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Great Game, Great Concept. Terrible Character Art


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When I first started playing, I thought that the lack of visual appeal of the warframes was contended only by the microwaves with legs, guns, and jumpjets found in Hawken. However, after playing the game for a couple of hours (assuming "couple" can mean more than 50), I've realised that I really like how original the designs are. I really like the lack of distinct eyes, it makes them seem way more futuristic (as they should seem), and the muscle assentuations are beautiful.

My favourite is actually the Loki. The essence helmet just makes so much sense. I always use enemy sense, and the top half of the helmet even looks like it has some kind of radar going on. Then there is the whole hammer head thing, except that it has a little dot at each end. How else am I seeing around corners?

I think that the only warframe that I don't really like is the Ash's unlockable helmet.

TL;DR - I love the warframe art. It is unique and beautiful.

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I am really enjoying the character design. I am 37. So I dont think age matter.

The only complains I have is "banshee". I dont like her general looking (but her default helm which look nice, alienish... ^^) I have bought her alt helm for plat and there I cry... It suck. Its horrible... :'(

Otherwise, I like/love the others. Maybe you (the post owner) dont like it but it is just a matter a taste. They cant please everybody.

Edited by raztag
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I'm kind of amused by the assertion that gamers "over the age of 25" won't like the aesthetic of this game because it doesn't look like Gears of War. In my experience, it's the teenagers and below who are the target market for the typical YO BADASS CHECK OUT THIS SPACE MARINE style we see in basically every scifi game these days. If anything, the Evangelion/Guyver style character designs in this game seem specifically suited to appeal to older gamers who grew up with those things.

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I'm pretty sure the two "human" enemy factions are parodies of the generic space marine archtypes. The grineer are clones and look alot like the Ultragritty Ultramarines from Warhammer 40k, and the Corpus are brainwashed and their stuff looks more shiny space future ala Mass Effect. Maybe I'm reading into it too much.

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I think the art style is generally unique and more interesting than generic Halo Space Effect Marines of Duty in, say, Gears of War or most other games.

In fact, I have only two real complaints:

1. Grineer legs are all almost comically undersized for the bulk they're supposed to be holding up. Grineer have those huge armor crests but their legs look like twigs, and that's just ridiculous. Even corpus crewman legs are bigger, and they aren't nearly as top heavy!

2. Some warframes don't feel like armored suits so much as spandex that's been painted on. Excalibur in particular looks less like armor and more like cloth since there's no visible hard surfaces except for the horn. Rhino, on the other hand, actually feels like a warframe due to its obvious armor plating.

Edited by Cpl_Facehugger
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The art design of this game is what made me try it. Otherwise i would have never played it.

Similarly, I thought the game looked awesome back in '04 when it was the first version of Dark Sector (the final version was lame, but the art direction was great) and was super stoked to hear it was back in a form closer to that first trailer.

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I like them, they have this Neon Evangelion look about them.

I would like some variation on the armour in the feature though, different leggins, chest and helmets.

Do I would like some flesh being shown, like Lotus, it probably isn't a good idea, they are suppose to be deadly Ninjas all around.

Don't want Saryn and Mag ending up like this : http://cdn.gagbay.co...rmor-237294.jpg

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They're not going to change the art style of their game just for you, either deal with it or leave. Simple really.

Ehrlich, das ist wirklich ehrlich^^

(Ehrlich, that is really honest)

I thought the same when all those people were biatching around because the new look of the Devil May Cry reboot.

Edited by Herr2maZ
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I thought the same when all those people were biatching around because the new look of the Devil May Cry reboot.

There is a fine line to walk there. The radical change in character design and direction turned off a large portion of the existing fanbase and wasn't interesting enough to bring in many new ones. Personally I could have looked past it if it wasn't a reboot. I wanted DMC5 damn it, even if 4 did have development issues.

Obviosly that isn't a problem for Warframe, being a new IP. That and the overall fantastic designs!

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I like the current look. The biomechanical appearance really sells just how technologically advanced the tenno are. They can make a centimetre of engineered skin and bone superior to the great big chunks of metal the grineer bolt to themselves.

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I just wished the warframes had a more armour-like appearance. which means i haven't looked at enough different warframes. maybe if armour mods altered the appearance of warframe to limited degree?

Armor like appearance? Its a suit, not an armor. Besides that, if they would be armors, they would look to much like a spartan armor... So suits are fine....

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Armor like appearance? Its a suit, not an armor. Besides that, if they would be armors, they would look to much like a spartan armor... So suits are fine....

And If they were armors they wouldn't need a shield. Actually the shield is the armor, but it's invisible.

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