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The Nova Plague...


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So rule 1:

- don't give a sh!t,


Rule 2:

- if a teammate is doing something wrong (nova or not), just ask them gently to act in a fairer way. If they do not listen, go to rule 1.

If Nova is that annoying(in the case of the player here), instead of Rule 1, after you have applied Rule 2, just play something like Loki or Vauban and troll the hell out of her,switch teleport her  on Loki or spam a couple of Vortex's and bounce her into them,rinse and repeat.(2nd method she cant really touch the ground so no spamming M.Prime.)


P.S Only do this if they are really bad to handle.

Edited by Xs-138
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I dont often see novas


I dont think shes OP or boring


In low tier things shes kind of OP but anything can do that


In higher game she loses a ton of power when her m prime cant simply kill things


Thats why i always use energy efficient overextended for the 2x dmg in end game rather than damage builds that wont last to those really high waves if i use nova


We should be complaining about trinity making everyone impossible to kill and vaubro making every infested defense/survival stupid

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I played Nova once awhile back.

I felt dirty.




Going to quote a clanmate from last night for a second: this game will never be co-op until the end of mission stats screen is removed.


People don't like feeling that their contribution to success is negligible, and while Nova is the ultimate frame to mooch off of, most people actually want to play, not wait for everything to explode. Nova effectively removes that feeling of contribution. Oh, you thought you'd take on those mobs? LOLNOPE! Explosions for everyone! Here, I'll let you shoot that one guy so that my skill blows up the entire level! See, you're a helper!


While it's a useful group debuff at high level, anywhere on the solar map Nova's ult essentially feels selfish. It's a mob-claiming ability where even if you get a shot off, all you're doing is setting off the chain reaction, and the only other options are to rush faster than the frame that's as fast as Loki or to hit an ult faster than MP - setting aside the absurd range that MP covers.


I Agree. To be honest I play warframe to enjoy myself, not sit back and wait for players to do the killing for me. If that were the case I'd play Nova myself with a high powered weapon and go solo.

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People playing Nova spamming MP are doing it wrong, try it at 100+ waves in anything, it barely does anything aside from slowing down targets. Pro Nova players use AMD to deadly effect able to inflict 3 million damage + easy with the right weapons. Nova players spamming MP in low level defense missions are only making things take forever as you are constantly searching for that one last enemy way the hell on the other side of the map moving at crawling speed..... It really does get annoying at times especially stance farming and it limits Nekros to like a 3 second window for desecration. NO-va needs a range nerf on MP and I would be cool with it then.

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All these Nova threads are starting to turn into bad spy thriller novels.


"The Nova Plague"

"The Nova Situation"

"The Nova Protocol"

"The Nova Conspiracy"

"The Nova Threat"


The only possible conclusion is that Nova is actually a Communist spy.  The only question is...will our grizzled American hero be able to break the grip of Comrade Chairman and convince her to change sides in time to save Defense missions?

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All these Nova threads are starting to turn into bad spy thriller novels.


"The Nova Plague"

"The Nova Situation"

"The Nova Protocol"

"The Nova Conspiracy"

"The Nova Threat"


The only possible conclusion is that Nova is actually a Communist spy.  The only question is...will our grizzled American hero be able to break the grip of Comrade Chairman and convince her to change sides in time to save Defense missions?


Who's the protagonist in this story?

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This is  not the first thread about this.
That said my only issue with Nova is people using max range during defense and priming when enemies are just barely in range which slows down their progress towards you and makes the waves take much longer.

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Nova is literally the last frame I build and played. I am those kind of players that actually stick by the objectives in defense mission and only use her 4 to get out of a tight situation.


Spamming 4's is not a problem pertained to Nova, IMO those who uses Oberon that spams 4's non stop is even more annoying.

Edited by (PS4)RocketPunch1221
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Four words.


More XP for me.



And it rhymes too.



I do get what you're saying though, as it's kinda hard to feel like you're contributing when nova is around.


Especially if you play excal...


I'm reviving nova's all the time

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Four words.


More XP for me.



And it rhymes too.



I do get what you're saying though, as it's kinda hard to feel like you're contributing when nova is around.


Especially if you play excal...


I'm reviving nova's all the time


Poor Exacl. I feel he's underrated and could be so much more but he continues to fall into the hands of people who can't handle him. I agree that Nova's MP needs a range nerf. 

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Nova is literally the last frame I build and played. I am those kind of players that actually stick by the objectives in defense mission and only use her 4 to get out of a tight situation.


Spamming 4's is not a problem pertained to Nova, IMO those who uses Oberon that spams 4's non stop is even more annoying.

at least at higher levels oberons 4 just downs enemies,so everybody can get their easy kills from it

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I see no reason for Nova to be nerfed, she has wonderful utility in the high lvl content I perfer to play (lvl 60+).


I agree it is disapointing to not have any enimies to kill when you want to use a weapon, but that is the players, not the frame.


If in fact nova was nerfed, she would loose her ability to make lvl 150+ enimies killable in any reasonable amount of time, thus I feel it is fine as is.


Nerfing should never be the way to stop people from using powers as intended (bit of a strech, but it does what it says it should)


Situations where nerfing is needed are game breaking oversites such as Trinity with the self damage link, in this case they should have link not pickup damage from tenno weapons(not shure how hard that is to code, but if possible, its an easy fix)


But in case of the Nova thing, try asking them, if that doesnt work ignore them for now.


BTW, DE "Vote Kick" or a system so you can set people to not be paired with might be a good addition to the game.

Edited by Ichiki-Kinshiro
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