting your strategy to the enemy" vs "Just finish him off quick before he spams his op skill". Ruk is a good example, unlike other bosses whit RUk you have to keep moving, dodging fireballs and fire blast while also keeping an eye peeled to see when the vents open for attack or Krill where one player needs to distract him/Her while the other shoots its back to then forcé him to use a skill so he frozes himself and you can damage him.


So why don't you do it then. Because last time I checked warframe is all about using the appropriate setup in order to kill the enemy. And that's where the strategy is. Frankly if you think you need a penta to kill him quickly, then you must not be that good at the game.


And then you come to think that ruk, omg so hard. Gotta shoot at the right time ya so skill. "Trinity+Link+Blessing+Orgis : Shoot at floor takes 12 seconds to kill " Another example of using the right gear. And using your head and manipulating the game mechanics in order to kill a boss more efficiently. Not "oh just shoot him when he's has blue spots derp."


And lastly: "Alad on the other hand you just run in and either 1) you kill him so fast he cant do anything or 2) spend hours chasing the guy trying to land a shot cause you can see anything from the constant bright White screens."


Im sorry but you don't spend hours on killing a boss. I know starter players and they killed him with ease. They used what they had in order to kill the boss. And the white screens are not constant and i didn't kill him that fast, notice how I was wailing on zanuka before i went for alad? He did not blind me at all. Because I used tactics to prevent that, thats how you play warframe.

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TraparDensity My point still stands why is his lighting flash be lock on, helll why the F*** is he even doing in here in the fisrt place, why cant it be like you vs Zanuka and Alad is in some kind of Control Room supporting Zanuka whit drones and stuff. Alad is still that part of the fight that just ruins what could be a great boos fight.

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TraparDensity My point still stands why is his lighting flash be lock on, helll why the F*** is he even doing in here in the fisrt place, why cant it be like you vs Zanuka and Alad is in some kind of Control Room supporting Zanuka whit drones and stuff. Alad is still that part of the fight that just ruins what could be a great boos fight.

What point there is no point. You are taking a part of what makes this particular boss unique and removing part of the challenge. And on top of that not writing an alternative so that challenge can be re balanced.


"lets make it so alad is in a control room"

Ya like:


Castle Crashers



The point of alad being there was because of the "Hunt for alad V event" We had to kill alad. Also double bosses are cooler and more challenging since you have to prioritize targets. Sure its not innovative but its a fairly new concept. The only game I have seen that did this kind of boss fight flawlessly is castlevania. And this one was executed fairly well, with the combination of brain and brawn.



Edited by TraparDensity
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Having solo'ed Alad V several times myself, I do have two minor gripes with the fight:


1) The aforementioned Blinding Beam.


2) Zanuka is on Alad the very second he's downed. Obviously you're supposed to damage Zanuka as it makes it's way to him, but seeing as in Solo mode your the only one for Zanuka for seek out, the three of you are pretty much next to each other the whole time, which gives you a ridiculously short window of time to actually focus on Zanuka.



For the first one there really should be some telegraphing and the possibility to roll out of the way. Not sure about the second one, maybe remove that giant shield so that you can actually get a decent shot at Zanuka for the one second it takes for him to reach Alad, heal him, and become invincible again?


Otherwise it's a mostly solid fight, can't complain.

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Having solo'ed Alad V several times myself, I do have two minor gripes with the fight:


1) The aforementioned Blinding Beam.


2) Zanuka is on Alad the very second he's downed. Obviously you're supposed to damage Zanuka as it makes it's way to him, but seeing as in Solo mode your the only one for Zanuka for seek out, the three of you are pretty much next to each other the whole time, which gives you a ridiculously short window of time to actually focus on Zanuka.



For the first one there really should be some telegraphing and the possibility to roll out of the way. Not sure about the second one, maybe remove that giant shield so that you can actually get a decent shot at Zanuka for the one second it takes for him to reach Alad, heal him, and become invincible again?


Otherwise it's a mostly solid fight, can't complain.

For #2, it is simple: Don't drop Alad V.  Just take down his shields, then go for Zanuka.  Once Zanuka is down, then finish off Alad V.

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For #2, it is simple: Don't drop Alad V.  Just take down his shields, then go for Zanuka.  Once Zanuka is down, then finish off Alad V.


You only have to break through his shield to make Zanuka vulnerable? That would've been nice to know sooner! (I feel stupid now...)

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I was always wondering how I had some sort of recognition for Salad. He does feel like he could be the Handsome Jack of warframe. Jus like Valkyris he Krieg of warframe.

Too bad Valkyr doesn't have the humorous dialogue like krieg has.


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