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Orokin Catalyst/reactor Rewards Timing


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Some browsers (notably chrome) copies the formatting when you copy the text. This includes background color.

Then the site applies CSS to make the font white.

You can generally fix this by pushing "ctrl+shift+v" and not just "ctrl+v".

Edited by Tsukinoki
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Some browsers (notably chrome) copies the formatting when you copy the text. This includes background color.

Then the site applies CSS to make the font white.

You can generally fix this by pushing "ctrl+shift+v" and not just "ctrl+v".


Will remember this.


It worked! FIxed the post.

Edited by Lickity-Split
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1- 13.51 UK (At work)
2- 12.03 UK (At work)
3- 20.35pm UK (Probably got this one)
4- 18.41pm UK (At Gym)
5- 04.53 UK (Sleeping)
6- 19.58pm UK (Probably got it)
7- 10.34am UK (At Work)
8- 02.16am UK (Sleeping)
9- 6.41am UK (Getting ready for work, sorting daughter out for School)
10- 10.31am UK (At Work)
I should probably quit my job and become a bum... Then DE will give me free things!
Not saying the system is not random or bias... Just saying that its sh*t.



You're mad because the alerts perfectly fit into your schedule a measly two times?  Look at the PDT times.  If you lived in the pacific timezone, using your schedule, you would have received - wait for it - two potatoes. How incredibly unfair and unjust!


If you really care THAT much about potatoes and you know that they only drop from limited-time events, you could adjust YOUR life so that you can be present for more alerts.  For example, you could get a job in an office that doesn't care if you spend a 5-10 minute break playing a video game.  Hell, you could even drive home and play the alert.  Last night's alert was up for at least four hours not 30m. This videogame is time/matierial sensitive and requires a degree of prioritizing - it's a central feature, whether or not it's a problem.  It seems rather silly to ask DE to make global mechanical and economical changes to match your whim.

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Stop there... Did not read the rest.


Never once said I was mad...

I buy my reactors and catalysts when I need them... Dont give a flying funk about the alerts.




You rant about "2/10" and call it "sh*t" then take issue with me ascribing you as mad?  Quite mad, indeed.

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You rant about "2/10" and call it "sh*t" then take issue with me ascribing you as mad?  Quite mad, indeed.

lol why you trollin' me bro...

I come here and say some stuff and you make it all personal.

Go chillax a bit, maybe read a book or something.


Nothing I said was a rant, it was my opinion... My opinion is that the Alert system is crap and needs a revamp... 

If you think that is a rant then you're not the kind of person that I want to have any sort of discussion with... 

Relax a bit, talk more... Don't get aggressive or defensive, just opinionated.

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1- 13.51 UK (At work)
2- 12.03 UK (At work)
3- 20.35pm UK (Probably got this one)
4- 18.41pm UK (At Gym)
5- 04.53 UK (Sleeping)
6- 19.58pm UK (Probably got it)
7- 10.34am UK (At Work)
8- 02.16am UK (Sleeping)
9- 6.41am UK (Getting ready for work, sorting daughter out for School)
10- 10.31am UK (At Work)
I should probably quit my job and become a bum... Then DE will give me free things!
Not saying the system is not random or bias... Just saying that its sh*t.



Random is pretty crappy, that's why so many people complain. DE did a lot of hard work on Alert System 2.0 to make items appear on more rational terms (I remember last year on the old system, we actually might go a whole month and a half or so without a potato that wasn't from the Lotus). It worked out really well; we don't see 40 Heat Daggers and 30 Jaw Swords anymore. I haven't seen as many complaints about potatoes, but they still exist; always will.


For those times I mentioned, they suck for almost all of the US time zones, too. They're all around the times when adults and kids alike would be asleep or at work/school. Kids then have homework or a part-time job and adults usually sleep early for work, and that leaves a very small window of opportunity for an alert when at least 2/3rds of your day is busy.


I don't think they need to come up with a new rework for the system again since the potatoes will still have the same low chance, but making potato alerts longer like a lot of people suggest might suffice just fine.

Edited by Aramet
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I feel mocked.

The timing of invasion for orokin catalyst/reactor rewards is ridiculous.

Let's take a look at the last two:

13 Apr 01:56 GMT

22 Apr 05:54 GMT


Oh, and there was an orokin reactor alert on 20 Apr, around 00:15 GMT if I remember it correctly.


So that's that, missed 3 potatoes in a row, all of them given in a rather narrow time frame. Maybe I'm being paranoid here, but the timeframe oddly fits for Eastern-coast US gamers.


Maybe you should think about other people too, before they start to feel neglected.

The whole thing is RNG derived, friend. The only ones that aren't are specific gift of the lotus alerts that DE enters into the system manually.

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You realise DE doesn't do "random" that well: the parts are weighted per time and item, the amount of weighting set by DE themselves.


In plain speak, it's not really that random, same as their loot tables.


This. RNGs aren't trully random and can easily tampered with by developers.

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I love how all of you are trying to tell OP it's his problem and not the game's.


Since we are in the feedback section, how about instead of saying which time zones are good and which are bad, you tell us some way to fix this?

It's really simple, make the special reward alerts like potatoes, helmets, auras and such repeat themselves over a cycle of 3 times per day on the prime time of different time zones. If someone has already gotten it in one of the cycles then he does not get to see/join the other two to prevent abuse.


As for invasions that give potatoes, give them a minimal time that they need to stay up so everyone has the chance to grab it. Currently they are gone in under 20-30 minutes depending on the time they spawn, make it so they need 1-2 hours at least before vanishing.


The OP is right, the system is indeed working on a very bad RNG system and it shouldn't be so. It does not offer equal chance of opportunity and this is causing a lot of people to not enjoy the game. DE would most probably fix this if they were not busy with Melee2.0 and DDoS.


Keep the thread up OP until DE takes action, and as for everyone else try to give ideas on how to improve upon this instead.

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Why waste money on something that you can get free?


I hate those who dont play the game.


Oh well, i guess its ok, better keep it like its already, but the invasion reward problem still frustrates me ._.

Why not spend money on something that's not inherently free?

I dislike those who don't return the kindness given to them by others.


I myself don't feel sorry for those that missed the boat (although there are exceptions).


If you have time to invest in real life and work, you'll have the resources to pay for something you can't (at the moment) make up for in time.

That's why some older retired people have nice cars and do crazy stuff like skydiving and other related life risking activities.

The exception I have is if you're in school, then I truly am sorry, because many kids go to school for 12 god damn years and come out with little to no marketable skills (me being one of them).

Those of us who come into the world with so little to offer, and with so little support, have to learn things the hard way or else we end up living in circumstances we could have avoided if we were truly pointed in the right direction earlier on.


Yeah endrant


Sorry If I come off as a $&*^ or something, I just want for people to understand the responsibilities that are associated with freedom.

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There are 3 kinds of people in the world.


Those that feel cheated because they havnt had a chance to get a Reactor/Catalyst in Months due to it showing up during work/sleep time.

Those that don't give a sh*t what group 1 say because they got their Reactor/Catalyst.

Those that simply don't give a sh*t regardless...






Which one are you ?

Actually there's a 4th kind that I personally belong to. The kind that would love to have any sympathy for this if it was actually something the devs controlled and not something run by rng. I've missed every non-livestream catalyst and reactor for the last 5 months. So what? It's not their fault, and whining about it on the forums isn't going to make it change any faster. They said they were looking at it but there's still game breaking problems that have a much higher priority. The problem is there are always going to be people who believe that their opinion is correct even with proof to the contrary. My advice? Suck it up. In an ideal world we'd all live in the same time zone, but we don't so tough.

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