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Finally Trinity's Blessing Is Being Looked At!


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We weren't meant to handle those high waves?


Then why the hell are they there? Is that why people crash at wave 231? Do you know something we don't?

They are there for the over competitive souls that want to have a fancy #1 by their name.


It has been stated time and time again End Game is 30 - 45 and that things will be balanced for around those levels.

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They are there for the over competitive souls that want to have a fancy #1 by their name.


It has been stated time and time again End Game is 30 - 45 and that things will be balanced for around those levels.

Oh I see. Unfortunately, I don't keep up too well with Devstreams as I find them far too long to watch at times.

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I understand, I only watch one here and there so I miss out on quite a bit as well.

And the times I do try to watch them, they feel more like mindless commentary with info about the game here and there. It'd be good if there was a topic summarizing the more important/significant things about the devstream.

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They are there for the over competitive souls that want to have a fancy #1 by their name.


It has been stated time and time again End Game is 30 - 45 and that things will be balanced for around those levels.

Thats awfully mean


I dont aim to be number one myself but i do enjoy getting to extremely high wave defenses and survivals and barely being alive while at it


Theres nothing wrong with being competitive or wanting to be # 1


Some people do take it too far though

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The other frames will be gotten to when they are


Rhino stomp CANNOT BE USED AGAIN while an enemy is still being held in the air. I just went in game and tested to confirm


Excalibro seems to be the same , again just tested in game


This might change in the future


Loki X vauban is good for defenses but thats two frames using frame synergy and not one just making things broken


That strategy isnt nearly as good in survivals either


In all honesty that may need to change in the future too but thats up to the devs


I dont know what youre thinking but enemies certainly dont prioritize the pod entirely over players and thats a flat out lie


We were never meant to fight level 200 enemies


No weapon or power is designed to be truly efficient in that situation


One could argue nyx and nekros but the scaling of HP and armor is much higher than the scaling of damage for enemies in high waves


They cant even hurt themselves



Logic should be theyll get to it eventually


Why is everyone suddenly expecting them to nerf everything at once?


Iron skin becomes useless in high waves


Roar becomes useless much for the same reason as iron skin


We werent meant to handle those high wave missions


Trinity invi is often the only reason why we can go much farther than an hour




I find link extremely useful


The only issue is blessing outshines it almost entirely


Link has been reduced to utility knockdown/stun immunity

Of course they do, I recently did a corpus alert defence where it was me and a random pug member. I was like a level 14 trinity and as much as we were both invulnerable to damage from corpus, our pod clearly was suffering. We barely made it through with our pod so low. I would have easily finished the alert had I actually had a weapon that wasn't forma'd but goes to show that trinity isn't all that great in a defence. Hell, a frost would have made that alert a lot easier than a trinity but of course if it came down to weapons, I would've easily done it regardless of trinity or not.


Hell, I can still easily kill enemies at wave 100 with a penta.


I can go waves 100+ of defence without trinity. Invincibility is a strong skill, I'll give you that. I'm not here denying the fact or here asking for this nerf to not happen, I'm simply stating there are other abilities which are a lot better when it comes to certain content. I mean you don't even need invulnerability low to mid tier. It's not even required to go 100 waves of defence. 

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I feel that Blessing should get a minor nerf. I mean, it's not really fair, having an entire team with Energy Siphon spam the ability and never actually die. I always saw Blessing as more of a major healing ability rather than a way to permanently stay alive. The invincibility, in my opinion, is suppose to be a grace period. Because if you actually needed the heal, chances are that you're still in a bad spot.

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They are there for the over competitive souls that want to have a fancy #1 by their name.


It has been stated time and time again End Game is 30 - 45 and that things will be balanced for around those levels.


lvl 30 - 45 is what de considers to be endgame? Thats rather face rollable.

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They are there for the over competitive souls that want to have a fancy #1 by their name.


It has been stated time and time again End Game is 30 - 45 and that things will be balanced for around those levels.

