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Trinity: A Way To Address Blessing While Making Her A More Enjoyable Frame.


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 You obviously are stuck in your mindset and cannot see the forest from the trees... Glad another discussion on the internet got turned into a dribble fest... -_-

what? im honestly trying to argue with you. i really do not see how trinity with few mods matters since that isnt the problem she has, if all it takes is an opposing argument for this to be a "dribble fest" than dont bother posting a suggestion than can be disagreed with. also what do you mean im stuck on my own set? i own trinity, i use trinity all the time i would LOVE to be wrong, you just gotta prove it to me and responses like this dont prove S#&$

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When Trinity isn't modded, she isn't very effective or fun to play. But if she's modded, then she's literally the best Warframe. This is not how frames should work and not how mods should work. 


There are plenty of frames that are both effective and fun without ridiculous mods and forma. Loki, Nova, Rhino, Vauban, Volt, Zephyr, and certainly several more are rewarding, fun, and (most importantly) most of their skills are useful without being utterly broken. Trinity, on the other hand, has one amazing skill, Blessing, and one great skill, Link, and two skills that aren't worth using ever, since they're cumbersome, have long cast times, and don't do their jobs particularly well in every situation. Sure, energy vampire is useful if you're killing bosses with invincibility durations, but no one uses it. Worse, mods only make this rift larger.


Meanwhile, Loki is one of the frames with the best design, in my opinion. His skillset is simple but he has a lot of complexity, and three of his skills are unequivocally amazing. They are powerful and (for the most part) ignore enemy levels, but not in the same way that Blessing does. There's risk involved when you play Loki.

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Have you played a Trinity? Try and make a new account and play a Trinity and show me how strong she is... I have a lot of mods that combined make her ultimate broken but without them she is just a weak frame with some nice utility.

Excuse me, but this thread is about how Trinity's ultimate being able to become broken with the right mods that's the problem - OBVIOUSLY when you just start off with a new account you shouldn't have a Trinity with invincible capability. Why are you talking about Trinity being weak when just acquired? The REAL PROBLEM here is that once duration and efficiency mods kick in, you're virtually invincible in the game (And your whole team is too). There's nearly no risk of dying at that stage and that offsets the fun of the game as there is no challenge, hence no excitement.

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Excuse me, but this thread is about how Trinity's ultimate being able to become broken with the right mods that's the problem - OBVIOUSLY when you just start off with a new account you shouldn't have a Trinity with invincible capability. Why are you talking about Trinity being weak when just acquired? The REAL PROBLEM here is that once duration and efficiency mods kick in, you're virtually invincible in the game (And your whole team is too). There's nearly no risk of dying at that stage and that offsets the fun of the game as there is no challenge, hence no excitement.

 Is this forum full of people who don't actually think before posting? Someone else was saying Trinity is broken, I tried to tell him that it's not the whole frame and that without throwing forma and maxed out mods into her she can't utilize that OP power from Blessing nearly as well...

 Please read all the comments if you are gonna quote a reply to one ignorant twats posts.

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 Is this forum full of people who don't actually think before posting? Someone else was saying Trinity is broken, I tried to tell him that it's not the whole frame and that without throwing forma and maxed out mods into her she can't utilize that OP power from Blessing nearly as well...

 Please read all the comments if you are gonna quote a reply to one ignorant twats posts.

okay now i get what you where trying to say, condescension aside, your saying the mods make trinity broken and not that shes innately broken. well not really since ive never formad my trinity nor do you need the corrupted mods to make it last forever, though its a bit more annoying to do it without all those mods true, she is still really broken

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Oh and can someone explain to me why we are even talking about changing Trinity when frame like Banshee or Ash are in such dire need of a buff/rework/whateverfloatsyourboat? Seriously. Shouldn't we focus on them first?^^'



Thats because Banshee and Ash are already nerfed. 


Sometimes I think these nerfer flamers are paid employees from DE. Nerf all old frames and weapons so that everybody wants the new ones. Buff the RNG wall and people will want to pay for the new frames and weapons. 


Notice that 90% of topics in feedback are topics asking for nerfs on old frames and weapons, whereas topics asking for buffs on enemies are rare. 


How much times you see someone asking for Corpus crewmen and Grineer soldiers to have the new weapons in their loadouts? Its always the same grunts, just scalling to bullet-sponge status after some level. You dont see Corpus using Penta, or Grineer using Grinlok. 