What... In what world are you living in that stated that 30 - 45 is end game? I can solo that in my sleep. 30 is considered low tier and 45 is considered like not even mid tier in my books. If that's what you consider end game then you could easily do that without a trintiy, that's how easy it is to achieve lel.

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the "We werent meant to handle those high wave missions" is a non-sense as we are actually fighting and vainquishing theim.

Personally I always wished to play a game (arpg like) with endless progressives waves, I have it.


You want another game, you want to nerf this game. and your solution is to stop what make WF truly original with the bet they do on releasing the endless monster progression. And some frames are specifically designed in order to fight this infinite progression.


nerfing blessing mean that you have to get rid of the endless mecanics, but I dare you to find a way to not loose one of the essential spirit of the game (which is not the ninja way, but is the ARPG shooter aspect), and by the way avoid loosing a large part of your more hardcore audiences in the process.

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Of course they do, I recently did a corpus alert defence where it was me and a random pug member. I was like a level 14 trinity and as much as we were both invulnerable to damage from corpus, our pod clearly was suffering. We barely made it through with our pod so low. I would have easily finished the alert had I actually had a weapon that wasn't forma'd but goes to show that trinity isn't all that great in a defence. Hell, a frost would have made that alert a lot easier than a trinity but of course if it came down to weapons, I would've easily done it regardless of trinity or not.


Hell, I can still easily kill enemies at wave 100 with a penta.


I can go waves 100+ of defence without trinity. Invincibility is a strong skill, I'll give you that. I'm not here denying the fact or here asking for this nerf to not happen, I'm simply stating there are other abilities which are a lot better when it comes to certain content. I mean you don't even need invulnerability low to mid tier. It's not even required to go 100 waves of defence. 

It is possible yes


But much much more difficult


Defense is easier than survival as well since the maps are all focused on a single area


Take for example that corpus mission where enemies cant even hit the pod until they cross that long bridge on either side of you


For that one having a trinity isnt absolutely essential because defending the pod is much easier than more open missions


For survival its a different case entirely


Enemies in every direction more spread out and not really coming right at you


As for your pod story


I just did a corpus defense earlier


When i did that nova thread


I was at a somewhat high spot sniping with my latron and enemies always stopped behind and beside my position to shoot at me rather than the pod


When teamates died near the pod and i had to jump down to save them again they shot about equally between the both of us


Itd be backwards if enemies entirely prioritized the pod


you could just sneak around and kill them far too easily


Im sure DE isnt going to make an AI thats quite that simplistic

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Trinity nerf? Well go nerf your minds people! I think the community are full of trolls, giving fake feedback and useless nerf suggestions...

Do these players ever played T3 survival for at least 30 minutes or more?

Are players jealous of this ability?


if 1 day we ever got a mimic frame that can pick choose the 1/2/3/4 abilitys from your current warframe selection then you just know blessing would be 1 of the first abilitys ppl would want to fit and the blessing nerf threads would probably suddenly vanish.

Edited by Methanoid
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My good cat onsen god are you that...


I cant even believe such a....


All you want is an easymode game?


Lets make everything kill everything in one hit


PvE and PvP doesnt matter


Balance is needed in games to keep them engaging and entertaining


Trinity takes out the challenge end and only becomes a "hey i spammed 4 till we got to 3 hour survival" grindfest frame


There is no real challenge there and for many there is no entertainment



do you even bother to read? or is english not your first language?

PvE, balance is a non issue, especially because of how DE scales waves. and balance for PvP? don't be ridiculous, every warframe would have to be gone over to even start to balance PvP. so the 'balance' is BS.


your easymode is a non issue as well, if you don't want to play trinity, or have in a group with you....guess what? you don't have too. that goes for challenge too (you repeated yourself just used different words.)


and...i covered all that in the post you quoted.


sooo...you're not even bothering to really read, you space out your posts for no reason whatsoever except maybe to make pages longer, and every excuse you've come up with was already shot down.


it's ego isn't it, you don't like those meaningless leaderboard scores do you? you know the highest times were done with a trinity and that irritates you doesn't it? even though it doesn't effect your game in one damn way...except your ego interferes.


oh, as to entertainment? that's your OPINION, it's not fact. not everyone plays trinity, and if you were actually right, everyone would or the game would be deserted...so that bit was completely opinion on your part. don't state it as if it was fact next time.


simply say 'i don't like trinity, she's not entertaining to me.' see how easy that was?


you do realize that a coop game, you know, where everyone is working towards a common goal? that strong members make for better runs? and that balance doesn't even matter because it's not a fracking CONTEST? it's teamwork. learn that and maybe you'll end up qqing less, and working with a team more.

Edited by DeadX65
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I aready said I dont run a perma blessing build, as I find it boring, but I will call you out, take trinity into high level content without blessing and see how long you last. Even with link on 100% of the time, youre not going to live as long as loki, rhino, valk. Or even better go do some nightmares with her and see how you go with no energy.


Be a good change from your rhino

so: from your words: Trinity With blessing = can survive.

trinity without blessing = cant survive.?


what is this end-game you peeps talking about? there's not even a single end-game element.


any frame without energy is just naked without any ability. same goes for trinity without energy... and this is what make warframe different from a third person game.

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I've been waiting months for a day DE will say they are looking into her ultimate, finally. Extremely happy about this. 

I love Trinity to death and can't wait for her to loose the horrible unimaginative blessing skill that ruined Warframe. 

Can't wait for the day when I will finally not be ashamed to equip her ultimate, use it and not trivialize the everyone's game experience. 

Thank you DE!!!

Trinity is maybe OP for standart Missions but not for High Level Gameplay even Trinity can die on them. The short time (with Natural Talent) to recast is enough to die if u play 45min. and more in Surv-Mission for example. If they nerf it the High Level Gameplay will be destroyed and that "High Level Thing" is the only Reason why a lot of Players i know still play Warframe.


I´m sure that Warframe lose a lot of "old" Players if they nerf it. 

Btw the most Players that can play Trinity that way  are "Veterans" that don´t need her for normal Missions so there is no reason to nerf, they just take another Frame maybe they need a lil bit more time for Missions but thats all.


Summary: If they nerf her they just kill the High Lvl Content for a lot of Players that nothing have more than this and the other Players will don´t recognize a different.   Don´t nerf Her!!!

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do you even bother to read? or is english not your first language?

PvE, balance is a non issue, especially because of how DE scales waves. and balance for PvP? don't be ridiculous, every warframe would have to be gone over to even start to balance PvP. so the 'balance' is BS.


your easymode is a non issue as well, if you don't want to play trinity, or have in a group with you....guess what? you don't have too. that goes for challenge too (you repeated yourself just used different words.)


and...i covered all that in the post you quoted.


sooo...you're not even bothering to really read, you space out your posts for no reason whatsoever except maybe to make pages longer, and every excuse you've come up with was already shot down.


it's ego isn't it, you don't like those meaningless leaderboard scores do you? you know the highest times were done with a trinity and that irritates you doesn't it? even though it doesn't effect your game in one damn way...except your ego interferes.


oh, as to entertainment? that's your OPINION, it's not fact. not everyone plays trinity, and if you were actually right, everyone would or the game would be deserted...so that bit was completely opinion on your part. don't state it as if it was fact next time.


simply say 'i don't like trinity, she's not entertaining to me.' see how easy that was?


you do realize that a coop game, you know, where everyone is working towards a common goal? that strong members make for better runs? and that balance doesn't even matter because it's not a fracking CONTEST? it's teamwork. learn that and maybe you'll end up qqing less, and working with a team more.

Note to self


Avoid social interaction and forget abut PvE balance because apparently it doesnt exist


Wheres the steamroll train


im gonna go spam my instant kill lvl 300 button till we get the thing

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