Its just insane so many topics asking for nerfs. It wont fit in a co-op player mentality. Most players that I find while playing want to better their equipment, to put Formas, to dedicate time and effort to their personal armory. They just want for more, not for less. And they pay for frame and weapon slots. 


When I came here to the forums its just strange how much crying babies are asking for nerfs. 

Edited by Wolfstorm18
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 Is this forum full of people who don't actually think before posting? Someone else was saying Trinity is broken, I tried to tell him that it's not the whole frame and that without throwing forma and maxed out mods into her she can't utilize that OP power from Blessing nearly as well...

 Please read all the comments if you are gonna quote a reply to one ignorant twats posts.


You're obviously the one who doesn't think. The person you're talking to is talking about how Trinity can be broken once everything she needs is acquired, and then you go and talk about how weak Trinity is when she's new. He talks about how after mods and forma Trinity is OP and you talk about how Trinity is not OP when she doesn't have the mods and forma. Are you kidding me? "Try and make a new account and play a Trinity and show me how strong she is..." is pretty much the stupidest sentence I've ever read, obviously all warframes are weak as crap when they're unranked and unmodded. The irony of your petty insults overwhelm me...

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Trinity regenerates health and shields to all members of the party, then grants TEAMATES invincibility for "x" duration.

Boom, solved. Fixes the Link problem too.

"But that doesn't solve anything. Even if she can go down, her teamates can revive her"
-wasting precious time, either for defenses (pod dies) or survival (less killing = less oxygen packets)

"But you can just use 2 trinity's!"
-which you'd only do if you plan on going high wave where trinity is needed anyways
-Sacrifice the power another warframe could have brought
... playing defenses with 2 trinities, a Loki and a Frost/Rhino/Nyx?
... playing survivals with 2 trinities, a nekros and a single power-frame.

"But mah poor trinity!"
-Git gud
-Look, it could be worse

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The problem that brings is that Trin is no longer good for soloing, and the solo experience is important to DE.


Also, the Trin player herself would just go for minimum duration if she's smart - then she can re-cast to keep herself alive.



Honestly, super-high-level content aside, a MINIMUM duration Trin is about as viable as any other. If you have nukers that aren't Nova, max-range + min duration + Energy Vampire means that any nukers will have all the energy they need to just spam 4 all day every day. Even if there is no nuker, Vampire will insure that she can cast Blessing whenever it's needed (especially with Natural Talent to minimize cast time).

I rather think it would be a good idea for every 'frame to have at least one stat that makes different abilities useful in a similar fashion. That way, mods would be closer to being CUSTOMIZATION rather than MAXIMIZATION. But mebbe we should just change them to be "upgrades," since that's what they are atm. (With the exception of Corrupted mods XP)

Edited by L33tV154g3
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Verdict on above information: Trinity is rewarded for maxing the uptime of Blessings invulnerability with Power Duration but gains nothing from Power Strength or Power Range as the restore values are blanketed at MAX and the range is unlimited... Let's be honest, this is straight up not only too much power but it makes modding a Trinity boring and a little unrewarding as the Trinities playing makes little difference in their overall effectiveness.





    Simple(ish) changes to make it feel more rewarding for the Trinity and her team-mates when Blessing is used intelligently:
  • Change invulnerability to something akin to the following, *"Grants % damage reduction to all effected equal to 50% of their missing health %(and or shields, using the greater number obviously, not combining)". This change would address a number of things including scaling from Power Strength, to making use on full health/shields inefficient but making "best case" scenarios feel so much more rewarding.

  • Reduce the range to an acceptable one: this is a smaller change, just means the trinity has to watch their positioning instead of just having a "OH S#&$" button to assist team mates anywhere on t he map. Additionally this makes mods like Stretch more useful as again, we introduce a new scaling to an otherwise boring skill.

  These are just some initial changes I think that the Trinity could benefit from as well as her team-mates, currently the frame has a number of issues that need addressing from leveling difficulty, to the godmode powerlevel she reaches once she attains the levels and mods required to be effective. 


I feel to adress blessing it shouldnt go to damage reduction, it becomes a more expensive link for herself and when I play trinity im always watching a players shields and if it drops too low I pop blessing to bring them back up. But I use blessing sparingly to try and not ruin everyones experience.


I would suggest having giving the ability two distinct features, the first isnt a change it is just a serperation of the two parts of her ult. When you intially cast blessing all players get the heal like the power does now, the heal also keeps the unlimited range. The second part of the power either( mobile or stationary) casts a ring (stationary) at the cast site or casts a Sphere(mobile) around trinity, that either grants invul inside the ring or sphere, but you have to stay in its radius ( about 15m) to stay invul. Or if invul is done away with, Id like to see the ring or sphere give constant quick heals and get rid of debuffs like poison or bleeding etc. toning down the god mode status.


But I believe all her powers need to be reworked, energy vamp and well of life should not have to be cast on a enemy to work ( most of the time they die or your teammate kills them before you get any benefit from it) it should be like vaubans abilities, that way you dont blow energy and not gain benefits from it. That way you cant actually use the abilites and leave blessing as a OH $*** button.


Link could be changed as well to fit the support role she plays. (Now what Im about to suggest only works if her first two powers change to what I stated above) Her link would connect with her team mates instead of enemies, now if trinity is standing in range of her vamp or well and she gives the benefits to her temmates who may not be in its range. for this to happen link would have to get a boost is the range department( 25-35m), and vamp and well would have to be reduced(15m). The damage reduction should stay to give her a bit of survivability, and players your linked with gain half of the damage reduction she gets( again applying a support role).


What I have suggested moves trinity from being tank/ god mode enabled and moves her to support like she is suppose to be!


what Do you guys think about what I suggested?

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I don't quite understand what the negativity on this thread is. DE said they were going to 'fix' Trinity so she couldn't be specced for perma blessing. That being the case, why not offer some constructive ideas. I think a really simple fix might be keep it basically the same, but instead of immortality for a duration, make it a life pulse for the same duration. The essence of the power remains intact, but it does not allow for 'god' mode in the game.

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I wonder why people complain about certain frames "stealing muh kills" when the game is co-op, they should just go and play something like Doom or Unreal Tournament.

its because the experience is shared so poorly. your own sentinel can literally negate any experience just by killing everything.

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nerf trinity=high lvl survialas or high wave defence becomes close to impossible, and yes there are players that go to outer teminus and other maps  just to battle lvl 600+ enemies




give frosts globe a buff instead

Edited by Juranai
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this isnt the problem with trinity, the problem with trinity is someone types in "power overwhelming" every time i see one and i barely get a say in it. and while its part of the game it feels like im basically cheating, there is no challenge whatsoever. 

The only way I could really deal with a Trinity nerf is by also having no more armor scaling on enemies, I was playing Trinity a few days ago in T3S, after 40 minutes nothing died until I poured in 3 magazines of a fully modded corrosive Soma.

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I tend to enjoy playing with a minimum/low duration + high efficiency + high range build. This allows you to throw around Energy Vampire everywhere you go (since you don't really lose energy when your teammates just kill the target) and cast Blessing whenever it's needed.

And hey, feeding the nukers is usually only un-fun if they're Nova. And Novas never need feeding anyhow.


It is also possible that you just don't like support play/Trin's particular kind of support play.

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I tend to enjoy playing with a minimum/low duration + high efficiency + high range build. This allows you to throw around Energy Vampire everywhere you go (since you don't really lose energy when your teammates just kill the target) and cast Blessing whenever it's needed.

And hey, feeding the nukers is usually only un-fun if they're Nova. And Novas never need feeding anyhow.


It is also possible that you just don't like support play/Trin's particular kind of support play.

 Yes that's it, it's that I don't enjoy her playstyle not that the kit is broken.... Ma bad...

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I just dislike that the primary use of Trinity revolves around blowing yourself up with Penta. I've said in another thread, it would make more sense to me if Energy Vampire dealt damage to Trinity, which would trigger Link, so that Link was useful outside of "shoot self in Blessing, or get punched and die".

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I just dislike that the primary use of Trinity revolves around blowing yourself up with Penta. I've said in another thread, it would make more sense to me if Energy Vampire dealt damage to Trinity, which would trigger Link, so that Link was useful outside of "shoot self in Blessing, or get punched and die".


as far as I'm conserned link is useless and the primary use for the trin is to ceep your squad alive and full of energy.



so why not just remove or revamp link in to something usefull

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